摘要:19.A.从for some time可知.用完成时态.从第一句“我对这消息根本不惊讶 可知.我在此之前早就知道了.动作know发生在come之前.故用过去完成时.



The word addiction usually makes you think of alcohol or drugs.           Some people are compulsive (难以自制的) shoppers. Others find it impossible to pull themselves away from their work. Still others spend countless hours watching TV or playing computer games.

           Many people enjoy going to malls or stores more and more every day, but it’s more than a common hobby for some of them. They have turned into shopaholics. They are people who simply enjoy shopping and walking around spending money without being able to stop doing it. They are hooked on shopping and usually buy things that they don’t need. Even though they don’t have enough money, they buy everything they want.

The question is: why do they have this addiction? There isn’t a specific answer. Some people go shopping when they are sad, worried, upset or lonely and they want to feel better. They use this activity as a way to forget their problems. Shopaholics say that they feel more important and better after they buy something.          

Shopaholism seems to be a harmless addiction, but it can bring out problems. Some of them can be psychological. If this is the case, people addicted to shopping should go to a support group to help them break this habit. However, the process, like for most addictions, is long, and they suffer a lot.          They just think about satisfying their feelings, so they spend money they don’t have.       

A. Once you are addicted to alcohol or drugs, it is difficult to get rid of.

B. Over the years, shopping has become a very common activity.

C. They also tend to have this addiction when they feel guilty.

D. However, in modern-day society we are seeing some new kinds of addictions.

E. People addicted to computer games consider the games as great ways to amuse themselves.

F. They get deep in debt, and they can even go bankrupt(破产) and get sent to prison.

G. It can also cause financial problems.


IV. 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)
The private automobile(私家车) has long played an important role in the United States. In fact, it has become a necessary and important part of the American way of life. In 1986, sixty-nine percent of American families owned at least one car, and thirty-eight percent had more than one. By giving workers rapid transportation, the automobile has freed them from having to live near their place of work. This has encouraged the growth of the cities, but it has also led to traffic problems.
For farm families the automobile is very helpful. It has made it possible for them to travel to town very often for business and for pleasure, and also to transport their children to distant schools.
Family life has been affected in various ways. The car helps to keep families together when it is used for picnics, outings, and other shared experiences. However, when teenage children have the use of the car, their parents can’t keep an eye on them. There is a great danger if the driver has been drinking alcohol or taking drugs—or is “showing off ” by speeding or breaking other traffic laws. Mothers of victims(受害者) of such accidents have formed an organization called MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). These women want to prevent further tragedies(悲剧). They have worked to encourage the government to limit the youngest drinking age. Students have formed a similar organization, SADD(Students Against Drunk Driving) and are  spreading the same message among their friends.
For many Americans the automobile is a necessity. But for some, it is also a mark of social position and for young people, a sign of becoming an adult. Altogether, cars mean very much to Americans.
56.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text?
A. Cars have encouraged the growth of the cities.
B. Cars can bring families together when they go for picnics.
C. Cars have enabled people to live far from their place of work.
D. Cars help city families to transport their children to faraway schools.
57.What has been done to deal with the problem of drunk driving?
A. Parents have paid more attention to their children.
B. Some organizations have been set up against drunk driving.
C. Mothers have tried to persuade their children not to drink alcohol.
D. University students have asked the government to solve the problem.
58.We can infer from the text that __________ in America.
A. it will be more difficult for people to get new cars.
B. parents will not allow their children to have their own cars.
C. the government will encourage people to use public transportation.
D. cars will still be popular though they have caused many problems.


第三部分  阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


Parsley(欧芹)is an ancient green and a respected addition to many foods. But other times, its job is just to make a mealtime plate look pretty. Poor parsley, valued for its looks, then is thrown away. Yet parsley is a good source of vitamins and other nutrients. The taste is a little strong for some people, but others chew on parsley to freshen their breath.

Curly parsley is the king that often ends up being used just for appearance. Flat-leaf parsley is easier to work with for cooking. This kind is often called Italian or French parsley. Do you know about a third kind of parsley? Hamburg parsley has flat leaves that can be used for the same purposes as other parsley. But Hamburg parsley has a large root which is used as a vegetable to add flavor to soups.

Parsley is used in foods such as tabouli, a traditional Lebanese salad, and is often served with lamb, fish and beef dishes. Parsley is a herb if you use just the greens. if the root is used, then parsley is considered a vegetable.

Some gardeners suggest that to get the best-tasting parsley, you should plant new seeds every year. You can get parsley to grow faster by pouring warm water over the seeds. Leave the seeds in the water overnight. Then you can grow them in containers indoors or plant them outside. Parsley grows best when temperatures are below twenty-one degrees Celsius. It likes to grow in sunny places. Tile seeds need rich soil. Plant the seeds about fifteen to twenty-five centimeters apart. Water them regularly during tile first month. After that, parsley does not need very much water. You can harvest parsley by cutting most of the plant or leave more of the plant in the ground for a second crop.

51.From the passage we can learn that __________.

A.people don’t like parsley’s strong taste at all

B.people don’t attach great importance to parsley’s value

C.parsley has been widely planted in the world

D.only ancient people used parsley as an addition

52.Which of the following cab be the best title for the passage?

A.The Planting of Parsley       B.To Parsley’s Regret

C.Parsley           D.The Use of Parsley

53.It seems _________ to the writer that parsley is valued for its looks.

A.regretful       B.unbelievable  C.confusing        D.doubtful

54.The last paragraph mainly deals with __________.

A.how to use parsley       B.whether people like parsley

C.how to plant parsley       D.how the author feels about parsley



       The word addiction usually makes you think of alcohol or drugs.    71   Some people are compulsive(难以自制的)shoppers. Others find it impossible to pull themselves away from their work. Still others spend countless hours watching TV or playing computer games.

       72   Many people enjoy going to malls or stores more and more every day,but it’s more

than a common hobby for some of them.They have turned into shopaholics. They are people who

simply enjoy shopping and walking around spending money without being able to stop doing it.They are hooked on shopping and usually buy things that they don’t need.Even though they don’t have enough money,they buy everything they want.

       The question is,why do they have this addiction? There isn’t a specific answer.Some people go shopping when they are sad,worried,upset or lonely and they want to feel better.They use this activity as a way to forget their problems.Shopaholics say that they feel more important and better after they buy something.  73   

       Shopaholism seems to be a harmless addiction,but it can bring out problems.Some of them can be psychological.If this is the case,people addicted to shopping should go to a support group to help them break this habit.However,the process,like for most addictions,is long,and they suffer a lot.  74   They just think about satisfying their feelings,so they spend money they don’t have.    75 

       A.Once you are addicted to alcohol or drugs,it is difficult to get rid of.

       B.Over the years,shopping has become a very common activity.

       C.They also tend to have this addiction when they feel guilty.

       D.However in modern—day society we are seeing some new kinds of addictions.

       E.People addicted to computer games consider the games as great ways to amuse themselves.

       F.They get deep in debt,and they can even go bankrupt(破产)and get sent to prison.

       G.It can also cause financial problems.




       The word addiction usually makes you think of alcohol or drugs.    71   Some people are compulsive(难以自制的)shoppers. Others find it impossible to pull themselves away from their work. Still others spend countless hours watching TV or playing computer games.

       72   Many people enjoy going to malls or stores more and more every day,but it’s more

than a common hobby for some of them.They have turned into shopaholics. They are people who

simply enjoy shopping and walking around spending money without being able to stop doing it.They are hooked on shopping and usually buy things that they don’t need.Even though they don’t have enough money,they buy everything they want.

       The question is,why do they have this addiction? There isn’t a specific answer.Some people go shopping when they are sad,worried,upset or lonely and they want to feel better.They use this activity as a way to forget their problems.Shopaholics say that they feel more important and better after they buy something.  73   

       Shopaholism seems to be a harmless addiction,but it can bring out problems.Some of them can be psychological.If this is the case,people addicted to shopping should go to a support group to help them break this habit.However,the process,like for most addictions,is long,and they suffer a lot.  74   They just think about satisfying their feelings,so they spend money they don’t have.    75 

       A.Once you are addicted to alcohol or drugs,it is difficult to get rid of.

       B.Over the years,shopping has become a very common activity.

       C.They also tend to have this addiction when they feel guilty.

       D.However in modern—day society we are seeing some new kinds of addictions.

       E.People addicted to computer games consider the games as great ways to amuse themselves.

       F.They get deep in debt,and they can even go bankrupt(破产)and get sent to prison.

       G.It can also cause financial problems.


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