摘要: B.文章的第2段最后两句告诉我们If you jump alone, you-.所以玩跳绳以前.必须找到适合自己的绳子.






1.Where does Jane ask Tom to meet her at first?

2.When and where do they agree to meet finally?

3.What does Jane have to do before going out to meet Tom?


4.According to Peter, what is the problem with the building?

    A. The air-conditioning is too strong.

    B. The air-conditioning is out of order.

    C. The air-conditioning stops working sometimes.

5.Why did Peter miss the breakfast yesterday morning?

    A. He overslept.

    B. He couldn't fall asleep the night before.

    C. He talked with his roommates late into the night.

6.How many students will be staying in this room?

    A. Two.    B. Three.    C. Four.


7.Which subject (s) does David find particularly difficult?

    A. Math.    B. English.    C. The sciences.

8.What does David do to help his uncle with the cows?

    A. He milks the cows on Sundays and cleans the cowshed sometimes.

    B. He drives the tractor on Sundays and does the milking sometimes.

    C. He cleans the cowshed on Sundays and drives the tractor sometimes.

9.What is David going to do now?

    A. He is going to work on his own farm.

    B. He is preparing to attend an agricultural college.

C. He is going to study hard to pass the exams.


10.What is the probable relation between the man and woman?

     A. A research student and a stranger.

     B. A social worker and a businessman.

     C. A businessman and a research student.

11.What made the woman begin to smoke at the age of 17?

     A. Her boyfriend offered her a cigarette.

     B. She often went to parties with her friends.

     C. She wanted to follow her friends’ example.

12.What was the result of the woman's first attempt to stop smoking?

     A. She stopped smoking for a while.

     B. She managed to give up smoking completely.

     C. She began to smoke fewer cigarettes than before.


13.What do the students come to the school for?

    A. Visiting the school.

    B. Attending summer courses.

    C. A sightseeing tour of the area.

14.How long has the school been open?

    A. Twenty years.    B. Five years.    C. Twenty-five years.

15.What could the students do in the study center if they were out late the night before?

    A. Talk to the teachers.    B. Use the equipment.    C. Do the homework.


听下面1段对话。请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡  标号为16—20的空格中。听录音前,你将有10秒钟的阅题时间,录音读两遍。你有80秒钟的作答时间。



                            Caller information

Name of caller

John Smith

Where to go


When to go


What to do there


How long to stay

A week or so


                            Ticket information




When to leave

When to arrive



RMB 5600

7:40  a.m.

In the morning

Pacific Airline


11:40  a.m.






1. What do the two speakers both want to do in the coming new year?

   A. To save some money.   苑B. To work harder.        C. To lose weight.

2. What did Henry do last year?

   A. He joined a health club.  B. He stopped smoking.   C. He got a good job.


3. Why did the man talk to the woman?

A. He wanted to buy a house. B. He wanted to get a job. C. He wanted to rent a flat.

4. What is the flat the man is interested in?

A. It has a bathroom and one bedroom.  

B. It has two bedrooms and a sitting room.

C. It has a kitchen but it hasn't a bathroom.

5. How much will the man pay for the biggest one each year?

A. 3,600 dollars.           B. 2,400 dollars.       C. 3,000 dollars.


6. Where are they planning to go in the morning?

A. To a park.            B. To an art museum.         C. To a shopping center.

7. Why does the man want to visit the zoo in the afternoon?

A. The zoo will be closed the rest of the week.

B. The zoo is free to visitors that day only.

C. There are unusual animals on display.

8. Why does the woman want to go shopping instead?

A. She wants to buy souvenirs of their visit.

B. She saw some nice clothes at a shopping center.

C. She wants to buy a gift for her friend.


9. Where does the dialogue take place?

A. At the airport.         B. In a railway英才苑station.     C. In a restaurant.

10. What's the woman's baggage number?

A. 703-9962.           B. 703-9926.               C. 703-1926.

11. What time might it probably be when the dialogue took place?

A. In the morning.         B. At noon.                    C. In the afternoon.


12. How did the speaker's friends feel about his change of interest?

A. They were very glad about it.

B. They were afraid he wasn't fully prepared.

C. They were puzzled by his decision.

13. Why did the speaker change his interest to underwater exploration?

A. It is much cheaper than space travel.

B. It is much safer than space travel.

C. It is more exciting than space travel.

14. In what way does the speaker think diving is similar to space travel?

A. They both attract scientists' attention.

B. They are both expensive.

C. They can both be quite challenging.

15. Why does the speaker give this talk?

A. To explain the danger of exploring space.

B. To explain why he took up underwater exploration.

C. To show how simple diving can be




1.What was the woman’s main purpose in going to Ottawa during the vacation?

A.To visit a Canadian family.

B.To go sightseeing.

C.To learn English. 

2.Why did the woman like staying with the Smiths?

A.They were her relations.

B.She could speak English with them.

C.She could eat Western food every day.

3.What did the woman particularly like about the Canadian classes? 

A.The students have more freedom.

B.Listening,speaking,reading and writing were all included in one class.

C.There were a lot of activities.


4.What did the man ask the woman to do on Sunday afternoon?

A.To come to a dinner party.

B.To watch a volleyball game.

C.To meet his friends.

5.What did the woman have to do then?

A.To invite some friends.

B.To go to Mexico City.

C.To pick up her brother-in-law at the airport.

6.What did the man suggest?

A.She come over after she gets back from the airport.

B.She bring something to eat.

C.She order pizza for dinner.


7.Why will they put on a show?

A.For fun.            B.For money.      C.For nothing.

8.What can we know from their dialogue?

A.They want to put on three show all.

B.They are going to choose one out of three shows.

C.They will sing three songs in the play.

9.What can we learn about the man?

A.He often gets up on a stage.

D.He sings popular songs for money.

C.He will sing and dance in the show.


10.Why does the girl work hard at her lessons?

A.She wants to be an engineer in the future.

B.She is going to be a biologist after she graduates.

C.She is going to take an exam.

11.What can we learn about the boy?

A.He is an engineer.

B.He is a doctor.

C.He is a friend of the girl’s.

12.What are those technical words about?

A.Engineering.    B.Biology.    C.Technology.


13.Which of the following people are unlucky?

A.People who have boring jobs.

B.People who have a lot of spare time.

C.People who earn a lot of money.

14.Why are many successful sportsmen young people?

A.Because they are under 35.

B.Because they can move fast.

C.Because they are interesting.

15.Which of the following group of people work till they die?

A.Writers, artists and actors.

B.Artists,musicians and teachers.

C.Writers;musicians and engineers.






1.Which of the following shows the right direction?

2.Which of the following may be the building the woman referred to?

3.At what time does the shop close?


4.Where did the man go this morning?

A.His own garden.

B.A playground.

C.The Summer Palace.

5.Did the man often go there early in the morning in the past?

A.No, this is the first time for him.

B.Yes, often.

C.No, only several times.

6.Who did the man see sitting under a tree?

A.Two old women.

B.Two old men.

C.Two young girls.


7.What can we learn about North Dakota?

A.A block party is an early sign of summer there.

B.Indoor sports are popular there in winter.

C.Winter snows are usually deep there.

8.What do the people in North Dakota think of the season of winter?

A.Quiet and satisfying.

B.Long and dull(乏味).

C.Short but exciting.

9.Which of the following is true?

A.People in North Dakota like answering questions.

B.People in North Dakota have various(各种各样的)interests.

C.People in Ninth Dakota dislike answering questions.


10.Which of the following facts that does NOT make it easy for the mother to take care of the business?

A.She helped the father with the business before.

B.She looked after the children.

C.The speaker’s older brother was helping with the business.

11.When did the mother probably start to take care of the business?


B.Six years ago.

C.Two years ago.

12.Who was George?

A.My younger brother.

B.My elder brother.

C.My father.


13.Where is the man calling?

A.A train station.

B.A park.

C.A theatre.

14.What are the prices of the tickets he wants?




15.What time does he have to collect the tickets?

A.Before 7∶50.

B.Before 7∶45.

C.Before 7∶15.

第二节:听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)







1.What was the man in China for?

A.For a tour.

B.For a conference.

C.For a lecture.

2.How many cities did the woman visit in China?




3.What are the man and the woman?

A.A scientist and a traveler.

B.A businessman and a traveler.

C.A businessman and a scientist.


4.What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

5.What’s the weather like in San Francisco?

6.What does the woman come to San Francisco for?


7.What is a Frankfurter?

A.A kind of German sausage.

B.A kind of German bread.

C.The name of a German town.

8.What was Henry Steven’s job?

A.He raised dogs.

B.He was a cartoonist.

C.He sold fast food.

9.Why did the sales of hotdogs decrease for some time?

A.Because it was too hot to eat right away.

B.Because people had to get used to their taste.

C.Because people thought they contained dog meat.


10.What did the man do at about 4 o’clock?

A.He drove to have supper with his daughter.

B.He drove to fetch his daughter.

C.He drove back home with his daughter.

11.What did the man stop off at a shop for?

A.To get something for his car.

B.To get some gas.

C.To buy some fruit and bread.

12.What happened according to what you hear?

A.His car fell off the bridge.

B.An earthquake happened.

C.There was something wrong with his car.


13.Why does the man think it is bad to take a taxi at first?

A.Because these suitcases are not heavy.

B.Because there’re just a few suitcases.

C.Because the traffic is heavy now.

14.How long will it take to get there?

A.Fifty minutes.

B.Fifteen minutes.

C.Five minutes.

15.How do they probably go there at last?

A.By bus.

B.On foot.

C.By taxi.

第二节:听取信息(共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)



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