摘要: A. enjoyed B. found C. disliked D. lived


第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


My mother used to ask me what is the most important part of the body . Through the years I would 21  the correct answer . When I was younger , I thought  22   was very important to us as humans , so I said , “My ears , Mummy .” She said , “No. Many people are 23 . But you keep thinking about it and I will ask you again soon.”

Several years passed before she asked me again . Since making my first  24  , I had often thought over the question . So this time I told her , “Mummy , it must be our eyes .”She looked at me and said, “You are  25 fast , but the answer is not correct because there are many people who are blind.”

26  the years , mother asked me a couple more27 and always her response to my answers was , “No, but you are getting  28every year , my child.” Then last year , my Grandpa  29 . Everybody was heart broken . Everybody was crying . My mum looked at me when it was our 30  to say our final good-bye to Grandpa . She asked me , “Do you know the most important body part yet , my dear?”

I was 31 when she was asking me this now . I always thought this was a 32    between her and me .She saw the 33 on my face and told me , “This question is very important . It shows that you have really 34your life.” I saw her eyes well up with tears . She said , “My dear , the most important body part is your 35  .” I asked , “Is it because they hold up your head?” She replied , “No , it is  36 on them a crying friend or loved one can rest their head . I only hope that you have enough  37    and friends that you will have a shoulder to cry 38  when you need it.” Then and there I understood the most important body part is not a  39  one . It is sympathetic(同情的)to the pain of    40    .

21.A.notice      B.believe in        C.doubt       D.guess at

22.A.love        B.health      C.sound      D.sight

23.A.blind       B.deaf C.invisible   D.thoughtful

24.A.discovery        B.decision   C.attempt    D.suggestion

25.A.learning   B.thinking   C.growing   D.changing

26.A.Before     B.Till   C.Beyond    D.Over

27.A.ways B.things      C.questions D.times

28.A.stronger   B.taller       C.smarter    D.nicer

29.A.left   B.got ill      C.died                  D. got wounded

30.A.duty        B.turn C.pity D.chance

31.A.shocked   B.satisfied   C.interested        D.excited

32.A.game       B.test   C.match      D.secret

33.A.worry      B.puzzlement C.regret     D.pain

34.A.enjoyed   B.found      C.disliked    D.lived

35.A.shoulders        B.feet C.hands       D.hair

36.A.how        B.because    C.why D.whether

37.A.respect     B.favour     C.love D.fun

38.A.by    B.on    C.above      D.for

39.A.valuable   B.useful      C.selfish      D.precious

40.A.others      B.the deaf   C.Grandpa   D.the blind



Once upon a time, there was a bird made of stone. She was beautiful and magic. She lived near the entrance to a beautiful      between two mountains. The bird was so      that she had to walk on the ground instead of      in the sky.

Though she couldn’t fly, she      looking up at the trees every day. She      one day being able to fly and see the      forest from up high.      , that dream was gone after a great fire.

When the fire was      put out, all that was left of the trees were stumps(树桩).      plants and animals that had live there were gone. The stone bird was the only one that didn’t      in the fire. When she saw what had      to the trees, she felt very sad. Looking at the burnt trees, she couldn’t      crying. She cried for hours and days. She cried with such a feeling that her      were wearing away her stone     . Finally all her body was worn away and the bird had      some water.

But when the      came out, the water rose into the sky and became a happy little cloud which could fly over the trees and see everything     .

Since then, the little cloud has traveled all over the world. She enjoyed the      of all the forests and beautiful countryside. She never      what had burnt the trees, so she was very careful to pour her rain down on any tree she saw     . She saved a lot of trees.

1.A. field            B. lake                   C. sea                         D. forest

2.A. proud                  B. surprising         C. heavy           D. pretty

3.A. walking                B. trying                C. singing              D. flying

4.A. needed               B. began                C. enjoyed                D. disliked

5.A. made up              B. dreamed of       C. gave up           D. talked about

6.A. dusty                   B. poor                  C. small                    D. beautiful

7.A. However             B. Also                         C. Therefore               D. So

8.A. sadly           B. possibly                   C. finally                 D. suddenly

9.A. Some          B. All                            C. Few                          D. No

10.A. change              B. live                           C. watch                 D.die

11.A. happened         B. come                  C. moved                 D. climbed

12.A. continue  B. start                    C. keep                         D. stop

13.A. minds                B. feelings                   C. hands            D. tears

14.A. house                B. heart                       C. body                        D. habit

15.A. cared about     B. turned into       C. turned up                D. looked for

16.A. star           B. air                            C. moon                       D. sun

17.A. below                B. above                 C. backward                 D. ahead

18.A. views                 B. areas                       C. colours          D. numbers

19.A. found                B. explained               C. forgot                 D. knew

20.A. falling                B. burning                   C. growing                   D. shaking


     A Japanese student called Mami told me about her ownexperiences in Britain.She spent 10 months
in the UK last year, studying English at a language school.She really enjoyed her first two weeks in the
UK.But soon she started to miss things of her own country.She found it hard to make friends,and got
annoyed(恼火的) about local people's behaviour.Mami said,"After a few weeks I started to cry a lot.
I felt homesick.I thought the weather was dark and too changeable,and that affected my mood as well."
    To comfort herself Mami began to spend many hours on the Internet chatting with her friends back
home.She spent a couple of weeks in the countryside in Kent.She went to a social club for British
people who were interested in Japan and started to make some friends there.In addition,  she took a
short course in calligraphy(书法)to get an opportunity of mixing with local people.A few months later,
Mami's impression of the UK had greatly changed.She found that most of the British were friendly,
witty and fun.
      However,once Mami was back in Japan,she experienced "culture shock"again.She said,"I missed
the friends I had made in England.My way of thinking had changed.Sometimes I was annoyed by the
views of people in my country-for example,about the value of money and time.I thought people around
me lived in such a small world."Mami noticed some changes in her behaviour:"I kept the habit of always
carrying an umbrella with me, even on a fine day-my friends  thought I was crazy!"

1. How did Mami feel at the beginning of her stay in Britain?
A. Shocked.  
B. Annoyed.
C. Pleased.  
D. Homesick.

2. The second paragraph tells us ________.
A. how Mami overcame culture shock in Britain
B. how Mami felt as soon as she arrived in Britain
C. what Mami learned in her language school
D. what Mami liked and disliked about Britain

3. The reason why Mami had the habit of carrying an umbrella was that ________.
A. she liked umbrellas very much
B. the umbrella reminded her of her life in the UK
C. she had got used to the changeable weather in Britain
D. it often rained in Japan those days

4. Why did Mami experience culture shock in Japan?
A. She didn't like Japanese culture any more.
B. The world in Japan was too small for her.
C. The Japanese behaviour had changed a lot.
D. She had got used to British culture and life.
     A Japanese student called Mami told me about her ownexperiences in Britain. She spent 10 months in
the UK last year, studying English at a language school. She really enjoyed her first two weeks in the UK.But soon she started to miss things of her own country. She found it hard to make friends,and got annoyed(恼火的) about local people's behaviour. Mami said," After a few weeks I started to cry a lot. I felt
homesick. I thought the weather was dark and too changeable, and that affected my mood as well."
     To comfort herself Mami began to spend many hours on the Internet chatting with her friends back
home. She spent a couple of weeks in the countryside in Kent. She went to a social club for British people who were interested in Japan and started to make some friends there. In addition, she took a short course
in calligraphy (书法) to get an opportunity of mixing with local people. A few months later, Mami's
impression of the UK had greatly changed. She found that most of the British were friendly, witty and fun.
     However, once Mami was back in Japan, she experienced "culture shock" again. She said," I missed the friends I had made in England. My way of thinking had changed. Sometimes I was annoyed by the views of people in my country-for example, about the value of money and time. I thought people around me lived in such a small world." Mami noticed some changes in her behaviour:" I kept the habit of always carrying
an umbrella with me, even on a fine day-my friends thought I was crazy!"
1. How did Mami feel at the beginning of her stay in Britain?
A. Shocked.  
B. Annoyed.
C. Pleased.  
D. Homesick.
2. The second paragraph tells us _____.
A. how Mami overcame culture shock in Britain
B. how Mami felt as soon as she arrived in Britain
C. what Mami learned in her language school
D. what Mami liked and disliked about Britain
3. The reason why Mami had the habit of carrying an umbrella was that _____.
A. she liked umbrellas very much
B. the umbrella reminded her of her life in the UK
C. she had got used to the changeable weather in Britain
D. it often rained in Japan those days
4. Why did Mami experience culture shock in Japan?
A. She didn't like Japanese culture any more.
B. The world in Japan was too small for her.
C. The Japanese behaviour had changed a lot.
D. She had got used to British culture and life.
5. The best title for the passage would be "_____ ".
A. Why not make friends with the British
B. Cultural differences between Britain and Japan
C. Culture shock experienced by a Japanese student
D. How to prepare for culture shock
    My mother used to ask me what is the most important
part of the body. Through the years I would    1   what I
thought was the correct answer. When I was younger, I
thought   2   was very important to us as humans, so I said,
"My ears, Mommy. "She said, "No. Many people are   3     .
But you keep thinking about it and I will ask you again soon. "
    Several years passed   4  she asked me again. Since
making my first    5  , I had often thought of the correct
answer. So  this  time I  told her, " Mommy,  sight  is  very
important to everybody, so it must be our eyes. " She looked at
me and told me, "You are    6     fast, but the answer is not
correct because there are many people who are blind. "
          7     the years, Mother asked me a couple more    8  and
always her answer was, "No, but you are getting     9  every
year, my child." Then last year, my Grandpa died.
Everybody was heart broken. Everybody was crying. My Mom
looked at me when it was our   10   to say our final good-bye
to Grandpa. She asked me, "Do you know the most important
body part yet, my dear?"
    I was   11   when she asked me this now. I always
thought this was a     12     between her and me. She saw the
 13    on my face and told me, "This question is very
important.It shows that you have really   14  your life. " I
saw her eyes well up with tears. She said, "My dear, the most
important body part is your   15  . "I asked, "Is it because it
holds up your head?" She replied, "No, it is    16   on them a
crying friend or loved one can rest their head. I only hope that
you have enough  17 and friends that you will have a
shoulder to cry   18    when you need it. " Then and there I
knew the most important body part is not a    19   one. It is
sympathetic to the pain of   20    .
(     )1. A. notice    
(     )2. A. love      
(     )3. A. blind    
(     )4. A. while    
(     )5. A. discovery
(     )6. A. learning  
(     )7. A. Before    
(     )8. A. ways      
(     )9. A. stronger  
(     )10. A. duty    
(     )11. A. shocked  
(     )12. A. game    
(     )13. A. worry    
(     )14. A. enjoyed  
(     )15. A. shoulders
(     )16. A. how      
(     )17. A. respect  
(     )18. A. by      
(     )19. A. valuable
(     )20. A. others  
B. believe in  
B. health      
B. deaf        
B. once        
B. decision    
B. thinking    
B. Till        
B. things      
B. taller      
B. turn        
B. satisfied    
B. test        
B. puzzlement  
B. found        
B. feet        
B. because      
B. favor        
B. on          
B. useful      
B. the deaf    
C. doubt      
C. sound      
C. invisible  
C. after      
C. attempt    
C. growing    
C. Beyond    
C. questions  
C. smarter    
C. pity      
C. interested
C. match      
C. regret    
C. disliked  
C. hands      
C. why        
C. love      
C. above      
C. selfish    
C. Grandpa    
D. guess at    
D. sight        
D. thoughtful  
D. before      
D. suggestion  
D. changing    
D. Over        
D. times        
D. nicer        
D. chance      
D. excited      
D. secret      
D. pain        
D. lived        
D. hair        
D. whether      
D. fun          
D. for          
D. precious    
D. the blind    

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