摘要:57.B.do这一助动词既指代了上文的“keep quiet in class .又表强调.由于此题设置的是通常状态下.故选do.如果用来指过去的动作.则用did.












下列对“鼎”的说明,不正确的一项是(    )





下列各项中不能表明“鼎是一种重要礼器”的一项是(    )





下列表述符合原文意思的一项是(    )






Most people feel lonely sometimes, but it usually only lasts between a few minutes and a few hours. This kind of loneliness is not serious. In fact, It is quite normal. For some people, though, loneliness can last for years. Psychologists are studying this complex phenomenon in an attempt to better understand long-term loneliness. These researchers have already identified three different types of loneliness.
The first kind of loneliness is temporary. This is the most common type. It usually disappears quickly and does not require any special attention.
The second kind, situational loneliness, is a natural result of a particular situation ---for example, a divorce, the death of a loved once, or moving to a new place. Although this kind of loneliness can cause physical problems, such as headaches and sleeplessness, it usually does not last for more than a year. Situational loneliness is easy to understand and to predict.
The third kind of loneliness is the most severe. Unlike the second type, chronic loneliness usually lasts more than two years and has no specific cause. People who experience habitual loneliness have problems socializing and becoming close to others. Unfortunately, many chronically lonely people think there is little or nothing they can do to improve their condition.
1) 以约30词概括短文的要点;
2) 以约120词就“孤独”这一话题谈谈你的看法,并包括以下要点:
a. 描述你感到孤独的某个时刻;
b. 解释你为什么觉得孤独,你怎样排除孤独感;
c. 根据你的经历,给出排除孤独的建议。
1. 可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得


Most people feel lonely sometimes, but it usually only lasts between a few minutes and a few hours. This kind of loneliness is not serious. In fact, It is quite normal. For some people, though, loneliness can last for years. Psychologists are studying this complex phenomenon in an attempt to better understand long-term loneliness. These researchers have already identified three different types of loneliness.

The first kind of loneliness is temporary. This is the most common type. It usually disappears quickly and does not require any special attention.

The second kind, situational loneliness, is a natural result of a particular situation ---for example, a divorce, the death of a loved once, or moving to a new place. Although this kind of loneliness can cause physical problems, such as headaches and sleeplessness, it usually does not last for more than a year. Situational loneliness is easy to understand and to predict.

The third kind of loneliness is the most severe. Unlike the second type, chronic loneliness usually lasts more than two years and has no specific cause. People who experience habitual loneliness have problems socializing and becoming close to others. Unfortunately, many chronically lonely people think there is little or nothing they can do to improve their condition.


1) 以约30词概括短文的要点;

2) 以约120词就“孤独”这一话题谈谈你的看法,并包括以下要点:

a. 描述你感到孤独的某个时刻;

b. 解释你为什么觉得孤独,你怎样排除孤独感;

c. 根据你的经历,给出排除孤独的建议。


1. 可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得







阅读下面的短文,然后按要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。

There are two factors which determine an individual’s intelligence. The first is sort of brain he is born with. Human brains differ considerable, some being more capable than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what happens to the individual — the sort of the environment in which he is brought up. If an individual is handicapped(受阻碍) environmentally, it is likely that his brain will stop to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable.

The importance of environment in determining an individual’s intelligence can be proved by the identical twins, Peter and John. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in separate foster(寄养) homes. Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in an isolated community with poor educational opportunities. John, however, was educated in the home well-to-do parents who had been to college. This environmental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens, when they were given tests to measure their intelligence. John’s IQ was 125, twenty-five points higher than the average and fully forty points higher than his brother.














阅读下面的短文,然后按要求写一篇 150 词左右的英语短文。
There are two factors which determine an individual’s intelligence. The first is sort of brain he is born with. Human brains differ considerable, some being more capable than others. But no matter how good a brain he has to begin with, an individual will have a low intelligence unless he has opportunities to learn. So the second factor is what happens to the individual — the sort of the environment in which he is brought up. If an individual is handicapped(受阻碍) environmentally, it is likely that his brain will stop to develop and he will never attain the level of intelligence of which he is capable.
The importance of environment in determining an individual’s intelligence can be proved by the identical twins, Peter and John. When the twins were three months old, their parents died, and they were placed in separate foster(寄养) homes. Peter was reared by parents of low intelligence in an isolated community with poor educational opportunities. John, however, was educated in the home well-to-do parents who had been to college. This environmental difference continued until the twins were in their late teens, when they were given tests to measure their intelligence. John’s IQ was 125, twenty-five points higher than the average and fully forty points higher than his brother.


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