摘要: A. from B. round C. among D. below


They say that Mexico is a country no one ever leaves. Every year, millions of tourists pass through, and Mexicans happily warn that a part of them will remain behind forever. Most visitors are vacationing North Americans who end up on the brilliant beaches of Cancun, Acapulco, Mazatlan, and Puerto Vallarta. The beaches, of course, are among the world’s best – but those who venture (探险) inland are rewarded with the true soul of Mexico.

And it is a big soul. The Republic of Mexico is vast, consisting of nearly two million square miles of coastline, desert, rain forest, mountains, and fertile plains. From the American borderlands of the wide, agriculturally rich north, the country narrows gently as it sweeps south and east. The two main mountain ranges, the Sierra Madre Occidental and the Sierra Madre Oriental, hug the west and east, finally merging into the volcanically active central highlands and the capital, Mexico City – the most populous city in the world. Further south, the country narrows to only 100 miles, then broadens again before reaching the Guatemalan border. There are two major peninsulas (半岛) in Mexico: the Baja Peninsula to the west and the Yucatan peninsula to the east.

The population is about 106 million, and the generosity (慷慨大方) of the Mexican people is unsurpassed. Knowing a few simple sentences in Spanish will win hearts.

Mexico has been graced with an unusually temperate (适度的) climate all year round. The most important thing to remember is that the Mexican summer is also the rainy season, although the rain rarely lasts more than a few hours, and typically arrives in the late afternoon. Extremes are present only in the north and in Baja, both of which have deserts where the temperature leaps above 100℉. Mexico City has a year-round temperature in the high 80s, while the coasts usually stay in the mid-90s. Night time temperatures fall somewhat, but rarely break down below a comfortable 60℉.

1. All of the following are names of beaches EXCEPT _______.

A. Puerto Vallarta   B. Cancun   C. Guatemala   D. Mazatlan

2. . The Republic of Mexico ________.

A. has two small peninsulas altogether

B. has a population of about 106 million

C. has nearly 2 million square miles of desert

D. has two main mountain ranges going from north to west

3. The underlined world “unsurpassed” in the third paragraph probably means “_____”.

A. best known   B. limited   C. traditional   D. out of date

4.. You may suffer extreme temperatures if you go to _____.

A. the east   B. the west   C. the south   D. the north

5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Geography.    B. History.    C. Language.    D. Climate.




The people below are now traveling in the U.S., and now looking for a park to visit. After the description of these people, there is information about six American parks A-F. Decide which park would be most suitable for the person mentioned in questions 61-65 and then mark the correct letter (A-F) on your answer sheet. There is one extra paragraph about one park which you don't need to use.


_______1.Lisa is a naturalist. She loves the outdoors and is fascinated with adventure and all types of wildlife. Along with enjoying wildlife she also has a passion for backpacking and hiking. Lisa is also interested in photography and will climb as high as needed to get that great shot.

_______2.Martin, who is specialized in geography, would like to see a park which is filled with exciting discoveries of facts about the earth movements. He also hopes to observe the changes in rocks due to time and erosion. 

_______3.Kelly, just graduated from university. Her major is archeology(考古学). She is interested in ancient finds such as: fossils of animals and plant life, old pottery and especially things dating back to the prehistoric age. Kelly hopes to unearth something significant so she can develop her career.

_______4.Simon is one for excitement. He enjoys all out-door sports especially white water rafting. He has been searching for a park that can fulfill his taste for adventure. And at the same time he can appreciate the beautiful sceneries along the way.

_______5.Chris is looking for something famous perhaps a "superstar" of parks. He is interested in everything from wildlife to Earth activities. He hopes he can find a park which can offer the most to him.


A. This park is a vast natural museum, and it is recognized as the lowest point in the U.S. All the great divisions of geological(地质的) time, the eras and most of their subdivisions, are represented(描写) in the rocks of the mountains bordering the great valley. These rocks and the land forms tell a story of endless changes in the earth's crust(地壳) - vast depositions, contortions, tilting, alternate risings and lowering, faulting and intense heats and pressures that changed the very nature of some rocks. 

B. This park protects a large deposit(存放) of fossil(化石) dinosaur bones--remains of the so-called "terrible lizards" that lived millions of years ago. The dinosaurs weren't really lizards, and most of them weren't even terrible. But some of the first dinosaur fossils ever found were huge bones and teeth, very lizard-like except for their size, and so the idea of monstrous lizards was born. Today, many ideas about dinosaurs are changing, and the fossils at this park continue to help us learn more about these fascinating animals.

C. With elevations ranging from 8,000 feet in the wet, grassy valleys to 14,259 feet at the weather-ravaged top of Long's Peak, a visitor to the park has opportunities for countless breathtaking experiences and adventures. A large variety of animals will delight wildlife-watchers of all ages. Wildflower-lovers are never disappointed in June and July when the meadows and hillsides are splashed with botanical color. 359 miles of trail offer endless opportunities to hikers, backpackers and horseback riders. So far to find 60 peaks rising above 12,000 feet challenge intrepid hikers and climbers. 

D. The world's largest concentration of natural stone arches is found in this park. Over 1500 of these 'miracles of nature' grace the 73,000-acre area. And it is famous for the red arches of Entrada sandstone that occur there in great profusion A 41-mile round-trip paved road in the park leads to the major sights, including Balanced Rock, Skyline Arch, and the Fiery Furnace. But there are also many other striking rock formations scattered over the park's 73,000 scenic acres.

E. Yellowstone is the oldest park in the U.S. park system and is its flagship. Visitors come to experience the park's restless geology; to see grizzlies, gray wolves, and herds of buffalo. Its turbulent(狂暴的) landscape—which remains among the most geologically active lands on the planet, with steam-spewing geysers(间歇温泉), gurgling fumaroles, and frequent earthquakes—was protected as the world's first national park in 1872. Yellowstone and the huge tracts of national-forest land that ring it comprise one of the world's last intact temperate ecosystems—all its major species of plants and animals are still present. 

F. This park has a Canyon 200 miles long and about a mile deep.  Along the ride you follow the Colorado River which carved this massive canyon.  At times the canyon is from 5 to 15 miles across. The Colorado River continues to shape and gouge its way through the canyon where about 90 species of mammals(哺乳动物) and some 290 species of birds live. River rafting along the Colorado River has different options for people.  You can go on long trips with organizations or even take a smooth ride down the river with a picnic style lunch.





 The cold afternoon sunlight made long shadows behind the trees along the road Sam Higbee  1  the gate of the Higbee Place and  2  his tractor (拖拉机) into the field

 Things had been moving  3   Only the night before, the Higbee  4  had at last stopped quarrelling for long enough to agree on a  5  price John Farnham, the real-estate agent (房地产代理商), had  6  a hurried trip to see Higbee the next morning Within a few hours Higbee had looked round the place again, the agreement had been  7  , and he had put his horses into one of the Higbee fields Now he was  8  to plough (犁地) He'd work until midnight, or  9  if the didn't get too  10  

 Out in the center of the field the old house was  11  the big trees A dusty road ran  12  the field to the house from the gate 13  Higbee had no use for the big old house The  14  would cost more than the place was  15  

 He lowered the  16  and started the tractor 17  he ploughed the rich black earth  18  out in smooth furrows (犁沟) Low dark clouds moved past overhead, and in the west the  19  sun turned the lower parts of the clouds red

 The 20  of the tractor's motor was unchanging, and watching the furrows sent Sam into a dream-like  21  He didn't notice the time  22   When it got dark, he  23  the headlight and kept going The  24  night air caused sharp pain to his face and hands, but his  25  remained fixed on the piece of ground between the grass and the ploughed earth


1 A.    looked at


B opened


C pushed


D knocked at


[  ]


2 A.    drove


B moved


C carried


D rode


[  ]


3 A.    sometimes


B carelessly


C slowly


D quickly


[  ]


4 A.    house


B home


C family


D place


[  ]


5 A.    selling


B buying


C rising


D different


[  ]


6 A.    made


B tried


C planned


D delayed


[  ]


7 A.    missing


B read


C seen


D singed


[  ]


8 A.    stopping


B starting


C continuing


D forced


[  ]


9 A.    harder


B shorter


C longer


D earlier


[  ]


10 A.    sleepy 


B hungry


C excited


D sad


[  ]


11 A.    between


B among


C in


D under


[  ]


12 A.    over


B into


C through


D below


[  ]


13 A.    Therefore


B Or


C And


D But


[  ]


14 A.    repairs


B buildings


C painting


D checks


[  ]


15 A.    useful


B worth


C sold


D bought


[  ]


16 A.    machine


B wheels


C head


D plough


[  ]


17 A.    For


B Since


C As


D Because


[  ]


18 A.    rolled


B ran


C walked


D went


[  ]


19 A shining


B strong


C setting


D falled


[  ]


20 A voice


B sound


C size


D movement


[  ]


21 A place


B situation


C form


D state


[  ]


22 A turning


B moving


C passing


D disappearing


[  ]


23 A turned on


B turned off


C opened


D fixed


[  ]


24 A warm


B cold


C hot


D dirty


[  ]


25 A thought

B face

C hands

D. eyes

[  ]



  Philadelphia, which means “brotherly love”, is the 4th largest city in the US. It was 1 by William Penn in 1682. So to the Americans, Philadelphia is a city of historic importance. The City Hall was officially 2 in 1901. Until 1908 it was the 3 building in America. Covering 4 of 427mu, the building is bigger than the US Capital (美国国会磊厦), with a style 5 the Louvre (罗浮宫) in Paris.

  The whole building houses (has, consists of) 600 6 . On the 2nd floor is the Mayor's Reception Hall, where the mayor 7 honored guests and meets people. Among the very important people 8 , there have been kings, queens, 9 and prime ministers from many countries.

  Around the walls are portraits of former mayors. 10 mayor's portrait is 11 when he leaves office. Sightseers are 12 to have a tour round the City Hall. They are sure to be 13 by the giant statue (雕像) of William Penn, the 14 of Philadelphia, which is 37 feet tall and 15 55 348 pounds. The hat brim (帽边, 帽缘) measures 23 feet 16 and the fingers are 2.5 feet long.

  In the City Hall Tower, 17 can enjoy a wonderful view of the city in all directions-parks, squares, rivers are lying 18 . The fast-running 19 look like little moving match boxes. The broad streets stretch as 20 as the eye can see.


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.a distance
B.a land
C.a place
D.an area


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.speaks to
D.calls to


[  ]

B.to be met


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.set up
B.taken off


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.is worth


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]


Some business people have to do a lot of traveling. However, they can usually  1  to stay in some of the best hotels unlike  2  people. These very expensive hotels often lie in  3  parts of the city where there is  4  to do in the evenings. There are  5  at the front of them if you want to go  6  or you can walk along the road in front of the hotel, or justthe corner to find pubs and  8  that serve good beer and excellent food, or fast food, if you  9 . Some of these places  10  have entertainment (娱乐) with singers or rock bands on the stage. If you don't want to go out of your  11  or go up to your room in the evening, you  12  always go to a bar. Some   13  hotels have revolving (旋转) bars on the roof and you get a full view over the  14  . There may even be a karaoke bar, either in the hotel, 15  across the street,  16  you like the sort of entertainment. Many hotels also  17  sports equipment, with a fitness center, swimming pool, squash and tennis courts.

Many Asian cities have first-class  18  now with no difference in quality between East and West. The differences are in the environment and local culture and each city has its own  19  character which  20  the interest of doing business in different parts of the East.

1.A.support               B.afford               C.refuse               D.manage

2.A.ordinary               B.young               C.disabled             D.lucky

3.A.lonely               B.convenient           C.quiet                D.noisy

4.A.nothing                B.plenty               C.little                  D.anything

5.A.bikes                  B.buses               C.cars                 D.taxis

6.A.nowhere             B.somewhere          C.everywhere         D.whenever

7.A.from                  B.among              C.round               D.below

8.A.hotels                  B.shops               C.hours             D.restaurants

9.A.decide                 B.prefer               C.need                D.hope

10.A.ever               B.never               C.even                D.hardly

11.A.hotel                 B.room                C.home                D.restaurant

12.A.will                  B.should               C.must                 D.can

13.A.large                 B.tall                 C.expensive           D.beautiful

14.A.city                  B.street               C.district            D.courtyard

15.A.or else               B.or                   C.otherwise           D.and

16.A.so                    B.as                   C.if                    D.where

17.A.offer                 B.consider             C.prepare              D.add

18.A.universities         B.supermarkets       C.hospitals            D.hotels

19.A.usual                B.ordinary           C.special              D.common


20.A.adds to            B.adds up               C.adds up to          D.add


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