摘要:E Most Americans who earned money last year are expected to pay the I.R.S. part of what they earned. Only those who earned very little are not required to make such a payment. They still must send a tax report to the government. Most American workers have already paid all or most of their federal income taxes. This is because part of the tax goes to the I.R.S. each time a worker is paid. The government returns some of the money if too much was withheld. People who work for themselves usually send a tax payment to the I.R.S. every three months. The federal tax rate is not the same for everyone. People who earn a lot of money pay taxes at a higher rate than those who earn less. But even people who earn the same amount do not always pay the same amount of tax. That is because of the many tax laws written by Congress. These laws were created for social or economic purposes. For example, people who borrow money to buy a house may pay less in taxes than people who rent a home. Homeowners can subtract the interest on the loan from their taxable income. Americans also can help reduce their taxable income by subtracting the value of money given to organizations that help the needy. Personal income tax is not the only tax that the federal government collects. It taxes property or money left when someone dies. And it taxes earnings from the sale of some investments, such as a house. Americans also pay a federal social security tax that is used to pay retired workers. Americans pay many other taxes, too. Most pay taxes to the state in which they live. Most states also collect sales tax. That is an amount added to the cost of goods bought in stores. And local city and county governments collect tax on property its citizens own. Many Americans say they pay too many taxes and their taxes are too high. Others say they are willing to pay taxes to receive services from their local state and federal governments. 57. Why are some people willing to pay taxes? Because . A. they want to receive services from their local state and federal governments B. they wanted to make contributions to their country C. part of the money goes to the I.R.S. D. the tax laws were created for social or economic purposes 58. Why don’t the people who earn the same amount of money always pay the same amount of tax? Because . A. some people are rich and others are poor B. they live in different areas C. they pay the taxes according to different tax laws D. some people don’t want to pay too much money 59. Who might pay sales tax? . A. Stores B. Consumers C. Salesmen D. Factories 60. Which of the following is wrong? . A. The persons who earn very little may not pay personal income tax B. People who borrow money to buy a house may pay less in taxes than people who rent a house C. The money left by a dead person can be taxed D. The federal tax rate is the same for everyone


The world’s first completely automatic(自动的)railway has been built under the busy streets of London. 1. _______________________________. The new Victoria Line was opened in 1969. This new line was very different from the others.
The stations on the other lines need a lot of workers to sell tickets, and to check and to collect them when people leave the trains. 2. ______________________________. Here a machine checks and collects the tickets, and there are no workers on the platforms at all. On the train, there is only one worker. 3. _____________________. But usually he just starts it; it runs and stops by itself. The trains are controlled by electrical signals which are sent by the so-called command spots. The command spots are the same distance apart. Each sends a certain signal. The train always moves at the speed that the command spots allow. If the command spot sends no signals, the train will stop. 4. _______________. The computers also fix the train speeds, and send the signals to the command spots.
5. ___________________________. Once train may stay too long at a station; the other trains will then automatically move slower.
A. If necessary, this man can drive the train.
B. The railway is called the Victoria Line, and it is part of the complete London underground railway.
C. The computer makes the decision about when to use a gas engine and when to go electric.
D. This is all different on the Victoria Line.
E. Most of the control work is done by computers.
F. Other machines make sure that the trains are always a safe distance apart.
【小题1】______ 【小题2】 _______ 【小题3】________ 【小题4】________【小题5】_______






A.There are also often special Chinese characters on them.

B.Nowadays restaurants in many Chinatowns are social gathering places. .

C.In return, storekeepers usually donate some money to the performers.

D.Chinatowns are usually popular destinations for various ethnic(异域风味的) Chinese foods,

E. Most Chinatowns are well known for their restaurants.

F. Small herb shops are common in most Chinatowns.

G. Many Chinatowns focus On commercial tourism, whereas others are actual living and working communities, 

Many Chinatowns have large red arch(拱门) entrances known as Paifangs. Some Paifangs are  made of wood or steel and may include elaborate(精心制作的) or simple designs. They are  sometimes accompanied by stone lion statues on both sides of the street that greet visitors.

29.____________ Usually these Paifangs were donated to a particular city as a gift by the Chinese  government.

30. __________For example, San Francisco's Chinatown has many historic restaurants,

including those established from the 1910s to the 1950s. Some of the restaurants have lasted for

generations while others have shut down in recent years. Some others have changed their menus.

31, _________Some Chinatowns such as those in Singapore have their local style of Chinese food.

In the Chinatowns in the Western countries, restaurant work may be the only career available to  poor newcomers. Most Chinatowns generally have many social and touristy restaurants. 32.____

Most Chinatowns celebrate Chinese Spring Festival with dragon and lion dances. The lion performance is typically conducted by two performers and may involve several stunts(特技表演).

33. _______Some Chinatowns also hold a "Miss Chinatown" beauty pageant(选美大赛)every year,such as "Miss Chinatown San Francisco", “Miss Chinatown Hawaii", “Miss Chinatown Houston"and “Miss Chinatown Atlanta".




The world’s first completely automatic(自动的)railway has been built under the busy streets of London. 1. _______________________________. The new Victoria Line was opened in 1969. This new line was very different from the others.

The stations on the other lines need a lot of workers to sell tickets, and to check and to collect them when people leave the trains. 2. ______________________________. Here a machine checks and collects the tickets, and there are no workers on the platforms at all. On the train, there is only one worker. 3. _____________________. But usually he just starts it; it runs and stops by itself. The trains are controlled by electrical signals which are sent by the so-called command spots. The command spots are the same distance apart. Each sends a certain signal. The train always moves at the speed that the command spots allow. If the command spot sends no signals, the train will stop. 4. _______________. The computers also fix the train speeds, and send the signals to the command spots.

5. ___________________________. Once train may stay too long at a station; the other trains will then automatically move slower.

A. If necessary, this man can drive the train.

B. The railway is called the Victoria Line, and it is part of the complete London underground railway.

C. The computer makes the decision about when to use a gas engine and when to go electric.

D. This is all different on the Victoria Line.

E. Most of the control work is done by computers.

F. Other machines make sure that the trains are always a safe distance apart.

1.______ 2. _______ 3.________ 4.________5._______




Most of us are used to seasons. Each year, spring follows winter, which follows autumn, which follows summer, which follows spring. And winter is colder than summer. But the earth goes through temperature cycles over much longer periods than those that we experience.

Between 65,000 and 35,000 years ago, the planet was much colder than it is now. During that time the temperature also changed a lot, with periods of warming and cooling. Ice melted during the warm periods, which made sea levels rise. Water froze again during the cold periods.

A new study from Switzerland sheds light on where ice sheets melted during the ice age.

It now seems that the ice melted at both ends of the earth, rather than just in either northern or southern areas. This surprised the researchers from the University of Bern.

Scientists have long assumed(认为) that most of the ice that melted was in the Northern hemisphere(半球) during the 30,000-year-long ice age. That belief was held because the North Pole is surrounded by land, while the South Pole is surrounded by the Antarctic Ocean. It is easier for ice sheets to grow on land. If surrounded by sea, the ice can easily just slip to the ocean instead of building up.

The researchers used a computer model to look at the ways the ice could melt and how it might affect sea levels. They compared these results to evidence(迹象) of how temperatures and currents actually changed during that time.

The model showed that if it was only in the Northern hemisphere that ice melted, there would be a bigger effect on ocean currents(洋流) and sea temperatures than what actually happened. Studies suggest that melting just in the Southern hemisphere would have been impossible, too.

The only reasonable conclusion, the scientists could make, was that the ice melted equally in the North and the South.

It is still a mystery(谜) as to what caused the temperature changes that caused the ice to melt.

72. We can learn from the text that _____.

A.we have experienced temperature cycles since they began

B.what caused ice to melt is still unknown

C. the planet was much colder than it is now between 65,000 and 35,000 years ago, during which time temperature hardly changed

D. before the new study, scientists long believed that ice melted just in either northern or southern areas

73. The underlined phrase "sheds light on" (in Paragraph 3) can be replaced by _____.

A. throws doubts on B. beats down on C. makes it clear D. makes light of

74. The first two paragraphs were written _____.

A. to lead up to the subject that ice melted during the 30,000-year-long ice age

B. to describe what the weather was like during the ice age

C. to compare climate nowadays with that of the ice age

D. to explain what a temperature cycle is

75. Which of the following best shows the relationship between ice, ocean currents and temperatures according to the text?

A. Ice can easily slip into the ocean.

B. Temperature and currents changed as a result of ice melting.

C. Temperature changes lead to ice melting or water freezing, which in turn has an effect on ocean currents and temperature.

D. Ice melted and then froze again due to temperature.


1.. She described all the things she had to do --- one was to make her bed --- from the moment she woke up until she flew out of the door for work. I suggested she experiment by not making her bed for two weeks. She was shocked, probably thinking I’d been raised by wolves in a forest. 2.

Two weeks later she went into my office beaming. She had left her bed unmade for the first time in 42 years --- and nothing bad had happened. “And you know what?” she said. ”I don’t dry my dishes anymore, either. ”

    3. One was discovering that she had choices in her life that she had never seen before. The other was giving herself permission to be less that perfect. This story shows an important principle about managing time: No one can do it all. Each of us has to make choices and accept trade-offs. The problem is, many people choose in ways that put themselves and their health last. They take better care of their houses and cars than they do of themselves. 4.

So what is the solution? There’s an easy way. Decide what you want in your life, and put that first. On a daily basis, that should include regular meals, enough sleep and time with your family. Exercise, leisure, friendships and hobbies should also be regular aspects of life. 5.. The choice is yours: whatever makes you feel good about yourself and your life. Take a nap. Take a walk. Take time to play the piano. Stop bringing your briefcase home from the office. Stop keeping your house as clean as your mother kept hers. Fill more of your time with want-to-dos instead of have-to-dos.

A. This woman had made two major breakthroughs.

B. Above all, you needn’t do anything for yourself regularly.

C. They put everyone else’s needs ahead of their own.

D. However, she went along with my idea.

E. Most people do not take time to relax themselves.

F. The point is to do something for yourself every day.

G. A patient came to see me about the stress in her life.



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