摘要:35.What surprised the king most was to meet his queen. ( ) A.his not allowing B.his not being allowed C.his being not allowed D.having not been allowed


     In the clinic, I asked if Michael could be retested, so the specialist tested him again.To my __1__,   it
was the same score.
     Later that evening, I __2__ told Frank what I had __3__ that day.After talking it over, we agreed
that we knew our __4__ much better than an IQ test.We __5__ that Michael's score must have been a
__6__ and we should treat him naturally as usual.
     We moved to Indiana in 1962, and Michael studied at Concordia High School in the same year.He
got __7__ grades in the school, __8__ in biology and chemistry, which was a great comfort.
     Michael __9__ Indiana University in 1965 as a premedical student, soon afterwards, his teachers
permitted him to take more courses than __10__.In 1968, he was accepted by the School of Medicine,
Yale University.
     On graduation day in 1972, Frank and I __11__ the ceremony at Yale.After the ceremony, we told
Michael about the low IQ score he got when he was six.Since that day, Michael sometimes would look
at us and say __12__,   "My dear mom and dad never told me that I couldn't be a doctor, not until after
I graduated from medical school!" It is his special way of thanking us for the__13__ we had in him.
     Interestingly, Michael then asked for another IQ test.We went to the same clinic where he had
__14__ the test eighteen years before.This time Michael scored 126, a(n) __15__ of 36 points.A result
like that was supposed to be impossible.
(     )1.  A. disappointment  
(     )2.  A. tearfully      
(     )3.  A. learned        
(     )4.  A. student        
(     )5.  A. argued          
(     )6.  A. joke            
(     )7.  A. poor            
(     )8.  A. especially      
(     )9.  A. visited        
(     )10.  A. allowed        
(     )11.  A. attended      
(     )12.  A. jokingly      
(     )13.  A. faith          
(     )14.  A. gave          
(     )15.  A. decrease      
B.  surpris    
B.  fearfully  
B.  saw        
B.  son        
B.  realized    
B.  mistake    
B.  good        
B.  eventually  
B.  chose      
B.  described  
B.  joined      
B.  sadly      
B.  interest    
B.  received    
B.  increase    
C.  satisfactory  
C.  cheerfully    
C.  heard        
C.  friend        
C.  decided      
C.  warning      
C.  average      
C.  finally      
C.  passed        
C.  required      
C.  gave          
C.  angrily      
C.  pride        
C.  waited        
C.  addition      
D.  regret        
D.  hopefully      
D.  looked        
D.  doctor        
D.  understood    
D.  wonder        
D.  standard      
D.  exactly        
D.  entered        
D.  offered        
D.  held          
D.  contentedly    
D.  delight        
D.  lost          
D.  decline        

In the late 1500s, a large powerful gun was placed on top of the Signal Hill, in Newfoundland, to prevent attacks from the outside. Flags were also flown there to warn sailors of bad weather. It's fitting, then, the Italian Gulielmo Marconi should have chosen this site(场所) to receive the world's first radio signal - in Morse code - from England on December 12, 1901.

    Marconi, combining earlier ideas with his own, led us to a new communications age. For the next 50 years, until the appearance of television, radio ruled the air waves.

    Today, it's the TV that rules. No single person can say to have invented television.

    In 1884, the German Paul Nipkow invented a device (设备) that sent pictures mechanically (机械地), and in 1906, Boris Rosing, a Russian, used a ray and a disc to create the world's first TV system. Then in the early 1920s, another Russian, Vladimir Zworykin,invented a picture display tube. He took out a patent (专利) for color TV, even though it wouldn't be developed for another 25 years.

    In 1924, a Scot entered the scene - John Logie Baird. He first succeeded in sending a moving picture and a year later got the first actual TV picture. In 1926, Baird showed TV in a London laboratory. Two years later in New York, Felix the Cat became the first TV star.

TV excited everyone's imagination, but hardly anyone had a set, with just two thousand in use worldwide in the mid-1930s.

Since the late 1940s, TV technology has developed very quickly. Computers may finally be combined with all televisions to give people a total all-in-one communications network.

Today, it's possible to sit and watch TV in the middle of a forest or in the Arctic. It's surpris-

ing when one considers that Marconi was on Signal Hill in the same century.

1.We can learn from the text that Signal Hill was once used as _________.

       A.a site of communication            

       B.a weather station

       C.a factory to produce weapons    

       D.a battle field to fight enemies from the outside

2.When the writer says that today it is the TV that rules, he means that the TV _________.

    A.has led to a new communications age

    B.is a major means of today's communication

       C.is a device invented with ideas from Marconi

       D.has replaced the radio in today’s communication

3.What is the main idea of Paragraphs 4 and 5?

       A.London is the pace where TV is invented.

       B.John Logie Baird was the chief inventor of television.

       C.A number of people contributed to the invention of television.

       D.Russian scientists played an important role in the invention of television.

4.The writer believes that the day will come when        .

       A.the future computers will be able to do the work TV is now doing

       B.the future computers will become available to everyone in the world

       C.the future computers will be connected to create one international network

       D.the future computers will take the place of televisions and radios


Just put your special clothes on in the morning and you could jump 3 meters into the air and even carry more than 60 kilograms without getting tired. The walk to school would be very , very easy. Such supercharged clothing is one of the products that could be created using “wearable robotics” technology.

Designed to improve a person’s senses and skills, the device could be as simple as a hearing aid. Or it could be a full-body suit that senses what you’re going to do, then helps you do it better.

“A superman suit would be the final result in wearable robotics,” said Francois Pin, head of robotics and energy systems at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory(橡树林国家实验室), US. While these suits are at least ten years away, in some areas the technology is already in use.

Researchers are developing artificial arms and legs that allow old, disabled or injured people to move freely. Thus US Army is interested in using wearable robot legs to help soldiers run faster, carry more equipment and be stronger in battle. Jobs that involve lifting heavy loads or saving lives from the rubble of an earthquake could also become much easier.

A robot is a device that responds to a command. You’re probably with simple robots, such as toy cars or airplanes that respond to buttons you push on a remote control.

Wearable robotics goes further. Instead of just receiving information through a wire or remote control, the robotic device can send information back to its controller.

Suppose you wore a sleeve that has sensors where your joints are. Every time you move your arm, the sleeve senses your movements and sends the information to a robot, which then moves its arm just as you did. When the robot hits or touches something, it sends a signal back to the sleeve and you sense the action.

In this way, scientists are working to wrap the robot around the person. Their goal is to make the sleeve, shoe or suit help you do what you want to do.

Which of the following can replace the underlined word “ supercharged” in Paragraph one?

A. expensive     B. overcharged   C. advanced    D. full of electricity

Products resulting from this wearable robotics technology do not include ___________.

A. remote controls               B. hearing aids 

 C. wearable robot legs          D. superman suits

From the passage, we can infer that_______________.

A. it will be ten years before robotic devices are in use

B. the wearable robotics technology has been employed in some areas

C. the robots in the robotic devices will do whatever you want to do

D. people must become lazier and less healthier in the future


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