摘要: A. hoped B. wanted C. decided D. designed


The story of the touchstone(探金石) tells of a man who was told that if he could find the touchstone, its magical powers could give him anything he wanted. It could be found, he was 31 , among the pebbles (卵石) of a beach. All he need to do is  32  a stone.If it feels warm, the magical touchstone is 33 .

The man rushed to the beach without delay. When he  34 a pebble that felt cold, he threw it into the sea. He  35 this practice for weeks. Each pebble felt cold, and each pebble was  36 thrown into the sea..

But one morning, he  37 to take hold of a pebble that felt  38 , unlike the other stones. The man, who had  39 noticed the difference, threw it into the sea. He hadn’t  40 to, but he had formed a habit that can be  41 to break.

Any behavior one   42 is strengthened. Repeated often enough, it becomes a(n)  43 . A Spanish proverb says, “Habits are first cobwebs (蜘蛛网), then cables (钢索).” It works well for  44 habits that first trap us like a cobweb. And if we continue the behavior, the  45 grows stronger and can be as difficult to break as a steel cable.  46 some habits can work in our  47 , such as patterns of our lives, positive attitudes and healthy ways of thinking. We form our habits, then our habits form us  48  .

When it  49 habits, practice may not make perfect. But practice will certainly make permanent. So form the habits you want and let them 50  you into the person you want to be.








A.look on

B.cut into

C.knock down

D.pick up

3.A made            B. found           C. controlled          D. offered






















































































A.in force

B.in addition

C.in return

D.in vain



A.leads to

B.comes to

C.belongs to

D.points to









Have you ever seen a movie in which a building was burnt down or a bridge was destroyed? Have you seen films in which a train crashed or a ship __21_ into the ocean? If so, you may have wondered how these things could happen without __22_the people in the film.

    The man who knows the __23__ is the “special-effects” man. He has one of the most important jobs in the film __24__. He may be __25__ to create a flood or to make a battlefield explode. But he may also be told to create a __26_ effect which is much less exciting, though just as important to the success of the film. In a __27__ for one movie there was a big glass bowl __28__with water in which small fish __29__ swimming. The director of the movie__30__ the fish to stop swimming suddenly __31_ they seemed to stare at(盯着) an actor. Then the director wanted the fish to stop staring and swim away. But fish suddenly __32__ be ordered to do anything. It was quite a __33_.

    The special-effects man __34_ about this problem for a long time. The result was an idea for __35_ the fish with a harmless use of electricity. __36__he applied electricity to the fish bowl causing the fish to be totally still(静止的). Then he rapidly reduced the __37__ of electricity allowing the fish to be free.  __38_ he got the humorous effect the director wanted.

    __39_in other parts of movie making there are those who have developed __40__ skill in creating certain kinds of effects. Jim White, who has been a special-effects man for thirty-two years, is best known for work with ships and airplanes.

21. A .burned         B. sank                    C. fell                     D. dropped

22. A. telling             B. harming            C .protecting       D .organizing

23. A .reply               B .question            C .message          D .secret

24.   A. factory          B. making         C .field                    D .company

25. A .forced                 B .ordered             C .allowed                 D .chosen

26. A. terrible         B. ill               C .good                     D .special

27. A. scene                  B .step                  C .stage                     D. room

28. A. covered              B .asked             C .filled          D. fitted

29. A .liked                   B .enjoyed             C. was                         D .were

30. A. hoped                 B. wanted              C .decided                    D. designed

31. A .while                  B. since                 C. so that                  D. as long as

32. A. mustn’t    B. may not              C .shouldn’t           D .can’t

33. A. question              B. failure        C .problem                   D.disappointment

34. A .talked                  B. set                    C. quarreled                  D .thought

35. A. controlling    B. operating        C. driving                     D .lighting

36. A. As a result           B. Immediately       C. First            D .Above all

37. A. price                   B. number             C .amount                D .speed

38. A. Even            B. Thus            C. Finally            D .Actually

39. A. Like                    B. So                    C. As                       D .Yet

40. A. certain     B .particular             C. advanced          D .careful



Have you ever seen a movie in which a building was burnt down or a bridge was destroyed? Have you seen films in which a train crashed or a ship __21_ into the ocean? If so, you may have wondered how these things could happen without __22_the people in the film.

The man who knows the __23__ is the “special-effects” man. He has one of the most important jobs in the film __24__. He may be __25__ to create a flood or to make a battlefield explode. But he may also be told to create a __26_ effect which is much less exciting, though just as important to the success of the film. In a __27__ for one movie there was a big glass bowl __28__with water in which small fish __29__ swimming. The director of the movie__30__ the fish to stop swimming suddenly __31_ they seemed to stare at(盯着)an actor. Then the director wanted the fish to stop staring and swim away. But fish suddenly __32__ be ordered to do anything. It was quite a __33_.

The special-effects man __34_ about this problem for a long time. The result was an idea for __35_ the fish with a harmless use of electricity. __36__he applied electricity to the fish bowl causing the fish to be totally still(静止的). Then he rapidly reduced the __37__ of electricity allowing the fish to be free.  __38_ he got the humorous effect the director wanted.

__39_in other parts of movie making there are those who have developed __40__ skill in creating certain kinds of effects. Jim White, who has been a special-effects man for thirty-two years, is best known for work with ships and airplanes.

21. A. burned                B. sank                  C. fell                       D. dropped

22. A. telling                 B. harming            C. protecting             D. organizing

23. A. reply                   B. question            C. message               D. secret

24. A. factory              B. making              C. field                     D. company

25. A. forced                B. ordered             C. allowed                D. chosen

26. A. terrible                B. ill               C. good                    D. special

27. A. scene                  B. step                  C. stage                    D. room

28. A. covered              B. asked                C. filled                        D. fitted

29. A. liked                   B. enjoyed             C. was                         D. were

30. A. hoped                 B. wanted              C. decided                    D. designed

31. A. while                  B. since                 C. so that                         D. as long as

32. A. mustn’t              B. may not             C. shouldn’t                  D. can’t

33. A. question              B. failure            C. problem                   D. disappointment

34. A. talked                 B. set                    C. quarreled                  D. thought

35. A. controlling           B. operating           C. driving                     D. lighting

36. A. As a result           B. Immediately       C. First                        D. Above all

37. A. price                   B. number             C. amount                    D. speed

38. A. Even                   B. Thus                 C. Finally               D. Actually

39. A. Like                    B. So                    C. As                           D. Yet

40. A. certain                B. particular           C. advanced                  D. careful



第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分;满分30分)

Have you ever seen a movie in which a building was burnt down or a bridge was destroyed? Have you seen films in which a train crashed or a ship __36__ into the ocean? If so, you may have wondered how these things could happen without __37__the people in the film.

The man who knows the __38__ is the “special-effects” man. He has one of the most important jobs in the film __39__. He may be __40__ to create a flood or to make a battlefield explode. But he may also be told to create a __41__ effect which is much less exciting, though just as important to the success of the film. In a __42__ for one movie there was a big glass bowl __43__with water in which small fish __44__ swimming. The director of the movie__45__ the fish to stop swimming suddenly __46__ they seemed to stare at(盯着) an actor. Then the director wanted the fish to stop staring and swim away. But fish suddenly __47__ be ordered to do anything. It was quite a __48__.

The special-effects man __49__ about this problem for a long time. The result was an idea for __50__ the fish with a harmless use of electricity. __51__he applied electricity to the fish bowl causing the fish to be totally still(静止的). Then he rapidly reduced the __52__ of electricity allowing the fish to be free.  __53__ he got the humorous effect the director wanted.

__54__in other parts of movie making there are those who have developed __55__ skill in creating certain kinds of effects. Jim White, who has been a special-effects man for thirty-two years, is best known for work with ships and airplanes.

36. A. burned             B. sank               C. fell                 D. dropped

37. A. telling                 B. harming             C. protecting        D. organizing

38. A. reply                   B. question      C. message           D. secret

39. A. factory            B. making           C. field                       D. company

40. A. forced                 B. ordered           C. allowed           D. chosen

41. A. terrible            B. ill                  C. good               D. special

42. A. scene                   B. step            C. stage               D. room

43. A. covered                  B. asked              C. filled               D. fitted

44. A. liked                   B. enjoyed      C. was                 D. were

45. A. hoped                  B. wanted           C. decided            D. designed

46. A. while                   B. since              C. so that             D. as long as

47. A. mustn’t            B. may not      C. shouldn’t                D. can’t

48. A. question               B. failure            C. problem           D. disappointment

49. A. talked                  B. set                  C. quarreled                D. thought

50. A. controlling       B. operating           C. driving        D. lighting

51. A. As a result            B. Immediately   C. First               D. Above all

52. A. price                   B. number           C. amount                 D. speed

53. A. Even                   B. Thus               C. Finally                 D. Actually

54. A. Like                    B. So                  C. As                        D. Yet

55. A. certain             B. particular               C. advanced                     D. careful



第二节  完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分;满分30分)

    Have you ever seen a movie in which a building was burnt down or a bridge was destroyed? Have you seen films in which a train crashed or a ship __36__ into the ocean? If so, you may have wondered how these things could happen without __37__the people in the film.

    The man who knows the __38__ is the “special-effects” man. He has one of the most important jobs in the film __39__. He may be __40__ to create a flood or to make a battlefield explode. But he may also be told to create a __41__ effect which is much less exciting, though just as important to the success of the film. In a __42__ for one movie there was a big glass bowl __43__with water in which small fish __44__ swimming. The director of the movie__45__ the fish to stop swimming suddenly __46__ they seemed to stare at(盯着) an actor. Then the director wanted the fish to stop staring and swim away. But fish suddenly __47__ be ordered to do anything. It was quite a __48__.

    The special-effects man __49__ about this problem for a long time. The result was an idea for __50__ the fish with a harmless use of electricity. __51__he applied electricity to the fish bowl causing the fish to be totally still(静止的). Then he rapidly reduced the __52__ of electricity allowing the fish to be free.  __53__ he got the humorous effect the director wanted.

    __54__in other parts of movie making there are those who have developed __55__ skill in creating certain kinds of effects. Jim White, who has been a special-effects man for thirty-two years, is best known for work with ships and airplanes.

36. A. burned               B. sank                C. fell                   D. dropped

37. A. telling                  B. harming              C. protecting         D. organizing

38. A. reply                    B. question        C. message            D. secret

39. A. factory             B. making            C. field                        D. company

40. A. forced                  B. ordered            C. allowed            D. chosen

41. A. terrible             B. ill                   C. good                D. special

42. A. scene                    B. step             C. stage                D. room

43. A. covered                    B. asked               C. filled                D. fitted

44. A. liked                    B. enjoyed        C. was                  D. were

45. A. hoped                   B. wanted            C. decided             D. designed

46. A. while                    B. since               C. so that              D. as long as

47. A. mustn’t             B. may not        C. shouldn’t                 D. can’t

48. A. question                B. failure             C. problem            D. disappointment

49. A. talked                   B. set                   C. quarreled                 D. thought

50. A. controlling        B. operating             C. driving          D. lighting

51. A. As a result             B. Immediately    C. First                D. Above all

52. A. price                    B. number            C. amount                 D. speed

53. A. Even                    B. Thus                C. Finally                 D. Actually

54. A. Like                     B. So                   C. As                        D. Yet

55. A. certain               B. particular                C. advanced                     D. careful


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