摘要: Why does John Brown want to leave his school? A. Because his parents died and he wants to move. B. Because it’s too far away from New Orleans. C. Because he wants to work for the woman.


This year’s World Food Prize will honor two leaders of hunger-fighting groups based  in the United States. The winners are David Beckmann of Bread for the World and Jo Luck of Heifer International. They will share the prize of 250,000 dollars. The World Food Prize usually goes to researchers or top policy officials. This is the first time it will recognize the work of nongovernmental groups.

Heifer International provides donated animals and training to farmers in 50 countries. Jo Luck remains president until next year. Under her leadership, the group’s budget grew from less than 10,000,000 dollars to more than 130,000,000 dollars. Jo Luck, “People pass on their gifts of not just animals but also gifts of training and leadership. We have seen cases where we have been gone 5 and 10 years and we go back and they have developed roads and built schools, and they have other communities receiving the animals and the training. You just give them those resources and that training and opportunity, and you cannot hold them back.” She told the story of a woman from a poor village in Zimbabwe. A family member helped send her to school in the United States with earnings from a donated milk goat. She received a doctoral degree. Jo Luck, “That is what a goat did. That is one example. The animal is only the catalyst(催化剂). That is the beginning of many other things that follow.”

David Beckmann became president of Bread for the World in 1991. He is an economist and a Christian clergyman(牧师). Bread for the World organizes people from religious and non-religious groups to write, call and visit members of Congress(国会). The purpose is to support measures to improve the lives of the poor. David Beckmann points to big increase in American development assistance. He said, “I think that would not have happened without the support of hundreds of thousands of people and churches that are part of Bread for the World and that keep the pressure on their members of Congress.” The prize committee also credited his efforts with helping to increase aid to needy families in the United States.

1.The World Food Prize honors ________.

A. people who fight against hunger

B. researchers or top policy officials

C. people from nongovernmental groups

D. people who have advanced human development

2.Why does Jo Luck receive the prize?

A. Under her leadership, people develop roads and build schools.

B. She has served Heifer International for almost 20 years.

C. Under her leadership, Heifer International helps farmers in 50 countries.

D. She makes the group’s budget grow to more than 130 million.

3.What has David Beckmann done to deserve the prize?

A. He has trained farmers in 50 countries.

B. He has made a great contribution to science.

C. He has led Bread for the World for more than 20 years.

D. He has aimed to support measures to improve the lives of the poor.



This year’s World Food Prize will honor two leaders of hunger-fighting groups based  in the United States. The winners are David Beckmann of Bread for the World and Jo Luck of Heifer International. They will share the prize of 250,000 dollars. The World Food Prize usually goes to researchers or top policy officials. This is the first time it will recognize the work of nongovernmental groups.
Heifer International provides donated animals and training to farmers in 50 countries. Jo Luck remains president until next year. Under her leadership, the group’s budget grew from less than 10,000,000 dollars to more than 130,000,000 dollars. Jo Luck, “People pass on their gifts of not just animals but also gifts of training and leadership. We have seen cases where we have been gone 5 and 10 years and we go back and they have developed roads and built schools, and they have other communities receiving the animals and the training. You just give them those resources and that training and opportunity, and you cannot hold them back.” She told the story of a woman from a poor village in Zimbabwe. A family member helped send her to school in the United States with earnings from a donated milk goat. She received a doctoral degree. Jo Luck, “That is what a goat did. That is one example. The animal is only the catalyst(催化剂). That is the beginning of many other things that follow.”
David Beckmann became president of Bread for the World in 1991. He is an economist and a Christian clergyman(牧师). Bread for the World organizes people from religious and non-religious groups to write, call and visit members of Congress(国会). The purpose is to support measures to improve the lives of the poor. David Beckmann points to big increase in American development assistance. He said, “I think that would not have happened without the support of hundreds of thousands of people and churches that are part of Bread for the World and that keep the pressure on their members of Congress.” The prize committee also credited his efforts with helping to increase aid to needy families in the United States

  1. 1.

    The World Food Prize honors ________

    1. A.
      people who fight against hunger
    2. B.
      researchers or top policy officials
    3. C.
      people from nongovernmental groups
    4. D.
      people who have advanced human development
  2. 2.

    Why does Jo Luck receive the prize?

    1. A.
      Under her leadership, people develop roads and build schools
    2. B.
      She has served Heifer International for almost 20 years
    3. C.
      Under her leadership, Heifer International helps farmers in 50 countries
    4. D.
      She makes the group’s budget grow to more than 130 million
  3. 3.

    What has David Beckmann done to deserve the prize?

    1. A.
      He has trained farmers in 50 countries
    2. B.
      He has made a great contribution to science
    3. C.
      He has led Bread for the World for more than 20 years
    4. D.
      He has aimed to support measures to improve the lives of the poor




1.Why couldn’t the man come earlier?

A.Because he didn’t catch the school bus.

B.Because he couldn’t get on a public bus.

C.Because he had to wait twenty minutes for the school bus.

2.What did the man think he should do first?

A.Go to the drug store.

B.Go to see a dentist.

C.Take some medicine.

3.Which language of the following is the woman NOT able to speak?




4.Where are they talking?

A.In a post office.

B.Through telephone.

C.In Mary’s home.

5.What is the man asking the woman to do?

A.To tell him Jane’s telephone number.

B.To get Jane on the phone for him.

C.To tell him Jane’s address.




6.At what time does the flight from New York arrive in Beijing?




7.For how long does the flight stop over at Shanghai?

A.Fifty-five minutes.

B.Forty-six minutes.

C.One hour and five minutes.


8.Where did Simon get to know Jo?

A.In a cinema.

B.In a supermarket.

C.In a party.

9.Why will Jo go to downtown this time?

A.Because she has to go to a party.

B.Because she likes to see the movie.

C.Because she wants to buy something.


10.When will they go to Xi’an?

A.About June 16th.

B.About July 16th.

C.About June 6th.

11.For how long will they stay in Xi’an?

A.Less than one week.

B.More than two weeks.

C.Just one week.

12.Why is Monica going to Harbin again?

A.Because her parents live there.

B.Because she does not like Xi’an.

C.Because she wants to visit her friends.


13.When does the writer always listen to the radio?

A.Every morning.

B.At noon every day.

C.Every evening.

14.How many wavelengths does the speaker’s radio have?




15.Which of the following does the speaker tune to if he wants to listen to German?




16.How many countries and languages does the speaker name in the text?

A.Seven and seven.

B.Eight and seven.

C.Eight and eight.


17.For what do the children in school learn their own language?

A.For their society.

B.For benefiting from what people in other countries have written and said.

C.For telling others clearly what they want and what they know.

18.Why do the children learn geography in school?

A.To be able to measure and count things in their daily life.

B.To know something about the world around them.

C.To understand what others tell them.

19.According to the speaker, what is the most important aim of going to school?

A.To learn how to learn.

B.To learn facts.

C.To learn to do something new.

20.What is the best title for this talk?

A.The Purpose of Schools.

B.School and Education.

C.The Importance to School.


Sitting by her Pinocchio lamp, she smiled at me as her tiny hands' shadow danced on the bedroom wall."A rabbit!" she laughed with all the delight of a four-year old.Her blue eyes shone with pride as she showed me the animated image she had created."Daddy, will you show me how to make a tiger?" she asked."Sure," I said, "and then we'll read a story and tell your angels goodnight."To my youngest daughter, that meant her bedtime prayer.

         Today my daughter is seven, and I no longer get to read the story.She reads it to me, complete with expressive accents for the story characters.

         To say I'm proud of our relationship would be an understatement.We have shared days of joy as well as tragedy.Our time together has strengthened the relationship of love and special "life stuff" that is all our own.

         I am richer for having planted the spirit of trust in this gentle little person; we have grown together spiritually, learning much from each other.The special times we spend together, like nights by a Pinocchio lamp, create memories that we will treasure for the rest of our lives.

         So it is with all of our relationships.The trust factor is vital for relationships to develop.Think of one of your fondest memories, and you will no doubt find a remarkable relationship at its center--one with a spiritual quality that shines outward from the heart.

         Time together, caring acts, and unconditional love build trust.I suggest that we each spend plenty of time with our personal "Pinoechio lamps"--those special ways that we choose to strengthen our relationships.

         Relationships take time to develop and maintain.It is not always easy, but the results are priceless."Nights by a Pinoechio lamp", wherever those might be for you, will create enduring relationships of golden "life stuff", spiritual gifts that no one can take away.

1.The underlined words in the third paragraph refer to all EXCEPT ______.

         A.hands' shadow dancing on the wall

         B.reading bed stories

         C.sharing each other's tragedy     

         D.praying to the angels for goodnight

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

         A.The author thinks the relationship with his daughter is so simple that he can't describe with plenty of words.

         B.If you take time to attempt to build relationship, you will find it easy to get the satisfactory results.

         C.Plant the spirit of trust into others and you will create valuable memories for each other.

         D.It's not worth spending time developing relationship if you meet the failure at last.

3.Why does the author write the passage?

         A.To recall his fondest memories.

         B.To stress the importance of trust in building relationships.

         C.To explain how to create valuable memories.

         D.To tell the readers how to educate children.

4.Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?

         A.Life Stuff Of Your Own    

         B.Nights by a Pinocchio Lamp

         C.Unconditional gifts---Love

         D.A spiritual quality shining outward from the heart



Why does most of the world travel on the right side today? Theories differ, but there’s no doubt that Napoleon was a major influence. The French had used the right since at least the late 18th century. Some say that before the French Revolution, noblemen drove their carriages on the left, forcing the peasants to the right. Regardless of the origin, Napoleon brought right-hand traffic to the nations he conquered, including Russia, Switzerland and Germany. Hitler, in turn, ordered right-hand traffic in Czechoslovakia and Austria in the 1930s. Nations that escaped right-hand control, like Great Britain, followed their left-hand tradition.

The U.S. has not always been a nation of right-hand rivers; earlier in its history, carriage and horse traffic traveled on the left, as it did in England. But by the late 1700s, people driving large wagons pulled by several pairs of horses began promoting a shift to the right. A driver would sit on the rear (后面的) left horse in order to wave his whip with his right hand; to see opposite traffic clearly, they traveled on the right.

One of the final moves to firmly standardize traffic directions in the U.S. occurred in the 20th century, when Henry Ford decided to mass-produce his cars with controls on the left (one reason, stated in 1908; the convenience for passengers exiting directly onto the edge, especially… if there is a lady to be considered). Once these rules were set, many countries eventually adjusted to the right-hand standard, including Canada in the 1920s, Sweden in 1967 and Burma in 1970. The U.K. and former colonies such as Australia and India are among the western world’s few remaining holdouts. Several Asian countries, including Japan, use the left as well — thought many places use both right-hand-drive and left-hand-drive cars.

1.Why did people in Switzerland travel on the right?

A.They had used the right-hand since the 18th century.

B.Rich people enjoyed driving their carriages on the right.

C.Napoleon introduced the right-hand traffic to this country.

D.Hitler ordered them to go to against their left-hand tradition.

2.Of all the countries below, the one that travels on the right is ______.





3.Henry Ford produced cars with controls on the left _______.

A.in order to change traffic directions in the U.S.

B.so that passengers could get off conveniently

C.because rules at that time weren’t perfect

D.though many countries were strongly against that

4.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A.Before the French Revolution, all the French people used the right.

B.People in Britain and the U.S. travel on the same side nowadays.

C.The Burmese began to travel on the right in 1970.

D.All the Asian nations use the left at present.

5.What would be the best title for this passage?

A.Who made the great contributions to the shift of traffic directions?

B.How cars have become a popular means of transportation?

C.How Henry Ford produced his cars with controls on the left?

D.Why don’t people all drive on the same side of the road?



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