摘要:23. he always thinks of is he can do more for the country. A.What; how B.What; what C.That; that D.How; how




  To get a good mark in examinations has been regarded as being most important for a student, and it is also what parents always expect their children to do. But is it enough? These days increasing attention has been paid in schools the country to what is called quality education. It means that a student, apart from doing well in exams, should develop his skills in other ways so as to turn himself into a qualified graduate for modernization of the motherland.

  Quality education, said Xing Jizu, Party Secretary of the Education Bureau of downtown Hongkou District Shanghai, aims to help students to gain a high moral standard, a strong sense of patriotism (爱国精神), a strong wish for learning, as well as a sound (健康的) mind and body.

  “We need reforms (改革)to achieve our goal for quality education,”Mr. Xing Jizu told SSP. He also outlined what they had planned.

  Xing said that return of Hong Kong to the mainland in July, 1997, for example, was regarded as a very good chance for the education advances. A lot of related activities were organized at all the schools in Hongkou.

  Besides, all schools in the district were advised to set up after-class art or science groups. A student’s art festival is to be held in each school every year.

  As for physical education, every student is required to have at least one hour of exercise a day. Every year, a sports meet will take place at each school.

  Besides, various kinds of after-school activities will be organized to help develop the students’ practical and social abilities.

  “What we are doing is by no means to weaken the importance of the regular classroom teaching or exam results,”Xing pointed out.“Instead, we hope that through quality education, students can learn more, in less time in an easier way. Only in this way can we bring up children fit for the bright future of China.

1.The writer thinks that to get a good mark in examinations has been regarded as most important for a student is ________.

[  ]

A.completely right

B.one sided

C.completely wrong

D.only a single standard for a good student

2.The word“outline”means to ________.

[  ]

A.give main points of

B.to tell something about education

C.answer some questions of

D.draw a picture of

3.In this text, quality education is really that ________.

[  ]

A.every student gets development in all sides

B.it is all right for a student to get a good mark

C.it is all right for a student to get a single skill

D.it is impossible that a student can develop on all sides

4.The text tells us that ________.

[  ]

A.quality education is a must in schools

B.politics must be put in the first place

C.students should be able to bear hardships and stand hard work

D.it is never late to learn


Below is a passage adapted from the network edition of China Daily.


       Li Yang, one of China’s most famous English teachers, apologized for beating his American wife more than a week after she posted photos of her injuries on the web and set off a bomb of criticism.

       “I wholeheartedly apologize to my wife Kim and my girls for committing domestic violence. This has caused them serious physical and mental damage,” Li said on his mieroblog at Weibo.com, the country’s most popular social media site, on Saturday. Li, 42, is a mechanics major but is best known for his “Crazy English,” a popular method of language learning that involves yelling at the top of one’s lungs.

       He was at the center of public criticism after his wife Kim Lee put up posts on the web accusing him of abuse, showing her swollen forehead and knees.


       @Xuemanzi, angel investor

       Anti-domestic violence laws should be made as soon as possible, giving protection to the rights of women and children lawfully. Police should not stand back from domestic violence any longer, even if no one reports them. Society, as a whole, should attach greater importance to the crime.

       @Wuzhihong, psychiatrist and counselor

       Extreme and crazy personality always goes hand in hand with violence and a low degree of tolerance.


       Chinese are never taught about marital(婚姻的) relations, which mean not merely living together. A good marriage needs to overcome three differences: family background, gender and personalities. In addition to these, there is cultural gap in Li Yang’s case. If the effects of these differences are not well understood, after the honeymoon period, they will turn into conflicts and endanger the marriage. Li’s domestic violence is a reminder that China needs such education.

       @Wuxiaolong, Sina Weibo user

       Li Yang’s choice to resort to domestic violence really reflects his character. Students who have attended his Crazy English Camp may know what I mean: Li wants his students to worship him as an idol. I still remember he once had his students kowtow to him. He always teaches English by imposition(权威强制), which directly reflects his desire for power.

       @Sikaozhe, Sina Weibo user

       In the US, the punishments for domestic violence are even more severe than strealing. If the police arrive at the wife’s call during a fighting between a couple nd find injuries on her, they will immediately arrest the husband. Even if the wife doesn’t call the police, they may also show up as neighbors could well do their part.

       @ykxin Sina Weibo User

       Don’t blindly worship anyone, because in every closet there may hide a skeleton. As a famous Chinese saying goes, “Only they who do well in their daily routine tasks can fulfills their dreams on great occasions”. Not surprisingly, one who focuses too much on his career and ignores his family, like Li Yang, will fail in both. Don’t judge a person by his career success, wealth, or any other material aspect, because what finally decides a person is his character.


       Although Li Yang publicly apologized to his wife, promising to love his daughters even if he and Lee divorce, the damage, perhaps permanently, has been done to his wife, his three daughters and the whole family.

       Wang Xingjuan, founder of the Maple Women’s Psychological Consulting Center, a non-profit organization, said nearly half of domestic violence abusers are people who have higher education, senior jobs and social status. She said this was probably because such people were usually under more mental stress.

       Domestic violence occurs in 30 percent of the 270 million Chinese families, with more than 85 percent of sufferers being women, according to a survey conducted by the All China Women’s Federation in 2007. About 100,000 Chinese families break up each year as a result of domestic violence, the federation said.

46.This passage is focused on Li Yang’s           .

       A.English-teaching career                           B.international marriage

       C.microblog article                                      D.domestic violence

47.Zhangxiaomei holds the view that           .

       A.laws should be passed to protect women and children

       B.crazy personality accounts for violence and ill temper

       C.overcoming background gap is necessary for marriage

       D.Li is wrong to have his students worship him as an idol

48.Who thinks that character plays the most important role in one’s life?

       A.@Xuemanzi           B.@Wuxiaolong         C.@Sikaozhe             D.@ykxin

49.According to Wang Xingjuan,        .

       A.people under stress lend to have domestic violence

       B.people of h igher education won’t easily lose temper

       C.people in lower social status often beat their wives

       D.people with senior jobs seldom have family trouble


The other day in school, we were discussing jobs. Our teacher, Mrs. Bolt said that career was very important and that it was never too early to think about your life’s work. Most of the young boys really were not too sure about what they wanted to be. But I knew exactly what I wanted to be, and when Mrs. Bolt asked me, I replied “A truck driver.”

“A truck driver?” repeated Mrs. Blot. “Why do you want to be one, Tom?”

“Because truck drivers are always on the move. They do not have to sit at desks all day. They are out on the road and they see a lot of the country. The pay is good, too. And you never have any homework.”

The class laughed.

“Well, Tom.” answered Mrs. Bolt. “You certainly sound quite enthusiastic (热情的). I guess that you don’t like sitting at a desk or doing homework. Is that correct, Tom?”

“Yes, I guess so, ” I said.

“Well, since you are so interested in becoming a truck driver, I think you should look into the field a little further. I want you to go to the library and take out a book on truck driving. And I want you to write a paper on it and hand it in at the end of the month.”

That’s the last time I’ll never tell anybody my secret ambition (雄心).

46.Mrs. Bolt suggested Tom write a book report because         .

       A.she was angry with him.

       B.she wanted him to learn about the other side of truck driving.

       C.she was making fun of him.

       D.she wanted the whole class to follow him

47.Which of the following is NOT true?

       A.The writer thinks that truck drivers are well paid.

       B.What Tom said made his classmates laugh.

       C.It seemed as if Tom did not enjoy doing his homework.

       D.Mrs. Bolt didn’t want Tom to become a truck driver.

48.Tom wouldn’t tell about his ambition any more because          .

      A.he didn’t think his ambition could come true.

       B.he just got more homework to do.

       C.he was laughed at by the whole class.

       D.he would not be able to become a truck driver.

49.What can we infer about Mrs. Bolt?

       A.She was unkind to her students.     B.She was unfit for her position.

       C.She was a teacher with ripe experience.  D.She always did something strange. 


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