摘要: A person in is happier than one in wealth.



     One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd gathered.and they all admired his heart for it was  41 . There was not a scar in it. Suddenly, an old man appeared and said, “Why, your heart is not nearly as beautiful as  42 .”

  The crowd and the young man looked at the old man’s  43 . It was full of scars, it had places  44  pieces had been removed and other pieces 45  in, but they didn’t fit quite right, and there were several  46  edges. In fact, in some places there were deep gaps where whole pieces were missing.

  The young man laughed. “  47  your heart with mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars.”

  “Yes,” said the old man, “Yours  48  perfect but I would never trade with you. You see, every 49  represents a person  50  I have given my love. I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and often they 51  me a piece of their heart that fits into the  52  place in my heart. But because the pieces aren’t exact, I have some rough edges, which I cherish, because they remind me of the love we  53 .

  “Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart  54 , and the other person hasn’t returned a  55  of his or her heart to me. These are the empty gaps—giving love is  56  a chance. Although these gaps are painful, they  57  open, reminding me of the love I have for those people too, and I hope someday they may return and fill the space I have been waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?’’

  The young man walked up to the old man,  58  his perfect heart, and tipped a piece out. He  59  it to the old man.

  The old man placed it in his heart, then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the young man’s heart. It  60 , but not perfectly, as there were some jagged edges.

  The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man’s heart flowed into his.

  They embraced and walked away side by side.

A.ugly     B.perfect      C.beautiful    D.hurt

A.mine     B.his        C.theirs     D.ours

A.coat     B.appearance    C.face      D.heart

A.that     B.which      C.where     D.whose

A.cut      B.set       C.put       D.brought

A.smooth    B.rough      C.broken     D.pretty

A.Comparing   B.Compared    C.Compare    D.Compares

A.looks     B.seems      C.is       D.fits

A.one      B.heart       C.piece      D.scar

A.on whom   B.in whom     C.with whom    D.to whom

A.take     B.give       C.lend      D.pass

A.empty    B.full        C.original     D.first

A.had      B.gave       C.shared     D.owned

A.in      B.away       C.off      D.up

A.lot      B.sheet       C.piece     D.pile

A.making    B.taking      C.keeping    D.bringing

A.keep     B.cut       C.come     D.stay

A.carried away  B.reached into   C.took out    D.brought up

A.offered    B.took      C.passed     D.served

A.fit      B.hit       C.beat      D.set


Thirty- two people watched Kitty Genovese being killed right below their windows. She was their neighbor. Yet none of the 32 helped her. Not one even called the police. Was this in gunman cruelty? Was it lack of feeling about one’s fellowman?

  “Not so,”say scientists John Barley and Bib Fatane. These men went beyond the headlines to research into the reasons why people didn’t act. They found that a person has to go through two steps before he can help. First he has to notice that is an emergency(紧急情况). Suppose you see a middle-aged man fall to the side - walk. Is he having a heart attack? Is he in a coma(昏迷) from a headache? Or is he about to sleep off a drunk? Is the smoke coming into the room from a leak(漏洞)in the air conditioning? Is it “steam pipes”? Or is it really smoke from a fire? It’s not always easy to tell if you are faced with a real emergency. Second, and more important, the person faced with an emergency must feel personally responsible(负责任的). He must feel that he must help, or the person won’t get the help he needs.

  The researchers found that a lot depends on how many people are around. They had college students in to be “tested.”Some came alone. Some came with one or two others. And some came in large groups. The researchers started them off on the “tests.”Then they went into the next room. A curtain divided the “testing room”and the room into which they went. Soon the students heard a scream, the noise of bookshelves falling and a cry for help. All of this had been prerecorded on a tape recorder.

  Eight out of ten of the students taking the test alone acted to help. Of the students in pairs, only two out of ten helped. Of the students in groups, none helped.

  In other words, in a group, Americans often fail to act. They feel that others will act. They, themselves, needn’t. They do not feel any direct responsibility.

  Are people bothered by situations where people are in trouble? Yes. Scientists found that the people were shocked, they sweated, and they had trembling hands. They felt the other person’s trouble. But they did not act. They were in a group. Their actions were shaped by the actions of those they were with.

60. The purpose of this passage is ________.

 A. to explain why people fail to act in emergencies

 B. to explain when people will act in emergencies

 C. to explain what people will do in emergencies

D. to explain how people feel in emergencies

61. Which of the following is NOT true?

  A. When a person tries to help others, he must be clear that there is a real emergency.

  B. When a person tries to help others, he should know whether they are worth his help.

  C. A person must take the full responsibility for the safety of those in emergencies if he wants to help.

  D. A person with a heart attack needs the most.

62. The main reason why people fail to act when they stay together is that ________.

  A. they are afraid of emergencies

  B. they are not willing to get themselves involved

  C. others will act if they themselves hesitate

D. they do not have any direct responsibility for those who need help

63. The author suggests that ________.

  A. we shouldn’t blame a person if he fails to act in emergencies

  B. a person must feel guilty if he fails to help

  C. people should be responsible for themselves in emergencies

D. when you are in trouble, people will help you anyway



The Rainmaker


  Can a person make it rain? Many people believed that Charles Hatfiled could. In the early 1900s, Mr. Hatfield traveled through the United States, Canada, and Mexico bringing rain to farms and cities that suffered from drought. For 30 years, people considered him the greatest rainmaker in North America. In order to make it rain, he used a secret mixture of chemicals that be placed high on wooden towers in special trays. As the chemicals evaporated, they attracted rain clouds to the area. Over his career, Mr. Hatfield even offered to help clear the fog from London and to water the Sahara Desert.

  One of Mr. Hatfiled's most amazing rainmaking accomplishments happened in southern California in 1916. Because he knew that the city of San Diego did not have enough water, Mr. Hatfield offered to give the city a hand with its water problem. He planned to create enough rain to fill the lake behind Morena Dam near the city. Since the time the dam was built, the lake had never been more than half full, but the lake could hold 57 billion liters (15 billion gallons) of water if it were full. Filling the lake would help the city of San Diego with its constant water problems. Mr. Hatfield suggested that if he succeeded in filling the lake with rain water, the city would pay him $10, 000.If no rain fell, the city would pay nothing. The city agreed because they had nothing to lose from the business deal, and only paying $ 10, 000 for that much water seemed to be a steal.

  On January 1, 1916, Mr. Hatfield began his rainmaking procedure. It began to rain four days later. The rain continued for the next five days. On January 10, it began to rain more heavily, and the rain continued for the next 10 days The city of San Diego was flooded. Fifty people died. More than 200 bridges were washed away,. and many miles of train tracks were destroyed. However, Mr. Hatfield did succeed in filling the lake. The water was within 12 centimeters of the top of the dam. Mr. Hatfield thought that he had completed his job, so he went to collect his money from the city. However, the city of San Diego backed out of the deal. They said that the rain was an “act of God” and not the work of the rainmaker. Mr. Hatfield tried to sue the city, but he never collected any money for his work.

Please answer the questions below.



  When a person is curious about something, it means he is 1 in it and wishes to know more about it. There is 2 wrong with curiosity in itself. Whether it is good or bad depends on what people are curious about.

  Curiosity is 3 silly or wrong. Some persons with nothing to do are full of curiosity about what their 4 are doing. They are 5 to know what they are eating or drinking, what they are 6 home or taking outside, or 7 they have come so early or late. To be interested in these things is 8 because they are 9 at all. It is none of their 10 to know what their neighbors do or are doing. Such curiosity is 11 not only 12 but also harmful. For most probably, it 13 to small talk which often brings harm, shame of disrespect to others, and thus 14 their feelings.

  On the other hand, there is a 15 curiosity--the curiosity of wise men, who wonder at all the great things and try to 16 all they can about them. Columbus could never have found America if he had not been 17 . James Watt would not have made the steam engine 18 his curiosity about the raising of the kettle lid. All the discoveries in human history have been made 19 a result of curiosity, 20 , the curiosity is never about unimportant things which have few or nothing to do with the happiness of the public.


































































(9)A.not    right   






















D.the    matter   


































(16)A.find    out   






D.work    out   


































One day, when I was in high school, I saw a kid named Kyle from my class walking home from school with all his books, I thought to myself, “__36__ would anyone bring home all his books for the weekend? He must really be  37__.”As I was walking, I saw several kids running toward him. They ran at him,  38 all his books out of his arms and he fell down in the dirt, His glasses went  39  and landed in the grass.

My  40 went out to him. So, I ran over to him. 41 I handed him his glasses, he looked at me and said, “Hey, thanks!” I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived. As it  42  , he lived near me. We talked all the way home. Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends.

Kyle was the 43 student of our class, one of those guys that really found themselves during high school. Therefore he had the  44 to prepare a 45 speech. On the graduation day, I could see that he was 46  .So, I patted him on the back and said, “Hey, big guy, you’ll be  47 !” He looked at me and smiled.

He cleared his throat, and began. “Graduation is a time to  48 those who helped you make it through those  49 years. Your parents, your teachers… but mostly your friends, I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best  50  you can give him.”

I just looked at my friend with  51 as he told the story of the first day we met. He had planned to 52 himself over the weekend and was carrying his books home. “Thankfully, nothing happened. My friend  53 me from doing the unspeakable.”

  Not until that moment did I realize that you should never underestimate(低估) the  54   of your actions. With one small gesture you can  55 a person’s life. For better or for worse.

【小题1】 A. How      B. When       C. Why        D . Where

【小题2】. A. stupid  B. clever       C. wonderful      D. Anxious

【小题3】. A. throwing   B. knocking  C. taking       D. Snatching

【小题4】 A. lost   B. sending    C. broken         D. Flying

【小题5】 A. heart  B. head          C. hands       D. thought

【小题6】 A. While          B. As         C. Because      D. Once

【小题7】 A. passed by               B. came up C. went on      D. turned out

【小题8】 A. top   B. hardest         C. favorite       D. Luckiest

【小题9】 A. pride  B. honor       C. pleasure        D. Chance

【小题10】A. class   B. school        C. graduation     D. College

【小题11】A. excited B. nervous        C. proud        D. Crazy

【小题12】A. great  B. famous         C. praised      D. Honored

【小题13】A. reward  B. remember     C. thank   D. Congratulate

【小题14】A. happy   B. exciting         C. old         D. Hard

【小题15】A. chance   B. gift           C. help         D. Favor

【小题16】A. wonder   B. anxiety     C. disbelief      D. Pride

【小题17】A. kill      B. enjoy        C. test        D. Hurt

【小题18】A. protected B. freed   C. warned         D. Prevented

【小题19】A. price B. use        C. power       D. Meaning

【小题20】A. destroy  B. change   C. save        D. understand


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