摘要:70.A “rubber neck often . A.says bad words behind people. B.quarrels face to face with neighbors. C.bargains the price with sales women D.asks about other people’s business 答案 68.B 69.C 70.D Passage 55 (2006-2007学年度南通市九校 BUKHANNON, West Virginia-Two rescue teams slowly moved along a two-mile path on Monday night to the site of a coal mine explosion that trapped 13 miners, who had not been heard from since the early morning accident. Meanwhile, at a nearby church, more than 250 family members and friends gathered, waiting for updateson the rescuers’ progress. The miners were trapped at about 6:30 and many families weren’t informed of the accident until about 10 a.m-more than three hours after it happened. “It’s very upsetting, but you’ve got to be patient, I guess, said John Helms, whose brother, Terry, was trapped in the mine. The trapped miners were about 260 feet underground and about 10,000 feet from the Sago Mine’s entrance, said Roger Nicholson, general counsel from International Coal Group. At a late night news conference, Nicholson said one team had advanced about 4, 800 feet in the four hours since entering the mine just before 6 p.m. Another team entered the mine about 30 minutes later. He said the crew was very experienced, with some members having worked underground for 30 to 35 years. The miners were equipped with about one hour of breathable oxygen each. The company has not released the names of the miners. The teams test the air about every 500 feet, and have to disconnect the power to the phones they use to communicate with the surface before doing that. “ We don’t want to be energizing anything if it’s in an atmosphere with burnable gases, Kips said. The cause of the explosion was not immediately known. High levels of carbon monoxide were detected shortly after the explosion, which delayed rescue efforts, but those levels have since subsided, authorities said.


Pain in the neck

  We all know what it is like to be unable to turn your head because of a cold in the muscles of your neck,or because an unexpected twist has made your neck ache and stiff.Your whole body feels tight.The slightest move makes you jump with pain.Nothing could be worse than a pain in the neck.

  That is why we use the phrase to describe some people who give you the same feeling.We have all met such people.

  One is the man who always seems to be clapping his hands–often at the wrong time–during a performance in the theater.He keeps you from hearing the actors.

  Even worse are those who can never arrive before the curtain goes up and the play begins.They come hurrying down to your row of seats.You are comfortably settled down, with your hat and heavy coat in your lap.You must stand up to let them pass.You are proud of your self-control after they have settled into their seats…Well, what now…Good God, one of them is up again.He forgot to go to the men’s room, and once more you have to stand up, hanging on to your hat and coat to let him pass.Now, that is “a pain in the neck.”

  Another, well–known to us all, is the person sitting behind you in the movies.His mouth is full of popcorn;he is chewing loudly, or talking between bites to friends next to him.None of them remain still.Up and down, back and forth, they go–for another bag of popcorn, or something to drink.

  Then, there is the man sitting next to you at a lunch counter smoking a smelly cigar.He wants you to enjoy it too, and blows smoke across your food into your mouth.

  We must not forget the man who comes into a bus or subway car and sits down next to you, just as close as you will let him.You are reading the newspaper and he leans over and stretches his neck so that he can read the paper with you.He may even turn the paper to the next page before you are ready for it.

  We also call such a person a “rubber neck, ” always stretching his neck to where it does not belong, like neighbors who watch all your visitors.They enjoy invading your privacy.People have a strong dislike for rubbernecks.They hate being spied upon.


Where can you find this passage?

[  ]


Medicine dictionaries.


Social science books.


Kids’ comic books.


Science text books.


[  ]










A “rubber neck” often ________.

[  ]


says bad words behind people


quarrels face to face with neighbors


bargains the price with sales women


asks about other people’s business


Which of the following is a “pain on the neck”?

[  ]


Someone who helps you find your seat in a movie theatre.


Someone who smokes in a smoking section on a train.


Someone who throws trash out of his car window on the highway.


Someone who goes to the doctor for his severe pain on the neck.


Pain in the neck

  We all know what it is like to be unable to turn your head because of a cold in the muscles of your neck, or because an unexpected twist has made your neck ache and stiff.Your whole body feels tight.The slightest move makes you jump with pain.Nothing could be worse than a pain in the neck.

  That is why we use the phrase to describe some people who give you the same feeling.We have all met such people.

  One is the man who always seems to be clapping his hands-often at the wrong time-during a performance in the theater.He keeps you from hearing the actors.

  Even worse are those who can never arrive before the curtain goes up and the play begins.They come hurrying down to your row of seats.You are comfortably settled down, with your hat and heavy coat in your lap.You must stand up to let them pass.You are proud of your selfcontrol after they have settled into their seats…Well, what now…Good God, one of them is up again.He forgot to go to the men’s room, and once more you have to stand up, hanging on to your hat and coat to let him pass.Now, that is “a pain in the neck”.

  Another, wellknown to us all, is the person sitting behind you in the movies.His mouth is full of popcorn; he is chewing loudly, or talking between bites to friends next to him.None of them remain still.Up and down, back and forth, they gofor another bag of popcorn, or something to drink.

  Then, there is the man sitting next to you at a lunch counter smoking a smelly cigar.He wants you to enjoy it too, and blows smoke across your food into your mouth.

  We must not forget the man who comes into a bus or subway car and sits down next to you, just as close as you will let him.You are reading the newspaper and he leans over and stretches his neck so that he can read the paper with you.He may even turn the paper to the next page before you are ready for it.

  We also call such a person a “rubber neck”, always stretching his neck to where it does not belong, like neighbors who watch all your visitors.The enjoy invading your privacy.People have a strong dislike for rubbernecks.They hate being spied upon.


Where can you find this passage?

[  ]


Medicine dictionaries.


Social science books.


Kids’ comic books.


Science text books.


How do you feel when late comers walk back and forth in front of you in a cinema?

[  ]










A “rubber neck” often ________.

[  ]


says bad words behind people


quarrels face to face with neighbours


bargains the price with sales women


asks about other people’s business


Which of the following is a “pain in the neck”?

[  ]


Someone who helps you find your seat in a movie theatre.


Someone who smokes in a smoking section on a train.


Someone who throws trash(垃圾)out of his car window on the highway.


Someone who goes to the doctor for his severe pain in the neck.


We all know what it is like to be unable to turn your head because of a cold in the muscles of your neck, or because an unexpected twist has made your neck ache and stiff. Your whole body feels tight. The slightest move makes you jump with pain.Nothing could be worse than a pain in the neck. That is why we use the phrase to describe some people who give you the same feeling. We have all met such people.

One is the man who always seems to be clapping his hands—often at the wrong time—during a performance in the theater. He keeps you from hearing the actors.

Even worse are those who can never arrive before the curtain goes up and the play begins. They come hurrying down to your row of seats. You are comfortably settled down, with your hat and heavy coat in your lap. You must stand up to let them pass. You are proud of your self-control after they have settled into their seats… Well, what now… Good God, one of them is up again.He forgot to go to the men’s room, and once more you have to stand up, hanging on to your hat and coat to let him pass. Now, that is “a pain in the neck”.

Another, well-known to us all, is the person sitting behind you in the movies. His mouth is full of popcorn; he is chewing loudly, or talking between bites to friends next to him. None of them remain still. Up and down, back and forth, they go for another bag of popcorn, or something to drink.

Then, there is the man sitting next to you at a lunch counter smoking a smelly cigar.He wants you to enjoy it too, and blows smoke across your food into your mouth.

We must not forget the man who comes into a bus or subway car and sits down next to you, just as closes you will let him. You are reading the newspaper and he leans over and stretches his neck so that he can read the paper with you. He may even turn the paper to the next page before you are ready for it.

We also call such a person a “rubber-neck”, always stretching his neck to where it does not belong, like neighbors who watch all your visitors. They enjoy invading your privacy. People have a strong dislike for rubber-necks. They hate being spied upon.

60. Where can you find this passage?

       A. Medicine dictionaries.                          B. Social science books.

       C. Kids’ comic books.                             D. Science text books.

61. How do you feel when late comers walk back and forth in front of you in a cinema?

       A. Ignored                B. Bored                   C. Disturbed             D. Relaxed

62. A “rubber-neck” often         .

       A. cares about other people’s business       B. quarrels face to face with neighbors

       C. bargains the price with sales women       D. says bad words behind people

63. Which of the following is a “pain in the neck”?

       A. Someone who helps you find your seat in a movie theatre.

       B. Someone who smokes in a smoking section on a train.

C. Someone who throws trash (垃圾) out of his car window on the highway.

D. Someone who goes to the doctor for his severe pain on the neck.


Pain in the neck

We all know what it is like to be unable to turn your head because of a cold in the muscles of your neck,or because an unexpected twist has made your neck ache and stiff. Your whole body feels tight. The slightest move makes you jump with pain. Nothing could be worse than a pain in the neck.

That is why we use the phrase to describe some people who give you the same feeling.We have all met such people.?

One is the man who always seems to be clapping his hands—often at the wrong time— during a performance in the theater. He keeps you from hearing the actors.?

Even worse are those who can never arrive before the curtain goes up and the play begins. They come hurrying down to your row of seats. You are comfortably settled down,with your hat and heavy coat in your lap. You must stand up to let them pass. You are proud of your self-control after they have settled into their seats...Well,what now...Good God,one of them is up again. He forgot to go to the men’s room,and once more you have to stand up,hanging on to your hat and coat to let him pass. Now,that is “a pain in the neck”.?

Another,well-known to us all,is the person sitting behind you in the movies. His mouth is full of popcorn;he is chewing loudly,or talking between bites to friends next to him. None of them remain still. Up and down,back and forth,they go-for another bag of popcorn,or something to drink.

Then,there is the man sitting next to you at a lunch counter smoking a smelly cigar. He wants you to enjoy it too,and blows smoke across your food into your mouth.?

We must not forget the man who comes into a bus or subway car and sits down next to you,just as close as you will let him. You are reading the newspaper and he leans over and stretches his neck so that he can read the paper with you. He may even turn the paper to the next page before you are ready for it.

We also call such a person a “rubber neck”, always stretching his neck to where it does not belong,like neighbors who watch all your visitors. The enjoy invading your privacy. People have a strong dislike for rubbernecks. They hate being spied upon.?

1.Where can you find this passage??

A.Medicine dictionaries.                 B.Social science books.?

C.Kids’ comic books.                   D.Science text books.?

2.How do you feel when late comers walk back and forth in front of you in a cinema??

A.Ignored.          B.Bored.                    C.Disturbed.        D.Relaxed.?

3.A “rubber neck” often __________.

A.says bad words behind people?         B.quarrels face to face with neighbours?

C.bargains the price with sales women?    D.asks about other people’s business

4.Which of the following is a “pain in the neck”??

A.Someone who helps you find your seat in a movie theatre.?

B.Someone who smokes in a smoking section on a train.?

C.Someone who throws trash( 垃圾)out of his car window on the highway.?

D.Someone who goes to the doctor for his severe pain in the neck.??


We all know what it is like to be unable to turn your head because of a cold in the muscles (肌肉) of your neck, or because an unexpected twist(扭曲)has made your neck ache. The slightest move makes you jump with pain. Nothing could be worse than a pain in the neck.

That is why we use the phrase to describe some people who give you the same feeling. We have all met such people.

One is the man who always seems to be clapping his hands—often at the wrong time—during a performance in the theater. He keeps you from hearing the actors.

Even worse are those who can never arrive before the curtain goes up and the play begins. They come hurrying down to your row of seats. You are comfortably settled down, with your hat and heavy coat in your lap. You must stand up to let them pass. You are proud of yourself-control after they have settled into their seats…Well, what now…God, one of them is up again. He forgot to go to the men’s room, and once more you have to stand up, hanging on to your hat and coat to let him pass. Now, that is “a pain in the neck”.

Another, well—known to us all, is the person sitting behind you in the movies. His mouth is full of popcorn (爆米花); he is chewing(嚼)loudly, or talking between bites to friends next to him. None of them remain still. Up and down, back and forth, they go—for another bag of popcorn, or something to drink.

Then, there is the man sitting next to you at lunch, smoking. He wants you to enjoy it too, and blows smoke across your food into your mouth.

We must not forget the man who comes into a bus or subway and sits down next to you, just as close as you will let him. You are reading the newspaper and he gets closer so that he can read the paper with you. He may even turn the paper to the next page before you are ready for it.

We also call such a person a “rubber neck”, always getting close to where it does not belong, like neighbors who watch all your visitors. They enjoy learning about your personal business. People have a strong dislike for “rubber necks”. They hate being watched secretly.

1.Where can you find this passage?

A. In a medicine dictionary.                    B. in a kids’ story book.

C. In a social science book.                D. In a science textbook.

2.According to the passage, how do you feel when late comers walk back and forth in front of you in a cinema?

A.disturbed.           B.bored.                C.ignored.       D. relaxed.

3.A “rubber neck” often __________________ .

A. says bad words behind people.                B. quarrels face to face with neighbors.

C. bargains with salespeople over the price D. asks about other people’s business

4.Which of the following persons CANNOT be described as a “pain in the neck”?

A. Someone who often claps at the wrong time during a performance.

B. Someone who feels ache in his neck due to a cold in the muscles.

C. Someone who sits next to you smoking, which you never enjoy.

D. Someone who keeps eating or talking all through the movies.

5.What is the main purpose of the author?

A. To tell people what might be bad manners in public.

B. To criticize (批评) the people who might be a “pain in the neck”

C. To show anger to those who are described as a “pain in the neck”.

D. To tell people how to stop the pain in the neck.


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