摘要: It is not rare in that pepple in fifties are going to university for further education. A. 90s, the B. the 90s, the C. 90’s, their D. the 90’s, their 第二节:单项选择(词汇部分:共10小题,每小题1分.满分10分)


Can you understand the beginning of this article?
“My smmr hols wr CWOT. B4, we usd 2go2 NY 2C my bro, his GF & 3 kds FTF.”
The Scottish teacher who received it in class had no idea what the girl who wrote it meant. The essay was written in a form of English used in cell phone text messages. Text messages (also called SMS2) through cell phones became very popular in the late 1990s. At first, mobile phone companies thought that text messaging would be a good way to send messages to customers, but customers quickly began to use the text messaging service to send messages to each other. Teenagers in particular enjoyed using text messaging, and they began to create a new language for messages called texting.
A text message is limited to 160 characters, including letters, spaces, and numbers, so messages must be kept short. In addition, typing on the small keypad of a cell phone is difficult, so it’s common to make words shorter. In texting, a single letter or number can represent a word, like “r” for “are,” “u” for “you,” and “2” for “to.” Several letters can also represent a phrase, like “lol” for “laughing out loud.” Another characteristic of texting is the leaving out of letters in a word, like spelling “please” as “pls.”
Some parents and teachers worry that texting will make children bad spellers and bad writers. The student who wrote the essay at the top of this page said writing that way was more comfortable for her. (The essay said, “My summer holidays were a complete waste of time. Before, we used to go to New York to see my brother, his girlfriend, and their three kids face to face.”)
Not everyone agrees that texting is a bad thing. Some experts say languages always evolve, and this is just another way for English to change. Other people believe texting will disappear soon. New technology for voice messages may soon make text messages a thing of the past.
【小题1】What is the writer’s opinion of text messaging? 

A.It is fun and easy to do.
B.It is not bad for children.
C.It will make children bad writers.
D.The writer does not give an opinion.
【小题2】Which way of texting is NOT described in the passage?
A.Using phrases to represent essays
B.Using numbers to represent words
C.Using letters to represent phrases
D.Using letters to represent words
【小题3】Which of the following was most probably the title of the student’s essay?
A.My Gr8 TchrB.CU in LAC.My GFD.My Smmr Hols
【小题4】Why do some people think that texting is bad?
A.It has been replaced by voice message
B.It’s too difficult to type.
C.Teenagers won’t learn to write correctly.
D.It’s not comfortable.
【小题5】Why aren’t some people worried about the effect of texting?
A.Not many people use texting.
B.Spelling in English is too difficult.
C.Teenagers quickly become bored with texting.
D.Texting will disappear because of new technology.



I am so worried about global warming. We need stop cutting down all of the trees so that they can absorb the carbon dioxide. I think the Kyoto Protocol (京都议定书) to stop pollution is a great idea ,and I hope our country will decide to follow it, too.

                                                             — Eli S.,10,Texa

People should do all they can to help stop pollution, even if it is something as little as recycling your soda can. Every little thing helps. Maybe schools can put recycling bins in classrooms. Students can bring in all of their cans and bottles and see how many the school can collect.

                                                  — Lindsey A.,11, Massachusett

The United States should take action to help stop pollution. Since we are one of the richest countries, we should at least spend a little money to help.

                                                  — Aaron z,11,Massachusett

It is not good that the United States is not following the Kyoto Protocol. The U.S. is one of the most pollution emitting (污染物排放)countries in the world. Even if the rest of the world agrees to follow those rules, without the U. S. and its big businesses agreeing, global warming will still be a big problem.

                                                         —Augustine S.,11,Ohio

The world needs to learn more about global warming problems. If we do not do something soon then some of Earth’s coolest animals will become extinct. People should use solar power instead of things that pollute the atmosphere!

                                                    — Jillian J.,10,Pennsylvania

Global warming is very dangerous, and it must be prevented. Even if people think that it cannot be stopped ,we should  at least try. Stopping global warming is more important than keeping our businesses going. What about the penguins(企鹅)and the polar bears? We can’t just let them become extinct.

                                                        —Samantha R.,11,Illinois

72.Why does Lindsey suggest schools put recycling bins in classrooms?

       A.To keep the classroom clean            B. To help protect wild animals.

       C.To help protect our earth.            D. To collect waste in classroom.

73.Augustine worries that global warming problems will be difficult to solve because       .

         A.many people think that global warming cannot be stopped

       B.more and more trees are being cut down

       C.American government spends little money stopping pollution

       D.the U.S. refuses to follow the Kyoto Protocol

74.Jillian and Samantha believe that      .

       A.solar power is earth-friendly energy  

         B.global warming threatens animals’ survival

         C.America is the richest country in the world

         D.the penguins and the polar bears are dying out

75.What do the six children mainly talk about?

         A.Environmental problems.    B.The Kyoto Protocol.

         C.Animal protection.                       D.The climate change.



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