摘要:How much did the hotel you for a room for the night? A. ask B. cost C. take D. charge





W:What do you think of the movie?

M:It’s very interesting.But it’s a pity I missed the first part.

1.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.The weather.

B.A movie.

C.A basketball match.

W:You are late again.What’s the matter with you?

M:I’m sorry, Miss Green.But I didn’t catch the school bus.That’s why I was late for school.

2.Where did the conversation probably take place?

A.In a restaurant.

B.In a book shop.

C.In a classroom.

W:I wonder if Jim will be here by 8∶00.He’s supposed to be.

M:His wife said he left at 7∶30, so he should be here by 8∶15 at the latest.

3.What time is Jim supposed to arrive?




W:How often should I take these pills and how many should I take?

M:Take two pills every six hours.

4.How many pills should the woman take in twenty-four hours?




xW:The room is filled with smoke.I can hardly breathe.

M:I agree.Smoking shouldn’t be allowed in this room.

5.What can be concluded from this conversation?

A.The woman is bothered by some people smoking heavily.

B.The room is on fire and full of smoke.

C.Smoking is strictly forbidden in the room.




W:It’s Alice’s birthday next Tuesday.What shall we buy for her birthday?

M:Does she like reading? We can buy her a book.

W:Well, she had lots of books already.Besides, her birthday present last year was also a book.

M:How about a basketball?

W:No, she doesn’t like basketball, but she likes football.

M:Get her a football, then?

W:Do you know how much a football costs?

M:I have no idea, about 20 yuan, maybe.

W:But I have only 6 yuan.How much do you have?

M:I have eight.Why not go and ask John if he would like to join us?

6.What was the birthday present they decided to buy?

A.A book.

B.A basketball.

C.A football.

7.How much money did the two speakers have altogether?

A.6 yuan

B.14 yuan

C.8 yuan

8.Why did they decide not to buy Alice a book?

A.Because she didn’t like reading at all.

B.Because she had lots of books in her room.

C.Because she had lots of books and her birthday present last year was a book.


M:What’s the matter, Alice?

W:Sorry, Mr Harrison.I missed my train.

M:Why did you miss the train?

W:Because I left home a little late.

M:Did you get up late or something?

W:No.My aunt called me at the last minute.

M:Tell her not to call you in the morning.

W:I will, Mr Harrison.I’m really sorry for being late.

M:If you are late again, I can’t let you pass for this class.

W:Oh, please.

9.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Secretary and boss.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Doctor and patient.

10.Why was she late?

A.Her aunt called her to get up late.

B.She missed the bus.

C.She got a telephone call.

11.What can we know about the man?

A.He is strict with his students.

B.He is cold to Alice.

C.He gets angry easily.


W:Is it true that you don’t swim at all now?

M:I’m afraid so.I’m too old.

W:But you’re only twenty!

M:That’s too old for a swimmer.If I swam in an international competition now, I wouldn’t win.So I’d rather not swim at all.

W:But don’t you enjoy swimming?

M:I used to, when I was small.But if you enter for big competitions, you have to work very hard.I used to get up at 6∶00 a. m.to go to the pool.I had to swim before school, after school and on weekends.I swam thirty five miles every week at that time.

W:But you were famous at fifteen.And look at all those cups!

M:It’s true that I have some wonderful memories.I enjoyed visiting other countries,and my Olympics were very exciting.But I missed more important things.While other boys were growing up, I was swimming.

12.At what time did he get up when he was small?

A.At six in the morning.

B.At six thirty in the morning.

C.At five to six in the morning.

13.How many miles did he swim every week?

A.Thirty miles a week.

B.Thirteen miles a week.

C.Thirty-five miles a week.

14.Which is right according to the dialogue?

A.The man is 40 now.

B.At the age of 15, the man became well-known.

C.The man doesn’t enjoy traveling.


M:Hi, Shirley, how about going to the football game today?

W:I’m not going to it.I’m planning to watch it on television.

M:What’s that? Do you feel too poor to watch a football game?

W:Money’s not the problem.I find it easier to follow football on television than in the stadium.When I see the game in the stadium, I feel as if I’m too far away from the action.

M:I know just what you mean.But there’s always so much excitement.People are cheering and shouting when you’re there.

W:You’re right there, but I can’t even see who has the ball, I can’t get very excited.So I really prefer watching it on television.

M:I see your point.Well, enjoy the game.

W:You too.

15.What are the man and the woman talking about?

A.Viewing a football game.

B.Interviews with football players.

C.Money problem about a football game.

16.Why is the woman not going with the man?

A.Because she is too poor to buy a ticket.

B.Because she doesn’t like people’s cheering and shouting in the stadium.

C.Because she finds it easier to follow football on television than in the stadium.

17.Which is right according to the dialogue?

A.The man likes people’s cheering and shouting in the stadium.

B.The woman can’t get excited while watching the football game on television.

C.There’s always so little excitement in the stadium.


  When the Americans were getting ready to send their first men to the moon, an old Irishman was watching them on TV in the bar of a hotel.There was an Englishman in the bar, too, and he said to the Irishman, “The Americans are very clever, aren’t they? They are going to send some men to the moon.It’s a very long way away from our world.”

  “Oh, that’s nothing, ” the Irishman answered quickly.“The Irish are going to send some men to the sun in a few months’ time.That’s much farther away than the moon, you know.”

  The Englishman was very surprised when he heard this.“Oh, yes, it is, ”he said.“But the sun’s too hot for people to go to.”

  The Irishman laughed and answered, “Well, the Irishmen aren’t stupid, you know.We won’t go to the sun during the day, of course.We’ll go there during the night.”

18.Who were in the bar of the hotel?

A.Some Americans.

B.An Irishman.

C.An Englishman and an Irishman.

19.What was the Irishman doing?

A.He was drinking.

B.He was watching TV.

C.He was reading.

20.What was on TV?

A.The Americans were getting ready to go to the moon.

B.The Irish were ready to send some men to the sun.

C.Some Englishmen were sent to the moon.





M:Oh you’re doing the painting all by yourself.Where is David?

W:He’s so lazy.He doesn’t do anything to help me.

1.What is the woman doing?

A.Cleaning her house.

B.Washing clothes.

C.Painting her rooms.

W:Ow! I’ve burnt myself.

M:How did you do that?

W:I picked up a hot dish.

2.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.In a kitchen.

B.In a restaurant.

C.In a shop.

M:Look! Somebody has spilt milk on the carpet.

W:Well, it wasn’t me.I didn’t do it.

M:I wonder who it was then.

3.What does the man want to know?

A.Who poured the milk into the cup.

B.Who drank the milk in the cupboard.

C.Who spilt milk on the carpet.

M:This food is awful, isn’t it?

W:Yes, it’s disgusting.I’m going to complain.

4.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a restaurant.

B.At home.

C.In a shop.

W:The weather’s too nice to stay indoors.I’m going to sit in the garden.

M:That’s a good idea.I think I’ll join you.

5.What are they going to do?

A.To go to the garden.

B.To stay indoors.

C.To join a party.




M:Where do you live?

W:In Boston.

M:How long have you lived there?

W:Five years.

M:Where did you live before that?

W:In Chicago.

M:And how long did you live in Chicago?

W:Two years.

6.How long has the woman lived in Boston?

A.Four years.

B.Five years.

C.Six years.

7.How long did the woman live in Chicago?

A.Two years.

B.Four years.

C.Five years.


W:Well, what time shall we meet?

M:Come to the cafe by the station at four o’clock.I’ll be waiting for you when you arrive.I’ll be sitting by the window and I’ll be wearing a bright green sweater.

W:OK.Is Agent 307 coming too?

M:No, she can’t be there.

W:Oh.Shall I bring the documents?

M:Yes.I’ll explain everything when I see you.And don’t be late.

W:OK.I’ll try to be on time.

8.What time will they meet?

A.At four o’clock.

B.At five o’clock.

C.At six o’clock.

9.What can be inferred from their conversation?

A.They are old friends and haven’t seen each other for a long time.

B.They are going to meet another person in the cafe.

C.The two speakers have never seen each other before.

10.What will the woman bring?

A.An umbrella.

B.The documents.

C.A bright green sweater.


M:Do you have any plans for next year?

W:Well, I’d travel if I could afford it.But I don’t have any money.

M:If you found a job abroad, would you take it?

W:If it were somewhere I want to go, I’d certainly consider it carefully.

M:What about working as an “au pair”(家庭打工留学生), living with a family and doing some housework?

W:I’d only consider that if I were sure about the family.If they didn’t treat me well, I’d be very miserable.

M:Yes.You’d have to be sure to use a reputable agency.We have a list in the office.I will get you one if you’re interested.

W:Yes, I am.Um, if I decided to apply, would you give me a reference?

M:Of course.Well, I hope you succeed, whatever you decide to do.

W:Thank you very much.I’ll let you know.

M:Yes, I’d like that.Goodbye.


11.Why does the man suggest that the woman should find a job?

A.Because it is necessary for the woman to have some experience of doing a job.

B.Because the woman needs money for the travel.

C.Because they need the money to support the family.

12.What worries the woman if she works as an “au pair”?

A.Whether she could get used to the life style of the family.

B.Whether the family are friendly to her.

C.Whether she could get as much money as she expects.

13.Which of the following is true?

A.The woman has not decided what to do.

B.The man has given the woman a list of agencies.

C.The woman is not interested in the man’s suggestion.


M:Shall we ask the girl Garlo’s been going out with to the party?

W:Who’s that?

M:Celia’s her name.She works in that cinema where they show all the foreign films.

W:But will she be free on Thursday evening?

M:Yes, it’s her evening off.That’s the reason I suggested Thursday.

W:OK.Who else? What about Nicky and Cherry?

M:Are they the girls you went to France with?

W:Yes.If they bring their boyfriends, that’ll be ten of us.But have you got a room that is big enough? My mother says we can’t use our sitting-room because we made too much mess the last time she let us have a party.

M:It’s all right.We’ve got a basement(地下室)where we store old furniture.If we clean it up, it’ll be fine.

W:Great.Let’s go and have a look at it.

14.Where does Celia work?

A.In a cinema.

B.In a hotel.

C.In a hospital.

15.On what day is Celia free?

A.On Tuesday.

B.On Thursday.

C.On Saturday.

16.How many people will their party?




17.Where will they have their party?

A.In the woman’s house.

B.In the man’s house.

C.A restaurant owner.


W:Hi, Tom.What is your plan for the summer break?

M:I’m going to work on the coast at Nantucket.

W:What are you planning to do on the coast?

M:My uncle owns a restaurant there, so I’ll be working as a waiter at night and then helping him do some accounting(会计, 清算账目)a few days each week.I have to save a lot of money for the next school year.Maybe we can get together and go to the beach this summer since we’ll be living near each other.

W:That sounds good.I’ll be working on a boat during July, and I won’t return to shore for the entire month.But in June and later in August I’ll be working in the lab, and I could drive up and see you in Nantucket.

M:OK.My uncle tells me June is the best time to go there before the town gets too crowded with tourists.Call me before you leave tomorrow, and I’ll give you a phone number where I can be reached this summer.

W:All right.I’ll talk to you later.


18.What is the man’s uncle?

A.A tourist.

B.A waiter.

C.A restaurant owner.

19.Where will the woman be working during July?

A.In the lab.

B.On a boat.

C.On the shore.

20.When is the best time to go to the shore?








M:I’ve only got ten dollars.Is it enough for two tickets?

W:Well, we have tickets of different prices.There’re $1.5 tickets and $4 ones and $6 ones.

1.How much will the man have to pay for the cheapest tickets?




M:I hear you are playing at a concert tomorrow.How do you feel about it?

W:Oh, I’m really worried about it.

M:I’m not surprised.So would I be.

2.How does the man really feel?




M:May I go in and read some books?

W:Yes, but you must obey the rule that no book should be taken out of the reading-room.

M:Do people do that?

W:Oh, yes, quite a number have.

3.What do you learn about readers?

A.Everyone obeys the rules.

B.Some do not obey the rules.

C.No one obeys the rules.

W:Look! The room is full of smoke.I can hardly breathe.

M:I agree.Smoking should not be permitted here in this room.

W:That’s right.Nowadays, people who smoke seldom think of others.

4.What do you know about the speakers?

A.Both of them are not smokers.

B.Both of them are smokers.

C.One of them is smoking in the room.

W:I’ve got something for you.

M:Really? What is it?

W:Something I picked up while I was in Europe.

M:How nice! Thanks ever so much.

5.How did the woman get the thing?

A.Found it in a street.

B.Got it from a friend.

C.Bought it in a shop.




M:What’s that terrible noise upstairs?

W:It woke me up at five o’clock in the morning.

M:It sounds like they’re tearing the walls down up there.

W:I think they are, indeed.It sounds like they’re repairing.

M:That’s all fine and good, but can’t they do it during proper hours?

W:They don’t realize that not everyone gets up before the crack of dawn.

M:And today’s Sunday! I’m going up there to stop them straight.

6.How does the man feel?




7.What will the man go upstairs to do?

A.See what is happening.

B.Stop them making noise.

C.Help them with the work.


M:Do you have any direct flight to New Zealand?

W:Sorry, we don’t.But I think you can fly on Northwest 212 to Tokyo and then have a connecting flight on Japan Airline 123 to Auckland.And it is the most economical flight, just USD 580.

M:When does the Flight 212 depart?

W:At 11∶50 a. m.By the way, it also makes a refueling stop at Chicago.

M:How big is the layover at Chicago?

W:Less than one hour.

M:And how long do I have to stay in Tokyo for the connecting flight?

W:Not so long, just one hour.

M:So the time for the whole journey is about...

W:About eleven hours.

M:Let me count…OK, it works out for my time schedule.Thanks a lot.

W:You are welcome.

8.How many stops will the man have on the journey?




9.What is the advantage of the flight?

A.Flying in the daytime.

B.Taking less time.

C.Costing less money.

10.What time might the man get to New Zealand?

A.Nearly midnight.

B.Early in the morning.

C.Late in the afternoon.


M:I’m Tom, the graduate of the year.I’ve ever had a summer job for a hardware company.This is my employer’s recommendation.

W:Sounds good.Would you mind taking a test? It is made up of two parts, part one tests your EQ to determine whether your personality fits the job well.And part two tests your skills background.


(After the exam)

W:You are an excellent lad from the test results.

M:Thank you, do you mean I get the job?

W:Before I give you a definite answer, I’ll consult with the management and the personnel Deptment.You know I’m the Sales team manager.

M:I see, when can I expect an answer from you?

W:In a fortnight.

11.What isn’t Tom’s advantage?

A.The graduate of the year.

B.Working experience.

C.Interest in the company.

12.What job might Tom do if he is employed?




13.How long will Tom have to wait for an answer?

A.About four days.

B.About ten days.

C.About half a month.


W:What can I do for you, sir?

M:I’m Tom in Room 528, and I want a wake-up call tomorrow morning.

W:At what time?

M:6∶15 a. m., please.

W:We have a computer wake-up service.Please dial 2 first and then the time.That is to say, dial 2 and the 0615 for the time.There must be five digits in the final number.

M:I see.Then it is 20615.Thank you.By the way, if I want to change my wake-up time, what should I do?

W:Just dial your new wake-up time.The computer will cancel the old time itself and record the new one.

M:If I dial 20700, I will be waked up at 7∶00 a. m.?

W:Yes, that’s right.

M:Thanks a lot.

W:You are welcome.Good night!

14.What should Tom do if he wants to change the time?

A.Ask for help.

B.Use the computer.

C.Dial another number.

15.What does the first digit 2 stand for?




16.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At a clock shop.

B.At a hotel.

C.At a repair shop.


  No one really knows who first decided to link electricity with a guitar.Most reports say this took place in the late Nineteen-Thirties or early Nineteen-Forties.

  However, one man did a great deal to make the electric guitar popular.His name was Les Paul.He was the most popular guitarist in the Nineteen-Fifties.Les Paul also helped invent several different devices used with electric guitars.The most famous of these was a guitar that had a solid wood body.The Gibson Guitar Company later made these guitars.

  There are too many great guitarists today to even guess who might be the best.There are great country and western guitarists, blues guitarists, and rock music guitarists.

  However, most people would agree that blues artist B-B King is one of the top electric guitar players today.His music is famous around the world.So is his guitar, named Lucille.B-B King’s famous guitar is made by the same Gibson Company that made Les Paul’s electric guitars.

17.Who invented the electric guitar?

A.Les Paul.

B.The Gibson Company.

C.Still unknown.

18.Why is it hard to tell who might be the best guitarist?

A.People have different tastes.

B.Good guitarists can easily be found.

C.No one can match Les Paul now.

19.What is B-B King famous for?


B.Rock music.

C.His guitar.

20.What connects Les Paul with B-B King?

A.The same music.

B.The same guitar.

C.The same guitar producer.


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