摘要: pressure A. measure B. expression C. pleasure D. professor 第二节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分.满分15分)




  If preparing dinner means peeling back the top of frozen prepackaged meal or opening a brand-new box of cereal(麦片), it's time for a change. You don't have to be a good cook to create low-fat, healthful dishes that taste great. The best way to cook is to choose nutrient food and avoid too much fat without giving up flavor(味道).


  Steaming is simply cooking food in an enclosed environment filled with steam. Steaming keeps the flavor, and there is no need to add fats during preparation. It also keeps nutrients better than any other cooking method except micro-waving.


  Cooking at a very high heat for a very short time is stir-frying. Because food is cooked so quickly, it should be cut into small pieces to ensure every ingredient is cooked thoroughly.


  One of the simplest of all cooking methods, broiling cooks by exposing food to direct heat in an electric or gas stove, usually in the bottom drawer of the oven. It brings the same results as grilling, but in grilling the heat comes from below, while in broiling it comes from above.

  Cooking tips:

  a. For an-inch-thick piece of meat, allow 6 minutes of cooking time for rare, 9 minutes for medium and 12 minutes for well-done.

  b. Turn all foods halfway through cooking time.


  Like steaming, micro-waving lends itself to low-fat or no-fat cooking. The foods that do well this way are vegetables, which keep their color along with their nutrients, and fish and chicken, which plump up(膨胀) well compared to beef and pork.

  Cooking tips:

  Cover food to contain the steam, which gives food its flavor.

  Pressure cooking

  Food cooked in a pressure cooker needs very little water and time, which means that vitamins and minerals are kept.The cooker seals(封闭) in steam created by the boiling liquid, which improves the flavors.

1.Steaming is not better than ________ in keeping the nutrients.

[  ]


2.In stir-frying, it is unnecessary to ________.

[  ]

A.cook for a long time

B.put much fat in first

C.cook at a high heat

D.cut the meat into pieces

3.It is better to use micro-waving to cook the following except ________.

[  ]


4.In the text the writer suggests that we should not only try to keep nutrients but ________ when we are cooking.

[  ]

A.add no fat
B.save our time
C.keep the flavor
D.make everything easy
Medicine comes in many forms. In its liquid form, medicine affects the body very quickly. But the effects of liquid medicine aren’t usually long-lasting. That is why pills and capsules are also used.

The pills and capsules being sold today are not perfect, either. Pills dissolve in the stomach. The medicine in the pills is released when the pills dissolve. But often, the pills dissolve too quickly.

Scientists have been trying to develop a pill that can release medicine slowly over a long period of time. They have applied their knowledge of plants to produce the “osmotic(渗透的) pump pills”

The cell wall of plants are made of cellulose (纤维素). There are millions of tiny holes in the cellulose wall of plants. These holes are big enough to allow water through the cell walls. As water enters a cell, pressure builds up in the cell. The pressure pumps other substances out of the cell. These substances leave the cell through the cellulose wall. This slow, steady process is called osmosis.

The osmotic pump pill is coated with synthetic cellulose. Liquid medicine is contained in the pill. The holes in the cellulose coating of the pill are big enough to allow water in the pill. As water from the body enters the pill, pressure builds up in the pill. The medicine is slowly pumps out of the pill.

1.The passage implies that the osmotic pump pill is better than other pills and capsules because _____.

A.    it releases medicine slowly over a long period of time

B.    the coating doesn’t dissolve in the stomach

C.    the medicine in the pill can affect the body quickly

D.   it helps to build pressure in the body

2. The way that the osmosis pump pill works is based on a process called ______.

A.     cellulose

B.     osmosis

C.     pressure

D.    synthesis

3.The passage implies that medicine in an osmotic pump pill will leave the pill when _____.

A. the pill is swallowed

B. the cellulose coating is dissolved

C. enough pressure builds up in the pill

D. the medicine is dissolved with water in the body

4. The passage implies that cellulose is a porous substance because it contains ______.

A. millions of tiny holes

B. substance that dissolves it

C. a substance that creates pressure

D. liquid medicine



Medicine comes in many forms. In its liquid form, medicine affects the body very quickly. But the effects of liquid medicine aren’t usually long-lasting. That is why pills and capsules are also used.

The pills and capsules being sold today are not perfect, either. Pills dissolve in the stomach. The medicine in the pills is released when the pills dissolve. But often, the pills dissolve too quickly.

Scientists have been trying to develop a pill that can release medicine slowly over a long period of time. They have applied their knowledge of plants to produce the “osmotic(渗透的) pump pills”

The cell wall of plants are made of cellulose (纤维素). There are millions of tiny holes in the cellulose wall of plants. These holes are big enough to allow water through the cell walls. As water enters a cell, pressure builds up in the cell. The pressure pumps other substances out of the cell. These substances leave the cell through the cellulose wall. This slow, steady process is called osmosis.

The osmotic pump pill is coated with synthetic cellulose. Liquid medicine is contained in the pill. The holes in the cellulose coating of the pill are big enough to allow water in the pill. As water from the body enters the pill, pressure builds up in the pill. The medicine is slowly pumps out of the pill.

1.The passage implies that the osmotic pump pill is better than other pills and capsules because _____.

A.    it releases medicine slowly over a long period of time

B.    the coating doesn’t dissolve in the stomach

C.    the medicine in the pill can affect the body quickly

D.   it helps to build pressure in the body

2. The way that the osmosis pump pill works is based on a process called ______.

A.     cellulose

B.     osmosis

C.     pressure

D.    synthesis

3.The passage implies that medicine in an osmotic pump pill will leave the pill when _____.

A. the pill is swallowed

B. the cellulose coating is dissolved

C. enough pressure builds up in the pill

D. the medicine is dissolved with water in the body

4. The passage implies that cellulose is a porous substance because it contains ______.

A. millions of tiny holes

B. substance that dissolves it

C. a substance that creates pressure

D. liquid medicine



 So long as teachers fail to distinguish between teaching and learning , they will continue to undertake to do for children that which only children can do for themselves. Teaching children to read is not passing reading on to them. It is certainly not endless hours spent in activities about reading. Douglas insists that“ reading cannot be taught directly and schools should stop trying to do the impossible”.

  Teaching and learning are two entirely different processes. They differ in kind and function. The function of teaching is to create the conditions and the climate that will make it possible for children to devise the most efficient system for teaching themselves to read. Teaching is also public activity. It can be seen and observed.

  Learning to read involves all that each individual does to make sense of the world of printed language. Almost all of it is private ,for learning is an occupation of the mind ,and that process is not open to public scrutiny.

  If teacher and learner roles are not interchangeable ,what then can be done through teaching that will aid the child in the quest(探索)for knowledge? Smith has one principal rule for all teaching instructions. “Make learning to read easy, which means making reading a meaningful, enjoyable and frequent experience for children. ”

  When the roles of teacher and learner are seen for what they are, and when both teacher fulfil them appropriately, then much of the pressure and feeling of failure for both is eliminated. Learning to read is made easier when teachers create an environment where children are given the opportunity to solve the problem of leaning to read by reading.

The problem with the reading course as mentioned in the first paragraph is that ________.

  A. it is one of the most difficult school courses

  B. students spend endless hours in reading

  C. reading tasks are assigned with little guidance

  D. too much time is spent in teaching about reading

The teaching of reading will be successful if ________.

  A. teachers can improve conditions at school for the students

  B. teachers can enable students to develop their own way of reading

  C. teachers can devise the most effcient system for reading

  D. teachers can make their teaching activities observable

The underlined word“ scrutiny” most probably means“________”.

  A. inquiry            B. observation

  C. control            D. suspicion



  As a teenager, I felt I was always letting people down. I was rebellious (反叛的)on the outside,___1___on the inside I wanted people to ___2____me.


  Once I left home to hitchhike(搭便车)to California with my friend Penelope. The trip wasn't ____3___, and there were many times I didn't feel safe. One situation in particular ___4____ me grateful to still be alive. When I returned home, I was not so outwardly(表面地)different.


  I was happy to be home. But then I noticed that Penelope, who was____5____with us, was wearing my clothes. And my ____6____seemed to like her better than me. I wondered if I would be __7___if I weren't there. I told my mom, and she explained that ___8___Penelope was a lovely girl, no one could ___9___me. I pointed out,”She is more patient and is heater than I have ever been.” My mom said these were wonderful ___10____,but I was the only person who could fill my ___11____. She made me realize that even with my____12_____——and they were many ——I was a loved member of the family who couldn't be replaced.


  I became a searcher,___13___who I was and what made me unique(独特的). My____14___of myself was changing. I wanted a solid base to start from. I started to resist(抵制)pressure to ___15___in ways that I didn't like any more, and I ___16___who I really was. I came to feel much more ____17___that no one can ever take my place.


  Each of us ____18____ a unique place in the world. You are special, no matter what others say or what you may think. So ____19___ about being replaced. You ___20___ be.

















































(13)A.looking    for      

B.looking    back      

    C.seeking    out      

D.giving    up      






























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