摘要: A. that B. which C. however D. whatever


A pill,code-named HT-0712,may make forgetfulness a thing of the past. It is being developed in the US and could go on sale within five years.

According to the newspaper The Sun,the wonder drug has been nicknamed “Mind Viagra”and has already been shown to boost the memory power of mice and flies. Next it will be tested on humans. This is just one of a number of drugs in a pharmaceutical (制药的) race to develop an increased memory pill. At least 12 US companies are believed to be working on similar projects.

Tim Tully,the founder of US drug company Helicon Therapeutics,who is in charge of the HT-0712 project,gave this practical example of its use for students:“If it takes two weeks to memorize a verse of Shakespeare,with one of these drugs you might be able to do it in two or three days. ”

“The memory drug business appears to be set to become a multi-million dollar industry,”experts say. This summer,100 Americans suffering mild memory loss will test HT-0712 in the first experiment on people.

“You don’t think better than you did before,you just get the facts in with less practice. There is a growing belief that memory and memory loss is just another treatable condition,”says Tully.

However,there is some doubt whether the drugs can really improve memory. In a study by the US’s Yale University Medical School,researchers suggested that the drug might affect other parts of the memory.

1.Which of the following can be most likely to replace the underlined word “boost” in the second paragraph?

A.Reduce.    B.Increase.     C.Kill.       D.Harm.

2.What will happen to the students most probably if they take HT-0712?

A.They will grow taller.

B.They can memorize things easily.

C.They won’t suffer from illness.

D.They will choose whatever universities they like.

3.The future of HT-0712 can be said     according to experts.

A.dim      B.uncertain     C.bright       D.worried

4.HT-0712 is a pill that     .

A.has bad effect on the health of mice and flies

B.has been experimented on dozens of animals

C.will be experimented on humans this summer

D.is certain to do no harm to human

5.The purpose of writing the passage is to     .

A.warn people the harm of HT-0712

B.introduce to people the advantages of HT-0712

C.tell people something about HT-0712

D.doubt whether it is worth developing HT-0712



A speech is a wonderful opportunity to inform, persuade or entertain. The best speeches often take on a combination of all three of these components(组成部分). However, before you can go about the writing of a great speech, it is important to set goals. Goals keep you,your speech and your audience focused.
What a goal is
In the context of a speech, a goal is the purpose of the speech, and what it hopes to accomplish. For example, the goal of a eulogy(颂歌) might be to celebrate the life of a loved one. The goal of a speech at a political gathering would be to inform the crowd about the political position of a candidate and persuade them to vote and campaign for the candidate in question(正被讨论的).
Why a goal is important
Without a goal, a speech is without direction. The goal informs the structure and content of the speech. For example, if a speech's goal is to convince people that smoking is bad for them, the speech will be structured with persuasive arguments to back up the goal. A speech with a goal of informing the audience will keep the information fair and factual.
A goal is incredibly important to the speech's ability to connect with an audience. If the speaker is unaware of the goal of the speech, the audience will likely be unaware as well. This severely reduces the effectiveness of the message.
Aside from informing the audience of the content and structure, a speech's goal drives the speaker to greater heights. If a speaker is asked to speak on a specific subject, but never establishes the goal, they won't know where to start in the research, organizing and writing of the speech.
If you have been charged with(被委以) delivering a speech, establishing a goal can seem difficult at first. There are several things to take into consideration. First, think about who you will be speaking to. The demographic(人口统计) of your audience will likely determine whether you will be able to persuade them, or whether they will be able to sit through(一直坐到……结束). Second, think about the topic itself. If the topic is something controversial(有争议的), it may worth your while to consider an informative approach to present both sides of the issue. Finally, consider your resources. A speech with an informative or persuasive goal usually requires a great deal of research, and sometimes takes more time to write.
【小题1】According to the passage, what three components does the best speech combine?

A.Informing, delivering and entertaining.
B.Informing, persuading and entertaining.
C.Informing, writing and delivering.
D.Informing, writing and persuading.
【小题2】The goal of a speech at a political gathering might be ________.
A.to persuade the audience to vote for a candidate
B.to celebrate the life of a person you admire
C.to entertain the audience with humor and magic
D.to persuade the audience to buy new products
【小题3】All the following indicate the importance of a speech goal EXCEPT that ________.
A.a speech will lose its direction without a goal
B.a speech goal can help keep the audience aware of the speech
C.a speech goal can help the speaker know about the research, organizing and writing
D.a speech goal makes it possible for the speaker to achieve whatever he wants in life
【小题4】Which of the following can be filled into the blank as the subtitle for the last paragraph?
A.How to achieve a speech goalB.How to deliver a difficult speech
C.What to consider to establish a goalD.What to consider to deliver a speech



Knowing the best way to study will help you to be a better student. By using your time properly, you can do your homework more quickly. Learning to study is not difficult.

The first thing to remember is that you must be willing to learn. It doesn’t mean that you must always like the subject. It does mean, however, that you must be willing to do whatever is necessary to learn. Try to understand why it is important and how it will help you now and later to do and learn other things. Knowing mathematics facts will be useful in your whole life.  Knowing how to spell makes any kind of writing easier. Sometimes subject that you think is going to be uninteresting will be exciting when you begin to work at it and understand it more clearly. Learning things can be fun if you are willing to work with them.

Here’s some advice for you: have a certain time each day and a quiet place with good lighting for study, so that you can concentrate on your study without interruptions(中断); have everything ready before you sit down to study, a dictionary, paper, a pen and books; be sure you understand what you should learn before you start; read carefully and pay special attention to the most important things; when memorizing, first find out the main parts and then recite the whole thing; check your homework after you finish it; never forget the importance of review and preview.

1.The main purpose of the article is______

A.to prove that learning is not difficult

B.to make the readers be interested in study

C.to tell the importance of self teaching

D.to tell the students how to study well

2. We learn things because______

A.our parents want us to learn

B.every student learns at school

C.we may use these things in the future

D.we like the subjects

3.Which of the following is NOT the advice given in the article?

A.To put a pen, paper and books beside you before study.

B.To study at any possible time and place.

C.To review and preview.

D.To pay attention to the most important things.




People all over the world today are beginning to hear and learn more and more about the problem of pollution. Pollution is caused either by man's release of completely new and often artificial substances into the environment, or by releasing greatly increased amounts of a natural substance , such as oil tankers into the sea.

The whole industrial process which makes many of the goods and machines we need and use in our daily lives, is bound to create a number of waste products which upset the environmental balance, or the ecological balance as it is also known. Many of these waste products can be prevented or disposed of sensibly, but clearly while more and more new and complex goods are produce there will be new, dangerous wastes to be disposed of, for example, the waste products from nuclear power stations. Many people, therefore, see pollution as only part of a larger and more complex problem, that is, the whole process of industrial production and consumption of goods. Others again see the problem mainly in connection with agriculture, where new methods are helping farmers grow more and more on their land to feed our ever-increasing populations. However, the land itself is gradually becoming worn out as it is being used in some cases, too heavily, and artificial fertilizer cannot restore the balance.

Whatever its underlying reasons, there is no doubt that much of the pollution caused could be controlled if only companies, individuals and governments would make more efforts. In the home there is an obvious need to control litter and waste. Food comes wrapped up three or four times in packages that all have to be disposed of; drinks are increasingly sold in bottles or tins which cannot be reused. This not only causes a litter problem, but also is a great waste of resources, in term of glass, metals and paper. Advertising has helped this process by persuading many of us not only to buy things we neither want nor need, but also to throw away much of what we do buy. Pollution and waste combine to be a problem everyone can help to solve by cutting out unnecessary buying ,excess consumption and careless disposal of the products we use in our daily lives.

45.The underlined phrase “disposed of ”in the second paragraph means_______.

A. dealt with               B. exposed 

C. disapproved of           D. collected

46. In the writer’s view ,the more new goods, _______.

A. the less pollution             

B. the harder pollution can be prevented

C. the more pollution there will be

D. the more easily pollution can be controlled

47.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. We can do much to reduce pollution.

B. The government is trying hard to stop pollution.

C. Individuals know how to get rid of the habit of littering everywhere.

D. We can’t stop buying unnecessary things.

48. People can help solve the problem of pollution by _______.

A. urging their governments to control litter and waste

B. making anti-pollution advertisements

C. cutting down the use of oil and other oil products

D. reducing unnecessary buying, over-consumption and careless disposal of wastes




Time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable, whether you are a book—lover or merely go there to buy a book as a present. You may even have entered the shop just to find shelter from a sudden shower. Whatever the reason, you can soon become totally unaware of your surroundings.

The desire to pick up a book with an attractive dust jacket is irresistible, although this method of selection ought not to be followed, as you might end up with a rather dull book.

You soon become interested in some book or other, and usually it is only much later that you realize you have spent far too much time there and must dash off to keep some forgotten appointment—without buying a book, of course.

This opportunity to escape the realities of everyday life is, I think, the main attraction of a bookshop. There are not many places where it is possible to do this. A music shop is very much like a bookshop. You can wander round such places to your heart’s content. If it is a good shop, no assistant will approach you with the inevitable greeting:“Can I help you, sir?” You needn’t buy anything you don’t want. In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the background until you have finished browsing. Then, and only then, are his services necessary. Of course, you may want to find out where a particular section is, but when he has led you there, the assistant should retire discreetly(谨慎地) and look as if he is not interested in selling a single book.

You have to be careful not to be attracted by the variety of books in a bookshop. It is very easy to enter the shop looking for a book on, say ancient coins and to come out carrying a copy of the latest best-selling novel and perhaps a book about brass—rubbing—something which had only slightly interested you up till then. This volume on the subject, however, happened to be so well illustrated and the part of the text you read proved so interesting that you just had to buy it. This sort of thing can be very dangerous. Apart from running up a huge account, you can waste a great deal of time wandering from section to section.

63.The underlined phrase “dust jacket” means_______.

A.a kind of clothes                        B.a paper cover of a book

C.a dusty book                            D.a title of a book

64.You may spend too much time in a bookshop because_______.

A.the dust jackets are very attractive

B.you start reading one of the books

C.it is raining outside

D.you have to make sure you won’t buy a dull book as a present

65.In a good bookshop_______.

A.all the books there are interesting       B.the assistant greets you in a warm way

C.your heart is satisfied                D.you feel that you are in a music shop

66.The best title for this passage may be_______.

A.The Attraction of Bookshops          B.How to Spend Your Time

C.Bookshops and Their Assistants       D.How to Select Books



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