摘要:49.The passage tells us that erosion is a problem which . A.first began in the United States in 1933 B.occurs mainly in river areas C.affects many parts of the world D.is becoming more and more serious



  A serious threat(威胁)to farmers in many parts of the world is erosion.Erosion occurs if a large area of land is cleared of trees and is then badly treated by the farmers.The rain and winds may gradually wash away, or blow away, much of the topsoil.When thin happens, crops of wheat or corn become weaker and weaker until nothing grows well.If erosion continues, it will turn good land into a desert.

  In the past, when erosion appeared, farmers sometimes moved to a new place to farm.Sometimes they could not move, but continued to try to grow food in the unhealthy soil.This caused them to sink into poverty.Soon some people realized that there was little rich, fertile(肥沃的)soil in the world, government began to try to stop erosion.

  One of the first experiments to stop erosion began in the United States in 1933.The experiment was carried out in the area of the Tennessee River.Floods and bad farming in this area had destroyed land that had once been rich.As a result, most of the people living around the Tennessee River were very poor.The government built big dams across the river and stored the water for use during the dry season when there was no rain.The government workers also helped farmers to fertilize their soil and to learn new farming methods which could stop erosion.

  At the beginning, the farmers were not interested.But soon, good healthy crops began to appear on the land where new methods were used.Ten years after the extremely prosperous(繁荣的)harvest, the great success of this experiment had led similar projects in the other parts of the world.


The word“erosion”in the first paragraph means ________.

[  ]


the clearing of trees


excessive(极度的)use of the land


the destruction of crops


gradual loss of topsoil


The passage tells us that erosion is a problem which ________.

[  ]


first began in the United States in 1933


occurs mainly in river areas


affects many parts of the world


is becoming more and more serious


The main purpose of this passage is to tell people ________.

[  ]


how erosion occurs


the serious results of erosion


something can be done to prevent erosion


the importance of using new farming methods


The main method used to prevent erosion was ________.

[  ]


to build dams


to keep the topsoil


to grow healthy crops


to stop farming


A serious threat to farmers in many parts of the world is erosion. Erosion occurs if a large area of land is cleared of trees and is then badly treated by the farmers. The rain and winds may gradually wash away, or blow away, much of the topsoil. When this happens, crops of wheat or corn become weaker and weaker until nothing grows well. If erosion continues, it will turn good land into a desert.

In the past, when erosion appeared, farmers sometimes moved to a new place to farm. Sometimes they could not move, but continued to try to grow food in the unhealthy soil. This caused them to sink into poverty. Soon some people realized that there was little rich, fertile soil in the world, government began to try to stop erosion.

One of the first experiments to stop erosion began in the United States in 1933. The experiment was carried out in the area of the Tennessee River. Floods and had farming in this area had ruined(毁坏)land that had once been rich. As a result, most of the people living around the Tennessee River were very poor.

The government built big dams across the river and stored the water for use during the dry season when there was no rain. The government workers also helped farmers to fertilize their soil and to learn new farming methods which could stop erosion.

At the beginning, the farmers were not interested. But soon,  good healthy crops began to appear on the land where new methods where used. Ten years after the extremely prosperous, the great success of this experiment had led similar projects in the other parts of the world.


53.The word “erosion” in the first paragraph means        .

       A.the clearing of trees                                    B.excessive(极度)use of the land

       C.the destruction of crops                              D.gradual loss of topsoil

54.The passage tells us that erosion is a problem which        .

       A.first began in the United States in 1933

       B.occurs mainly in river areas

       C.affects many parts of the world

       D.is becoming more and more serious

55.In the second paragraph, “to sink into poverty” means        .

       A.to lose topsoil in erosion

       B.to become weaker and weaker until nothing grows well

       C.to become very poor

       D.to turn into a desert

56.The main purpose of this passage is to tell people        .

      A.how erosion occurs

       B.the importance of using new farming methods

       C.something can be done to prevent erosion

       D.the serious outcomes(后果)of erosion


A serious threat to farmers in many parts of the world is erosion. Erosion occurs if a large area of land is cleared of trees and is then badly treated by the farmers. The rain and winds may gradually wash away, or blow away, much of the topsoil. When this happens, crops of wheat or corn become weaker and weaker until nothing grows well. If erosion continues, it will turn good land into a desert.

In the past, when erosion appeared, farmers sometimes moved to a new place to farm. Sometimes they could not move, but continued to try to grow food in the unhealthy soil. This caused them to sink into poverty. Soon some people realized that there was little rich, fertile soil in the world, government began to try to stop erosion.

One of the first experiments to stop erosion began in the United States in 1933. The experiment was carried out in the area of the Tennessee River. Floods and had farming in this area had ruined(毁坏)land that had once been rich. As a result, most of the people living around the Tennessee River were very poor.

The government built big dams across the river and stored the water for use during the dry season when there was no rain. The government workers also helped farmers to fertilize their soil and to learn new farming methods which could stop erosion.

At the beginning, the farmers were not interested. But soon,  good healthy crops began to appear on the land where new methods where used. Ten years after the extremely prosperous, the great success of this experiment had led similar projects in the other parts of the world.

1.The word “erosion” in the first paragraph means        .

       A.the clearing of trees                                    B.excessive(极度)use of the land

       C.the destruction of crops                              D.gradual loss of topsoil

2.The passage tells us that erosion is a problem which        .

       A.first began in the United States in 1933

       B.occurs mainly in river areas

       C.affects many parts of the world

       D.is becoming more and more serious

3.In the second paragraph, “to sink into poverty” means        .

       A.to lose topsoil in erosion

       B.to become weaker and weaker until nothing grows well

       C.to become very poor

       D.to turn into a desert

4.The main purpose of this passage is to tell people        .

      A.how erosion occurs

       B.the importance of using new farming methods

       C.something can be done to prevent erosion

       D.the serious outcomes(后果)of erosion


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