摘要:The Swine Flutends to make the whole body ache, the common cold usually affects only the nose and the throat. A. since B. whereas C. before D. until



Governments and health officials around the world continued to take steps Tuesday against the outbreak of swine flu that has killed scores of people in Mexico and spread to the U.S., Europe and possibly Asia.

By early Tuesday, the swine flu outbreak in Mexico had caused in 152 deaths and more than 1,600 illnesses. So far, at least 113 cases have been proved worldwide, including 64 in the United States; six in Canada; 11 in New Zealand and two each in Spain the United Kingdom and Israel. None has yet resulted in death.

The World Health Organization on Monday raised its alert level from three to four on its six-level scale. The move means the U.N. agency has determined that the virus can transmit

from human to human.

"In this age of global travel, where people move around in airplanes so quickly, there is no region to which this virus could not spread," said Fukuda, assistant director-general of the WHO.

Governments around the world struggled to prevent further outbreak. Some, like China and Russia, banned pork imports from the United States and Mexico. U.S. President Barack Obama said the outbreak was a cause for concern, not for alarm. The government urged travelers to avoid non-essential travel to Mexico.

The latest WHO report listed only seven proved swine flu deaths in Mexico but it was not clear why there was the discrepency.

Mexico City has closed all schools until at least May 6 to help curb(control) the spread of swine flu and ordered 35,00 public venues to close or serve only takeaway meals. In addition, bars, clubs, movie theaters, pool halls, gyms, sport centers and convention halls have been told to close until May 5. Armed police officers are also guarding hospitals in Mexico City while roads and schools in the city of 20 million people are deserted. Officials also have talked about shutting down the bus and subway systems.

57.How many people were found catching swine flu in Spain?

A. 2.                     B. 11.             C. 6.                     D. 64.

58.When learning the outbreak of swine flu, the WHO was ____.

A. calm          B. nervous      C. shocked      D. careful

59. Fukuda’s words suggest that _____.

A. he likes travel by air

B. global travel hasn’t been affected

C.this virus can spread quickly because of global travel

D. planes must be forbidden to take to prevent swine flu

60.The last paragraph mainly tells us _____.

A. Mexico has taken measures to control swine flu

B. Mexico City is too dangerous to live in

C. the normal life in Mexico has been changed

D. people in Mexico are badly in need of help


Summer is a busy time for travel. For years, people have wondered whether they are safe from viruses when they travel in small, enclosed areas. They worry about close contact with others who may be sick.

The current spread of a swine flu(猪流感) virus has added to these concerns. Recently, the World Health Organization raised its warning about the new H1N1 virus to its highest level. W.H.O. Director-General Margaret Chan declared the sickness a pandemic–a disease that has spread to many nations. Given this information, many people want to know how safe it is to travel?

The answers people are getting may seem conflicting. For example, a W.H.O. statement urged nations not to close their borders or limit trade and travel. Director-General Chan said cases are generally not that serious for most people. Still, W.H.O. officials continue to report new cases across the world.

In the past, the W.H.O. and experts noted guidance for disease spread on airplanes. The experts said you could get infected only if you sit within two rows of someone who is sick. That would be a distance of up to three meters from the sick person. And this was true only if you sat there for more than eight hours.

But a travel-health expert says this guidance may not be helpful for swine flu. He suggests steps that could help prevent getting swine flu on an airplane. His advice includes keeping the airflow over your seat on the “low” position. The doctor says you should point the equipment so the flow of air is just in front of your face.

Doctors say anyone with pain, swelling(肿胀) or red skin on a leg during or after a long trip may have a blood clot(凝块). Anyone with such signs should see a doctor as soon as possible. The condition many times can be treated with drugs that thin the blood and stop the clot from moving through the body.

68.The underlined word “conflicting” is closest in meaning to ________.

A. in disagreement        B. not true                           C. the same                          D. unbelievable

69.According to Director-General Chan, the swine flu is ________.

A. a disease spread on airplanes                                B. a very dangerous disease

C. a disease requiring limit travel                              D. a widely spread disease

70.Which of the following is the travel-health expert’s opinion on traveling in an airplane?

A. It’s safe to sit within two rows of a sick person.

B. It’s helpful to keep air flowing right before your face.

C. It’s important for a passenger to stay in a plane within 8 hours.

D. It’s certain that a passenger will have a blood clot after a long flight.

71.What would be the best title for the text?

A. Stop Traveling in Case of Swine Flu                  B. Experts’ Arguments Over Swine Flu

C. Prevention of Swine Flu on the Trip                   D. No News Is the Best News




Governments and health officials around the world continued to take steps Tuesday against the outbreak of swine flu that has killed scores of people in Mexico and spread to the U.S., Europe and possibly Asia.

By early Tuesday, the swine flu outbreak in Mexico had caused in 152 deaths and more than 1,600 illnesses. So far, at least 113 cases have been proved worldwide, including 64 in the United States; six in Canada; 11 in New Zealand and two each in Spain the United Kingdom and Israel. None has yet resulted in death.

The World Health Organization on Monday raised its alert level from three to four on its six-level scale. The move means the U.N. agency has determined that the virus can transmit

from human to human.

"In this age of global travel, where people move around in airplanes so quickly, there is no region to which this virus could not spread," said Fukuda, assistant director-general of the WHO.

Governments around the world struggled to prevent further outbreak. Some, like China and Russia, banned pork imports from the United States and Mexico. U.S. President Barack Obama said the outbreak was a cause for concern, not for alarm. The government urged travelers to avoid non-essential travel to Mexico.

The latest WHO report listed only seven proved swine flu deaths in Mexico but it was not clear why there was the discrepency.

Mexico City has closed all schools until at least May 6 to help curb(control) the spread of swine flu and ordered 35,00 public venues to close or serve only takeaway meals. In addition, bars, clubs, movie theaters, pool halls, gyms, sport centers and convention halls have been told to close until May 5. Armed police officers are also guarding hospitals in Mexico City while roads and schools in the city of 20 million people are deserted. Officials also have talked about shutting down the bus and subway systems.

57.How many people were found catching swine flu in Spain?

A. 2.                     B. 11.             C. 6.                     D. 64.

58.When learning the outbreak of swine flu, the WHO was ____.

A. calm          B. nervous      C. shocked      D. careful

59. Fukuda’s words suggest that _____.

A. he likes travel by air

B. global travel hasn’t been affected

C.this virus can spread quickly because of global travel

D. planes must be forbidden to take to prevent swine flu

60.The last paragraph mainly tells us _____.

A. Mexico has taken measures to control swine flu

B. Mexico City is too dangerous to live in

C. the normal life in Mexico has been changed

D. people in Mexico are badly in need of help


Governments and health officials around the world continued to take steps Tuesday against the outbreak of swine flu that has killed scores of people in Mexico and spread to the U.S., Europe and possibly Asia.

By early Tuesday, the swine flu outbreak in Mexico had caused in 152 deaths and more than 1,600 illnesses. So far, at least 113 cases have been proved worldwide, including 64 in the United States; six in Canada; 11 in New Zealand and two each in Spain the United Kingdom and Israel. None has yet resulted in death.

The World Health Organization on Monday raised its alert level from three to four on its six-level scale. The move means the U.N. agency has determined that the virus can transmit

from human to human.

"In this age of global travel, where people move around in airplanes so quickly, there is no region to which this virus could not spread," said Fukuda, assistant director-general of the WHO.

Governments around the world struggled to prevent further outbreak. Some, like China and Russia, banned pork imports from the United States and Mexico. U.S. President Barack Obama said the outbreak was a cause for concern, not for alarm. The government urged travelers to avoid non-essential travel to Mexico.

The latest WHO report listed only seven proved swine flu deaths in Mexico but it was not clear why there was the discrepency.

Mexico City has closed all schools until at least May 6 to help curb(control) the spread of swine flu and ordered 35,00 public venues to close or serve only takeaway meals. In addition, bars, clubs, movie theaters, pool halls, gyms, sport centers and convention halls have been told to close until May 5. Armed police officers are also guarding hospitals in Mexico City while roads and schools in the city of 20 million people are deserted. Officials also have talked about shutting down the bus and subway systems.

How many people were found catching swine flu in Spain?

A. 2.           B. 11.      C. 6.           D. 64.

When learning the outbreak of swine flu, the WHO was ____.

A. calm     B. nervous  C. shocked  D. careful

Fukuda’s words suggest that _____.

A. he likes travel by air

B. global travel hasn’t been affected

C. this virus can spread quickly because of global travel

D. planes must be forbidden to take to prevent swine flu

The last paragraph mainly tells us _____.

A. Mexico has taken measures to control swine flu

B. Mexico City is too dangerous to live in

C. the normal life in Mexico has been changed

D. people in Mexico are badly in need of help


GENEVA(Reuters) -Pregnant women and other people at high risk should be vaccinated(注射疫苗) against the H1N1 swine flu virus as the cold weather begins to bite in the northern hemisphere(半球), the World Health Organization(WHO) said on Tuesday.

It voiced concern that some vulnerable(弱势的) people don’t have access to the pandemic(传染病) vaccine, which the WHO stressed had not caused any unusual side effects in hundreds of thousands of people to have received it worldwide so far.

“Certainly the fact that the vaccine isn’t being used by those who would have access to it and who would be in priority risk groups is of concern, yes,” WHO spokesman Gregory Hartl told a news briefing.

At least 5, 712 people have died from the swine flu virus, according to the United Nations agency. Health workers, pregnant women and people with conditions such as asthma are deemed at greatest risk and should be top priority for getting the shot.

“We have seen many, many examples of people in high risk groups such as pregnant women who have very severe disease or outcomes. These outcomes could be in all likelihood avoided if one were to get vaccinated,” Hartl said.

Unlike seasonal flu, which is most dangerous to the elderly, H1N1 is hitting younger adults and children especially hard.

The WHO recommends a single vaccine dose for protecting adults against H1N1. It has also urged governments to consider giving a single dose to as many children under age 10 as possible, but says more research is needed into child dosages.

In the United States, studies show that children under the age of 9 will need two doses of the vaccine to be fully protected, officials there said on Monday.

Parts of North America and Europe have already crossed the epidemic (流行病) threshold( 开始了), ahead of the normal influenza season which peaks in January-February for the northern hemisphere, WHO says.

51.According to the passage, what is WHO probably most concerned about now?

A. Whether the vaccine has side effect or not.

B. How many people are infected by the H1N1 swine flu virus.

C. Whether pregnant women and those at high risk can get the vaccination.

D. What is the difference between H1N1 and seasonal flu.

52.According to the passage, what group of people are more vulnerable to H1N1 swine flu virus?

A. The elderly.                  B. A teenager with asthma. 

C. An adult with heatstroke.               D. A newly-born baby.

53.In paragraph 4, “getting the shot” means ____________.

A. being shot      B. being vaccinated     C. being cured     D. getting killed

54.What can we learn from this passage?

A. Pregnant women will surely get severe disease if infected with H1N1.

B. Seasonal flu is more likely to hit younger adults and children.

C. one more dose of vaccine should be given to the children under 9.

D. About 6000 people have died from seasonal flu.

55.   Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Pregnant women need flu shot. 

B. Differences between H1N1 flu and seasonal flu.

C. The harm caused by H1N1 swine flu virus.

D. A breakthrough in H1N1 cure: vaccination.



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