摘要: A. except B. for C. beyond D. through



A century ago in the United States, when an individual brought suit against a company, public opinion tended to protect that company. But perhaps this phenomenon was most striking in the case of the railroads. Nearly half of all negligence cases decided through 1896 involved railroads. And the railroads usually won.

Most of the cases were decided in sate courts, when the railroads had the climate of the times on their sides. Government supported the railroad industry; the progress railroads represented was not to be slowed down by requiring them often to pay damages to those unlucky enough to be hurt working for them.

Court decisions always went against railroad workers. A Mr. Farwell, an engineer, lost his right hand when a switchman’s negligence ran his engine off the track. The court reasoned that since Farwell had taken the job of an engineer voluntarily at good pay, he had accepted the risk. Therefore the accident, though avoidable had the switchmen acted carefully, was a “pure accident”. In effect a railroad could never be held responsible for injury to one employee caused by the mistake of another.

In one case where a Pennsylvania Railroad worker had started a fire at a warehouse and the fire had spread several blocks, causing widespread damage, a jury found the company responsible for all the damage. But the court overturned the jury’s decision because it argued that the railroad’s negligence was the immediate cause of damage only to the nearest buildings. Beyond them the connection was too remote to consider.

As the century wore on, public sentiment began to turn against the railroads—against their economic and political power and high fares as well as against their callousness toward individuals.

72. Which of the following is NOT true in Farwell’s case?

A. Farwell was injured because he negligently ran his engine off the track.

B. Farwell would not have been injured if the switchman had been more careful.

C. The court argued that the victim had accepted the risk since he had willingly taken his job.

D. The court decided that the railroad should not be held responsible.

73. What must have happened after the fire case was settled in court?

A. The railroad compensated for the damage to the immediate buildings.

B. The railroad compensated for all the damage by the fire.

C. The railroad paid nothing for the damaged building.

D. The railroad worker paid for the property damage himself.

74. The following aroused public resentment EXCEPT _____.

A. political power   B. high fares    C. economic loss   D. indifference

75. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. Railroad oppressing individuals in the US.

B. History of the US railroads.

C. Railroad workers’ working rights.

D. Law cases concerning the railroads.


Starry Night
Have you ever seen a real night sky that looks like Van Gogh’s Starry Night? I hope not! So, why would an artist paint the sky this way? Perhaps I can answer that with another question. When you’re happy, why do you sing instead of speaking? Or when you’re in love, why do you speak of roses and honey? When we do these things, we, too are artists. We’re using something that goes beyond a mere scientific description in order to communicate our feelings more powerfully than straightforward words can. So consider for a moment that Van Gogh might not have been hallucinating (产生幻觉的) on the night he painted this. Maybe he felt something so powerful that he had to go beyond the familiar to express it.
I hope I’m reminding you of something you already know as I describe the experience of being outside at night under a crystal clear sky that makes everything seem clean and refreshing. So you look up. And suddenly you see the sky that you’ve seldom seen before. It’s not just the same old dark night sky tonight. Instead, the blackness is a deep, rich blue that is more bottomless than any ocean. The stars are not spots of light but brilliant, magical diamonds that dance like tiny angels. In just this special moment, the sky is somehow alive, and it seems to speak to you silently about the meaning of infinity (无限).
Now look at the painting again. Can you see something of what makes this such a famous and well-loved image? But there’s more here than that. Van Gogh painted this while he was quite struck down by a mental disease. It is natural to imagine that he frequently battled the fear that he would never escape his prison to true freedom. It is natural for us to imagine this because each of us has faced our own personal prison, whether it be disease, the loss of a loved one, serious financial problems … In such moments it is tempting to give up to despair (绝望) and collapse in hopelessness.
Looking at this painting, I imagine Van Gogh in just such a moment of despair, when he is struck by the memory of one of those amazing night skies. He recalls the sense that he is not alone, that there is a living, infinite world with rich colorful creatures and scenes all around.
And so the sky flows across the canvas (画布) full of vitality (活力) and power. The stars don’t just sparkle; they explode. Looking closer, we notice that the earth itself seems to respond to the movement in the sky, forming its own living waves in the mountain and rolling trees. In the sleepy village, the windows of the houses glow (发光) with the same light that brightens the universe. The giant trees at the left seem to capture the joy by stretching upwards toward the sky.
What a tremendous message of hope there is in this masterpiece! Even if our troubles persist, the world around us assures us that life is worth living. That’s what the angels sing about. Doesn’t it make you want to sing, too?
【小题1】Looking at the painting Starry Night, we can see all the following except________.

A.The singing angelsB.the giant trees
C.the sleepy villageD.the sparkling stars
【小题2】Van Gogh does NOT describe a feeling of ______ through the Starry Night.
【小题3】The underlined word “prison” in the 3rd paragraph probably means ______.
A.trouble in one’s lifeB.mental illness
C.control from the authorityD.a place where criminals are kept
【小题4】What is the main purpose of this passage?
A.To explain how Van Gogh painted the Starry Night.
B.To tell us how to appreciate the Starry Night.
C.To prove Van Gogh was in a hallucinating state of mind while painting the picture.
D.To show us the beauty of the sky on a starry night.


Starry Night

Have you ever seen a real night sky that looks like Van Gogh’s Starry Night? I hope not! So, why would an artist paint the sky this way? Perhaps I can answer that with another question. When you’re happy, why do you sing instead of speaking? Or when you’re in love, why do you speak of roses and honey? When we do these things, we, too are artists. We’re using something that goes beyond a mere scientific description in order to communicate our feelings more powerfully than straightforward words can. So consider for a moment that Van Gogh might not have been hallucinating (产生幻觉的) on the night he painted this. Maybe he felt something so powerful that he had to go beyond the familiar to express it.

I hope I’m reminding you of something you already know as I describe the experience of being outside at night under a crystal clear sky that makes everything seem clean and refreshing. So you look up. And suddenly you see the sky that you’ve seldom seen before. It’s not just the same old dark night sky tonight. Instead, the blackness is a deep, rich blue that is more bottomless than any ocean. The stars are not spots of light but brilliant, magical diamonds that dance like tiny angels. In just this special moment, the sky is somehow alive, and it seems to speak to you silently about the meaning of infinity (无限).

Now look at the painting again. Can you see something of what makes this such a famous and well-loved image? But there’s more here than that. Van Gogh painted this while he was quite struck down by a mental disease. It is natural to imagine that he frequently battled the fear that he would never escape his prison to true freedom. It is natural for us to imagine this because each of us has faced our own personal prison, whether it be disease, the loss of a loved one, serious financial problems … In such moments it is tempting to give up to despair (绝望) and collapse in hopelessness.

Looking at this painting, I imagine Van Gogh in just such a moment of despair, when he is struck by the memory of one of those amazing night skies. He recalls the sense that he is not alone, that there is a living, infinite world with rich colorful creatures and scenes all around.

And so the sky flows across the canvas (画布) full of vitality (活力) and power. The stars don’t just sparkle; they explode. Looking closer, we notice that the earth itself seems to respond to the movement in the sky, forming its own living waves in the mountain and rolling trees. In the sleepy village, the windows of the houses glow (发光) with the same light that brightens the universe. The giant trees at the left seem to capture the joy by stretching upwards toward the sky.

What a tremendous message of hope there is in this masterpiece! Even if our troubles persist, the world around us assures us that life is worth living. That’s what the angels sing about. Doesn’t it make you want to sing, too?

72. Looking at the painting Starry Night, we can see all the following except________.

A. the sparkling stars                  B. the giant trees

C. the sleepy village               D. The singing angels

73. Van Gogh does NOT describe a feeling of _______ through the Starry Night.

  A. happiness      B. vitality    C. power        D. despair

74. The underlined word “prison” in the 3rd paragraph probably means _______.

  A. mental illness                B. trouble in one’s life 

  C. control from the authority         D. a place where criminals are kept

75. What is the main purpose of this passage?

  A. To tell us how to appreciate the Starry Night.

  B. To explain how Van Gogh painted the Starry Night.

  C. To prove Van Gogh was in a hallucinating state of mind while painting the picture.

  D. To show us the beauty of the sky on a starry night.


Anyone who doubts that children are born with a healthy amount of ambition need spend only a few minutes with a baby eagerly learning to walk. No matter how many times the little ones stumble in their first efforts, most keep on trying, determined to master their amazing new skill. It is only several years later, many psychologists and teachers agree, that a good number of kids seem to lose their natural drive to succeed. For the parents of such kids, whose own ambition is often tied to their children’s success, it can be a painful experience.

Figuring out why the fire went out is the first step. Assuming that a kid doesn’t suffer from a learning disability, or isn’t involved in some family crisis(危机) at home, many educators attribute a sudden lack of motivation to a fear of failure or classmate pressure. “Everything is within the kids’ control; their intelligence is changeable,” says Lisa Blackwell, a research scientist at Columbia University. More than any teacher or workshop, Blackwell says, “parents can play a key role in conveying this message to their children by praising their effort, and progress rather than emphasizing their ‘smartness’ or praising high performance alone. Most of all, parents should let their kids know that mistakes are a part of learning.”

Some experts say our education system, with its strong emphasis on testing and separation of students into different levels of ability, also bears blame for the disappearance of drive in some kids. “These programs shut down the motivation of all kids who aren’t considered gifted and talented. They destroy their confidence,” says Jeff Howard, a social psychologist. Howard and other educators say it’s important to expose kids to a world beyond homework and tests, through volunteer work, sports, hobbies and other extracurriculum activities.

“The problem of the issue is that many students experience education as irrelevant to their life goals and ambitions,” says Michael Nakkual, a Harvard education professor. The key to getting kids to aim higher at school is to free them of the idea that class work is irrelevant, to show them how doing well at school can actually help them fulfill their dreams beyond it. They need to understand that you have to learn to walk before you can run.

46.According to the passage, the parents of kids with no ambition        .

A.don’t do a very good job teaching them to walk

B.are to blame if the kids do poorly in school

C.feel pain because ambitions are connected to their success

D.should take part in extracurriculum activities with kids

47.The underlined part “the fire went out” probably means        .

A.the motivation was suddenly lost

B.the fear of failure was suddenly gone

C.the learning disability was suddenly lost

D.the fire was suddenly gone

48.All the following can contribute to a sudden lack of ambition except        .

A.learning disability                                       B.classmate pressure

C.emphasis on testing                                     D.extracurricular activities

49.What is the most important thing for parents in motivating their kids?

A.By punishing kids who don’t display ambition.

B.By emphasizing smartness and high performance.

C.By telling kids that mistakes are a part of learning.

D.By praising the effort and progress they have made.

50.We can infer from the passage that        .

A.children who have lost their ambition will never succeed in life

B.school performance has much to do with students’ later success

C.both the parents and the school are to blame for the lost ambition

D.younger kids learning to walk are more ambitious than older ones


Anyone who doubts that children are born with a healthy amount of ambition need spend only a few minutes with a baby eagerly learning to walk. No matter how many times the little ones stumble in their first efforts, most keep on trying, determined to master their amazing new skill. It is only several years later, many psychologists and teachers agree, that a good number of kids seem to lose their natural drive to succeed. For the parents of such kids, whose own ambition is often tied to their children’s success, it can be a painful experience.
Figuring out why the fire went out is the first step. Assuming that a kid doesn’t suffer from a learning disability, or isn’t involved in some family crisis at home, many educators attribute a sudden lack of motivation to a fear of failure or classmate pressure. “Everything is within the kids’ control; their intelligence is changeable,” says Lisa Blackwell, a research scientist at Columbia University. “More than any teacher or workshop,” Blackwell says, “parents can play a key role in conveying this message to their children by praising their effort, and progress rather than emphasizing their ‘smartness’ or praising high performance alone. Most importantly, parents should let their kids know that mistakes are a part of learning.”
Some experts say our education system, with its strong emphasis on testing and separation of students into different levels of ability, also bears blame for the disappearance of drive in some kids. “These programs shut down the motivation of all kids who aren’t considered gifted and talented. They destroy their confidence,” says Jeff Howard, a social psychologist. Howard and other educators say it’s important to expose kids to a world beyond homework and tests, through volunteer work, sports, hobbies and other extracurriculum activities.
“The problem of the issue is that many students experience education as irrelevant to their life goals and ambitions,” says Michael Nakkual, a Harvard education professor. The key to getting kids to aim higher at school is to free them of the idea that class work is irrelevant, to show them how doing well at school can actually help them fulfill their dreams beyond it. They need to understand that you have to learn to walk before you can run.
【小题1】According to the passage, the parents of kids with no ambition       .

A.don’t do a very good job teaching them to walk
B.are to blame if the kids do poorly in school
C.feel pain because ambitions are connected to their success
D.should take part in extra-curriculum activities with kids
【小题2】The underlined part “the fire went out” probably means       .
A.the motivation was suddenly lost
B.the fear of failure was suddenly gone
C.the learning disability was suddenly lost
D.the fire was suddenly gone
【小题3】All the following can contribute to a sudden lack of ambition EXCEPT       .
A.learning disabilityB.classmate pressure
C.emphasis on testingD.extracurricular activities
【小题4】 What is the most important thing for parents in motivating their kids?
A.By punishing kids who don’t display ambition.
B.By emphasizing smartness and high performance.
C.By telling kids that mistakes are a part of learning.
D.By praising the effort and progress they have made.
【小题5】 We can infer from the passage that       .
A.children who have lost their ambition will never succeed in life
B.school performance has much to do with students’ later success
C.both the parents and the school are to blame for the lost ambition
D.younger kids learning to walk are more ambitious than older ones


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