摘要: You’ll need and understanding if you’re going to be a teacher.


Dog walkers provide a 20 to 60-minute daily walk for a client’s(客户)dog, making sure the dog answers the call of nature and gets proper exercise. They often walk more than one dog at a time. Some walkers work for dog-walking services, especially when starting out. Others have their own businesses, and build by word of mouth and advertising. Dog walkers often work part-time, and some provide other services like pet sitting or transporting.

In N.Y.C., dog walkers usually earn about $25 an hour. If you work for a dog-walking business, you may earn less-if you are on your own dealing with several dogs at the same time, it may be more.

What do you have to do to be a dog walker?

First, have a real love of dogs, and have a good knowledge of how to get on with dogs. Try calling dog-walking services to find out about openings. If you’re on your own, you’ll need to network and market yourself. You might advertise your services in pet offices, grooming businesses, or neighborhood papers. You will need business cards and a mobile phone, and have good references and a clean background. You’ll also have to deal with taxes and insurance. You should be physically fit, friendly, neatly dressed and extremely dependable. Many dog walkers are bonded(被担保的)and insured, and this is a definite selling point to clients.

Of course, you will be cleaning up dog waste! You will also be outside in all kinds of weather. You may have to deal with dogs that don’t like each other ,and difficult owners. It’s also an up and down kind of business-clients can come and go.

For pet lovers, spending the workday with dogs instead of navigating office politics is its own reward! You are your own boss-you can dress casually, your doggy clients will love you unconditionally, and you’ll get some great exercise!

71. By writing the passage the writer tries to         .

A. introduce you to a job           B. enrich your knowledge about pets

C. advertise for a business         D. tell you more about life in New York

72. The passage offers no information about how to         as a dog walker.

A. find a client                    B. train a dog

C. get prepared                     D. make more money

73. One who wants to         may find the passage helpful.

A. take up a weekend job            B. keep a good pet dog

C. make money in his daily spare time  D. be a part-time office worker

74. The last paragraph but one (beginning with “Of course”) is meant to tell you         .

A. what dog-walking is like         B. why dog-walking is worth trying

C. the unknown part of dog-walking  D. the bad side of dog-walking

75. What does the underlined word casually in the last paragraph possibly mean?

A. as you like                      B. like a boss   

C. in a dog-friendly way            D. in nice clothes



A branch of psychology called neurolinguistic programming has made an interesting and useful discovery :You can change the way you imagine or remember things without changing what you imagine, and it will change your feelings.For example, if a visual memory makes you sad whenever you think about it, you can make that mental picture smaller and dimmer, and when you do, the memory won’t make you as sad.Since you haven’t changed the content of the memory, you haven’t lost any information.You have simply made it less painful.
When you visually remember a pleasant memory, you can made the picture more colorful and the money will give you even more intense good feelings.You can make your pictures of the future brighter, wider , deeper, or you can bring the images closer.Changes like these will make you feel different--- even when you leave the content of the picture the same.
These are general guidelies (指导方针).You’ll need to experiment for yourself to find out what will work for a particular image.For a few people, making an exciting picture brighter makes the feelings less intense.And for some kinds of pictures, increasing the brightness would cause the feelings to become less intense --- for example, a romantic memory.
What is true for visual images also applies to the way you talk to yourself.
For example, if you have trouble motivating yourself , try changing the tone of voice you use when you spread to yourself.Some people order themselves about .The voice they use to talk to themselves is harsh and commanding.Listening to yourself being bossy can have the same effect as listening to someone else being bossy: It can make you want to rebel.Change your tone to friendly or seductive, and you might feel more motivated .When you tell yourself, “I can do it,” fill your internal voice with enthusiasm and back it up with inspiring music.The possibilities are in fact endless.
The important thing to understand is that they way you code your inner world has an impact , and you have quite a bit of control over that coding.You can change it deliberately.When you do , it will change your feelings, which change your actions, which will change the world around you..
1.Which is the best title of the passage?
A.You Can Change the World Around You
B.Be Merry
C.You Can Change People’s Attitude towards You
D.Talk to Yourself in a Friendly Way
2.The underlined word  “deliberately “ can be replaced by ___
A.by change          B.on purpose          C.difficultly          D.wiser
3.We can infer that if we make a sad mental picture bigger and brighter, we can become _____
A.happier      B.sadder             C.calmer            D.wiser.
4.What does the underlined sentence “Some people order themselves around” suggest?
A.Some people order a lot of food.
B.Some people order others to follow their instructions
C.Some people are very hard on themselves
D.Some people are very strict with themselves.



How to Eat slowly to Avoid Overeating

Eating slowly can help you to better understand your real hunger signals and can help you to recognize reasons for faster eating , such as emotions or simply liking the taste of a food. However, eating slowly is not a decision that you make suddenly.______1________

1.Adjust you mind. Do not even attempt to acquire the habit of eating slowly before you're mentally ready. Relax and use your imagination to create mental images that your brain will remember. As part of this mental process , imagine yourself  lean and fit.

2.______2_______ .eating slowly isn't just about slowing down the chewing ; it also about slowing down your food choices. As you show out the processed food, replace it with healthy , unprocessed or much less processed choices.

3. Always relax before you start eating . Take a few deep breaths through the nose and not through the mouth . As you do so, hold your breath briefly and exhale(呼气) slowly by the mouth._____3_______In this way, you start to remove any risk of comfort eating.

4. Drink a glass of water or eat a small bowl of soup before your main dish. This will help you sense of fullness . Be aware that not everyone advocates drinking during a meal though ,as some people believe that this can remove the nutrients from your meal ______4_______

5. Spend at least 20 minutes on your meal . ________5________ Eat your last portion really slowly , if you are still hungry after 20 minutes ,it means you are eating too fast !

A.Put the fork down after putting food in your mouth.

B.Get rid of the stress before you start eating.

C.Rather ,it's a habit that you'll need to acquire with practice.

D.However ,specialists believe water actually aids in digestion.

E. Remove as many processed foods from your plate or food storage as possible.

F. Have a wall clock in plain view from the table to adjust your eating speed.

G. It is wise to speak to your doctor about this ,if it's still the case for you.



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