摘要:第一节 10% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


第一节 完形填空 (共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)


    Tales of the supernatural are common in all parts of Britain. In particular, there was (and perhaps still is) a belief in fairies(仙女). Not all of these   1   are the friendly, people-loving characters that appear in Disney films, and in some folktales they are   2   and cause much human suffering. This is true in the tales about the Changeling. These tell the story of a mother whose baby grows   3   and pale and has changed so much that it is almost   4   to the parents. It was then   5   that the fairies had come and stolen the baby away and   6   the human baby with a fairy Changeling. There were many ways to prevent this from happening: hanging a knife over the baby’s head while he slept or covering him with some of his father’s clothes were just two of the recommended   7  . However, hope was not lost even if the baby had been   8  . In those cases there was often a way to get the   9   baby back. You could   10 

the Changeling on the fire--then it would rise up the chimney, and you would hear the sound of fairies’ laughter and soon after you would find your own child safe and sound nearby.

A. babies                B. believers               C. fairies                     D. supermen

A. powerful    B. cruel                     C. frightened                D. extraordinary

A. sick             B. slim                      C. short                       D. small

A. uncomfortable      B. unbelievable          C. unacceptable            D. unrecognizable

A. feared                B. predicted               C. heard                             D. reported

A. covered              B. changed                C. replaced                  D. terrified

A. cases                  B. tools                     C. steps                        D. methods

A. missed                B. stolen                    C. found                      D. lost

A.1ittle            B. pale                      C. sad                          D. real

A. seize                 B. burn                     C. place                       D. hold


Friendship has great power, and it can inspire the people in trouble as well as in easy circumstances.
Recently, one of my best friends, whom I've   1        just about everything with since the first day of kindergarten, spent the weekend with me. Since I   2       to a new town several years ago, we've both always looked forward to the few  times a year when we can see each other.
Over the weekend, we   3      hours and hours, staying up late into the night, talking about the people she was hanging around with. She started telling me stories about her new boyfriend, about how he  4      with drugs and was into other self-destructive[自毁]   5    . I was blown away! She told me how she had been   6       to her parents about where she was going and even sneaking out to see this guy because they didn't want her around him. No matter how hard I tried to tell her that she deserved better, she didn't believe me. Her self-respect seemed to have disappeared.
I tried to convince her that she was ruining her future and heading for big   7     . I felt like I was getting nowhere. I just couldn't believe that she really thought it was acceptable to hang with a bunch of losers, especially her boyfriend.
By the time she left, I was really worried about her and   8         by the experience. It had been so  9       , I had come close to telling her several times during the weekend that maybe we had just grown too far apart to continue our friendship, but I didn't. I put the         10         of friendship to the  11        test. We'd been friends for far too long. I had to hope that she  12       me enough to know that I was trying to save her from hurting herself. I wanted to believe that our friendship could conquer anything.
A few days later, she called to say that she had thought long and hard about our   13      , and then she told me that she had   14      with her boyfriend. I just listened on the other end of the phone with tears of joy running down my face. It was one of the   15      rewarding moments in my life. Never had I been so proud of a friend.
1. A. divided               B. shared                      C. experienced                     D. enjoyed
2. A. got                            B. traveled                    C. moved                            D. arrived
3. A. took                   B. spared                      C. offered                     D. spent
4. A. supplied              B. experimented            C. tried                        D. provided
5. A. action                 B. movements               C. behavior                   D. activities
6. A. explaining           B. speaking                   C. calling                            D. lying
7. A. trouble               B. worry                      C. difficulty                  D. task
8. A. burned down              B. turned down             C. turned out                D. worn out
9. A. discouraging              B. encouraging              C. exciting                    D. inspiring
10. A. strength                     B. force                        C. power                      D. energy
11. A. last                     B. final                        C. late                          D. recent
12. A. treated                B. regarded                   C. honored                   D. valued
13. A. information         B. dialogue                   C. conversation             D. communication
14. A. broken out          B. broken up                 C. broken away             D. broken off
15. A. luckily                B. correctly                  C. naturally                  D. truly


Japanese high school students do not drive cars. Many either walk or ride bicycles if distance is not too great. In other cases, a lot of students must  1    public buses and trains, often changing lines several times in order to reach their  2      . it is common for students to  3    two or more hours each day on public transportation. After junior high school, students attend schools based on standardized high school entrance examination scores. As a result some students travel a great distance to  4       the school. The school day begins at 8:30, so students may leave home as early as 6:30. While some students sleep or study during their long travel, public transportation also   5       a chance for socializing with peers. Students 6       to school is regulated by school policies. There policies may prohibit   7   activities in public-chewing gum, consuming snacks,     8  books while walking-anything that might reflect  9     on the reputation of the school. Each school has a unique uniform that makes its students easily identifiable to the public. School policies often require students to  10     on buses and trains, leaving seats open for other passengers in order to show his thoughtfulness(关怀;体贴) towards others.
(   ) 1. A. go           B .have          C. take          D. get
(   ) 2. A. homes        B. destinations     C. schools       D. classrooms
(   ) 3. A. take          B. cost           C. spend         D .have
(   ) 4. A. go           B. leave          C. attend        D .pass
(   ) 5. A. gives         B. offers         C. sends         D .takes
(   ) 6. A. on the way    B. in the way      C .by the way    D. at the way
(   ) 7. A. sure         B. certain         C. special        D. probable
(   ) 8. A. carrying      B. taking         C. holding       D .reading
(   ) 9. A. worse        B. well          C. badly         D. truly
(   ) 10. A. silence      B. sit            C. seat          D. stand


Nick sat in my classroom after school, five years ago, wanting help on a research paper that stood between him and graduation. An  1 student at the school, he felt much worried about his assignment.
Many  2 find themselves in the same position: A child feels lost with  3 and turns to you for help . Not wanting the child to   4  , some parents step in and take over. I could easily tell the  5  between a parent’s writing style and the sudent’s style on homework.
Parents often have purposes, but the result can be harmful. They’re cheating their kids out of the very   6   they want them to get Allowing children to master a skilllifelong gains.
Some ways to help without hurting:
Be a model learner. If your child sees you _8_ papers, magazines or literature, he’ll be _9 motivated to learn.
Ask _10_ needs to be done, and look over completed assignments. This shows that you  __11 them to do the work and consider it important enough to review.
If you’re  _12 that he or she is falling behind , talk with the teacher about it  ___13 doing the work yourself.
Nick made it through fine. I didn’t write her paper. Nor did his mother, instead, we guided him together. At_ 14_ , we are very happy to see him collect his diploma. But _15__ was prouder than Nick. He knew what he had done.
1.A.average      B. excellent    C. open-minded    D. absent-minded
2.A.children     B. teachers     C. parents        D. researchers
3.A.school       B. homework     C. research       D. classroom
4.A.study        B. graduate     C. succeed        D. fail
5.A.difference   B. similarity   C. comparison     D. distance
6.A.homework     B. purpose      C. education      D. school
7.A.results in   B. comes from   C. makes up       D. takes over
8.A.writing      B. reading      C. collecting     D. making
9.A.not          B. more         C. no longer      D. much
10.A.who          B. what         C. why            D. how
11.A.teach        B. allow        C. expect         D. force
12.A.sure         B anxious       C. worried        D. happy
13.A.rather than  B. instead of   C. except for     D. as well as
14.A.classroom    B. home         C. graduation     D. presentation
15.A.everyone     B. someone      C. anyone         D. no one


第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
Dad loved children. And he always wanted a ____1______ family. Eventually, he got what he wanted with twelve children in the family. Without fail, he would show us off to visitors.
Once, Dad _____2_____ presented the first three children in the family, Ann, Mary and Ernestine, to some visitors. Then he picked up a fourth child, and said, "And this is our _____3_____ model, complete with all the improvements. And don't think that this is all; we are _____4_____ the 1953 model some time next month."
But what he _____5_____ most was taking us o t or a drive. On one occasion a man in a village we were passing through shouted _____6_____ that he had seen eleven people in our car, not _____7_____ Mum and Dad. _____8_____, called out over his shoulder, "You _____9_____ the second baby up from the front here, Mister."
Another time, Dad told us this joke, though we were not sure then whether he was telling us the ____10_____. Mum, who was a psychologist (心理学家), once went to give a lecture and left Dad in charge of the _____11_____. When Mum returned, she asked him if everything had been OK. He said everything was fine _____12_____ one of the children had been taught a lesson because he had been _____13_____. When he pointed at the child that had been _____14_____, Mum looked at him calmly and said, "That's not one of ours, dear. He _____15_____ next door."
1. A. rich                     B. lovely              C. close                D. large
2. A. surprisingly          B. nervously         C. kindly              D. proudly
3. A. dearest                 B. smallest            C. latest                D. youngest
4. A. ordering              B. selling              C. expecting          D. improving
5. A. hated                   B. enjoyed            C. cared                D. hoped
6. A. crazily                 B. excitedly          C. curiously          D. directly
7. A. counting              B. naming             C. showing           D. reaching
8. A. Immediately         B. Carefully          C. Angrily            D. Easily
9. A. saw                     B. missed              C. forgot              D. left
10. A. truth                  B. story                C. adventure         D. accident
11. A. lecture                      B. house               C. office                      D. activity
12. A. even if                      B. apart from               C. so that              D. except that
3. A. troublesome         B. careless            C. active             D. quiet
14. A. found                B. caught            C. punished           D. wounded
15. A. goes to               B. belongs to         C. works               D. plays


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