摘要: touch A. B. C. D.


A new plan for getting children to and from school is being started by a local government in Eastern England. This could end the worries of many parents fear ful for their children's safety on the roads.

Until now the local government have only been prepared to provide bus services for children living more than three miles from their school, or sometimes less if special reasons existed. Now it has been decided that if a group of parents ask for help in organizing transport they will be prepared to go ahead, as long as the arrangement will not lose money and children taking part will be attending their nearest school.

The new plan is to be tried out this term for children living at Milton who attend Impington School. The children live just without the three mile limit and the local government have said in the past that they will not undertake to provide free transport to the school. But now they have agreed to offer a sum of money for a bus service from Milton to Impington and back, a plan which has the support of the school's headmaster.

Between 50 and 60 parents have said they would like their children to take part. Final calculations have still to be carried out, but a government official has said the cost to parents should be less than £ 20 a term.

They have been able to arrange the service at a low cost because there is already an agreement with the bus company for a bus to take children who live further away to Impington. The same bus would now just make one more journey to pick up the Milton children. The official said they would get in touch with other groups of parents who in the past had asked if transport could be provided for their children, to see if they would like to take part in the new plan.

1.What is the aim of the plan?

A.To prevent the students' road accident.        

B.To relieve the traffic pressure.

C.To save time for the parents and students.        

D.To help the parents save money. 

2.How can the local government arrange the new bus service at a low cost?

A.By letting the bus run in the morning only.

B.By limiting the number of the students.

C.By obtaining the support from the headmaster.

D.By lining the new bus service with the existing one. 

3.The new bus service will be paid for by  ________ .

A. the parents             B. the local government

C. the bus company         D. the local government and the parents 

4.Which of the following is possible if the plan is carried out?

A.The bus company will make much more money.

B.The children can choose whatever school they like.

C.The parents can get rid of their worries.

D.The students in Impington School can have free bus rides. 

5.This passage is most probably ________  .

A.a personal letter         B. a headmaster's report

C.an advertisement          D. a newspaper article 


A young man rushes about a small room, hiding himself behind a chair, jumping on the desk, jabbing (刺) the air with his pencil. To an outsider there appears to be no __1__ for these strange acts. However, he is the __2__ of an experiment in hypnosis (催眠). Being hypnotized, the young man has __3__ the suggestion that there is a fierce dog in the room. So he acts as though there were.

According to the popular conception of hypnosis, a hypnotized person is in a __4__ like sleepwalking-seemingly awake yet out of touch with his or her normal __5__ awareness and self-control. There are, however, enormous __6__ between the sleepwalker and the hypnotized person. First, the sleepwalker, __7__ the hypnotized person, pays no attention to other people and doesn’t take instructions. Second, the sleepwalker doesn’t remember sleepwalking, while the hypnotized person __8__ everything that went on under hypnosis.

Obviously, sleep and hypnosis are different. But what exactly is hypnosis? Psychologists still don’t have a firm answer to this question. Although hypnosis has been already successfully __9__ to a large range of medical uses, there is little clear agreement as to how hypnosis works. Only when scientists can understand this, can the full potential (潜能) of hypnosis in medical treatment be __10__.

A. reason     B. purpose      C. doubt  D. evidence

A. species    B. target  C. subject       D. aim

A. received  B. accepted     C. admitted     D. believed

A. time B. course C. development      D. state

A. awake     B. waking       C. sleepy D. sleeping

A. influence B. relations     C. similarities D. differences

A. unlike     B. like     C. for      D. with

A. forgets    B. destroys     C. enjoys D. remembers

A. come       B. put     C. turned D. changed

A. exploited      B. saved  C. made  D. kept


A story from the Bible tells of old Babylon, where the men decided to build a tower that would touch the sky.But God was unhappy, and he made them speak different languages.They couldn’t understand each other, so their dream never came true.

Yet the dream remains alive: if all men speak the same language, they can do anything.L.L.Zamenhof from Poland was among the men who pursue this dream.He developed Esperanto(世界语)between 1877 and 1885.

As the most successful man-made world language, it is spoken by over two million people around the world.Last month, the World Esperanto Congress(大会), dealing with language rights, ended in Sweden.The 2004 conference will be held in Beijing.Most Esperanto speakers are in Central and Eastern Europe and in East Asia, particularly Chinese mainland.

Esperanto has two advantages.First, it’s easy.Each letter has exactly one sound and there are just 16 basic grammar rules.The second advantage is that it belongs to no one country.But Esperanto has only reached a small number of people compared with natural languages widely used around the world-such as English or Chinese.While these languages are deeply connected with their nations and cultures, Esperanto doesn’t have this background.

Will Esperanto really become a global language? It remains a question.

The writer tells us a story at the beginning to          .

           A.explain why men have been making the effort to create a language shared by all

              B.explain why men now speak different languages

              C.show the relationship between man and God

              D.prove that language is very important

What does the underlined word “pursue” in the second paragraph mean?

              A.“Realize”.     B.“Work for”.   C.“Be against”. D.“Follow”.

What is the basic difference between Esperanto and English?

              A.More people speak English than Esperanto.

              B.Esperanto words are easier to spell.

              C.Esperanto has fewer grammar rules.

              D.Esperanto is not supported by any country or culture.

What does the story mainly talk about?

              A.Advantages and disadvantages of Esperanto.

              B.Men’s dream of sharing the same language.

              C.The most successful planned language-Esperanto.

              D.Comparison of Esperanto and other languages like English and Chinese.



Love ,suaeess, happincss, family and frecdom——how important are these valucs to you? Here is one interview which explores the fundamental questions in life.

Question : Could you introduce yourselr first?

Amswer:My name is Misbah,27 years old. I was born in a war-torn area. Right now I’m a web designer.

Q :What are yout grcat memorise?

A:My parents xxxx to take xx to hunt birdo.and play in the fields. For me it was like a holidax xxx we were going to have fun all day long. Those aer my great mernorics.

Q:Does your childhood mean a lot to you?

A:Yes. As life was very hard, I used to work to help bring money in for the family. I spent my chidhood working. I learnt to be independent.

Q;What changes would you like to make in your life?

A:If I could change comething in my life. I’d change it so that my childhood could have taken place in another xxx. I would have loved to live with my family in freedom. Who cares whether we have mach money, or whether we have a beautiful house? It doesn’t matter as long as I can live with my family and we are safe.

Q:How do you get along with your parents?

A:My parcnts supported me until I came of age. I want to give back what I’ve got. That’s our way. But I am working in another city. My only contact with my parents now is tbrough the phone, but I xxx using it. It filters(过滤)out your cmotion and leaves your voice only. My deepest feelings should be passed through sight, henring and touch.

60.In Misbuh’s childhood, _________.

  A.he was free from worry

  B.he liked living in the countryside

  C.je was fond of getting close to nature

  D.he often spent holidays with his farnily

61.What did Mishap desire most in his childood?

  A.A colorful life.

  B.A beaunful house

  C.Peace and freedom

  D.Money for his family

62.How would Misbah prcfer to communicatc with his parents?

  A.By chatting on the Internet.

  B.By calling them sometimes

  C.By paying weekly visits

D.By writing them letters

63.If there were only one question left ,what would it most probably be?

  A.What was your childhood dream?

  B.What is your biggest achievement?

  C.What is your parents view of you?

  D.What was your handest expenrience in the war?


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