摘要: What was the woman thinking about? A. Getting the car repaired. B. Selling the damaged car. C. Buying a second-hand car. 听下面一段对话.回答第8至第10三个小题.






例: How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15.      B. £9.15.       C. £9.18.


1.Where will the man go for holiday?

A. France.          B. Egypt.           C. Austria.

2.Why did the man make the phone call?

A. His luggage was lost.        B. His plane was late.      C. His office was locked.

3.How much is a two-term course?

A. $50.     B. $90.         C. $120.

4.What does the man mean?

A. He will not cook dinner.

B. He isn’t good at cooking fish.

C. He prefers not to cook the fish.

5.When will the man probably get to London?

A. At 8 o’clock.       B. At 9 o’clock.       C. At 10 o’clock.




6.What can we learn from the dialogue?

A. The woman was badly hurt.

B. The car was terribly damaged.

C. The kids were seriously injured.

7.What was the woman thinking about?

A. Getting the car repaired.

B. Selling the damaged car.

C. Buying a second-hand car.


8.What do we know about the man?

A. He wrote three essays last week.

B. He went to the beach with friends.

C. He drank late at a restaurant every night.

9.What did the woman do on Saturday?

A. She drove with a friend.

B. She watched movies.

C. She played tennis.

10.Which word can best describe the woman’s last week?

A. Quiet.           B. Enjoyable.           C. Unforgettable.


11.On which day are the tickets available to the man?

A. October 3.           B. October 4.           C. October 5.

12.How much will the man pay if he books the ticket?

A. £35.         B. £36.         C. £37.

13.What can be inferred about the man?

A. He was angry with the woman.

B. He thought the price was reasonable.

C. He gave up the idea of booking the ticket.


14.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Writer and reader.

B. Teacher and student.

C. Interviewer and interviewee.

15.How long did it take Tina to write the story?

A. A whole day.     B. About two hours.     C. Ninety minutes.

16.What do we know about the story?

A. It’s about Fred.        B. It’s about a party.     C. It’s about success.

17.What can we learn about Tina?

A. She has just been back from abroad.

B. She had a party for everyone in her street.

C. She won a writing competition unexpectedly.




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