摘要: A. recorders B. tapes C. instruments D. animals


If you travel in some areas in India, you will be ___31_____enough to be waited on by special guide monkeys. Dressed in waistcoat, the monkeys are always ready to be at your service. Hungry, you only have to point to your own stomach and they will lead you to the __ 32 . ____33___, you put both your hands behind your head and monkeys will take you to the hotel. If you want to drink, monkeys will send you to a bar. But do not feel ___34__ when they put out their hairy hands__35____ the service is done. They’re just asking for a little money as a tip. After that, they wave their hands as if they were saying ___36___ to you .
Believe it or not, the monkeys are from the school for monkeys in India, ___37___ they were ____38____for one year to get their diplomas(学位). They’re not __39___ monkey students in the world. Some are now being trained as ___40______ in an American medical college. These monkeys ___41___ to look after patients and help them with housework.
A three- year- old monkey named Helen had learned to turn ___42___ the light, use a recorder and open doors and windows _43___ he is told to .In the tropical Malaysia where coconut trees are high up to the sky, monkeys would climb to the top and ___44____off the coconut for people. ___45__ the job is done, they would rush to their master, hoping to get some wild fruits as rewards.
31. A. calm              B. familiar      C. angry             D. lucky
32. A. shop              B. restaurant      C. hotel            D. store
33. A. Tired                   B. Thirsty        C. Angry           D. Sorry
34. A. afraid            B. surprised       C. lonely           D. concerned
35. A. before            B. while         C. after             D. till
36. A. sorry            B. hello          C. good-bye        D. thanks
37. A. when             B. which         C. where           D. since
38. A. taught            B. practised        C. trained         D. persuaded
39. A. the only           B. the same       C. different         D. living
40. A. nurses            B. workers        C. cleaners         D. waiters
41. A. are able           B. are unable      C. are about        D. have to
42. A. up and down       B. in and out      C. over            D. on and off
43. A. when             B. before         C. unless          D. till
44. A. take                B. make         C. pick            D. catch
45. A. Although          B. Since         C. Once           D. Because


Classified ads

For direct classified service, call 800-0667 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Monday—Friday.


For rent

Excellent room for girls, begins Jan., 2,4,or 8 months lease(租期). Single,$105-125.Double,$140. Call 800-1932.

Family home, 3 bedrooms, large yard.$275. Call 800-4300


For sale

Sheepskin coat, men’s size 42, 1 year old. $85. After 6 p.m. Call 800-5224.

Color TV21,$150;transistor radio, $15;recorder,$25. Call 800-0739.


Help wanted

Babysitter — My home

If you could find a few hours during the day, some evenings and weekends to care for 2 school-age children, please call 800-1111.



A black bag with a pencil-box and some books left in the reading room. Will the finder please come to Class 3,Grade 1?



A green Jacket was left on the sports ground yesterday afternoon(April 15th).Will the owner please ring 656-6688?

“Classified ads” may probably mean____________.

A. ads about everyone’s life

B .ads giving one some necessary information

C. ads divided into different groups according to a certain rule

D. ads for which you needn’t pay any money

If you want to place an ad, what number should you call?

A. 800-0739.                B.800-1932.          C.800-4300.                 D.800-0667.

If you want to get a used color TV and a recorder, how much will you have to pay?

A.$275.                      B.$150.               C.$25.                        D.$175.

If you want to find a part-time job, you will look at                .

A. For rent                  B. For sale             C .Help wanted             D. Lost

If you can’t find your school card, you will put up a notice at          .

A. Lost                         B. Found               C. Help wanted             D. For sale


Eddie liked music very much. After leaving in                     【小题1】__________
a medical college he went to work in hospital.                     【小题2】_________
There he found that a lot of patient were happier                   【小题3】_________
and caused little trouble if pleasant music was                     【小题4】__________
playing to them. So, when he began to work in his                  【小题5】__________
office he had a recorder playing beautiful music
to keep his patients happy. A morning soon after                    【小题6】 __________
the recorder has been played, a woman, who was                   【小题7】_________
sitting in the crowded waiting room, she complained,                 【小题8】__________
“We’re all waiting here to see the doctor                          【小题9】_________
while he just playing the violin in his office                        【小题10】_________
instead of doing his medical work.”







Eddie liked music very much. After leaving in                      __________

a medical college he went to work in hospital.                      _________

There he found that a lot of patient were happier                    _________

and caused little trouble if pleasant music was                      __________

playing to them. So, when he began to work in his                   __________

office he had a recorder playing beautiful music

to keep his patients happy. A morning soon after                      __________

the recorder has been played, a woman, who was                    _________

sitting in the crowded waiting room, she complained,                 __________

“We’re all waiting here to see the doctor                           _________

while he just playing the violin in his office                         _________

instead of doing his medical work.”







Eddie liked music very much. After leaving in                     1.__________

a medical college he went to work in hospital.                     2._________

There he found that a lot of patient were happier                   3._________

and caused little trouble if pleasant music was                     4.__________

playing to them. So, when he began to work in his                  5.__________

office he had a recorder playing beautiful music

to keep his patients happy. A morning soon after                    6. __________

the recorder has been played, a woman, who was                   7._________

sitting in the crowded waiting room, she complained,                 8.__________

“We’re all waiting here to see the doctor                          9._________

while he just playing the violin in his office                        10._________

instead of doing his medical work.”



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