摘要: You must be ill, I’m afraid, for you look f .


    Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

I took up skydiving in my twenties. At the time the accident happened, I'd done just 30 jumps. The airfield was quiet when I   36  . On board were Chris, who was taking a tourist, and Ants, the cameraman. Chris indicated I should exit first and the other three would   37  . Later I knew it was this   38  that saved my life.

At 12,000 feet Chris rolled up the door and nodded that it was time for my exit. I put my foot on a step just beside the door, and in an instand the propeller blast (螺旋桨气流) threw me against the side of the plane, half in, half out. I pushed and got my other leg out of the door, but in doing so I found myself   39  down the body of the plane towards the tail. My parachute (降落伞) got caught and my   40  and legs were pushed backwards, powerless, in the strong wind.

I was strangely   41  .To a skydiver, being at 12,000 feet is a good thing.Altitude is your friend;being close to the ground is deadly and will kill you.

Ants appeared and moved slowly towards me, his legs held by Chris in the door.Ants reached out and got hold of my foot.With the weight partly off, I found myself falling away from the plane,   42  freed.I waved and smiled to indicate I was fine.

It was actually very   43  .If any one of a number of factors had been different, I would have   44  .I could have hit the plane with my head.If I had been the last to exit, the pilot alone would have been unable to free me, and even if he had been aware that I was   45  underneath the plane, he would still have had to land at some point.

Blue Skies, Black Death is the skydivers' mantra (咒语).On the one hand, there's the freedom and   46  of the open sky.But in order to   47  this joy, you must accept that there is usually only one result if something goes wrong.

36.A.jumped          B.arrived          C.woke        D.dove

37.A.follow        B.escape          C.leave        D.fly

38.A.trouble          B.effort           C.chance         D.decision

40.A.body           B.arms            C.head           D.fingers

41.A.frightened       B.anxious          C.excited         D.calm

42.A.really          B.hopefully         C.certainly        D.finally

43.A.funny          B.ordinary         C.clear           D.serious

44.A.died           B.laughed          C.stopped         D.returned

45.A.covered         B.adjusted         C.attached         D.connected

46.A.pride            B.confidence       C.excitement       D.willingness

47.A.observe         B.experience        C.imagine         D.discover



  Remember when a trip to the supermarket was nothing more than a boring thing requiring little or no specialized knowledge? You could send your kids into a cart while you did shopping.You always bought the same brands, usually the brands your mother bought.You didn't know about unit pricing, and furthermore, you didn't care.It never occurred to you to read the labels on anything.After all, you' d bought these things a hundred times.

  But now, I really look on those days with a feeling of yearn(怀旧).How innocent we were! How carefree were those trips to the supermarket.No worries.Today a trip to the supermarket is filled with social influence.Every time I buy pork chops I think about the years I' m shaving from my life.I keep a careful eye on the freshness date and examine the tamper-proof packaging.I am victim of that most dangerous social disease:shoppers' panic.

  I didn't realize how serious my condition had become until the last time I needed laundry soap.It seemed simple enough.Just run into the market, grab a box of the old reliable and pay for it.I hadn't planned on discovering Ecover, a new brand of laundry soap.It sat quietly on the shelf right next to my old reliable.“Healthy, gentle but effective.”My respect for it deepened with each new claim as I read the entire package.Then I looked at the price:$5.69 for2 pound.$5.69!I cast a quick glance at the old reliable, still on sale for $1.39

  Six bucks for laundry soap! These people must be crazy! Who's going to pay six bucks for laundry soap? It's not as though I can't afford it.See, it's concentrated-use less, get more.BUT SIX BUCKS! And the box is made from recycled materials…This act went on for a solid half hour, after which I left the shelf without any soap at all.

  Surely the meat department is a most threatening place.Remember what protein was good for you? That's all over.Every bite you take kills you.I won' t even mention meat' s moral influence.

  When all is said and done, we still must eat.I gather up my healthy-cooking oil and my recycled paper towels and head to the checkout counter.


In the first paragraph, the author mainly wants to tell us that in the past

[  ]


it was convenient to go shopping in the supermarket


shopping in the supermarket was a very boring thing


we never read the labels of commodities in the supermarket


we used to buy the same brands of products in the supermarket


Recalling the old days' shopping in the supermarket, the author thinks it was ________.

[  ]










According to the author, eating pork chops will mean that ________.

[  ]


you must have a shave after that


you should think of the old days


you are killing yourself slowly、


you must go on diet after that


In the supermarket, the author was attracted by a new brand of laundry soap for its ________.

[  ]










According to the passage, what's the author's problem?

[  ]


She was too poor to afford the new brands in the supermarket.


She could not find the right laundry soap in the supermarket.


She had to use the healthiest things for her poor health.


She was greatly affected by the social influence.



  A well-known old man was being interviewed and was asked if it was correct that he had just celebrated his ninety-ninth birthday.

  "That's right,"said the old man." Ninety-nine years old, and I haven't an enemy in the world.They are all dead."

  "Well, sir,"said the interviewer,"I hope very much to have the honour of interviewing you on your hundredth birthday."

  The old man looked at the young man closely, and said,"I can't see why you shouldn't, you look fit and healthy to me!"


The old man said he had not an enemy in the world, which shows that he was a very ________.

[  ]


friendly man-he never made any enemies.


healthy man-he lived longer than all his enemies.


lucky man-his enemies had all died.


terrible man-he had got rid of all his enemies.


When the interviewer said that he hoped very much to have the honor of interviewing the old man again the following year?

[  ]


he was trying to make the old man happy.


he wished he himself would live another year.


he did not believe the old man would live to be one hundred.


he did believe he would interview the old man again.


when the old man said " I can't see why you shouldn't", what he meant was ________.

[  ]


"You must try to live another year to interview me again next year."


"Of course you can see me again since you are so fit and healthy."


"If I live to a hundred years, you should interview me again."


"Unless you live another year, you wouldn't be able to interview me again."


What kind of man would you say the old man was?

[  ]


He was silly.


He was unpleasant.


He was very proud and sure of his health.


He was very impolite to young people.



  I'm interested in the furnished cottage near Dedham which you made known in yesterday's newspaper, for my husband and I are coming to England in June and will stay at the cottage for three months. Would you please tell me exactly where it is and give me some information about bus and train service in the area? We need a cottage on a busy street. And I would also like to know about the shops there. Do the shops still supply? I know they did ten years ago.

  I would also be thankful if you would tell me whether you supply sheets, etc, and whether a laundry (洗衣店) calls at the house. The rent you ask sounds reasonable for the size of the cottage. How do you like it paid? Weekly, monthly or in advance?

    I would be thankful for an early reply.

1.This passage must be taken from a ________.

[  ]


2.In the passage, “you” refers to ________.

[  ]

A.a friend of the writer's

B.the reader who reads the passage

C.some person who has cottages for hire

D.an unknown person living in England

3.According to the passage, which of the following is not true?

[  ]

A.“You” must have advertised in the newspaper.

B.The writer and her husband are to stay at Dedham.

C.The writer must have been to Dedham ten years ago.

D.The writer is interested in nothing but cottage.

4.Which of the following doesn't the writer wish to know further about?

[  ]

A.The postition of the cottage.

B.Things about the traffic.

C.The total rent for the cottage.

D.The shops and the supplies.


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