摘要: What kinds of books are listed in Books in Print? A. Only those used in the university. B. Only those in the field of political science. C. Only those currently available from publishers. Section B Directions: In this section, you ’ll hear a mini-talk. Listen carefully and then fill in the numbered blanks with the information you ’ve got. Fill in each blank with NO MORE THAN 3 WORDS. You’ ll hear the mini-talk TWICE. Time Where / What to do On Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:15 to 16 . Meet in this room for the 17 of the course. Every other week on Thursdays. Use the research lab in Room 18 . The day after tomorrow. Get the books for the class-- 19 . From 1:00 to 2:00 on 20 Meet with the teacher during the office hours. PART TWO: LANGUAGE KNOWLEDGE Section A Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence.


As Teachers’ Day draws near, many Chinese parents have been thinking hard over gifts that are appropriate for the teachers of their children. Some have turned to the Internet for gift suggestions, including a mother named Yang whose child attends kindergarten. “What should I send and what kinds of gifts are appropriate? We are in a difficult situation---we cannot afford very expensive gifts, but teachers will not be impressed if the gifts are too cheap,” Yang wrote on a website.
Some parents, however, do not realize that some teaches are also under great pressure because of the gifts. “No more gifts, or I will run out of money!” complained a young teacher on Weibo.” Many parents send me some shopping tickets for Teachers’ Day so I put them in a new dictionary and let their children bring them back to their parents,’ the teacher wrote. A teacher named Zhu, said he feels “worried” every time parents send him money or shopping tickets. “It is not whether to accept the gifts, but how to return them that worries me. I tried to persuade parents to take them back. But I will use the money or shopping tickets from the stubborn parents to buy books for the class,” said Zhu.
1. 以约30个词概括以上短文的内容;
2. 以约120个词就“教师节家长是否该给老师送礼”这一主题发表你的看法,内容包括:
(1)      说说你对该问题的看法,并简单说明原因;
(2)      谈谈你印象最深的一次教师节;
(3)      谈谈你所认为学生给老师的最好的教师节礼物。
1. 作文中可使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;标题自拟。
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。


Atoms are all around us. They are the bricks of which everything is made. Many millions of atoms are contained in just one-grain of salt, but despite (尽管) their small size they are very important. The way an everyday object behaves depends on what kinds of atoms are in it and how they act. For example, you know that most solid objects melt if they got hot enough. Why is this? It is the effect of the heat on the object's atoms. All atoms move constantly. When they are hot, they move faster. Usually the atoms in an object hold together and give the object its shape. But if the object grows hot, its atoms move so fast that they break the force that usually holds them together. They move out of their usual places so that the object loses its shape. Then we say that the object is melting.
69. The way an object behaves depends on the _____ .
A. action of atoms in it                      B. number of atoms in it
C. kinds of atoms in it and how they behave    D. size of atoms in it
70. Atoms in an object move _____ .
A. at all times                              B. only when the object is heated
C. whenever they grow hot                    D. unless the object is melted
71. An object holds its shape because its atoms _____ .
A. usually hold together                          B. move fast
C. are hot                                                     D. are not moving
72. An object loses its shape because its atoms _____ .
A. move out                             B. are not in their usual place
C. lose the force                            D. break out     


I still remember the day when my mom said, “Let’s get you some new clothes.” You can imagine that to any little girl that would mean the world, but to me it meant the universe, because we were not very rich. After she said that, all I could think about was what kinds of clothes I would choose. To my surprise, my mom allowed me to pick out three dresses: a pink one, a blue one and a yellow one. The yellow one was my favorite.

I had a best friend named Seema, whose family was even poorer than ours. We played and studied together, and spent the best days of our childhood laughing at the silly stories we made up. I was excited to show her my three beautiful new dresses. She loved them all and was happy for me, but tearfully explained to me that her father could only afford to buy her clothes for her birthday. I felt sorry, and then did something that surprised even myself: I asked her to pick out one of my dresses for herself. To my disappointment, she picked up my favorite—the yellow one. Please remember, I was only seven years. My heart almost popped out (跳出) of my chest. But as she held it against her body, and I saw how brightly she smiled, I stopped feeling any hurt. I told her it looked lovely on her.

I’ll always remember Seema’s smile, and how at that moment nothing mattered more. When you value your friendships, nothing else matters! We’re still best friends today.

1.Why did the new clothes mean the universe to the author?

A.She loved dressing up more than anything else.

B.She thought they would make her more beautiful.

C.Her family was poor, and new clothes were very rare.

D.Her mother only bought her new clothes for her birthday.

2.The author let Seema pick out one of her dresses because she wanted to _______.

A.show her pity for Seema’s family

B.show off her family’s wealth

C.make Seema become her best friend

D.exchange it with Seema’s dress

3.When Seema chose the yellow dress, the author was disappointed because ________.

A.she was not generous

B.she didn’t expert to lose her favorite dress

C.Seema chose her favorite dress on purpose

D.Seema was careless about her feelings

4.What can we conclude from the passage?

A.Getting a best friend means losing other things.

B.Being generous is not easy.

C.Children like sharing their favorite things.

D.Friendship is precious (珍贵的).



We all have ideas about what kinds of foods are good to eat. We also have ideas about what kinds of foods are bad to eat. As a result, people from one culture often think the foods that people from another culture eat are nauseating(令人作呕的). When the famous boxer Muhammad Ali visited Africa, for example, one member of his group became quite sick when he saw someone pick up a butterfly and eat it. Many people would find it disgusting to eat rats, but there are forty-two different cultures whose people regard rats as appropriate food.

 Food likes and dislikes do not always seem related to nutrition. For example, broccoli is first on a list of the most nutritious common vegetables, but it is twenty-first on a list of vegetables that Americans like most to eat. Tomatoes are sixteenth on the list of most nutritious vegetables, but they are first on the list of vegetables that Americans like most to eat.

 But dislike is not the only reason why some cultures will not eat a certain food. In some cultures, certain foods are taboo. Some foods are taboo in certain religions, but there are also other food taboos that are not connected to a religion. We do not usually think about why certain things are taboo in our culture. We may not even know why they are taboo. Anthropologists(人类学家) try to discover the hidden reasons for taboos.

Anthropologists believe that most food likes and dislikes are a result of the ways of life of different people. Some people live in areas where there are both large animals and many insects. It is difficult for these people to kill large animals, and it requires a lot of energy. It is easier for them to use insects for food because it is not difficult to catch insects and it does not require a lot of energy. Nomadic(游牧的) people who move around will not want to keep pigs for food. People will not eat pets such as dogs. Americans eat a lot of beef because there is plenty of land for raising cattle and the meat can be shipped cheaply for long distances by railroads.

1.      What’s the main topic of this passage?

       A. Food and religion.           B. Food and culture.

   C. Nutrition of different foods.              D. Different ways of life.

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE about food likes and dislikes?

A. They are seldom related to nutrition.

B. They are mostly associated with people’s taste.

C. They are mostly connected with people’s life styles.

D. They are usually related to cultures or religions.

3.The underlined word “taboo” (Line 3, Para. 3) refers to _____.

  A. something undiscovered                            B. certain religions

  C. something forbidden                                 D. certain foods

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. It is believed that brcoccoli is more nutritious than tomatoes.

B. Americans prefer tomatoes to beef.

C. People in Inner Mongolia would probably like to keep pigs for food.

D. The famous boxer Muhamm Ali would like to eat rat rather than butterfly.

5.Why do Americans prefer to eat beef?

A. Because beef provides a lot of energy people require.

B. Because beef is on the list of the most nutritious foods.

C. Because they have the ideal condition to keep and ship cattle.

D. Because cattle are large animals.




第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)

第一节  阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)

In the dining room of my grandfather's house stood a giant grandfather clock.Meals in that dining room were a time for four generations to become one.The table was always spread with food containing love as the main ingredient.And that grandfather clock stood like an old family friend, watching over the laughter that was a part of our lives.

As a child, the old clock fascinated me.I watched and listened to it during meals.Even more wonderful to me was my grandfather's routine.He wound (上发条) that clock with a special key carefully each day.That key was magic to me.It kept our family's magnificent clock ticking and chiming.I remember watching as my grandfather took the key from his pocket and opened the hidden door in the clock.He inserted the key and wound — not too much, nor too little.He never let that clock wind down and stop.He showed us grandchildren how to open the door and let us each take turns winding the key.I remember the first time I did it I was so excited to be part of this family routine.

After my grandfather died, it was days after the funeral before I remembered the clock!

"Mama! The clock! We've let it wind down."

The tears flowed freely when I entered the dining room.The clock stood there quiet.It even seemed smaller without my grandfather's special touch.

Some time later, my grandmother gave me the clock and the key.The old house was quiet.No laughter over the dinner table, no ticking or chiming of the clock — all was still.I took the key in my shaking hand and opened the clock door.All of a sudden, I was a child again, watching my grandfather with his silver-white hair and blue eyes.He was there, winking at me, at the secret of the clock's magic, at the key that held so much power.

I stood, lost in the moment for a long time.Then slowly and carefully I inserted the key and wound the clock.It came back to life.Tick-tock, tick-tock, life and chimes were breathed into the dining room, into the house and into my heart.In the movement of the hands of the clock, my grandfather lived again.

1.Why does the writer say the table was always spreading with food containing love as the main ingredient?

         A.The food was delicious and tasty.

         B.The meal was made by his dear grandparents

         C.The whole family talked about the love of each other over meals.

         D.Four generations lived joyfully and harmoniously to become one.

2.By describing Grandfather’s routine in detail in the 2nd paragraph, the writer expresses___________.

         A.It’s troublesome to make the clock work.

         B.It’s a fantastic thing to play with the clock.

         C.He greatly misses his late grandfather

         D.His grandfather had a preference for the clock.

3.What kinds of mood are shown in the essay?

         A.Sad and hopeful                   B.desperate and hopeful

         C.Heart-broken and hopeless        D.cheerful and hopeful



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