摘要: With Father’s Day around the corner ,I have taken some money out of the bank presents for my dad. A. buy B. to buy C. buying D. to have bought


  The house next door had been empty for so long that we had quite forgotten what it was to have neighbors. One day,   1   , a great furniture lorry drew up near our front gate and in a short time, all kinds of furniture were   2   on the pavement. A small car arrived, out of which came seven people; a man, a woman and five children of   3   ages. The children hurried out and began laughing  4   as the whole family moved into the house. Windows were   5   open; furniture was put into   6  ; and little faces looked curiously at us over the fence and disappeared. It was our first   7   to the Robinsons.

    Though we became firm   8   with our new neighbors, we often had causes to be made angry by them. Our garden became an unsafe place: little boys   9   as cowboys or Indians would jump up from behind bushes,   10   wooden guns at us and   11   us to put our hands up. Sometimes our lives were   12   ; at others, we were killed with a   13  “Bang! Bang”. Even more dangerous were the arrows that occasionally came sailing  14    the garden fence.

    But we did not   15   go in fear for our lives. The Robinsons were friendly and helpful and when we left for the holidays, we knew we had nothing to fear  16   our neighbors were around. We understood what it was like to have  17   in the long friendless winter evenings   18   Mr. Robinson would   19   in for a cup of tea and chat; or when Mr.  Robinson would    20   over the fence and talk endlessly with father about gardening problems.

1. A. so            B. but            C. however     D. therefore

2. A. unloaded          B. loaded           C. moved             D. removed

3. A. the same         B. various           C. same            D. young

4. A. delightedly          B. angry          C. sadly             D. astonishingly

5. A. forced          B. broken              C. kicked          D. pushed

6. A. place          B. order            C. room         D. building

7. A. interview          B. introduction          C. arrangement       D. management

8. A. strangers               B. enemies         C. friends            D. relatives

9. A. pretending              B. looking           C. dressed         D. worn

10. A. put                B. take            C. throw        D. point

11. A. lead          B. order            C. ask           D. make

12. A. wasted           B. saved          C. devoted         D. spared

13. A. fast           B. soft             C. sharp         D. slow

14. A. in              B. on             C. over           D. across

15. A. always            B. often            C. even          D. then

16. A. though           B. unless            C.  as  long as   D. even if

17. A. cheers           B. fun         C. discussions      D. company

18. A. as             B. when          C. while        D. since

19. A. drop            B. jump             C. slip        D. break

20. A. fall          B. climb         C. lean       D. lie



 “BANG!” the door caused a reverberation(回声).It was just standing there, with father standing on one side , and I on the other side.

       We were both in great anger” Never set foot in this house again!” stormed father.With tears welling up in my eyes, I rushed out of the flat and ran along the street.

       The street lights were shining rather desolately(凄凉的).I wandered aimlessly.

       A young father who held a child in his arms walked past me.I felt as if I saw my childhood from another space: happy and harmonious.

       But now...I don’t know whether it is because I have grown up or because dad is getting old.We differ in our ways of thinking.He always imposes his opinions and codes of behavior on me.Whenever I do something wrong, he never admits it.We are just like two people coming from two different worlds.It feels like there is an iron door between us that can never be opened.

       I wandered the streets, without a destination in mind.My heart was frozen on this hot summer night.As I walked on there were fewer and fewer people on the streets, until I had only the street lights to keep me company.When I finally reached the high-rise apartment block in which I lived ,I saw that the light was still on.

       I thought to myself: “Is father waiting for me, or is he still angry with me?”

       In fact, it was nothing.Perhaps, dad was throwing away some of his old stamps.Perhaps he thought they were useless.I never had the courage to tell him that I liked collecting stamps.I can’t stand his outrageous(蛮横的)words: “I can’t throw you away, let alone these old papers ?”

       All the lights were off except father’s.

       Dad was always like this.Maybe he didn’t know how to express himself.After shouting at me, he never showed any mercy or any moments of regret.After an argument he has the habit of creeping up in my sleep and then tucking me underneath the covers.

       This was how he always was.He has been a leader for so long that telling everyone else what to do has become his second nature.

       The light was still on.“Am I wrong?” I whispered ,maybe...With the key in hand, I was as nervous as I had ever been.At last, I decided to open the door.As soon as I opened the door tears ran down my cheeks.I suddenly realized that the iron door that I had imagined between us did not exist at all.Love—it second to none.

Decide which is the best order of the following according to what happened in the passage.

       a.I opened the door and entered the house.

       b.Sadly I ran out into the street.

       c.I reached the place where I lived and saw my house still brightly lit.

       d.I thought of my father’s kindness towards me.

       e.I walked about in the street without any aim.

       A .b,e,d,c,a     B.b,e,c,d,a   C.b,e,a,c,d   D.b,e,c,a,d

What made the writer think of his childhood ?

       A.The sight of the desolate street lights.   

       B.The sight of the empty street.

       C.The sight of a father with a child in his arms.             

       D.The sight of light in his own house.

Why do you think the father often shouts at his son ?

       A.perhaps the father is getting older and older. 

B.perhaps the son has already grown up.

       C.perhaps they never agree with each other.            

D.perhaps the father has got used to doing that.

What conclusion can you draw after reading the passage ?

       A.The father treats his son in an unfair way.           

B.The father is actually kind to his son.

       C .The father is neither kind nor cruel to his son.

D.The father is always finding fault with his son.


Martha was busy with her job. She believed she had to work harder because she loved her father who was sick with cancer. She had to provide for his expensive medicines. Her brothers and sisters meanwhile stayed with their father most of the time. They bathed him, sang for him, spoon-fed(用匙喂) him or simply kept him company.
One day Martha was hurt. She overheard(无意中听到) her father telling her mother, "All our children love me except Martha."
"How can this be?" Martha thought. "Am I not the one killing myself in my work to have money to pay for his medicines? My brothers and sisters do not even provide their share in the expenses."
One night, as Martha was as usual late in going home, she saw her father was lying awake. She walked close to his bedsides. Her father held her hands and said, "I miss you. I don't have much time. Stay with me." And she stayed with her father holding his hand the whole night.
The next morning Martha said to everybody, "I have taken a leave of absence. I would like to be with father. I will bathe him and sing for him from now on." Her father had a beautiful smile. He knew Martha loved him, too.
As children, we need the presence of our loved ones. Adults need no less. I have observed my mother’s orchids(兰花). When she is away for a long time, they are unhealthy and many of them wither(干枯). But when she is around , they bloom with beautiful flowers. My mother does nothing special . She just spends her time looking after them.
【小题1】Before Martha heard her parents’ talk ,she thought her father _____.

A.was satisfied with her love for him
B.disliked her brothers and sisters
C.was proud of her
D.would recover from the disease
【小题2】After staying with her father for one night, Martha _____.
A.decided to give up her job
B.understood what her father really needed
C.realized her father loved her most
D.loved her father more than before
【小题3】By telling Matha’s story, what does the author try to express?
A.Nothing is more important than the company of loved ones.
B.Money and a successful career don’t always bring happiness
C.Adults need the presence of their loved ones more than children do.
D.Plants like orchids do have feelings.


 “BANG!” the door caused a reverberation (回声).It was just standing there, with Father standing on one side, and I on the other side.

We were both in great anger.“Never set foot in this house again!” stormed Father.With tears welling up in my eyes, I rushed out of the flat and ran along the street.

The street lights were shining rather desolately(凄凉的).I wandered aimlessly.

A young father who held a child in his arms walked past me.I felt as if I saw my childhood from another space: happy and harmonious.

But now… I don’t know whether it is because I have grown up or because dad is getting old.We differ in our ways of thinking.He always imposes his opinions and codes of behavior on me.Whenever I do something wrong, he never admits it.We are just like two people coming from two different worlds.It feels like there is an iron door between us that can never be opened.

I wandered the streets, without a destination in mind.My heart was frozen on this hot summer night.As I walked on there were fewer and fewer people on the streets, until I had only the street lights to keep me company.When I finally reached the high-rise apartment block in which I lived, I saw that the light was still on.

In fact, it was nothing.Perhaps, dad was throwing away some of his old stamps.Perhaps he thought they were useless.I never had the courage to tell him that I liked collecting stamps.I can’t stand his outrageous(蛮横的) words: “ I can throw you away, let alone these old papers.”

All the lights were off except father’s.

Dad was always like this.Maybe he didn’t know how to express himself.After shouting at me, he never showed any mercy or any moments of regret.After an argument he has the habit of creeping up in my sleep and then tucking me underneath the covers.

This was how he always was.He has been a leader for so long that telling everyone else what to do has become his second nature.

The light was still on.“Am I wrong?” I whispered, maybe… With the key in hand, I was as nervous as I had ever been.At last, I decided to open the door.As soon as I opened the door, tears ran down my cheeks.I suddenly realized that the iron door that I had imagined between us did not exist at all.Love – is second to none.

1.Decide which is the best order of the following according to what happened in the passage.

a.I opened the door and entered the house.

b.Sadly I ran out into the street.

c.I reached the place where I lived and saw my house still brightly lit.

d.I thought of my father’s kindness towards me.

e.I walked about in the street without any aim.

A.b, e, d, c, a                 B.b, e, c, d, a                 C.b, e, a, c, d                 D.b, e, c, a, d

2.What made the writer think of his childhood?

A.The sight of the desolate street lights.

B.The sight of the empty street.

C.The sight of a father with a child in his arms.

D.The sight of light in his own house.

3.Why do you think the father often shouts at his son?

A.Perhaps the father is getting older and older.

B.Perhaps the son has already grown up.

C.Perhaps they never agree with each other.

D.Perhaps the father has got used to doing that.

4.What conclusion can you draw after reading the passage?

A.The father is actually kind to his son.

B.The father treats his son in an unfair way.

C.The father is neither kind nor cruel to his son.

D.The father is always finding fault with his son.



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