摘要:5.tough A.cough B.though C.tight D.light 第二节 语法和词汇知识(共15小题,每小题1分.满分15分) 从A.B.C.D四个选项中.选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项.


What made Joan Ryan decide to be a sports writer?“Ten years ago, I was ? 36 ? news stories at the Orlando Sentinel in Florida—my first job ? 37 ? college. I didn't know any female sports writers. But I wanted to be ? 38 ?.? 39 ?,the best writing in the paper was sports.”

“Furthermore, I had the ? 40 ?.I grew up in a(n) ? 41 ? family: Three boys and three girls and a coach for a dad.”?

Soon after describing her ambition to a coworker, the ? 42 ? of her paper reassigned Joan to the sports ? 43 ?.She started out by editing other people's stories,? 44 ? within a year, she was writing her own sports column.?

Today, Joan is the sports ? 45 ? for the San Francisco Examiner in California. When she ? 46 ? her job eight years ago, she was the ? 47 ? woman sports writer on any major American newspaper.

Was it tough to ? 48 ? as a female sports writer?? 49 ?!Take, for example, the first time Joan tried to get an interview in the men's locker room. “It was the U.S. Football League. I wanted to interview one of the players—Joe Cribbs, because he had just broken a finger. As soon as I ? 50 ? into the locker room ? 51 ? all sports writers interview athletes—the room went ? 52 ?.Guys started yelling at me—closing in on me. It was really frightening. One guy was sitting on a bench in front of me, tapping up his ankle,? 53 ? a long-handled razor for cutting the tape. Suddenly, I felt something move up my leg. It was the ? 54 ? of the razor. I yelled at him and walked out.”

Joan ? 55 ? interviewing Cribbs—outside the locker room.“In retrospect(回忆),I feel this was a defining moment for me as a journalist. I went back and wrote my story and made my deadline. Now I know that nothing can interfere with getting the story.”?

36. A. writing B. finding       C. editing       D. sending?

37. A. in B. out of C. into    D. before?

38. A. one      B. the one       C. it D. that?

39. A. However     B. Therefore   C. Above all   D. First of all?

40. A. knowledge   B. experience  C. Background       D. interest?

41. A. big       B. athletic       C. athrete       D. warm?

42. A. editor   B. Manager     C. Director     D. workmate?

43. A. column B. field   C. department D. paper?

44. A. and      B. So      C. however     D. but?

45. A. columnist    B. writer C. journalist    D. female?

46. A. did       B. left     C. landed D. wanted?

47. A. abed     B. only    C. brave  D. wisest?

48. A. work    B. writer C. interview    D. pioneer?

49. A. You bet       B. You believe       C. Unbelievable     D. You guess?

50. A. stepped B. entered       C. rushed D. moved?

51. A. that      B. which C. where D. when?

52. A. warm   B. crazy  C. down  D. full?

53. A. held     B. playing      C. used    D. using?

54. A. cap      B. cover  C. handle D. movement?

55. A. started  B. ended up C. Made     D. wrote??


   Will you get a good job? What will you do? Many new graduates feel lost when they consider the endless list of career choices. They’ve invested a lot of money for their diploma(文凭)and now an important question stares them in the fact.
I’ve seen so many now graduates who do not know how to use the degree they have just earned. An example was Dave,who loved sports and had played baseball throughout his college years. He had his heart set on working for Nike. But he had never made clear in his own mind what kind of job he could do for Nike,so nothing ever happened. Another example was Allison,who was a history major. She wanted to work as an event planner,but unfortunately,no one hired her. Why? No experience.
Failing to do some solid career exploration first,to get a clear idea of the types of jobs you can do,is a big error that many college students make. After our suggestion,Dave and Allison both found their jobs. To ensure a brighter future,follow these effective strategies:
—Make educated career choices. Identify the job you want. Conduct research. Ask parents to advise you on actual job duties. Consider what your natural talents are,and look for positions where you can use them.
—Don’t rely on the Internet. Networking is an effective tool—be sure it’s a job—hunting strategy you use. New studies from the Department of Labor state that only 4% of job-seekers found their job on the Internet. The fact is that 63% of all jobs are filled by contacts.
Employers are making quick decisions. Most people lose the job in the first minute of the interview. It’s deadly to let the employers focus quickly on how well you can perform the job.
—Practice your interviewing skills. Be ready for the tough questions by first writing out good answers to possible questions and having a role-playing interview with your friend.
60.What does the author seem to be most probable?
A.A job-hunter.        B.A magazine editor.
C.A website owner.       D.A job-seeking adviser.
61.In order to be well prepared for the interview, you’d better ____________.
A.surf the Internet for contacts
B.get along well with your workmates
C.practice the interview for several times
D.take care of your dress
62.According to the text it is suggested that Dave should ____________.
A.let others know what he can do for them
B.study further to get a higher degree
C.give up his interest in playing basketball
D.take part-time jobs first
63.For Allison, she should ____________.
A.find a job in another field
B.find some work to gain work experience
C.not tell the employer her major
D.offer more personal information


A few days ago I got a call from my old college friend whom I haven’t seen for a very long time. The topic, which was about all the good old times that we had changed to a touching story when he started talking about his father.  
His father’s declining health made him stay at the hospital. Because of his illness, his father suffered from insomnia (失眠) and often talked to himself. My friend, who had not been able to sleep for a few days as he had to keep watching his father’s condition, became irritated and told his father to keep silent and try to get some sleep. His father said that he really wanted to sleep well because he was very tired and told my friend to leave him alone in the hospital if he did not want to keep him company.  
After his father finished talking, he fell unconscious (失去知觉). My friend was very sorry for speaking the ill words towards his father. My friend, whom I knew as a tough person, cried as a baby on the other end of the telephone. He said that from that moment on, he prayed every day, asking God to let his father wake up from his coma. He promised himself that whatever words came out from his father’s mouth after he regained his consciousness, he would gladly take them. His only hope for God was to give him a chance to rectify his past mistake.  
Often, we complain when we have to accompany or watch over our parents for years, months, days, hours or even minutes. But do we realize that our parents keep us company and watch over us for as long as we (or they) live? From the day we were born to our adulthood, and even when deaths come to us, they are always at our side.
Imagine how sad our parents will be when they hear a seemingly innocent word of “no” come out from our mouths. We can make promises to ourselves that from now on there will be no more complaints that come out from our mouths when we have to watch over or accompany our parents. No more complaints come out from our mouths when we feel that our parents have treated us like little children. There are so many unlucky ones who have neither fathers nor mothers. They long to have the things that we most complain about, but never have them.
Actually, it takes only a second to think and light the lamp that will bring us to a place where peace is dwelling.
【小题1】Which of the following word can be used to describe the writer’s friend?

【小题2】What does the underlined word “rectify” mean in Para. 3?
A.put…rightB.recite…by heart C.realizeD.recognize
【小题3】What does the writer want to tell us in the passage?
A.Your parents will keep talking to themselves when they are old.
B.Be good to your parents when you still have the chance.
C.You will regret in your life if you don’t show your kindness to your parents.
D.It is not easy to take good care of sick old parents.


While watching the Olympics the other night,I came across an incredible sight.The 1 was swimming and started with only three men.For one reason or another,two of them had a 2 start,so they were disqualified.That would have been difficult enough,not having anyone to  3 against.
I watched the man 4 off the blocks and knew immediately that something was wrong.Now I’m not an expert 5 but I do know a good dive 6 a poor one,and this was not exactly medal 7 .I listened to the crowd begin to 8 this poor man who was clearly having a 9 time.Finally he made his turn to start back.It was 10 .He made a few desperate strokes (划水) and you could tell he was exhausted.
But in those few 11 strokes,the crowd had changed.No longer were they laughing,but beginning to 12 .Some even began to 13 things like,“Come on,you can do it!”,and he 14 finished his race.The crowd went 15 .Even though he recorded one of the 16 times in Olympic history,this man gave more heart than any of the other 17 .
In a competition where athletes remove their silver medals,feeling they have 18 been cheated out of gold,or when they act so 19 in front of their competitors,it is nice to watch an underdog (失败者),a man that gave his all—knowing that he had no chance,but competed because of his 20 and the spirit of the games.

A.fight B.struggleC.defend D.race
A.swimmerB.coach C.judgeD.adviser
A.fromB.in C.beyond D.between
A.featureB.qualityC.example D.sign
A.break offB.stand byC.laugh at D.focus on
A.hopeful B.pitifulC.boringD.skillful
A.flexibleB.smartC.awkward D.excellent
A.speak B.present C.concludeD.yell
A.wildB.angry C.sadD.grey
A.fastestB.luckiest C.hardestD.slowest
A.advantageB.independenceC.determination D.principle


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