摘要:34.- Your room looks a real mess, Tony. - ? A.What for B.So what C.What if D.So how


When students think of learning a foreign language, the first thought is of books, exercises, and audio cassettes.Those are important to learning but sometimes a little bit boring.Therefore, it is time for us to spice things up a bit.
Things like a cellphone can keep your interest level high.It’s a perfect study material.You have it with you day after day, you are familiar with how it works and you can use it to practice whenever you have time.You don’t need to have your books by your side or stay in your room to listen to tapes.
Let’s take a look at how to add your cellphone to your study tools.
Set up your cellphone to use the language you want to study.Go to the menu, find settings, locate language and change it to English or Spanish, which benefits your language learning.
Look at the buttons and connect those items with the new vocabulary.This enables you to master simple words and phrases with little effort.For example, each time you open up your cellphone you’ll see “messages”, “games” and “calls made”.These words begin to take root if you see them again and again.
When you have time, take out your cellphone and start hitting buttons.You’ll be surprised at all the vocabulary you can learn by playing with the different menu items.Some things you’ll recognize immediately and others you can guess just by where you find them.
It can keep your learning fresh and interesting.And that’s important because boredom is a big problem with language learners.You need variety and a cellphone is one way to get it.
1.The underlined part “spice things up” in the first paragraph means “______”.
A.make things interesting       B.make things realistic
C.make things helpful          D.make things obvious
2.Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using a cellphone as a study material?
A.We can study with it at any moment.
B.It keeps our learning interest high.
C.We can use it to practice freely.
D.It offers the chance to practice learning.
3.By playing with a cellphone, you can ______.
A.learn the words in the menu
B.remember the messages sent by others
C.improve the techniques of playing games
D.become familiar with different kinds of languages
4.Why did the author write the passage?
A.To stress the importance of language learning.
B.To introduce the latest ways of language learning.
C.To inform how to keep your learning fresh.
D.To explain how to use cellphones to learn language.



It is often difficult for visitors to understand Americans lack of desire for privacy(隐私) . They are not a nation of walled gardens and closed gates. Their yards normally run into one another without fences, they often visit one another’s homes without being invited or telephoning first, they leave their office doors open while they work.

Their lack of desire for privacy probable results from their history as a nation. America is a big country. There have never been walled cities in the United States, nor was there the need for Americans to protect themselves from neighboring states. During the early years, America had so few settlers that neighbors were very important, they were not to be shut out by doors and fences. Neighbors offered protection and helped in the hard work of settling the land. They depended upon each other.

From the nation’s early history has come the desire for openness rather than privacy. Visitors will notice this desire in a number of small ways, there may be rooms in American homes that do not have doors or that have glass walls. If you notice that people forget to close your door when they leave your room, do not think that this is rude, help them to learn that you would like it to be closed, or else become used to new ways. In either case, be patient with the differences.

72. According to the passage, visitors to America sometimes have difficultyunderstanding _____.

A .Americans’ openness                              B. American’s lack of desire for privacy

C. Americans’ way of home                     D. American’s style of life

73. During the early years, people were never shut out by doors because _________.

A. they were neighbors                              B. they were friends

C. they depended on each other            D. they got used to that

74. Visitors will notice American’s desire for openness in a way ___________.

A .they walled their houses with glass 

B. they leave the office doors open while working

C. they never have fence                          

D. they depended upon each other

75. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A .No Walled Cities.                                       B. The Early Settlers

C. Americans’ Lack of Desire for Privacy          D. be Patient with Differences



Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Maybe you are an average student. You probably think you will never be a top student. This is not necessary so, however. Anyone can become a better student if he or she wants to. Here’s how:
1. Plan your time carefully. When you plan your week, you should make a list of things that you have to do. After making this list, you should make a schedule of your time. First your time for eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. then decide a good, regular time for studying. Don’t forget to set aside enough time for entertainment. A weekly schedule may not solve all your problems, but it will force you to realize what is happening to your time.
2. Find a good place to study. Look around the house for a good study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk or simply a corner of your room, free of everything but study materials. No games, radios, or television! When you sit down to study, concentrate on the subject.
3. Make good use of your time in class. Take advantage of class time to listen to everything the teachers say. Really listening in class means less work later. Taking notes will help you remember what the teacher says.
4. Study regularly. When you get home from school, go over your notes. Review the important points that your teacher mentioned in class. If you know what your teacher is going to discuss the next day, read that material will become more meaningful, and you will remember it longer.
5. Develop a good attitude about tests. The purpose of a test is to show what you have learned about a subject. They help you remember your new knowledge. The world won’t end if you don’t pass a test, so don’t be overly worried.
There are other methods that might help you with your studying. You will probably discover many others after you have tried these.
How to become a better student

General method
How to
(1) ______
Plan your time carefully
Make a list
Force you to realize(6) ____ is happening to your time
Make a
Find a good place to study
Free of everything but (2) ______
You can (7) ______on the subject
Make good use of your time in class
Listen to everything the teachers say
Really listening in class means (8) ______
(3) ______
Study regularly
Go over your notes
(4) ______ new material
Help you (9) _____it better , remember it longer
Develop a good attitude about tests
Don’t be (5) ______ worried
Remember your new
(10) ______


Exploit your parking space

An unused parking space or garage can make money. If you live near a city center or an airport, you could make anything up to £200 or £300 a week. Put an advertisement(广告)for free on Letpark or Atmyhousepark.

Rent a room

Spare room? Not only will a lodger(房客)earn you an income, but also, thanks to the government-backed “rent a room” program, you won’t have to pay any tax on the first £4500 you make per year. Try advertising your room on Roomspare or Roommateeasy.

Make money during special events

Won’t want a full-time lodger? Then rent on a short-term basis. If you live in the capital, renting a room out during the Olympics or other big events could bring in money, Grashpadder can advertise your space.

Live on set

Renting your home out as a “film set” could earn you hundreds of pounds a day, depending on the film production company and how long your home is needed. A quick search on the Internet will bring up dozens of online companies that allow you to register your home for free—but you will be charged if your home gets picked.

Use your roof

You need the right kind of roof, but some energy companies pay the cost of fixing solar equipment(around£14,000), and let you use the energy produced for nothing. In return, they get paid for unused energy fed back into the National Grid. However, you have to sign a 25-year agreement with the supplier, which could prevent you from changing the roof.

1.If you earn £5000 from renting a room in one year, the tax you need to pay will be based on ______.

A. £800       B. £500             C. £4500           D.5000

2.Where can you put an advertisement to rent out a room during a big event?

A. On Letpark.   B. On Roomspare.  C. On Grashpadder.  D. On Roommateeasy.

3.If you want to use energy free, you have to_____.

A. sign an agreement with the government 

B. pay around £14,000 for the equipment

C. sell the roof to some energy companies   

D. keep the roof unchanged for within 25 years

4. For whom the text most probably written?

A. Lodgers.       B. Advertisers.    C. House owners.  D. Online companies



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