摘要: Something must be done to prevent the river from





1.What are the two speakers doing?

A.Enjoying meeting each other.

B.Saying good-bye to each other.

C.Planning to see each other.

2.What can you guess about the woman?

A.He is a hard working boy.

B.He is as dull as Jack.

C.He’d like to go with Lisa.

3.What is the woman?

A.A waiter.

B.A conductor.

C.A book clerk.

4.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.A boss and a salesgirl.

B.A teacher and his pupil.

C.A professor and his assistant.

5.What do you guess about the man?

A.He didn’t sleep well last night.

B.He is going to play a game.

C.He is lying in bed.

听力原文:(Text 1)

M:Well, I’d better be getting home now.It’s been great seeing you again.

W:Oh, It was nice seeing you too.

(Text 2)

M:Sorry, Lisa.I can’t go to the party with you tonight.

W:Have you heard that all work and no play make Jack a dull boy?

(Text 3)

M:I want a ticket to London, please.Second-class.

W:Single or return?

(Text 4)

W:Excuse me, Professor Smith.I was wondering if I could leave 15 minutes early this afternoon.

M:Sure, go ahead, Jane.Do give your lovely child a loud kiss.

(Text 5)

W:What’s the matter?You look tired.

M:I tried to sleep last night but I lay there awake, thinking about the game.




6.What’s the woman going to do?

A.Attend her friend’s wedding party.

B.Attend Lan’s party.

C.Do some shopping with her friends.

7.What does the man suggest to the woman?

A.Wear her new dress.

B.Wear the light blue dress.

C.Wear a more formal one.

听力原文:(Text 6)

W:How do you like my new dress?

M:It looks very fashionable.

W:I’m going to wear it at my friend’s wedding party tomorrow.What do you think?

M:Not a bad idea.But I think I prefer the light blue dress you wore at Lan’s party last time.


8.What time is it when the dialogue happens?

A.At 8∶00.

B.At 7∶30.

C.At 7∶47.

9.What’s the result of the dialogue?

A.The man will drop the woman at a nearby underground station.

B.The man will drive the woman to Park.

C.The woman will not meet her friend on time.

听力原文:(Text 7)

W:It’s only thirty minutes left.I’ve got an appointment-I’m meeting a friend in London at eight.I’ll never make it.

M:I’m going into London.I’ll give you a lift if you like.

W:Could you really?That would be kind.

M:Where are you meeting your friend?

W:Near park-but if you can drop me at an underground station.That’ll be fine.

M:No, it’s all right.Park’s not far out of my way.I’ll take you there.

W:That’s very kind of you.


10.Where does the dialogue take place?

A.In a restaurant.

B.In a bookstore.

C.At home.

11.What does the man order?

A.A hamburger and coffee.

B.A Coke and a cake.

C.A hamburger and a Coke.

12.How much does it cost?




听力原文:(Text 8)

W:Can I get you something?

M:Yes, a hamburger, please.

W:Anything to drink?

M:Oh, yea.I’m thirsty.A Coke, please.

W:Here you are.That’s $1.70.

M:I think that’s wrong.It can’t be $1.70.It’s $1.17.

W:Oh, you are right.Sorry.


13.What is Sally?

A.A famous singer.

B.A film star.

C.A famous swimmer.

14.Where is Sally now?

A.In a competition.

B.In a swimming pool.

C.In California.

15.What did she do at the last Olympics?

A.She broke all the records.

B.She won many cups.

C.She swam thirty-five miles.

16.Why has she given up swimming?

A.She is too old to swim.

B.She prefers visiting other countries.

C.She can’t win any international competitions.


(Text 9)?

Do you remember Sally Green, the swimming star?She was the girl who broke all the records at last Olympics.Where is she now?Last week our reporter, Tom Parker, went to see Sally in her Californian home.

M:It is true that you don’t swim at all now?

W:I’m afraid so.I’m too old.

M:But you are only twenty.

W:That’s too old for a swimmer.If I swim in an international competition now, I wouldn’t win.So I’d rather not swim at all.

M:But don’t you enjoy swimming?

W:I used to, when I was still small.But if you enter for big competitions you have to work very hard.I used to get up at 6 a.m.to go to the pool.I had to train before school.After school and at weekends, I swam thirty-five miles every week!

M:But you were famous at fifteen.And look at these cups.

W:It’s true that I have some wonderful memories.I enjoyed visiting other countries, and the Olympics were very exciting.But I missed more important things.While other girls were growing up, I was swimming.What can I do?


17.When did the story take place?

A.In the morning.

B.In the afternoon.

C.In the evening.

18.What was Harry’s problem?

A.Everyone at his school liked him.

B.No one at his school liked him.

C.Some people at his school dislike him.

19.Why didn’t Harry want to accept his mother’s advice?

A.He thought he was too weak.

B.He thought he was the headmaster.

C.He thought he was too old to change.

20.What have you learned from the text?

A.Harry is a bus-driver.

B.Harry is a student.

C.Harry is the headmaster.

听力原文:(Text 10)?

  Harry came to his mother one morning while she was having her breakfast, and said to her, “No one at my school likes me, mother.The teachers don’t, and the children don’t.Even the cleaners and the bus drivers hate me.”

  “Well, Harry, ” his mother answered, “perhaps you aren’t very nice to them.If a few people don’t like a person, he or she may not be responsible for that;but if a lot of people don’t, there is usually something wrong, and that person really needs to change.”

  “I’m too old to change, ”Harry said.“I don’t want to go to school.”

  “Don’t be silly, Harry, ”his mother said, going to the garage to get the car out.“You have to go.You’re quite well, and you still have a lot of things to learn.And besides that, you’re the headmaster of the school.”


After watching my mother deal with our family of five, I can’t understand why answer to the
question, “What do you do?” is always, “Oh, I’m just a housewife.” JUST a housewife?” Anyone who spends most of her time in meal preparation and cleanup, keeping the house clean, attending PTA meetings, leading a scout troop, playing taxi driver to us kids when it’s time for school, musical lessons or the dentist, doing volunteer work for her community is not just a housewife. She’s the real Wonder Woman.
Why is it that so many mothers like mine think of themselves as second.class or something similar? Where has this notion come from? Have we males made them feel this way? Has our society  made“going to work” outside the home seem more important than what a housewife must face each day?  I would be every curious to see what would happen if a housewife went on strike.Dishes would  pie up.Food in the house would run out.There would be no learn clothes when needed.Walking and bus riding would increase.
I doubt if the man of the house would be able to take over.Oh,he would probably start out with the attitude that he can do just as good a job,but how long would that last? Not 1ong, once he had to come home each night after work to more housework. There would be no coming home to a prepared meal; The kids would all be screaming for something to eat, clean clothes and more bus fare money. Once he quieted the kids, he’d have to clean the house, go shopping, make sure that kids got a bath, after clearing out all the dog hairs from the bathtub. Once the kids were down for the night, he might be able to craw(爬)into an unmade bed and try to read the morning newspaper.
64.What does the writer’s mother NOT do according to the first paragraph?
A.Cooking.            B.Tidying the house.  
C.Driving a taxi.         D.Some unpaid work.
65.The underlined word “notion” in the second paragraph can be replaced by the word        .
A.mother     B.citizen      C.similarity  D.thought
66.We can learn from the second paragraph        .
A.mothers are actually great women  B.our society looks down upon housewives
C.housewives should go on a strike    D.doing housework is not important at all
67.The possible main idea of the third paragraph is        .
A.men should share housework with their wives
B.attitude is not the only thing needed to do a job well
C.kids are the most challenging part of the housework
D.men are unlikely to handle the work of a housewife


Negative (消极的)self talk and negative energy can affect you m many ways and cause you additional stress. Because of this,developing more Positive self talk’s an important way to reduce stress in your life. You can help yourself maintain a positive frame of mind 一which will help with positive self talk一by surrounding yourself with positive energy in your life. You can get that by adding some elements to your life.
Listening to music that not only has a soothing melody,but an uplifting message,can be great for developing positive self talk. Have you ever had a song “stuck in your head” for a few hours or days,the lyrics repeating themselves in your mind?’’ If those lyrics were positive and inspirational,that would be a good thing. It’s a much better mental soundtrack to have than a running stream of complaints,criticisms of self-limiting thoughts,or even songs that had more depressing or sad lyrics.
Books on strength, personal power, enlightenment, or self help can be good resources to help you change your outlook and the things you say to yourself. Rather than bringing habitual self-defeating thoughts,you can find yourself thinking of new can-do concepts when times get tough.
One of the most important ways you can get and keep positive energy in your life is with the company you keep. Do your friends uplift you,or bring you down? Are they critical,or complementary? Ideal friendships provide support when you’re down, fun when you’re up,wisdom when you’re lost,and positive regard. Good friends can inspire you to reach greater heights,and see your strengths even when you don’t always. Pay attention to how your friends make you feel,and if they’re less than supportive,start putting your energy and time toward people who are better suited to be your friend.
In addition,positive affirmations (肯定) can certainly change your self talk from negative to positive. Now,why not begin working positive affirmations into your life in some creative ways?
What does the passage mainly talk about?

A.Reducing stress by surrounding yourself with positive energy.
B.Adding some elements to your life.
C.Getting positive energy from the company you keep.
D.Changing your self talk with positive affirmation.
How many ways does the author suggest to maintain a positive frame of mind?
If you have something “stuck in your head”。 you probably ________.
A.keep singing the same song for a long time
B.keep thinking of this thing all the time
C.regard the lyrics of a song as positive
D.are developing positive self-talk
According to the passage,your best company should be those who __________.
A.uplift you or bring you downB.provide fun when you’re down
C.encourage you to do things even betterD.are less than supportive
What will probably be talked about in the following paragraph?
A.How negative self talk influences a person.
B.How positive self talk reduces stress in one’s life.
C.Some great ways of making great friends.
D.Some creative ways of practicing affirmation.


Technology today has stolen away our voices and robbed our children of memories. I’ve been keeping count of how often people sing around the house these days. The fact is, they don’t.
My earliest memories are of my mother crooning lullabies(催眠曲) in a gentle low voice as she rocked each infant in turn. She said she “didn’t have a singing voice,” but her low, wavering alto will always mean comfort to me. Every time I have sat through the night with a feverish body or held a pre – schooler through a nightmare, the melodies returned, words appearing and disappearing like fragments of a dream but held together by the hum (低声吟唱)of love.
Today, young mothers are routinely presented with lullaby tapes at the baby shower. When baby cries, the idea goes, they will be able to switch on the high-tech audio system and the little one will drift off with the voices of strangers in his ears, perfectly on pitch. If I had my way, new parents would learn the songs themselves, throw out their stereos, and give their child the gift of their own sleepy voices through the midnight hours.
These days, when we go on a trip, my daughters take along tiny personal stereos and headphones. They are lost in their private worlds, and I can’t help wishing that at least here, in the car my girls would be forced to listen to their mother’s voice raised in lost – the – words again, sure I’m out-of-tune songs that they might then pass down to another generation. Those sophisticated earphones have robbed them of something I think every kid should carry from childhood car trips into adulthood.
I drove away from that party humming, and all the way home the good old songs kept tumbling out. Dammit (该死), I thought, why did I ever stop singing in the car and start turning on the radio instead? Why don’t I sign anymore while I’m doing the dishes? I’m going to yank those stereo wires right out of the wall when I get home. We’re going to sing grace before meals, sing coals around the piano, sing in the shower instead of switching on that waterproof radio that stol away our voices and our souls.
63.The author hates today’s technology because________
A.driving a car requires high concentration
B.children are learning pop songs from tapes
C.children have lost touch with good old songs
D.high – tech systems do not record the voices of aged people
64.The underlined sentence “the little one will drift off” in Paragraph 3 means that “________ ”.
A.the play of the high – tech system is of little use
B.the high – tech system will play on and on
C.the low voice will delight the baby
D.the baby will slowly go to sleep
65.To the author, the voices of strangers ________       .
A.are not familiar to the baby
B.lack the motherly love the baby needs
C.work better to stop the baby’s cry
D.surely sound more pleasant
66.What the author wishes to make her girls do is to________          .
A.help memorize the words while she is singing
B.take off their well – designed earphones
C.listen and learn the old songs from her
D.remember their childhood car trips


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