摘要: The connection of telephones and gave birth to the Internet.



A.Be Reliable

B.Be Yourself

C.Smile and Be Nice

D. Join a Team or Volunteer

E. Be Your Own Best Friend

F. Get in Touch with Social Media

Making Friends in a New Environment

Imagine being in the hallway of a crowded school. The beil is ringing and countless students are changing classes. The noise of conversation and the smell of freshly sharpened pencils fill the air. You're new in town and this is your first day at school. You're afraid that you won't fit in, someone will make fun of your hair, or you'II just simply embarrass yourself by saying the wrong things. But with the following suggestions, you'II know what you should do to achieve in a new surrounding.


By swallowing your fears and taking a chance, you'd be surprised at all the possibilities that can occur by doing extracurricular activities. You'll make friends, contribute to your school's overall success, and increase your confidence along the way. Volunteering also does wonders and it looks really good/on college applications as well. Participating in extracurricular activities is an excellent way to make friends and become active in your school.

2         .

Even though you might feel afraid to speak to others,it's important to remember that being a nice guy goes a long way, When you show people that you are friendly,it tells them that you are a good person who gets along well with others. Encourage yourself to be the  first one to talk to people. It's quite possible that they are just as nervous around others as  you are, so make them feel comfortable and be the first to speak up.

3       .

Nobody likes a gossiper or someone who stabs them in the back. Would you like someone to tell your most forbidden secrets to the entire world? Of course not, so it isn't wise to do it to someone else. It's the golden rule: Do to others as you would have them do  to you. When someone trusts you completely,it's something that shouldn't be taken lightly. Trust is something to be cherished and valued, and showing others that you can be relied on is essential to making new friends.

4         .

Sites like Facebook have completely taken over just about every aspect of society, forever changing the way we arrange meetings, conduct business, and interact with family and friends. These social networking sites, even though they are fairly new, are effective methods for fully utilizing basic human communication. With more and more teens using these sites just about every second of every day, it would be wise to start your own Facebook account to connect with possible friends. Just remember to use these sites safely and wisely.

5        .

This is the most important factor when you adapt to a new environment. Stay true to who you are and be confident. By staying true to yourself and your own beliefs, you are showing the world that you are an individual who is proud of who you are, This kind of confidence is like a magnet. It will attract all kinds "of people into your life, and these people could possibly turn into new, lifelong friends. Simply put, you cannot live a genuine Iife if you yourself are not genuine.



CARDIFF, Wales Poets, singers and musicians from across the globe gathered in Wales to celebrate the tradition(传统) of storytelling.

“It might seem strange that people still want to listen in age of watching television, but this is an unusual art form whose time has come again,” said David Ambrose, director of Beyond the Border, an international storytelling festival(节) in Wales.

“Some of the tales, like those the Inuit from Canada, are thousands years old. So our storytellers have come from distant lands to connect us with the distance of time,” he said early this month.

Two Inuit women, both in their mid 60s, are among the few remaining who can do Kntadjait, or throat singing, which has few words and much sound. Their art is governed by the cold of their surroundings, forcing them to say little but listen attentively.

Ambrose started the festival in 1993, after several years of working with those reviving (coming back into use or existence) storytelling in Wales.

“It came out of a group of people who wanted to reconnect with traditions. and as all the Welsh are storytellers, it was in good hands here.” Ambrose said.

Ambrose believes that the art of storytelling _______.

A. will be more popular than TV

B. will be popular again

C. started in Wales

D. are in the hands of some old people

From the tales told by the Inuit, people can learn _______.

A. about their life as early as thousands of years ago

B. why they tell the stories in a throat-singing way

C. how cold it has been where the Inuit live

D. how difficult it is to understand the Inuit

According to the writer, which of the following is NOT true?

A. Storytelling once stopped in Wales.

B. Storytelling has a long history in Wales.

C. Storytelling is always well received in Wales.

D. Storytelling did not come back until 1993 in Wales.

The underlined phrase in good hands means _______.

A. controlled by rich people         B. grasped by good storytellers

C. taken good care of                   D. protected by kind people


From school to band Practice, the Venturi Eclectic is an Earth-friendly way to get where you want to go. This battery-powered, zero-emission (meaning it doesn't pollute the air) vehicle runs mainly on renewable energy. Solar panels on the Eclectic's roof absorb sun rays when you're driving. On windy days, you can connect a machine to the car's roof that collects energy from the wind while you're parked. The Eclectic's top speed is 28 miles an hour; the battery lasts for 31 miles before it needs to be recharged. Zipping (迅速行进) around the neighborhood has never been better.

Here's an eco-friendly way to tell time: Simply fill the Bedol Water-powered Clock's tank (箱) with water, add some lemon juice, and the clock will display the time without the need for environmentally harmful batteries. There are two sets of metal electrodes (电极) inside the water tank. Water contains ions (离子) that carry negative and positive charges. These ions complete a charge between the electrodes, creating enough energy to power the clock. Just refill the tank every few weeks, and this clock will keep on ticking.

Bloodhound SuperSonic Car (SSC) will be the first car to attempt to break the l,000-mile-an-hour barrier. (The current record is 763 miles an hour.) A concept for now, the rocket-shaped car gets its original push to 350 miles an hour from a jet engine. Then a rocket fires up, pushing the SSC past 1,000 miles an hour. In order to keep the car streamlined (流线型的), the driver lies back at a 45-degree angle (角度).

You’re having a blast at your friend’s birthday party. But when it's time to bring out the cake, everyone crowds around, blocking your view. No worries. Throw the Triops into the air, and this clever camera captures the view from above. The Triops can take three pictures at once, each from different angles. You can also record sounds and command the Triops to start shooting whenever it hears that noise. That's one smart camera.

What is the common characteristic of the Venturi Eclectic and the Bedol Water-powered Clock?

A. They don't need batteries.      B. They are difficult to operate.

C. They can be powered by water. D. They are environmentally friendly.

According to the passage, the Venturi Eclectic      .

A. is popular with businessmen     B. is suitable for a long trip

C. can turn wind into energy D. has only a little gas emission

The underlined phrase “having a blast” in the last paragraph probably means      .

A. looking at a picture          B. enjoying yourself

C. blowing out a candle D. recording sounds

Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The Triops is sensitive to sounds.

B. The driver of the SSC must be of great size.

C. The color of the Bedol Water-powered Clock is like that of lemon.

D. The SSC doesn’t have anything to do with a rocket actually.


Laptop(便携式) computers are popular all of the world. People use them on trains, airplanes, in airports and hotels. These laptops connect people to their workplace. In the United States today, laptops also connect students to their classrooms.

Westlake College in Virginia will start a laptop computer program that allows students to do schoolwork at anywhere they want. Within five years, each of the 1500 students at the college will receive a laptop. The laptops are part of a $10 million computer program at Westlake, a 110-year-old college. The students with laptops will also have access to the Internet. In addition, they will be able to use e-mail to “speak” with their teachers, their classmates, and their families. However, the more important of the laptop program is that students will be able to use computers without doing to computer lab. They can work with it at home, in a fast-food restaurant or under the trees---- anywhere at all.

Because of the many changes in computer technology, laptops use in higher education, such as colleges and universities, is workable. As laptops become more powerful, they become more similar to desktop computers. In addition, the portable computers can connect students to not only the Internet, but also libraries, and other resources. State higher-education officials are studying how laptops can help students. State officials also are testing laptop programs at other universities, too.

At Westlake College, more than 60 percent of the staff use the computers. The laptops will allow teachers to use computers in their lessons. As one Westlake teacher said, “ Here we are in the middle of Virginia and we are given students a window on the world. They can see everything and do everything.”

The main purpose of the laptop program is to give each student a laptop to ---------.

A. use for their schoolwork           B. access the Internet

C. work at home                    D. connect them to libraries

Why is the word “speak” in the second paragraph in quotation marks?

A. They don’t really talk          B. They use the computer language

C. laptops have speakers          D. None of the above reasons is correct.

Which of the following is true about Westlake College?

A. all teachers use computers       B. 1500 students have laptops

C. it is an old college in America     D. Students there can do everything

A window on the world in the last paragraph means that students can ----------.

A. attend the lectures on information technology

travel around the world

C. get information from around the world

D. have free laptops

What can we infer from the passage?

A. The program is successful         B. The program is not workable

C. The program is too expensive       D. We don’t know the result yet


Tracy Wong is a well-known Chinese-American writer. But her writing ___36___ was something she picked up by herself. After her first ___37___, teaching disabled children, she became a part-time writer for IBM. ___38___, writing stories was simply a ___39___ interest. Tracy sent three of her stories to a publisher(出版商). ___40___, they immediately suggested that she put them together to make a single one long ___41___ and paid Tracy a $50,000 advance. “A pretty money,” said the publisher, “for ___42___ writer. ”

___43___ Tracy’s characters(人物) are interesting, her stories sometimes ___44___ readers uneasy: those about the supernatural. “My mother believed I could ___45___ the afterlife world,” she told a close friend. “She used to have me speak with my grandmother, who died many years ago. ”

“Can I? I don’t think I can,” Tracy said with a laugh. “But I do have ___46___when things come to me ___47___. ” Once, she was wondering how to complete a ___48___ set in ancient(古代的) China. ___49___the doorbell rang. It was a FedEx delivery man, with a copy of a book on Chinese ___50___. It came without her having ___51___it.

Though she has published 10 books, Tracy has remained ___52___ by her fame. She lives in the same ___53___ ___ she lived 27 years ago — although in a more comfortable home. There

s more room for ___54___in her life ’t just ___55___.

36. A. skill     B. experience  C. practice      D. method

37. A. duty     B. effort  C. job     D. task

38. A. Instead B. Normally   C. Certainly    D. Then

39. A. general B. deep   C. personal     D. lively

40. A. Interested     B. Anxiously   C. Seriously    D. Encouraged

41. A. film     B. story   C. program     D. article

42. A. a foreign      B. a popular    C. an unusual  D. an unknown

43. A. Now that     B. Even though     C. Just because       D. Except that

44. A. find      B. turn    C. leave   D. hold

45. A. make up      B. connect with      C. control       D. explain

46. A. events   B. chances      C. feelings      D. moments

47. A. for no reason       B. from a distance        C. by accident D. as gifts

48. A. description   B. pointing     C. scene  D. talk

49. A. Surprisingly B. Suddenly    C. Expectedly D. Fortunately

50. A. cooking       B. history       C. play    D. medicine

51. A. known  B. sent    C. realized      D. ordered

52. A. unchanged   B. excited       C. determined D. unmoved

53. A. life       B. city     C. house  D. way

54. A. success B. work   C. joy     D. variety

55. A. writing B. reporting    C. luck    D. fun


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