摘要: A. large B. blue C. small D. clear


It was the old lady's eightieth birthday. She was sure Myra wouldn't forget her mother's birthday, even if she was busy. After all, eighty was a special birthday. Perhaps Myra might come. Even if Myra did not come, she would send a present. The old lady was sure of that. Two spots of colour brightened her cheeks. She was excited like a child.

       Mrs. Morrison had brought a card and a bunch of flowers when she came to do the breakfast. Mrs. Grant downstairs had made a cake. Johnnie, the little boy next door, was now up with her with a packet of sweets.

       "I guess you'll get lots and lots of presents," he said. "I did last week when I was six." What would she like? A pair of slippers perhaps. A blue new cardigan. Or a table lamp. Or a little clock, with clear black numbers. So many lovely things.

       She stood by the window, watching. The postman turned round the comer on his bicycle. Her heart beat fast. Johnnie had seen him too and ran to the gate.

       "Granny, granny," Johnnie returned. "I've got your post!"

       He gave her four envelopes. Three were from old friends. The fourth was in Myra's writing.

       "No parcel (包裹), Johnnie?"

       "No, granny."

       Almost reluctantly, she tore the fourth envelope open. Folded in the card was a check. Written on the card was a message: Happy Birthday—Buy yourself something nice with the check, Myra and Harold.

       The six-figure check fell to the floor like a bird with a broken wing. Slowly the old lad bent to pick it up. Her present, her lovely present. With trembling fingers she tore it into little bits.

1.As can be inferred from the passage, _____.

       A.the neighbors cared little about the old lady in daily life

       B.the friends sent the old lady many lovely presents by post

       C.Myra was stopped by her husband from seeing her mother

       D.the old lady lived alone in a flat away from her daughter

2.The old lady felt _____ when she saw no packet came with her daughter's card.

       A.excited             B.disappointed      C.happy                D.impatient

3.The reason why the old lady tore the check into small pieces was that _____.

       A.she was sure her daughter would come, not the check

       B.she didn't notice there were six figures on the check

       C.she would prefer a present with love from her daughter

       D.she didn't think the check was large enough for a present

4.Which of the following might serve as the best title for the passage?

       A.The Present.        B.The Check.         C.The Birthday.         D.The Daughter.



  It was the old lady's eightieth birthday.She was sure Myra wouldn't forget her mother's birthday, even if she was busy.After all, eighty was a special birthday.Perhaps Myra might come.Even if Myra did not come, she would send a present.The old lady was sure of that.Two spots of color brightened her cheeks.She was excited like a child,

  Mrs.Morrison had brought a card and a bunch of flowers when she came to do the breakfast.Mrs.Grant downstairs had made a cake.Johnnie, the little boy next door, was now up with her with a packet of sweets.

  “I guess you'll get lots and lots of presents," he said."I did last week when I was six." What would she like?A pair of slippers perhaps.A blue new cardigan.Or a table lamp.Or a little clock, with clear black numbers.So many lovely things.

  She stood by the window, watching.The postman turned round the corner on his bicycle.Her heart beat fast.Johnnie had seen him too and ran to the gate.“Granny, granny," Johnnie returned.“I've got your post!"

  He gave her four envelopes.Three were from old friends.The fourth was in Myra's writing.

  “No parcel(包裹), Johnnie?"

  “No, granny."

  Almost reluctantly, she tore the fourth envelope open.Folded in the card was a check.Written on the card was a message:Happy Birthday-Buy yourself something nice with the check, Myra and Harold.

  The six-figure check fell to the floor like a bird with a broken wing.Slowly the old lady bent to pick it up.Her present, her lovely present.With trembling fingers she tore it into little bits.


As can be inferred from the passage, ________.

[  ]


the neighbors cared little about the old lady in daily life


the friends sent the old lady many lovely presents by post


Myra was stopped by her husband from seeing her mother


the old lady lived alone in a flat away from her daughter


The old lady felt ________ when she saw no packet came with her daughter's card.

[  ]










The reason why the old lady tore the check into small pieces was that ________.

[  ]


she was sure her daughter would come, not the check.


she didn't notice there were six figures on the check.


she would prefer a present with love from her daughter.


she didn't think the check was large enough for a present.


Icebergs are among nature’s most impressive creations, and yet most people have never seen one. They come into being somewhere in faraway, freezing waters, amid thunderous noise and splashing turbulence (漩涡), which in most cases no one hears or sees. They exist only a short time and then slowly melt away just as unnoticed.

They have been called objects of complete beauty. Appearing in an endless variety of shapes, they may be dazzlingly white, or they may be glassy blue, green or purple, in light colors or in dark colors. They are graceful, stately, inspiring-in calm, sunlit seas.

But they are also called frightening and dangerous, and that they are-in the night, in the fog, and in storms. Even in clear weather one is wise to stay a safe distance away from them. Most of their main part is hidden below the water, so their underwater parts may extend out far beyond the visible top. Also, they may roll over unexpectedly, stirring the waters around them.

Icebergs are parts of glaciers that break off, drift into the water, float about awhile, and finally melt. Icebergs floating today are made of snows that have fallen over long ages of time. They include snows that drifted down hundreds, or many thousands, or in some cases maybe a million years ago. The snows fell in Polar regions and on cold mountains, where they melted only a little or not at all, and so collected to great depths over the years and centuries.

As each year’s snow accumulation lay on the surface, evaporation and melting caused the snowflakes slowly to become tiny grains of ice. When new snow fell on top of the old, it too turned to icy grains. So blankets of snow and ice grains mounted layer upon layer and were of such great thickness that the weight of the upper layers pressed the lower ones. With time and pressure from above, the many small ice grains joined and changed to larger crystals, and eventually the deeper crystals merged into a solid mass of ice.

1.The underlined word “dazzlingly” in Paragraph 2 probably means “          ”.

       A.brilliantly            B.abundantly         C.beautifully          D.approximately

2.The author states that icebergs are rarely seen because they are           .

       A.broken by waves soon after they are found

       B.hidden under the mountains

      C.located in remote regions of the world

     D.surrounded by fog

3.The underlined phrase “from above” in the last paragraph refers to “        ”.

       A.sunlit seas                              B.polar regions

       C.weight of mountains                      D.layers of ice and snow

4.According to the passage, icebergs are dangerous because they           .

       A.usually melt quickly                     B.can turn over suddenly

       C.may create large snowdrifts             D.may float and hit the ships suddenly


Icebergs are among nature’s most impressive creations, and yet most people have never seen one. They come into being somewhere in faraway, freezing waters, amid thunderous noise and splashing turbulence(漩涡), which in most cases no one hears or sees. They exist only a short time and then slowly melt away just as unnoticed.

  They have been called objects of complete beauty. Appearing in an endless variety of shapes, they may be dazzlingly white, or they may be glassy blue, green or purple, in light colors or in dark colors. They are graceful, stately, inspiring-in calm, sunlit seas.

But they are also called frightening and dangerous, and that they are-in the night, in the fog, and in storms. Even in clear weather one is wise to stay a safe distance away from them. Most of their main part is hidden below the water, so their underwater parts may extend out far beyond the visible top. Also, they may roll over unexpectedly, stirring the waters around them.

Icebergs are parts of glaciers that break off, drift into the water, float about awhile, and finally melt. Icebergs floating today are made of snows that have fallen over long ages of time. They include snows that drifted down hundreds, or many thousands, or in some cases maybe a million years ago. The snows fell in Polar regions and on cold mountains, where they melted only a little or not at all, and so collected to great depths over the years and centuries.

As each year’s snow accumulation lay on the surface, evaporation and melting caused the snowflakes slowly to become tiny grains of ice. When new snow fell on top of the old, it too turned to icy grains. So blankets of snow and ice grains mounted layer upon layer and were of such great thickness that the weight of the upper layers pressed the lower ones. With time and pressure from above, the many small ice grains joined and changed to larger crystals, and eventually the deeper crystals merged into a solid mass of ice.

1.The underlined word “dazzlingly” in Paragraph 2  probably means “           ”.

       A.brilliantly             B.abundantly           C.beautifully           D.approximately

2.The author states that icebergs are rarely seen because they are           .

       A.broken by waves soon after they are found

       B.hidden under the mountains

       C.located in remote regions of the world

       D.surrounded by fog

3.The underlined phrase “from above” in the last paragraph refers to “           ”.

       A.sunlit seas                                           B.polar regions

       C.weight of mountains                            D.layers of ice and snow

4.According to the passage, icebergs are dangerous because they           .

       A.usually melt quickly                             B.can turn over suddenly

       C.may create large snowdrifts                  D.may float and hit the ships suddenly


Botswana lies immediately to the north of South Africa. It is bordered on the north and west by Namibia, on the north and east by Zimbabwe, and is connected by a narrow strip of land on the northern border to Zambia. Its territory consists almost entirely of a broad, flat, arid subtropical plateau(高原), though there are hills in the eastern part of the country.
In the northwest, the Okavango River empties into the Kalahari sands, creating the largest inland river delta in the world. While the Okavango Delta is home to relatively few large animals in comparison to other areas of Botswana, its clear waters and countless small islands are home to a variety of birds, plants, and smaller species of animals.
Nearby is Chobe National Park, a beautiful grassland reserve(保护区) that has gained international fame for its large elephant population. Southeast of Chobe are Botswana's large Makgadikgadi salt pans, home to numbers of blue wildebeest, several antelope species, and those international lovers of salt pans, flamingos(a kind of birds).
Almost the entire remaining portion of the country is covered by the Kalahari Desert--a varied environment of sand and grassland. Although this area of Botswana is where few people live, it is one of the richest wildlife areas in all of Africa.
Botswana's two largest parks, the Central Kalahari Game reserve and Gemsbok National Park, are found in this region.
Botswana's climate can get rather cool, particularly during the dry winter months of June to August when night occasionally brings frost. The rainy summer months (December through March) are best avoided for those interested in enjoying the best game viewing conditions.
72.South Africa is to the______of Botswana.
A.east     B.north   C.south   D.west
73.In the Okavango Delta we can find______.
A.a lot of large animals         B.many small islands
C.salt pans             D.polluted waters
74.If we want to see flamingo, we should go to_______ .
A.salt pans             B.Chobe National Park
C.Kalahari Desert          D.Gemsbok National Park
75.It is suggested that tourists visit Botswana in______.
A.December   B.March  C.January       D.July
76.What is the passage mainly about Botswana?
A.Location, geography and climate.     B.Living conditions, politics and salt pans.
C.Parks, animals and population.  D.Animals, races and sightseeing places.


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