摘要: I would love very much if you could come to my home and help me fix the computer. A. it B. you B. this D. that


See in your mind’s eye where you really want to be in ten years’ time.Choose your own values, activities, and relationships rather than copying tubers.
While working with troubled teens, I used to haste them do a Ten Years game in the Future exercise.I asked them to write a letter to a friend as if it was ten years in the future.Most of these boys and girls didn’t think about the next week, much less ten years to come.This lack of “foresight”was a major reason why their lives were pretty messed up.But the real story is what happened to me.I did the exercise right along with them on many occasions, writing my dreams in detail.In my letter to a friend, I had moved to the country, built my own home, authored a book, and started my own business.
Over the next ten years, something magic happened.All my dreams became true, almost as if orchestrated (精心安排) by an unseen hand.I realized that something very powerful was happening, more powerful than expected.I did write books and start my business.We did move to the country and I did build my own home.
This letter to a friend will become a magnetic factor in your life.Your vision will guide you in your yearly goals, your monthly goals, and your daily activities.
You must write your letter as if it has already happened.For example:
“Leslie, I just wanted to make contact again and tell you about my life.I started my own gardening business in 2012 and it’s really taken off.”
“Dear Harold, I met the love of my life in 2016 and we moved to Hawaii where Frank works in a bookstore and I give surfing lessons everyday.We love it.”
Remember, describe all the details as if they have already happened.This will help you make it more real for you.
Sit down and write (or type) your Ten Years in the Future letter today.
60.It seems that the author’s dream and vision became a reality because the author    .
A.had put something magic in the letter
B.could foresee what would happen
C.was experienced in writing the Ten Years letter
D.took what was written in the letter as a guide in life
61.According to the author,“Leslie”in your letter should be the person that    .
A.does the same exercise as you
B.will become your friend in ten years
C.you know now and may still know in the future
D.you can imagine when you write your letter
62.The author advises you to write the Ten Years in the Future letter    .
A.as soon as possible
B.in ten years’ time
C.when you have time
D.as often as possible
63.Which of the following covers the topics in this text?
a.The author’s own experience with the Ten Years in the Future exercise.
b.How the author got the idea of the Ten Years in the Future exercise.
c.How to write the Ten Years in the Future letter.
d.The author’s experience of working with troubled teens.
e.The difficulty in dealing with troubled teens.
f.How to improve your letter writing skill.
A.a, d, f                     B.a, c, d              C.b, c, d             D.a, c, e



See in your mind’s eye where you really want to be in ten years’ time.Choose your own values, activities, and relationships rather than copying tubers.

While working with troubled teens, I used to haste them do a Ten Years game in the Future exercise.I asked them to write a letter to a friend as if it was ten years in the future.Most of these boys and girls didn’t think about the next week, much less ten years to come.This lack of “foresight”was a major reason why their lives were pretty messed up.But the real story is what happened to me.I did the exercise right along with them on many occasions, writing my dreams in detail.In my letter to a friend, I had moved to the country, built my own home, authored a book, and started my own business.

Over the next ten years, something magic happened.All my dreams became true, almost as if orchestrated (精心安排) by an unseen hand.I realized that something very powerful was happening, more powerful than expected.I did write books and start my business.We did move to the country and I did build my own home.

This letter to a friend will become a magnetic factor in your life.Your vision will guide you in your yearly goals, your monthly goals, and your daily activities.

You must write your letter as if it has already happened.For example:

“Leslie, I just wanted to make contact again and tell you about my life.I started my own gardening business in 2012 and it’s really taken off.”

“Dear Harold, I met the love of my life in 2016 and we moved to Hawaii where Frank works in a bookstore and I give surfing lessons everyday.We love it.”

Remember, describe all the details as if they have already happened.This will help you make it more real for you.

Sit down and write (or type) your Ten Years in the Future letter today.

60.It seems that the author’s dream and vision became a reality because the author    .

A.had put something magic in the letter

B.could foresee what would happen

C.was experienced in writing the Ten Years letter

D.took what was written in the letter as a guide in life

61.According to the author,“Leslie”in your letter should be the person that    .

A.does the same exercise as you

B.will become your friend in ten years

C.you know now and may still know in the future

D.you can imagine when you write your letter

62.The author advises you to write the Ten Years in the Future letter    .

A.as soon as possible

B.in ten years’ time

C.when you have time

D.as often as possible

63.Which of the following covers the topics in this text?

a.The author’s own experience with the Ten Years in the Future exercise.

b.How the author got the idea of the Ten Years in the Future exercise.

c.How to write the Ten Years in the Future letter.

d.The author’s experience of working with troubled teens.

e.The difficulty in dealing with troubled teens.

f.How to improve your letter writing skill.

A.a, d, f                     B.a, c, d              C.b, c, d             D.a, c, e




       See in your mind’s eye where you really want to be in ten years’ time.Choose your own values, activities, and relationships rather than copying tubers.

       While working with troubled teens, I used to haste them do a Ten Years game in the Future exercise.I asked them to write a letter to a friend as if it was ten years in the future.Most of these boys and girls didn’t think about the next week, much less ten years to come.This lack of “foresight”was a major reason why their lives were pretty messed up.But the real story is what happened to me.I did the exercise right along with them on many occasions, writing my dreams in detail.In my letter to a friend, I had moved to the country, built my own home, authored a book, and started my own business.

       Over the next ten years, something magic happened.All my dreams became true, almost as if orchestrated (精心安排) by an unseen hand.I realized that something very powerful was happening, more powerful than expected.I did write books and start my business.We did move to the country and I did build my own home.

       This letter to a friend will become a magnetic factor in your life.Your vision will guide you in your yearly goals, your monthly goals, and your daily activities.

       You must write your letter as if it has already happened.For example:

       “Leslie, I just wanted to make contact again and tell you about my life.I started my own gardening business in 2012 and it’s really taken off.”

       “Dear Harold, I met the love of my life in 2016 and we moved to Hawaii where Frank works in a bookstore and I give surfing lessons everyday.We love it.”

       Remember, describe all the details as if they have already happened.This will help you make it more real for you.

       Sit down and write (or type) your Ten Years in the Future letter today.

60.It seems that the author’s dream and vision became a reality because the author     .

       A.had put something magic in the letter

       B.could foresee what would happen

       C.was experienced in writing the Ten Years letter

       D.took what was written in the letter as a guide in life

61.According to the author,“Leslie”in your letter should be the person that     .

       A.does the same exercise as you

       B.will become your friend in ten years

       C.you know now and may still know in the future

       D.you can imagine when you write your letter

62.The author advises you to write the Ten Years in the Future letter     .

       A.as soon as possible

       B.in ten years’ time

       C.when you have time

       D.as often as possible

63.Which of the following covers the topics in this text?

       a.The author’s own experience with the Ten Years in the Future exercise.

       b.How the author got the idea of the Ten Years in the Future exercise.

       c.How to write the Ten Years in the Future letter.

       d.The author’s experience of working with troubled teens.

       e.The difficulty in dealing with troubled teens.

       f.How to improve your letter writing skill.

       A.a, d, f                     B.a, c, d              C.b, c, d             D.a, c, e



  See in your mind’s eye where you really want to be in ten years’ time.Choose your own values, activities, and relationships rather than copying others.Complete this exercise to learn what you really want in life.

  While working with troubled teens, I used to have them do the Ten Years in the Future exercise.I asked them to write a letter to a friend as if it was ten years in the future.Most of these boys and girls didn’t think about the next week, much less ten years to come.Like the Cheshire cat says in Alice in Wonderland,“If you don’t know where you want to go, then it doesn’t really matter what road you take!

  Of course, this lack of“foresight”was a major reason their lives were pretty messed up.We had some great conversations as they really thought about what they wanted.For most of them, this was the first time they had ever thought this way!

  But the real story is what happened to me.I did the exercise right along with them on many occasions, writing my dreams and visions in detail.In my letter to a friend, I had moved to the country, built my own home, authored a book, and started my own business working from home.

  Over the next ten years, something magic happened.All my dreams and visions became a reality, almost as if arranged by an unseen hand.I realized that something very powerful was happening, more powerful than I realized initially(最初).I did write books and start my business.We did move to the country and I did build my own home.

  This letter to a friend will become a magnetic factor in your life.Your vision will guide you in your yearly goals, your monthly goals, and your daily activities.

  You must write your letter as if it has already happened.For example:

  “Leslie, I just wanted to make contact again and tell you about my life.I started my own gardening business in 2015 and it’s really taken off.”

  “Dear Harold, I met the love of my life in 2016 and we moved to Hawaii where Frank works in a bookstore and I give surfing lessons everyday.We love it.”

  Remember, describe all the details as if they have already happened.Write to a real person who you think you may still know in ten years.This will help make it more real for you.

  Sit down and write your Ten Years in the Future letter today.


The underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 indicates that ________.

[  ]


you should have a goal


you had better not copy others


you may do what you want to do


you may have different ideas


It seems that the author’s dreams and visions became a reality because the author ________.

[  ]


had put something magic in the letter


could foresee what would happen


was experienced in writing the Ten Years letter


took what was written in the letter as a guide in life


According to the author,“Leslie”in your letter should be the person that ________.

[  ]


does the same exercise as you


will become your friend in ten years


you know now and may still know in the future


you can imagine when you write your letter


The author advises you to write the Ten Years in the Future letter ________.

[  ]


as soon as possible


in ten years’ time


when you have time


as often as possible


Determine the topics in this passage.

a.The author’s own experience with the Ten Years in the Future exercise.

b.How the author got the idea of the Ten Years in the Future exercise.

c.How to write the Ten Years in the Future letter.

d.The author’s experience of working with troubled teens.

e.The difficulty in dealing with troubled teens.

f.How to improve your letter writing skill

[  ]


a, d, f


a, c, d


b, c, d


a, c, e


The months and years went by. I had been Joe’s apprentice for four years.
One evening, Joe and I were sitting in the village inn. A stranger came in, a big, tall man, with heavy eyebrows. The man had large, very clean white hands. To my surprise, I recognized the man. I had seen him at Miss Havisham’s many years before. He had frightened me then. He frightened me a little now.
‘I think there is a blacksmith here----name of Joe Gargery,’ the man said in his loud voice.
‘That’s me!’ Joe answered. He stood up.
‘You have an apprentice, known as Pip,’ the stranger went on. ‘Where is he? ’
‘Here!’ I cried, standing beside Joe.
‘I wish to speak to you both. I wish to speak to you privately, not here,’ the man said. ‘Perhaps I could go home with you.’
We walked back to the workshop in silence. When we were in the sitting room, the man began to speak.
‘My name is Jaggers,’ he said. ‘I am a lawyer in London, where I am well-known. I have some unusual business with young Pip here. I am speaking for someone else, you understand. A client who doesn’t want to be named. Is that clear?’
Joe and I nodded.
‘I have come to take your apprentice to London,’ the lawyer said to Joe. ‘You won’t stop him from coming I hope?’
‘Stop him? Never! ’ Joe cried.
‘Listen, then. I have this message for Pip. He has ---- great expectations!’
Joe and I looked at each other, too surprised to speak.
‘Yes, great expectations’ Mr. Jaggers repeated. ‘Pip will one day be rich, very rich. Pip is to change his way of life at once. He will no longer be a blacksmith. He is to come with me to London. He is to be educated as a gentleman. He will be a man of property.’
And so, at last, my dream had come true. Miss Havisham----because Mr. Jaggers’ client must be Miss Havisham----had plans for me after all. I would be rich and Estella would love me!
Mr. Jaggers was speaking again. ‘There are two conditions,’ he said, looking at me. ‘First, you will always be known as Pip. Secondly,’ Mr. Jaggers continued, ‘the name of your benefactor is to be kept secret. One day, that person will speak to you, face to face. Until then, you must not ask any questions. You must never try to find out this person’s name. Do you understand? Speak out!’
‘Yes, I understand,’ I answered. ‘My benefactor’s name is to remain a secret.’
‘Good,’ Mr. Jaggers said. ‘Now, Pip, you will come into your property when you come of age----when you are twenty-one. Until then, I am your guardian. I have money to pay for your education and to allow you to live as a gentleman. You will have a private teacher. His name is Mr. Matthew Pocket and you will stay at his house.’
I gave a cry of surprise. Some of Miss Havisham’s relations were called Pocket. Mr. Jaggers raised his eyebrows.
‘Do you not want to live with Mr. Pocket? Have you any objection to this arrangement?’ he said severely.
‘No, no, none at all,’ I answered quickly.
‘Good. Then I will arrange everything,’ Mr. Jaggers went on. ‘Mr. Pocket’s son has rooms in London. I suggest you go there. Now when can you come to London?’
I looked at Joe.
‘At once, if Joe has no objection,’ I said.
‘No objection, Pip old chap,’ Joe answered.
‘Then you will come in one week’s time,’ Mr. Jaggers said, standing up. ‘You will need new clothes. Here is some money to pay for them. Twenty guineas.’
He counted the money and put it on the table.
‘Well, Joe Gargery, you are saying nothing,’ Mr. Jaggers said to Joe firmly. ‘I have money to give to you too.’
【小题1】The underlined word “apprentice” in paragraph 1 means ____________.

A.a very good friend and companion
B.someone who has no money but is very skilled at their job
C.a young person who is being trained for a particular job
D.a person with no education living with another family
【小题2】The author describes Mr. Jaggers as having ‘large, very clean white hands’ in order to ____________.
A.show how Pip recalls Mr Jaggers
B.provide a description of Mr. Jaggers to the readers only
C.indicate that Mr. Jaggers remains indoors a lot and doesn’t get much sun
D.show Mr Jaggers often washes his hands to rid himself of his own bad deeds as a lawyer
【小题3】At the end of the passage above, Mr. Jaggers says he also has money to give Joe because ____________.
A.he believes he can also help Joe become a gentleman
B.he is repaying money loaned to Joe previously by the benefactor
C.the secret benefactor wants Joe to be his personal blacksmith
D.Joe will have to hire a new worker
【小题4】Which of the following is not true according to the passage?
A.Joe is happy that Pip will go to London.
B.Mr. Jaggers does not want other people to know he is a lawyer.
C.Pip hopes Miss Havisham will help him become a gentleman
D.Pip will become very rich when he comes of age.


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