摘要:第三节 (共三小题,每小题1.5.满分4.5) 听第10段对话.回答第18至20题 My favorite subject at school was maths. I enjoyed . But Maths was the subject in our class. During my last year at school our maths teacher’s child was seriously ill and she had to stay with him in the hospital for two week. So I tried to give lessons to 3 of my fiends. I was and got good at explaining things to people, and the lessons went well.





1.What does the word“bash”mean?

A.To heat very hard.    B.To sit very hard.    C.To hit very hard.

2.How will the weather be this afternoon?

A.Sunny.    B.Rainy.    C.Windy.

3.What does the woman mean?

A.He should have his car repaired in the garage. B.He should lend his car to Bill.

C.He could refuse Bill with a white lie.

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.The man was talking to the stranger.

B.The stranger asked the man and the woman th6 way.

C.Neither the woman nor the stranger knows where the bus stop is.

5.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.They are friends.  B.They are strangers    C.They are brother and sister




6.Why is the man asking about Professor Williams?

A.The man is going to take the professor's course.

B.The man is going to discuss with the professor.

C.The man is going to work for the professor.

7.How old is Professor Williams?

A.In his sixties.    B.In his fifties.    C.In his forties.

8.What does Professor Williams look like?

A.Short and thin.    B.Tall and thin.    C.Old and untidy.


9.What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A.They're close friends.    B.They are shop assistant and customer.

C.They are strangers.

10.Why did the man talk to the woman?

A.He wanted to buy a house.    B.He wanted to get a job.   

C.He wanted to rent a flat.

11.How much will the man pay for the bigger one each year?

A.2400 dollars.    B.3000 dollars.    C.3600 dollars.


12.What is the man doing here?

A.He is an English teacher here.    B.He is waiting for a teacher here

C.He gives oral examinations here.

13.What happened to the man in the dialogue?

A.He mistook the woman for a student.    B.He went to the wrong school.

C.He would be angry after he knew the truth.

14.Who is the woman in the dialogue?

A.She is a waitress.    B.She is one of the teachers here.    C.She is a student here.


15.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.At the railway station.    B.In the post office.    C.In a shopping center.

16.How much is first class?

A.$8.20.    B.$4.90.    C.$6.

17.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man didn't put down a return address at last.   

B.The man bought two sets of glasses.

C.The man paid $14.20 in all.


18.Which book is about three thirty-year-old people?

A.What Is The What.    B.The Road.    C.The Emperor's Children

19.Which character has been writing a book she cannot seem to finish?

A.Marina Thwaite.    B.Julian Clark.    C.Danielle Minkoff.

20.What does the book The Road by Cormac McCarthy mainly describe?

A.A nuclear disaster.    B.The last survivor.    C.The end of the world.






1.What does the man think of Andy?

     A. He is a nice guy.        B. He is ill-tempered            C. He is hard to please.

2.What does the woman want to watch?

     A. News                 B. "Sports World"              C. Movie

3.What do we know about the woman?

     A. She spends less than 60% for clothing and entertainment.

     B. She has a tight budget.

     C. She spends more than she earns.

4.How much money was stolen from the cashbox?

     A. Almost 50 million yuan.

     B. Almost 15 million yuan.

     C. Almost 5 million yuan.

5.What is the woman's parking space?

     A. D406                 B. D407                    C. P407




6.What is the woman's grade?

     A. A senior               B. A junior                   C. A freshman

7.When will the woman graduate?

     A. This year              B. Next year                  C. The year after next

8.What is her major possibly?

     A. English               B. Computer science            C. Medicine


9.What is the office time according to the talk?

     A. 8:30                  B. 9:00                      C. 9:30

10.What's wrong with the man's phone?

     A. It was broken          B. It was power off            C. It was lost.

11.What is the possible relationship between the two?

     A. Colleagues            B. Boss and employee          C. Teacher and student


12.What is the man's suggestion for the woman to improve her English?

    A. Writing more          B. Reading more              C. Listening more

13.How can man get opportunities spoken English according to the man?

     A. Go aboard           B. Sit and wait                C. create opportunities oneself

14.What can we learn from the talk?

     A. Good things will come to us.

     B. Practice makes perfect.

     C. Only reading can help you learn English well,


15.What is the woman's room number?

     A. 405                    B. 504                    C. 540

16.What is the woman's problem?

     A. Her sink was blocked.

     B. She didn't get any hot water.

     C. Her TV set was broken.

17.Which statement of the following is NOT true according to the text?

     A. The woman didn't turn the handle all the way to the right.

     B. An engine will be sent to the woman's room.

     C. The woman is now having an appointment.




What instrument was Midori good at?


How old was Midori when one day an American musician heard her playing the instrument so well ?


 In which year did Midori and her mother move to New York city?






第一节  (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


1.He’s filled with ________ to become a famous singer.

2.Cycling is highly________ to health and the environment.

3.I have lots of ________ for her; she brougt up the children on her own.

4.Most miners were waiting ________ after they were trapped in the water in Wang JiaLing Coal Mine.

5.Joe ________ to consider his answer.

6.The girl ________ to London after an argument with her family.

7.The old lady enjoyed eating things that are ________ - even when she is not hungry.

8.My mother soon ________ herself to the city life.

9.There is no ________ for his strange behavior.

10.They return in September for the start of the new________ year.



11.What does the woman mean?

   A. She feels cold.       B. She is quite well.  C. She is still ill.

12.What did the man think of the exam?

   A. It was beyond him.    B. It was very easy.   C. It was a bit difficult.

13.What can be inferred about the woman?

   A. She hates computer.  

B. She doesn’t have a computer.  

C. Her computer hasn’t been updated.

14.What does the man mean?

   A. The woman should get a repairman to check the fridge.

B. The woman has put off buying a new fridge for too long.         

C. He will repair the fridge for the woman.

15.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In a bookshop.        B. In a classroom. C. In a library.

16.Where is the man going?

A. Rome.             B. Berlin.         C. London. 

17.What does the woman think of the weather?

A. A bit warm.           B. Too hot.            C. Not warm at all.

18.Why does the man mention other sources of energy? 

A. To comfort the woman.

B. To blame people for wasting energy.

C. To say that solar energy is important.

19.What’s the possible relationship between Lucy and the two speakers?

A. Teacher and students.                      

B. Daughter and parents.                      

C. Friends.

20.Where is the man going?

   A. To the classroom. B. To the movies.     C. To the library.






1.What time is it now?

A. 4:00.                    B. 4: 10.                    C. 4:30.

2.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In a bank.                B. In a street.               C. On a bus.

3.What exam does the man have to take?

A. Physics.                 B. Math.                  C. History.

4.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. Waiter and customer.     B. Policeman and driver.    C. Teacher and student.

5.Why does the woman want to change the skirt?

A. Because it is too small.   B. Because it is too big.     C. Because it's of poor quality.

第二节(共l 5小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6.What language is the man learning?

A. French.                  B. Japanese.                C. Chinese.

7.What does the woman advise the man to do?

A. Spend more iime.         B. Practise with her.        C. Make more efforts.


8.Where is Mr. Wang now?

A. In the office.             B. In the street.            C. In the cafeteria.

9.What is the meeting about?

A. Products preparation.      B. Foreign exchange.        C. Sales strategies.

听第8段材料,回答第l 0至l 2题。

10.What degree is the woman studying to get?

A. A doctor' s degree       B. A master's degree.      C. A bachelor's degree.

11.In what field has the woman got a degree?

A. Biochemistry.           B. Physics.                C. Chemistry.

12.What can we know from the dialogue?

A. The woman has failed to get any scholarship.

B. The man shows some interest in biochemistry.

C. The woman has a plan for her future career.

听第9段材料,回答第l 3至1 6题。

13.What kind of house is the woman looking for7

A. A large one.             B. A cheap one.            C. A small one.

14.Why does the woman need so many bedrooms?

A. Because she has a vet7 big family.     B. Because she often has visitors on weekends.

C. Because she likes rooms of different styles.

15.How does the woman choose to stay in different bedrooms?

A. According to her mood.             B. According to the weather.

C. According to the season.

16.What can you learn about the woman?

A. She might be a good gardener.      B. She might be a good designer.

C. She might be a good cook.

听第10段材料,回答第l 7至20题。

17.How long do some uni versities require foreign students to stay in the dornlitory?

A. At least one year.         B. At least one year.       C. At least two years.

18.Why do students choose to live in the dormitory?

A. Because it is more comfortable.        B. Because it is less expensive.

C. Because it is more convenient.

19.What can we learn from the report?

A. Not all the males and females can share the same noor.

B. Not all the males and females can share the same room.

C. Not all the males and females can share the same bathroom.

20.Who is Edward Spencer?

A. President for student affairs.     B. President for Virginia Tech.

C. President for Student Union.






例:How much is the shirt?

A.£19.15.              B.£9.15                    C.£9.18.


1.Who is coming for tea?

A.John.                 B.Mark.                 C.Tracy.

2.What will the man do next?

A.Leave right away.

B.Stay for dinner.

C.Catch a train.

3.What does the man come for?

A.A lecture.                B.A meeting.                C.A party.

4.What size does the man want?

A.9.                        B.35.                   C.39.

5.What are the speakers talking about?

A.Life in Southeast Asia.

B.Weather conditions.

C.A holiday tour.




6.What is the man doing?

A.Giving a speech.

B.Chairing a meeting.

C.Introducing a person.

7.Why does the woman sing so well?

A.She has a great teacher.

B.She teaches singing.

C.She is young.


8.What is the second gift for Jimmy?

A.A car.                    B.A watch.              C.A computer.

9.Why does Jimmy feel happy?

A.He lives with his parents.

B.He’s got what he dreamt of.

C.He’s received lots of presents.


10.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.They are friends.

B.They are strangers to each other.

C.They are husband and wife.

11.Why does the woman come to talk with the man?

A.To get a job.

B.To take a test.

C.To see the secretary.

12.What does the man mean by saying sorry?

A.He can’t hear the woman clearly.

B.He doesn’t need a designer.

C.He can’t help the woman.


13.What do we know about the woman?

A.She lives close to the office.

B.She is new to the company.

C.She likes the big kitchen.

14.How does the man go to work?

A.On foot.              B.By bus.                   C.By car.

15.Why was Susan late for work?

A.She missed the bus.

B.Her train was late.

C.Her car broke down.

16.What will the man do the next day?

A.Go to work by train.

B.Visit Lily in her flat.

C.Leave home earlier.


17.Where can you most probably hear this talk?

A.In a class of the English language.

B.In a class of the Greek language.

C.In a class of the French language.

18.How long does the class last?

A.11 weeks.             B.13 weeks.             C.15 weeks.

19.What is “the short-cut” to learning words according to the speaker?

A.Taking more courses.

B.Reading basic words aloud.

C.Learning how words are formed.

20.Why is the class popular?

A.It is not offered each term.

B.It’s taught by Professor Morris.

C.It helps to master some useful rules.



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