摘要: The old man is no coward; he is a man of high spirits. A. rather than B. on the contrary C. on the other hand D. at the same time



     One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd gathered.and they all admired his heart for it was  41 . There was not a scar in it. Suddenly, an old man appeared and said, “Why, your heart is not nearly as beautiful as  42 .”

  The crowd and the young man looked at the old man’s  43 . It was full of scars, it had places  44  pieces had been removed and other pieces 45  in, but they didn’t fit quite right, and there were several  46  edges. In fact, in some places there were deep gaps where whole pieces were missing.

  The young man laughed. “  47  your heart with mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars.”

  “Yes,” said the old man, “Yours  48  perfect but I would never trade with you. You see, every 49  represents a person  50  I have given my love. I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and often they 51  me a piece of their heart that fits into the  52  place in my heart. But because the pieces aren’t exact, I have some rough edges, which I cherish, because they remind me of the love we  53 .

  “Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart  54 , and the other person hasn’t returned a  55  of his or her heart to me. These are the empty gaps—giving love is  56  a chance. Although these gaps are painful, they  57  open, reminding me of the love I have for those people too, and I hope someday they may return and fill the space I have been waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?’’

  The young man walked up to the old man,  58  his perfect heart, and tipped a piece out. He  59  it to the old man.

  The old man placed it in his heart, then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the young man’s heart. It  60 , but not perfectly, as there were some jagged edges.

  The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man’s heart flowed into his.

  They embraced and walked away side by side.

A.ugly     B.perfect      C.beautiful    D.hurt

A.mine     B.his        C.theirs     D.ours

A.coat     B.appearance    C.face      D.heart

A.that     B.which      C.where     D.whose

A.cut      B.set       C.put       D.brought

A.smooth    B.rough      C.broken     D.pretty

A.Comparing   B.Compared    C.Compare    D.Compares

A.looks     B.seems      C.is       D.fits

A.one      B.heart       C.piece      D.scar

A.on whom   B.in whom     C.with whom    D.to whom

A.take     B.give       C.lend      D.pass

A.empty    B.full        C.original     D.first

A.had      B.gave       C.shared     D.owned

A.in      B.away       C.off      D.up

A.lot      B.sheet       C.piece     D.pile

A.making    B.taking      C.keeping    D.bringing

A.keep     B.cut       C.come     D.stay

A.carried away  B.reached into   C.took out    D.brought up

A.offered    B.took      C.passed     D.served

A.fit      B.hit       C.beat      D.set



  Most English people have two or three names, but some Spaniards have a lot more.

  A Spaniard and his wife went to a foreign country in their car and drove around in it for several weeks.They always slept in big hotels in towns at night, but then something in their car broke.They took it to a garage, and the men there repaired it, but it took a long time, and the Spaniard and his wife were very late after that.

  They did not reach a town that evening, but came to a small village in the middle of the night.They were very tired, and the next town was forty miles away.They got out of their car and looked for a hotel in the small streets.They walked around the village for a quarter of an hour, and then they found a small hotel.There were not any others in the village.

  There were no lights in the hotel, but the Spaniard went to the door and knocked at it.He waited for a minute, but nobody came to the door.

  He knocked again and waited another minute, but again no one came.

  Then he found a bell and rang it.He rang it for several minutes, and then a window at the top of the hotel opened.An old man looked out of the window and said, “What do you want?”

  “Good evening,” the Spaniard said “Have you got any free rooms? We’re very tired.”

  It was very dark in the street, and the old man said, “Who are you?

  The Spaniard said, “We are Don Ramon Roberto Nanuel Claudio Rodriguez Rafael Eduardo de Salas and Dona Maria Conchita Diana Marcelina Roberta Mercedes Manuela de Salas.”

  The old man did not speak for a few seconds, and then he said, “There are a lot of you.This is a small hotel, and we haven’t got more than two free rooms.”Then he closed the window.


The Spaniards did not reach a town that evening because ________.

[  ]


they had to leave their car in the garage


their car broke when they got to a small village


they had stayed in the garage too long


they couldn’t find the way to the next town


They found a small hotel ________.

[  ]


fifteen minutes after they got to the village


early in the morning


as soon as they got out of their car


after they walked around the village a long time


The old man opened the window ________.

[  ]


when he heard a knock at the door


after the Spaniard knocked for a while


as soon as the Spaniard rang the bell


after the bell rang for a few minutes


Why did the old man not let the Spaniards stay for the night in his hotel?

[  ]


He didn’t like Spaniards.


He thought their names were too long.


He had no empty rooms.


He thought there were too many Spaniards.


A free room is one which is ________.

[  ]


not being used


for sale


less expensive


prepared for a late traveler


   The old man walked with a cane(拐杖) slowly into the restaurant. His poor jacket, patched (打补丁的) trousers, and worn-out shoes made him stand out from the usual Saturday morning breakfast crowd. Unforgettable were his pale blue eyes that were bright like diamonds, large rosy cheeks, and thin lips held in a smile.

He walked toward a table by the window. A young waitress watched him and ran over to him, saying, “Here, Sir. Let me give you a hand with that chair.”

Without a word, he smiled and nodded a thank you. She pulled the chair away from the table. Steadying(稳住) him with one arm, she helped him move in front of the chair, and get comfortably seated. Then she pushed the table up close to him, and leaned his cane against the table where he could reach it.

In a soft, clear voice he said, “Thank you, Miss.”

“You are welcome, Sir.” She replied. “My name is Mary. I’ll be back in a moment. If you need anything, just wave at me!”

After he had finished a hearty meal of pancakes, bacon, and hot lemon tea, Mary brought him the change, helping him up from his chair and out from behind the table. She handed him his cane, and walked with him to the front door. Holding the door open for him, she said, “Come back and see us, Sir!”

He nodded a thank you and said softly with a smile, “You are very kind!”

When Mary went to clean his table, she was surprised. Under his plate she found a business card and a note written on the napkin, under which was a $100 bill.

The note on the napkin read, “Dear Mary, I respect you very much, and you respect yourself, too. It shows by the way you treat others. You have found the secret of happiness. Your kind gestures will shine through those who meet you.”

The man she had served was the owner of the restaurant. This was the first time that she, or any of his employees, had seen him in person(亲自).

71. The relationship between the old man and Mary was ______. 

A. father and daughter                B. employer and employee

C. waiter and customer                         D. uncle and nephew

72. Based on the passage, all of the following words can be used to describe Mary except _____.

A. kind       B. considerate       C. helpful       D. calm

73. Mary ran over to the old man because _______.

A. the old man was the boss of the restaurant

B. she saw the old man had some difficulty moving and taking a seat

C. she was worried that the old man might cause trouble to the restaurant

D. the old man had asked her to wait on him

74. The man came to the restaurant _______.

A. to have breakfast

B. to see his employees

C. to find out how his restaurant was working

D. to see how Mary served customers

75. The words the man left on the napkin indicated that _______.

A. respecting others means respecting oneself

B. serving others is a respectable job

C. Mary would get a rise as a result of her kindness

D. Mary’s kind service would bring in more money for her



第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


  One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd gathered.and they all admired his heart for it was  31 . There was not a scar in it. Suddenly, an old man appeared and said, “Why, your heart is not nearly as beautiful as  32 .”

  The crowd and the young man looked at the old man’s  33 . It was full of scars, it had places  34  pieces had been removed and other pieces  35  in, but they didn’t fit quite right, and there were several  36  edges. In fact, in some places there were deep gaps where whole pieces were missing.

  The young man laughed. “  37  your heart with mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars.”

  “Yes,” said the old man, “Yours  38  perfect but I would never trade with you. You see, every  39  represents a person  40  I have given my love. I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and often they  41  me a piece of their heart that fits into the  42  place in my heart. But because the pieces aren’t exact, I have some rough edges, which I cherish, because they remind me of the love we  43 .

  “Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart  44 , and the other person hasn’t returned a  45  of his or her heart to me. These are the empty gaps—giving love is  46  a chance. Although these gaps are painful, they  47  open, reminding me of the love I have for those people too, and I hope someday they may return and fill the space I have been waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?’’

  The young man walked up to the old man,  48  his perfect heart, and tipped a piece out. He  49  it to the old man.

  The old man placed it in his heart, then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the young man’s heart. It  50 , but not perfectly, as there were some jagged edges.

  The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man’s heart flowed into his.

  They embraced and walked away side by side.

31.A.ugly          B.perfect      C.beautiful     D.hurt

32.A.mine         B.his          C.theirs          D.ours

33.A.coat         B.appearance    C.face           D.heart

34.A.that        B.which       C.where       D.whose

35.A.cut           B.set            C.put          D.brought

36.A.smooth       B.rough          C.broken             D.pretty

37.A.Comparing    B.Compared    C.Compare     D.Compares

38.A.looks        B.seems          C.is           D.fits

39.A.one        B.heart       C.piece         D.scar

40.A.on whom           B.in whom      C.with whom    D.to whom

41.A.take          B.give        C.lend        D.pass

42.A.empty         B.full            C.original       D.first

43.A.had           B.gave        C.shared       D.owned

44.A.in           B.away         C.off         D.up

45.A.lot            B.sheet          C.piece       D.pile

46.A.making       B.taking       C.keeping      D.bringing

47.A.keep          B.cut         C.come         D.stay

48.A.carried away  B.reached into    C.took out      D.brought up

49.A.offered      B.took        C.passed      D.served

50.A.fit             B.hit           C.beat           D.set




     One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd gathered.and they all admired his heart for it was  41 . There was not a scar in it. Suddenly, an old man appeared and said, “Why, your heart is not nearly as beautiful as  42 .”

  The crowd and the young man looked at the old man’s  43 . It was full of scars, it had places  44  pieces had been removed and other pieces 45  in, but they didn’t fit quite right, and there were several  46  edges. In fact, in some places there were deep gaps where whole pieces were missing.

  The young man laughed. “  47  your heart with mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars.”

  “Yes,” said the old man, “Yours  48  perfect but I would never trade with you. You see, every 49  represents a person  50  I have given my love. I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and often they 51  me a piece of their heart that fits into the  52  place in my heart. But because the pieces aren’t exact, I have some rough edges, which I cherish, because they remind me of the love we  53 .

  “Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart  54 , and the other person hasn’t returned a  55  of his or her heart to me. These are the empty gaps—giving love is  56  a chance. Although these gaps are painful, they  57  open, reminding me of the love I have for those people too, and I hope someday they may return and fill the space I have been waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?’’

  The young man walked up to the old man,  58  his perfect heart, and tipped a piece out. He  59  it to the old man.

  The old man placed it in his heart, then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the young man’s heart. It  60 , but not perfectly, as there were some jagged edges.

  The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man’s heart flowed into his.

  They embraced and walked away side by side.

1.A.ugly     B.perfect      C.beautiful    D.hurt

2.A.mine     B.his        C.theirs     D.ours

3.A.coat     B.appearance    C.face      D.heart

4.A.that     B.which      C.where     D.whose

5.A.cut      B.set       C.put       D.brought

6.A.smooth    B.rough      C.broken     D.pretty

7.A.Comparing   B.Compared    C.Compare    D.Compares

8.A.looks     B.seems      C.is       D.fits

9.A.one      B.heart       C.piece      D.scar

10.A.on whom   B.in whom     C.with whom    D.to whom

11.A.take     B.give       C.lend      D.pass

12.A.empty    B.full        C.original     D.first

13.A.had      B.gave       C.shared     D.owned

14.A.in      B.away       C.off      D.up

15.A.lot      B.sheet       C.piece     D.pile

16.A.making    B.taking      C.keeping    D.bringing

17.A.keep     B.cut       C.come     D.stay

18.A.carried away  B.reached into   C.took out    D.brought up

19.A.offered    B.took      C.passed     D.served

20.A.fit      B.hit       C.beat      D.set



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