摘要: A. somewhere B. something C. everywhere D. everything





    David grew up poor. He started   1in the 7th grade and by high school he was only going to school half days, leaving at 11 am to go to work.

    Lack of money meant lack of   2opportunities, but he had a   3for knowledge. In his   4time he read books on human development, vocabulary builders,   5that he thought would help him succeed   6down the road.

    He was a hard worker and rose above his lack of higher education to produce decently for his family,   7the factory life was taking it toll (造成伤害) on him   8, emotionally, and spiritually. It was, in his mind,   9him like a slow poison.

    In 1995 he bought his first computer and a few months later discovered the Internet. He wanted to be a part of it, and worked 48 or more hours in the   10and worked   1140 or more hours a week teaching   12computer skills. He worked harder than he   13had in his life, logging over 100 hours a week on many, many  14.

    David began applying for jobs in the Internet and computer fields. He was shot down many times, but he never   15. he had a goal and kept after it even when he didn’t feel like it because anything else seemed so   16. That kind of drive and perseverance (坚持不懈) almost always pays off.

    I’m   17to say David left the factory and took a job in the computer field. He beat out college-educated applicants with 4-year degrees with his   18skills.

    This is a true story about   19. It’s a story about believing yourself. It’s a story about finding what you love to do and following your   20.     

1.A. studying       B. working      C. entering         D. playing

2.A. educational    B. personal         C. political            D. occasional

3.A. way            B. hope C. hunger   D. goal

4.A. spare          B. part C. own  D. school

5.A. something      B. everything   C. anything         D. nothing

6.A. somewhere  B. everywhere   C. anywhere     D. nowhere

7.A. and            B. so   C. yet  D. but

8.A. terribly       B. personally   C. heartedly        D. physically

9.A. fighting       B. killing  C. murdering    D. butchering

10.A. factory       B. farm C. school   D. family

11.A. other         B. the other    C. others   D. another

12.A. him   B. himself  C. themselves   D. others

13.A. even  B. ever C. still    D. yet

14.A. positions B. conditions   C. occasions    D. situations

15.A. gave up   B. gave in  C. gave away    D. gave out

16.A. helpful   B. hopeful  C. helpless D. hopeless

17.A. sure  B. certain  C. sorry    D. happy

18.A. self-taught       B. self-assured C. self-controlled  D. self-styled

19.A. failure   B. confidence   C. foundation   D. determination

20.A. ideas     B. ways C. dreams   D. styles



The simplest way to say it is this: I believe in my mother. My belief began when I was just a kid, who    36   becoming a doctor.

My mother was a domestic(佣人). Through her work, she observed that   37   people spent a lot more time reading than they    38   watching television. She announces that my brother and I    39  watch two to three pre-selected programs during the week. With our   40  time, we had to read two books each from the Detroit Public Library and   41   written book reports to her. She would mark them up with check marks and highlights. Years later we realized her marks were a    42  . My mother was illiterate(文盲).

When I entered high school, I was a    43   student, but not for long. I began to like fancy clothes. I wanted to    44   other guys. I went from an A-student to a B-student to a C-student. One night my mother came home from her various jobs and I    45   about not having enough Italian knit shirts. She said, “Okay, I’ll give you all the money I    46   this week scrubbing floors and cleaning bathrooms, and you can buy the family food and pay the bills. With the money    47  , you can have all the Italian knit shirts you want.” I was very    48   with that arrangement but once I got through allocating(分配)money, there was   49   left. I realized my mother was a financial genius(金融天才)to be able to keep the roof over our heads and any kind of food on the table, let alone buy    50  . I really realized my desire wasn’t going to get me    51  . Success requires intellectual preparation. I went back to my    52   and became an A-student again and eventually I    53   my dream and I became a doctor.

My story is really my mother’s story—a woman with    54   formal education who used her position as a parent to change the lives of her children. There is no job    55   than parenting. This I believe.

1.                A.thought of      B.got used to      C.dreamed of    D.got tired of


2.                A.honest         B.hardworking     C.successful D.reliable


3.                A.spent          B.wasted         C.took D.did


4.                A.could only      B.couldn’t       C.must not  D.should often


5.                A.weekend       B.free           C.evening  D.play


6.                A.read           B.present         C.teach D.explain


7.                A.joke           B.means          C.tool  D.trick


8.                A.top            B.normal         C.poor D.slow


9.                                  A.get rid of   B.hang out with

C.break away from                   D.keep in touch with


10.               A.complained     B.forgot          C.worried   D.argued


11.               A.have           B.cost           C.need D.make


12.A. left over  B paid off  C. used up  D. put away

13.               A.tired           B.pleased        C.disappointed   D.bored


14.               A.anything        B.everything      C.something D.nothing


15.               A.clothes         B.shirts          C.shoes D.skirts


16.               A.anymore       B.somewhere     C.anywhere  D.everywhere


17.               A.guys           B.mother         C.studies    D.school


18.               A.made          B.realized        C.changed   D.remembered


19.               A.little           B.much          C.low   D.high


20.                                A.more interesting  B.less interesting

C.more important                    D.less portant






I was in a department store with my mom, aunt, and my sister a few days ago.   1, I am one of those people who do not like to go shopping with my family. However, I decided this time to   2them.

My aunt and I were   3for some things to buy for our family when I noticed two   4on the side. One of them had a little girl sitting on it with her  5nearby and the other one was  6. So, I decided to sit down. While I was   7my own thing there, I  8that the family were not in front of the   9anymore. I saw the girl  10and look around for her family. She came back and I saw her in  11, crying.

I knew that she  12her family and was all by herself . Now, I am sure that almost everybody has been lost in a department store or   13big before and we all know that feeling.   14I went up to her and asked what was   15and in between tears she told me she was lost. I   16her a smile card I just bought. You should have seen the  17on her face when she read it. Then I went up to customer service center and  18them what happened. People there promised to  19her. After I left, the little girl’s parents went there and I could see them looking around for the person who had found their daughter and given her the   20. Little did they know it was a regular teenager who did it.

1.A.Luckily                 B.Usually              C.Sadly              D.Surprisingly

2.A.help                 B.encourage          C.join                D.support

3.A.answering             B.looking           C.preparing           D.calling

4.A.chairs                   B.children             C.signs             D.toys

5.A.friends                 B.book              C.family             D.bags

6.A.clean                B.large              C.empty            D.beautiful

7.A.studying              B.carrying          C.buying           D.doing

8.A.noticed                B.believed          C.doubted        D.understood

9.A.shop                    B.gift               C.girl              D.lady

10.A.get up              B.come up           C.give up          D.make up

11.A.return                B.detail               C.vain               D.tears

12.A.hated               B.raised             C.lost               D.lived

13.A.somewhere         B.something         C.everywhere        D.everything

14.A.If                   B.As                C.So                 D.Or

15.A.important            B.wrong            C.strange          D.different

16.A.lent                 B.gave              C.sent             D.posted

17.A.smile                B.hope             C.puzzle           D.worry

18.A.reminded             B.warned            C.asked                D.told

19.A.look out for          B.take care of       C.wait for            D.call up

20.A.courage             B.money            C.explanation       D.card




I was in a department store with my mom, aunt, and my sister a few days ago.   61  , I am one of those people who do not like to go shopping with my family. However, I decided this time to   62   them.

My aunt and I were   63  for some things to buy for our family when I noticed two   64  on the side. One of them had a little girl sitting on it with her  65  nearby and the other one was  66  . So, I decided to sit down. While I was   67  my own thing there, I  68  that the family were not in front of the   69  anymore. I saw the girl  70  and look around for her family. She came back and I saw her in  71  , crying.

I knew that she  72  her family and was all by herself . Now, I am sure that almost everybody has been lost in a department store or   73  big before and we all know that feeling.   74  I went up to her and asked what was   75  and in between tears she told me she was lost. I   76  her a smile card I just bought. You should have seen the  77   on her face when she read it. Then I went up to customer service center and  78  them what happened. People there promised to  79  her. After I left, the little girl’s parents went there and I could see them looking around for the person who had found their daughter and given her the   80  . Little did they know it was a regular teenager who did it.

A.Luckily       B.Usually         C.Sadly               D.Surprisingly

A.help             B.encourage       C.join                D.support

A.answering          B.looking       C.preparing           D.calling

A.chairs       B.children         C.signs          D.toys

A.friends     B.book          C.family        D.bags

A.clean             B.large          C.empty       D.beautiful

A.studying          B.carrying             C.buying              D.doing

A.noticed     B.believed            C.doubted            D.understood

A.shop         B.gift           C.girl                 D.lady

A.get up           B.come up       C.give up              D.make up

A.return            B.detail           C.vain               D.tears

A.hated           B.raised         C.lost           D.lived

A.somewhere      B.something      C.everywhere     D.everything

A.If                B.As             C.So                 D.Or

A.important        B.wrong         C.strange              D.different

A.lent             B.gave          C.sent                D.posted

A.smile            B.hope          C.puzzle              D.worry

A.reminded         B.warned        C.asked         D.told

A.look out for      B.take care of   C.wait for            D.call up

A.courage          B.money        C.explanation          D.card



I was in a department store with my mom, aunt, and my sister a few days ago.   61  , I am one of those people who do not like to go shopping with my family. However, I decided this time to   62   them.

My aunt and I were   63  for some things to buy for our family when I noticed two   64  on the side. One of them had a little girl sitting on it with her  65  nearby and the other one was  66  . So, I decided to sit down. While I was   67  my own thing there, I  68  that the family were not in front of the   69  anymore. I saw the girl  70  and look around for her family. She came back and I saw her in  71  , crying.

I knew that she  72  her family and was all by herself . Now, I am sure that almost everybody has been lost in a department store or   73  big before and we all know that feeling.   74  I went up to her and asked what was   75  and in between tears she told me she was lost. I   76  her a smile card I just bought. You should have seen the  77   on her face when she read it. Then I went up to customer service center and  78  them what happened. People there promised to  79  her. After I left, the little girl’s parents went there and I could see them looking around for the person who had found their daughter and given her the   80  . Little did they know it was a regular teenager who did it.

1.A.Luckily                 B.Usually             C.Sadly                  D.Surprisingly

2.A.help                B.encourage          C.join                   D.support

3.A.answering             B.looking           C.preparing               D.calling

4.A.chairs                 B.children            C.signs              D.toys

5.A.friends                B.book              C.family           D.bags

6.A.clean                B.large              C.empty            D.beautiful

7.A.studying             B.carrying          C.buying           D.doing

8.A.noticed                B.believed         C.doubted        D.understood

9.A.shop                   B.gift              C.girl             D.lady

10.A.get up              B.come up           C.give up          D.make up

11.A.return               B.detail              C.vain                   D.tears

12.A.hated               B.raised            C.lost               D.lived

13.A.somewhere         B.something         C.everywhere        D.everything

14.A.If                   B.As                C.So                     D.Or

15.A.important           B.wrong            C.strange           D.different

16.A.lent                B.gave             C.sent             D.posted

17.A.smile               B.hope             C.puzzle           D.worry

18.A.reminded             B.warned            C.asked                    D.told

19.A.look out for          B.take care of       C.wait for                D.call up

20.A.courage             B.money            C.explanation       D.card



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