An Indian warship destroyed a suspected pirate vessel off the Horn of Africa last November. Finally, here is the language that pirates can understand: 36. a ship.
Several countries have 37. forces to patrol Somali waters in 38. to the growing number of pirate attacks on 39. . But the pirates have only become more brazen (肆无忌惮), 40. larger ships. Pirates even hijacked (劫持) a Saudi 41. that was carrying over $100 million of oil.
Nearly 100 ships were hijacked 42. the Horn of Africa in 2008. Ransoms (赎金) paid to 43. the ships reached nearly $50 million. This has 44. much hand-wringing (much disappointment) in government circles, and some 45. decisions by shipping companies. Some have decided to reroute their ships all the way 46. the Cape of Good Hope. That could 47. over $250,000 to each trip, but it’s better for their ship and crew to be kept by pirates for some weeks.
International patrols are having little 48. . Pirates responded by moving their armed attacks 49. offshore. In effect, they've created a much larger field of play. The Sirius Star was 50. 450 nautical miles off the Kenyan coast, in the Indian Ocean--a 51. of water so vast that 52. forces can't possibly patrol(巡航) it.
It seems that shipping firms have a decision to make: 53. the region altogether or arm their ships to defend off direct attacks. There are some creative ways to do that. A chemical tanker fought off pirates 54. with automatic weapons by releasing foam from fire hoses into the waters around the ship. In 2005, a cruise ship used a Long Range Acoustic Device, capable of causing permanent ear damage and temporary vision loss, to defend off a pirate attack on Somalia's coast.
When shall 55. return to this body of water? People are still seeking the answer.
36. A. Attack B. Sink C. Control D. Drive
37. A. joined B. attended C. gathered D. united
38. A. return B. turn C. response D. favor
39. A. warships B. commercial ships C. fishing ships D. passengers ships
40. A. aiming B. targeting C. intending D. taking
41. A. fishing boat B. goods ship C. passenger ship D. oil tanker
42. A. out B. about C. off D. from
43. A. charge B. seize C. keep D. free
44. A. caused B. led C. did D. brought
45. A. reasonable B. unreasonable C. negative D. sensitive
46. A. about B. over C. around D. beyond
47. A. increase B. put C. make D. add
48. A. effect B. affect C. effort D. afford
49. A. away B. further C. about D. around
50. A. forced B. left C. captured D. broken
51. A. sea B. flow C. mass D. body
52. A. air B. naval C. land D. mixed
53. A. Avoid B. Protect C. Keep D. Guard
54. A. mixed B. combined C. fitted D. armed
55. A. war B. hijack C. peace D. conflict