摘要: Why does the woman like playing the piano? A. She can make a lot of money out of it. B. She has nothing else to do. C. She can do what she likes to do. Conversation 6



1.Why does the woman buy the painting?

A.Because it is really beautiful and worth a lot of money.

B.Because her friend drew it for her many years ago.

C.Because she wants to make her living room more beautiful.

2.What was the weather like before the conversation?




3.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Employer and employee.

B.Next door neighbors.

C.Good friends.

4.When will the meeting begin?

A.At 10∶30.

B.At 10∶50.

C.At 10∶45.

5.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a department store.

B.At a bus stop.

C.In the post office.



6.What does Li Feng do on Sundays?

A.He likes playing basketball

B.He likes sight-seeing.

C.He likes boating.

7.How many times has he been to Foshan?

A.Only once.


C.Many times.

8.How will he go there?

A.By train.

B.By plane.

C.By bike.


9.How many classes will the woman have in a week?




10.what time is the evening class over?

A.At 7∶30.

B.At 8∶30.

C.At 9∶30.

11.When will the woman probably have her piano lesson?

A.On Tuesday morning.

B.On Tuesday evening.

C.On Wednesday evening.


12.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?


B.Wife and husband.

C.Teacher and student.

13.what does the woman think about starting one’s own business?

A.It needs good education.

B.It hardly provides any experience.

C.It is difficult.

14.What do we know about the man?

A.He hasn’t decided what to do.

B.He will start his own business.

C.He prefers living a peaceful life.


15.Who is Mrs.Green?

A.A doctor.

B.Bobby’s English teacher.

C.Bobby’s math teacher.

16.Where does the woman talk with Bobby?

A.In the classroom.

B.At home.

C.At the school gate.

17.What is Bobby?

A.A clever boy.

B.A good student.

C.A clever but lazy boy.


18.What kind of people enjoy dancing?

A.The female

B.Those who like to watch others dance.

C.People of all ages all over the world.

19.What does the history show?

A.The people of ancient Greece and Egypt danced to honor their kings.

B.All cultures at some time have had dances.

C.Ancient ceremonies restricted the development of dance.

20.Why are so many people fond of dancing according to the passage?

A.Because it can keep away evil spirits

B.Because it can show one’s inner feelings better than words.

C.Because it can make people much healthier.


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