摘要:第二节 完形填空.(共20小题.每小题1.5分.满分30分) I live in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and there are some homeless people in the downtown. I used to give a lot of money to the 36 ,feeling sorry for them. However, after becoming a single mom with no home, a huge 37 and hardly any income, I 38 giving. Through working hard, things started to change for the better. I 39 a home for me and my daughter, and plenty of food, and I starded to 40 myself out of debt. One day I saw a homeless person with a 41 “will work for food . I passed by. My daughter said, “ Mommy, you used to give to those people in need.But now-’’I replied, “Honey, they just use that money for drugs or other 42 things,’’ But when I said that, I didn’ t feel 43 Three days later, I was driving to 44 my daughter from school. A man was 45 on the corner looking worried, and suddenly something deep inside me said, “Just help the guy.’’ So I 46 down my window, and he ran 47 with joy. He said, “Kind lady, I only need 77 cents for the bus ticket.’’ I reached into my pocket and found that I didn t take my 48 . I, with a red face, spread out my hands to show that I was in no 49 to help him. But just when he 50 away, I called to him, “Wait a moment!’’ I found in myashtray there sat three quarters and two pennies. 51 enough, it was the very 77 cents. Tears in eyes,he burst out with 52 ,“Wow, you just made it possible for me to see my mom for Christmas! Thank you so much!’’ It is the moment that I’ll never forget, 53 I am the one who gets the best gift in life---- 54 . It also strikes me that nothing happens by accident, 55 it is only 77 cents 36.A. poor B. old C. homeless D. sick 37.A. debt B. chance C. check D. problem 38. A. continued B. forgot C.hated D.stopped 39.A.earned B.sold C.designed D.built 40.A.push B.pull C.force D.leave 41.A.mark B.symbol C.sign D.card 42.A.dangerous B.bad C.great D.good 43.A.sad B.happy C.wrong D.right 44.A.dress up B.pick up C.bring up D. call up 45. A. lying B. smiling C. standing D. crying 46, A. rolled B. took C. put D. brought 47. A. away B. in C. over D. out 48. A. phone B. purse C. food D. chequebook 49.A. doubt B. time C. hurry D. position 50 A. ran B. flew C. drove D. turned 51. A. Naturally B. Impossibly C. Surprisingly D.Luckily 52.A.joy B.shock C.disappointment D.satifaction 53.A.because B.when C. although D. after 54. A. RECEIVING B. SHARING C. HELPING D. GIVING 55. A. unless B. although C. because D. whether


第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
I can still remember the first day when I met my best friend. She had just moved into the neighborhood (邻里)and her grandmother brought her down to  36  me. I hid behind my mother and she hid behind her grandmother,  37  to look at each other. Soon we lost the  38  and started playing with each other.
In the 7th grade, I first lost touch with her. She was  39  family problems and I deserted her to be with the “cooler people”. None of my new friends liked her as much as I did  40  they knew she had  41  . However, every summer we  42  always sit at each other’s house and watch soap operas (肥皂剧)and talk about all the boys we liked.
It was last year when I noticed the problem. I guessed I was  43  devoted in high school to  __44  she needed someone there for her. Anyway, she made a new  “best firiend” and so did I. Then I didn’t know why,  45  she started cutting herself!
She then was diagnosed as clinical depression (临床抑郁症). At first, I was very  46  , but we still stayed in  47  . I wanted to be there for her since her new best friends basically  48  her and people were calling her  49  .
Yesterday she came to me and said: “I never knew what a best friend was  50  you were the only person that would stop me from cutting. 1  51  you so much, and you didn’t even know you were  52  me.”
We both cried. And I think a kind of  53  from my life so far is to never give up on (放弃)your friends. Even if they aren’t as cool as others, or people think they are crazy, they need  54__ there. If you desert them, you will only be   55  yourself.
36. A. follow  B. meet   C. join    D. support
37. A. scared   B. angry  C. worried      D. delighted
38. A. temper  B. interest       C. confidence  D. shyness
39. A. working out     B. answering for      C. going through    D. helping with
40. A. though  B. because      C. while  D. yet
41. A. problems     B. shortcomings      C. partners       D. disabilities
42. A. should  B. could  C. would D. might
43. A. much    B. too     C. only    D. just
44. A. admit   B. accept C. consider     D. realize
45. A. but           B. for    C. or           D. so
46. A. mad     B. careless      C. upset   D. hopeful
47. A. place    B. touch  C. control       D. mood
48. A. confused      B. bothered     C. reminded    D. deserted
49. A. crazy    B. selfish C. brave  D. lonely
50. A. since    B. when  C. until   D. if
51. A. expect  B. influence          C. appreciate   D. demand
52. A. cheating       B. reminding         C. helping       D. praising
53. A. honour B. favour C. pleasure     D. lesson
54. A. someone      B. something         C. anyone       D. everything
55. A. unguilty       B. successful         C. guilty   D. reliable


第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
My baby Rob, the youngest of my three sons, was starting kindergarten. I had already 36 this twice before, but this time it was more difficult. [来源:Z&xx&k.Com]
What if he was scared? What if he missed me? I decided to do the grown-up thing and not tell him how I 37. I assured him that 38 would be just fine. 
The night 39 school started, Rob and I sat down. I hugged him and asked if he had any questions about what he could expect tomorrow ... “I’m 40 excited, Mommy, but I’m a little 41 about what I should do 42 I miss you,” he said sheepishly (胆怯地).
I had just the 43 for him.
I 44 my hand and showed him a new, shiny penny. “This is a 45 magic penny. If you’re scared or if you 46 me, just put your hand in your pocket and 47 this lucky penny. 48 you hold it and 49 me, I will know and be thinking about you , too.”
It was absolutely 50. I’d be thinking about him every minute.
The next day as he 51 his schoolroom, he looked back at me. My baby looked so sure of himself. I smiled back at him and hoped that he didn’t see the 52 in my eyes.
The hours moved slowly but finally it was time to pick him 53. “I had a great day!” he 54. “There were a few times I was worried, but I held on to my lucky penny and that made me feel better.”
After about a week I found it on his dresser.  I guessed he was secure enough in his new situation that he didn’t 55 it anymore.
I, on the other hand, kept it in my pocket for a few more days.
36. A. looked into      B. gone through            C. turned into        D. brought out  
37. A. escaped            B. left               C. arrived         D. felt
38. A. everything       B. nothing            C. someone      D. something
39. A. after             B. until             C. before         D. till
40. A. really           B. seldom           C. possibly       D. hardly
41. A. worried          B. disappointed       C. pleased       D. angry 
42. A. unless                B. whenever             C. though         D. if
43. A. reply             B. answer                  C. key             D. result
44. A. closed           B. covered           C. opened         D. hid 
45. A. light            B. round             C. cheap           D. lucky
46. A. remember       B. see                  C. miss             D. refuse 
47. A. hold on to        B. take away           C. get back       D. take care of 
48. A. Some times       B. Every time        C. Any time            D. At times
49. A. turn down             B. refer to            C. think of          D. look up to
50. A. false                 B. true                C. impossible       D. uncertain 
51. A. left            B. passed            C. cleaned          D. entered
52. A. blood            B. water              C. tears            D. sweat  
53. A. out               B. up              C. in             D. away
54. A. cheered         B. signed             C. cried         D. whispered
55. A. forget            B. respect            C. help          D. need


第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)
Ted Thomason was considered one of the students who showed the least interest in school. Whenever Miss Daisy talked with him, he would answer with a   41    “yes” or “no”. He was always in dirty clothes. His hair was   42    combed(梳). No one liked him. Miss Daisy had to admit that she felt sort of improper   43    when she graded his paper with an “F” (Fail).
It was Christmas. Presents from the boys and girls were piled up on her desk. Miss Daisy was   44   to find one of them was from Ted. It was an ugly   45    with half of the stones missing. The students raised a great noise at Ted’s present, but Miss Daisy realized she must put it on and   46    the class. She even asked whether it looked pretty   47    her. Class was over, and   48    all went home, Ted went up to the desk and, in a(n)   49    voice, he said, “Miss Daisy, Miss Daisy … I am so glad you   50    my present. You smile like my mother and her necklace is really beautiful on you.” After Ted   51   , Miss Daisy fell on her knees, begging God to forgive her: Ted’s mother   52    just a year ago and she was treating him in a way she shouldn’t be!
The next day, the children found a completely new teacher. Miss Daisy  53    into a different person. She did all she could to help each child in her class,   54    those with poor lessons and among them was Ted. At the end of the year, Ted made great    55 _. He caught up with most of the class, and   56    got ahead of some of them. Several years later, Ted graduated with honors from high school; another four years, Ted left his   57   as a best graduate. Again four years later, Miss Daisy received a letter,   58   her to Dr. Ted Thomason’s wedding. Of course, she   59   the party. And she was set in the seat intended for Ted’s   60    — her love and what she did were unforgettable for Ted all his life.
41. A. cold            B. happy               C. silent             D. direct
42. A. often          B. sometimes          C. never                   D. always
43. A. dislike               B. pride              C. disappointment     D. pleasure
44. A. surprised             B. happy              C. interested          D. puzzled
45. A. chain            B. necklace            C. watch             D. dress
46. A. frighten              B. comfort            C. calm             D. punish
47. A. around         B. on                 C. over                    D. with
48. A. since           B. until               C. before            D. after
49. A. friendly              B. eager              C. excited            D. worried
50. A. receive        B. praise              C. recognize          D. like
51. A. cried          B. talked              C. left               D. finished
52. A. visited         B. died                       C. disappeared        D. suffered
53. A. changed              B. grew              C. got                     D. went
54. A. exactly        B. completely           C. namely             D. especially
55. A. interest          B. presents                C. progress           D. necklaces
56. A. ever                  B. even              C. still              D. yet
57. A. college        B. school             C. class              D. course
58. A. reminding            B. requiring            C. telling            D. inviting
59. A. answered             B. attended            C. accepted          D. organized
60. A. teacher        B. friend              C. mother                  D. Lover


第二节   完形填空(共20小题,每小题1分,满分20分)
I am a mother of three,and have recently completed my college degree.The last class I had to  36 was Sociology.The teacher’s last  37 of the term was called“Smile.”The class was asked to  38 and smile at three people.My husband,youngest son and I headed for McDonald’s.It was just our  39 of sharing special playtime with our son.We were standing in line,waiting to be 40  when all of a sudden everyone around us began to back away and then 41  my husband did.
I sensed a 42 smell and turned around.and there 43  behind me were two poor homeless men.As I 4 4 down at the short gentleman 4 5  to me,he was“smiling”.The second man rubbed his hands stupidly as he stood   46  his friend.   。
I was so touched by the   47 that I held my tears as I stood there with them.The young lady at the 48 asked him what they wanted.He said,“Coffee is all,Miss;”because that was all they could  49 .Then I smiled and asked the young lady behind the counter to give me two more breakfast meals on a  50  tray.Then I walked to the table that the men had chosen as a resting spot.I put the tray on the table and   51  my hand on the blue-eyed gentleman’s cold hand.He looked up at me,with   52  in his eyes,and said,“Thank you.”I started to cry as I walked away to  53 my husband and son.
I returned to my  54 on the last evening of class,with this story in hand.I turned in“my project”.I   55 with one of the biggest lessons I would ever learn.
36.A.teach           B.attend                 C.pass                D.turn
3 7.A.goal           B.paper                C.project            D.degree
38.A.get together   B.go out                C.stay inside       D.keep calm
39.A.field            B.way                    C.chance            D.interest
40.A.served         B.charged               C.expected         D.ordered
41.A.only            B.even                   C.just                 D.still
42.A.good           B.stressful              C.horrible          D.pleasant
43.A.standing      B.falling                C.1ying              D.sitting
44.A.threw          B.headed                C.looked            D.seated
45.A.generous      B.close              C.friendly          D.similar
46.A.before         B.behind                C.after                  D.over
47.A.smell           B.condition        C.health         D.smiles
48.A.counter        B.chair                  C.door                  D.table
49.A.eat              B.afford                 C.find                D.cook
50.A.separate       B.beautiful             C.large               D.expensive
51.A.laid             B.set                      C.caught            D.stuck
52.A.smiles         B.surprises             C.pities              D.tears
53.A.search         B.join                    C.invite              D.get
54.A.home                 B.job                     C.college            D.work
55.A.dealt           B.did                     C.graduated        D.dropped


第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
Most people hate rock music.  36  I am not by nature an unpersonable or biased (有偏见的)person, two personal  37  of rock music during the past two weeks have  38  me that it has become a  39  for those of us with enough common sense to see its potential dangers to  40  . My first experience was the  41 that if I spoke to my teenage son when he was listening to rock music through headphones, he replied in an  42  loud voice, as if there was something wrong with his  43  . The second occurred when I went with him to a “  44  ” and saw for myself what these affairs are like.
45 I went to that concert, I had always taken the “live-and-let-live”  46  that rock music was simply not my taste but that other people had every  47  to enjoy it if it was theirs. But what I saw and heard made me believe that we are  48  something very powerful to take possession of the younger generation. In the first place, I noticed a collective madness, brought about by the  49  level. But secondly, and far more  50  , I observed that after a time everyone was  51  by the noise. By the end I was in the middle of a faceless  52  who clapped and stamped and jumped around like  53  . I seriously believe that in time to come our  54 younger generation would thank us if we managed to put a  55  to it now.
36. A. If                       B. While               C. When                D. Even
37. A. happenings          B. hearings            C. experiences        D. affairs
38. A. persuaded           B. treated                     C. punished           D. encouraged
39. A. job                            B. problem            C. pleasure            D. duty
40. A. let them out        B. pick them up     C. find them out     D. point them out
41. A. satisfaction          B. realization         C. excitement         D. disappointment
42. A. unnaturally         B. unfairly             C. unfortunately     D. unexpectedly
43. A. hearing               B. mind                 C. voice                D. thought
44. A. lecture                B. party                 C. concert              D. ball
45. A. Since                  B. Until                 C. After                 D. As
46. A. attitude               B. decision            C. chance                 D. opinion
47. A. position                 B. reason               C. right                 D. time
48. A. inviting                 B. leading              C. allowing            D. preventing
49. A. dance                 B. music                C. sound                D. noise
50. A. safely                 B. obviously          C. naturally           D. dangerously
51. A. carried along          B. carried out         C. taken on        D. brought up
52. A. team                   B. crowd               C. group                D. people
53. A. artists                 B. dancers             C. monkeys           D. sportsmen
54. A. modern               B. former                     C. lovely               D. present
55. A. measure                 B. stop                  C. praise                D. start


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