摘要: A. difficult B. easy C. boring D. interesting


[1] As adolescents(青少年), having a meaningful effect on the world can seem like an impossible task for the simple fact of being kids.  Changing the world does not only mean finding a cure for cancer, eliminating poverty, or finding the origin of humanity, but recycling a piece of paper as well. Going Green is a practical way that adolescents can have a real, meaningful influence in the world.  There are numerous options of how individuals can change their lifestyles to be more eco-conscious(有生态环保意识的). What follows are three simple ways young adolescents can go green and change the world.

1. Recycle

[2] According to a Wire & Twine online article, 63 million newspapers come out every day and of those 44 million are thrown away; recycling the Sunday newspaper alone we could save half a million trees a week.

[3] The age of technology constantly creates new phones, iPods, or new computers.  Many will stand in line for hours if not days to get their hands on the new piece of technology, but what happens with the old ones once they are replaced?  Nothing, according to Earth911 about 75% of the old devices sit in the back of a drawer collecting dust.  By taking them to the local stores that collect them, they go to poor people which in turn removes them from landfills(垃圾填埋场) where the phones explode because of the lead and lithium-ion(锂离子) the phones contain.

2. Go vegetarian one day a week

[4] Instead of breaking down the pros and cons(利弊) of the vegetarian lifestyle into a long boring paragraph, here are some astonishing facts on going vegetarian for only one day.  According to Noam Mohr, a physicist at the New York University, the United States would save 100 billion gallons of water which is enough to supply all homes in New England for about 4 months.

[5] The United States would save 70 million gallons of gas which is enough to fuel all the cars of Canada and Mexico combined and still have some to spare. The United States could prevent 3 million tons of soil erosion(侵蚀), 4.5 million tons of animal wastes, and about 7 tons of ammonia emissions (氨排放). The Environmental Defense concludes with the most interesting fact: if the entire population gives up one meal of chicken, the amount of carbon dioxide accumulated would be the same amount if more than half a million cars were taken off U.S. roads.

3. 63

[6] Most drink bottled water because of the common view that bottled water is healthier than regular tap water; actually, 25% of bottled water comes from regular tap water and all that is done extra is it going through a filter(过滤器).  Tap water has higher regulations from the FDA (Food and Drug Administration美国食品药品管理局) than bottled water does.  Companies do not need to list where they got the water from, how they purify the water, or what chemicals their plastic water bottles contain.  Plastic bottles do not get recycled 90% of the time which results in 1.5 million tons of plastic in landfills which take thousands of years to rot.  Not only are you drinking the same water as that in your house but also paying extra.  The average 24-pack of bottled water cost $3.97 at the local Wal-Mart and a reusable water bottle cost between $4.99-$7.99; just imagine how much money could be saved if reusable water bottles replaced plastic water bottles.

[7] Changing the world for a positive has to start somewhere and while it may be hard and at times it may seem as if the small changes that are being done are not affecting the world, keep in mind what Margaret Mead once said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

58. What’s the whole passage mainly talked about?

  A. Ways to protect environment.                B. Ways to become powerful.

  C. The importance of recycling.                        D. The importance of saving water.

59. What’s the meaning of the underlined sentence in Paragraph 1?

  A. Changing the world involves many questions.

B. It’s not easy to change the world.

  C. Changing the world is not so difficult.   

D. We can actually do everything.

60. How much of the daily newspapers are thrown away according to Paragraph 2?

  A. About 44%.         B. About 63%.             C. About 70%.            D. About 75%.

61. In the article, the writer _____ to tell us the benefits of the vegetarian lifestyle.

  A. does a lot of reasoning                                 B. uses many facts    

C. borrows VIPs’ phrases                                  D. puts forward new ideas

62. What’s the benefits of giving up just one day of eating meat according to Paragraph 4 and 5?

  A. Much water and gas would be saved.           B. Much land would be spared.

  C. More animals would survive.                         D. More cars would be on the roads.

63. Which of the following can be the subtitle(小标题) of Paragraph 6?

  A. Drink healthy water                                B. Produce bottled water

  C. Give up bottled water                             D. Reuse tap water

64. Why do many people choose to drink bottled water according to Paragraph 6?

  A. They think it’s cheaper.                                 B. They think it’s healthier.

  C. They think it’s more fashionable.                  D. They think it’s environmental friendly.

65. What’s the main idea of the last paragraph?

  A. We should find a proper time to start action

B. Small changes will make big differences.

  C. Personal efforts will not affect the world.

D. A small group of people matters.



First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. They  1  their own way to learn the language. Instead of  2 for the teachers to explain, they try to find the pattern and rules for themselves. They are good  3 who look for clues and form their own conclusions. When they guess wrong, they guess again. They try to learn from their mistakes.        

Secondly,   4  language learners are active in  5 , therefore, they do not wait for a chance to use the languages, and they look for such a chance. They find people who speak the language and let those people  6 them when they make a  7 . They will try anything to communicate. They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say  8  things which sound weird. They are willing to make mistakes and try again, when communication is difficult. They can accept information that is  9  or incomplete. It is more  10  for them to learn to think in the language than to know the  11 of every word.

  12 successful language learners are learners with  13 . They want to learn language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to  14 with these people and to learn from them. They find it easy to practice using the language  15  because they want to learn it.






























































































In a class I teach adults,I recently did something“unpardonable(不可饶恕的)”I gave the class homework!The  36  was to “go to someone you love within the next week and tell them you love them”.It has to be someone you have never said those words to before or at least haven’t  37  those words with for a long time.

Now that doesn’t sound like a very  38  assignment until you realize that most of the men were over 35 and were   39   in the generation of men that were taught that  40  emotion is not macho(阳刚的)Showing feelings or crying was just not done.So this was a very  41  assignment for them.

    he beginning of our next class,I asked if someone wanted to share   42   happened when they told someone the loved them I  43  expected one of the women to  44  ,as was usually the ease,but on this evening one of the men raised his hand first He appeared quite  45  and a bit shaken

As he  46   out of his chair(all 6feet and 2 inches of him),he began by saying,“Dennis,1 was quite  47  with you last week when you gave us this assignment.I didn’t feel that I had anyone to say those words to.and besides who were you to tell me to do something  48 personal?”

“But as I began driving home,my  49  started talking to me It was telling me that I knew

50  who I needed to say I love you too.”

“You see, five years ago,my father and I had a severe  51  and really never solve it since that

time.We  52  seeing each other  53  we absolutely had to at Christmas or other family gatherings.  54  even then,we hardly spoke to each other.’’

 “So last Tuesday by the time I got home,I had  55  myself was going to tell my father I love him·”

36.A.1esson             B.project          C assignment         D activity

37.A shared               B.explained        C.reminded        D.imagined

38.A.easy               B.serious          C.curious          D.difficult

39.A.carried             B.raised           C encouraged        D.taught

40.A.valuing             B.maxing         C.expressing        D getting

41.A.boring             B.amazing         C.interesting        D demanding

42.A.what              B that               C which             D as

43.A.freely             B.fully             C.slowly           D.aimlessly

44。A.attempt            B organize            C.volunteer        D.manage

45.A.afraid             B.moved            C confused          D.delighted

46.A.jumped            B.stepped           C.unfolded         D.walked

47.A.satisfied           B.pleased           C.familiar          D.angry

48.A.that               B such              C much              D.too

49.A.hear              B.senses           C.patience           D honors

50.A.naturally           B.possibly         C.exactly           D curiously

51.A.expedience          B.warning         C.tongue            D disagreement

52.A.avoided            B.stopped          C started             D.continued

53.A.once              B.since            C.unless             D.if

54.A.And               B.But             C.Thus              D.Meanwhile

55.A.puzzled            B enjoyed           C.controlled           D.persuaded





W:I think it is going to rain.

M:Going to rain?The ground is already wet!

1.What does the man mean?

A.It won’t rain.

B.It is raining.

C.It’s going to rain.

W:What happens in the first part of the film?

M:To tell the truth, I don’t exactly remember because it almost put me to sleep.

2.What does the man think of the film?




M:I’d like to have this film developed.

W:Just write down your name and address here please.

M:Oh…, it’s for a friend.I don’t know his address.I guess I’ll have to make a phone call and come back later.

3.What will the man do when he comes back?

A.He will make a telephone call.

B.He will write down his friend’s address.

C.He will get his photos back.

M:Hi, Jane.Long time no see!

W:Hi, George.How are you doing?

M:Not so well.I’ve been working overtime a lot.Besides, I go to night classes, and I’m on my way to school now.

W:That’s terrible!Why don’t you take it easy for a while?

4.What does George need most of all?

A.Having a rest.

B.Going to school.

C.Keeping on working.

W:Tickets, please.

M:We want to catch the eighteen to London.

W:You’ve just missed it!

M:Goodness me!What should we do then?

W:You can come in the afternoon and catch the three sixteen.

5.Where does this dialogue take place?

A.At the cinema.

B.At the police station.

C.At the railway station.




M:I’d like to book a ticket to Los Angeles for next Monday.

W:Just a second.

M:I’ll need a ticket with an open return.

W:TWA has a flight leaving at 9:25.

M:I guess that’s OK.What time should I check in?

W:You have to be there half an hour before it leaves.

6.What does the man want to do?

A.Buy a ticket.

B.Book a ticket.

C.Book a room.

7.When will the man go to Los Angeles?

A.Next Monday.

B.This Monday.

C.Not settled.

8.When should the man check in?





W:Having visited so many different countries you must be able to speak several different languages.

M:I wish I could, but French and English are the only ones that I have ever learned to speak.

W:Have you ever tried Chinese?

M:Yes, but I gave up halfway.The Chinese characters are too difficult to practise.

W:How about Japanese?

M:I attended class for two or three months, but the more I learned, the more difficult the grammar became.

W:Do you like travelling?

M:No, I don’t, but I have to.I work in the sales department.

W:If only all the countries used the same language, then I would be able to work in different countries.

M:But to tell you the truth, I hope not.As a matter of fact, I am quite interested in language learning.

9.How many languages can the man speak?




10.What’s the man’s job?

A.A doctor.

B.A businessman.

C.A teacher.

11.What does the woman wish?

A.She wishes she could speak French.

B.She wishes she could speak Japanese.

C.She wishes there were just one language in the world.


W:Have you been chased by a dog?

M:No, I haven’t.But by a bull.


M:Yes, a couple of years ago.When I was walking in the country, the field was full of bulls.And I was wearing a bright red coat.They suddenly jumped up and down and started chasing me.

W:What happened then?

M:I just ran for the nearest fence and jumped over it.

W:You’re lucky.But I know a man who was bitten by a dog while he was jogging.

M:How did that happen?

W:He was running past a farm when a sheepdog started barking at him.He tried to kick it out of the way.But the dog jumped up and bit him in the leg.

12.When was the man chased by bulls?

A.A couple of years ago.

B.A couple of months ago.

C.A couple of weeks ago.

13.What was the man doing when he was chased by a dog?

A.He was walking.

B.He was working.

C.He was running.

14.Why did the bulls chase the man?

A.He was wearing a red coat.

B.He ran past a farm.

C.He walked in the country.


M:Have you ever eaten here before?

W:Only in the evenings.I didn’t know until now that they served breakfast too.

M:That’s what the Carolina Coffee Shop is famous for.People have been coming here for over 60 years for breakfast before going to the university football and basketball games.It’s a tradition.

W:Oh, what’s good here?

M:The best is their French toast.They take some pieces of French bread and dip them in eggs.Then they bake them.It’s delicious.

W:I think I’ll try it.

M:OK.Since this is your first visit to the Carolina Coffee Shop in the morning, I’ll buy you breakfast.


15.What time of day is the conversation taking place?

A.In the morning.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.

16.What does the man suggest the woman have?

A.French bread.

B.French toast.

C.French eggs.

17.Who will pay the breakfast?

A.The man.

B.The woman.

C.It will be free.


“We are not training future poets.”said a school’s headmaster.“We just hope the class makes students more creative.”The class has 56 poem-loving students in it.They get half a day’s teaching every week from Zhu Tiewu, a poet from the Shanghai City Poets Group.Zhu has a three-term teaching plan for the class.He will ask them to study many poems in the first two terms.They will only get to write poems in the final term.Students will study both old and new poems.These will come from both China and foreign countries.But are students interested in poems today?Yes.According to a study of 90 students at the school, about half of them read poems and about a third want to be poets.They are learning about poems not because they want to be poets, but because poems teach them a lot about life.

18.What’s the purpose of teaching poems to students in this school?

A.To train them into future poets.

B.To make the class more lively.

C.To make the students more creative.

19.What’s Mr.Zhu’s three-term teaching plan for the class?

A.He will ask them to study poems in the first two terms and then get to write.

B.He will ask them to study Chinese poems for two terms and then to study foreign poems.

C.He will ask them to study poems in the first term and then write in the following terms.

20.How many students in this school want to be poets?

A.About 1/2.

B.About 1/3.

C.About 1/4.


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