摘要:24. ,our principal is worried. A.A lot of work is to be done B.With a lot of work done C.With a lot of work to be done D.A lot of work doing


  It's seven in the morning. Mr Li needn't go to work today. He knows English and is now looking through a list of TV programmes in today's newspaper. The list is as follows. Read it over and then do the exercises.

  TV programmes

  Friday, September 30

  Channel 2(频道2)

  9∶50 Olympic Games men's basketball final

  11∶40 Olympic Games track and field events

  19∶45 Olympic Games special

  20∶22 2002 National Day evening party

  20∶59 TV drama(戏剧): Juan and Her Braised Ship (1)

  22∶57 Olympic Games men's basketball final

  Channel 8

  9∶40 Daughter of the Sea

  14∶20 Olympic Games men's tennis single final

  15∶50 TV drama: Red Leaves Beyond the Mountain (3)

  16∶37 TV drama: The Tea House

  18∶00 Olympic Games women's table tennis double final

  CCTV English Service

  22∶10 News

  22∶30 Olympic Games Special

Invitation to a Farewell Party

  Friday, 22nd October

  Dear Michael and Lisa,

  You are invited to a farewell party for the“LIU FAMILY'S VISIT TO AUSTRALIA”.

  Departure(出发)date: 4th of November

  The best part of our big adventure to Australia will be when we come face to face with kangaroos and other Australian wildlife.

  Party given by: Mr and Mrs Liu, Liu Mei and Liu Tang

  Date: Saturday, 6 November, 2002

  Time: 7∶00 p. m. until 12∶30 a. m.

  Place: Beijing Hotel

  Reply by: Tuesday, 2 November

  Phone: 528--0903

  Food and drinks will be provided at the party.

  PS: This event is NOT to be missed!

  We hope to see you there.

(1) Mr Li wants to find out what day it is the day after National Day. Please help him find it out. It is ________.

[  ]


(2) Suppose Mr Li wants to watch TV in the morning and he doesn't feel much interested in sports or games. Which program would he like to choose?

[  ]

A.CCTV English Service, News.

B.Channel 2,2002 National Day evening party.

C.Channel 8, film: Daughter of the Sea.

D.Channel 8, TV Drama: The Tea House.

(3) From the invitation we can tell ________.

[  ]

A.Liu Mei and Liu Tang will attend the farewell party

B.only Mr and Mrs Liu will travel to Australia

C.the Liu family have been to Australia before

D.the Liu family will not return from Australia

(4) By what date is it necessary to reply to the invitation?

[  ]

A.2 nd November.
B.2 nd October.
C.22 nd October.
D.4 th November.
Dear Sir,

Mr. Smith wrote to your newspaper to complain that his telephone was out of order for more than a week.

We received a complaint from Mr. Smith at 2:30 p.m. on May 6. The next day we sent workmen to Mr. Smith’s house to repair his telephone. The men discovered that there was something wrong with the underground cable. They dug up 15 feet of the cable and saw many white ants. These ants had attacked the cable and damaged it badly.

On May 8~10, our workmen dug up another 30 feet of the cable and found that it was also damaged. On May 11~13 the men took out the useless cable and replaced it with a new one. To do this they had to connect more than 4 000 wires and the work was not easy.

On May 14, the cable was completely repaired and Mr. Smith’s telephone was working properly. He did not have to pay for the work.

Yours faithfully,


Manager of Telephone Company

1.Mr. Jones wrote to a newspaper because he wanted to ______.

A. explain why his telephone did not work properly

B.complain about his telephone

C.explain why Mr. Smith’s telephone was out of order for several days

D.complain that the Telephone Company was slow to repair his telephone

2.The workmen spent ______ days in repairing the cable.

A. eight              B.three             C.four           D.six

3.The workmen had to join thousands of wires when they ______ the old cable.

A. damaged          B.repaired           C.replaced            D.put in

4.The ______ to the cable were paid by the Telephone Company.

A. damage            B.damages            C.repairs            D.replacement

5.The word “discovered” means ______.

A. were learned       B.were seeing         C.find out           D.found out



                The Festival of Cultures

                                 August 11-14

              City Park

  The Festival of Cultures is an annual event to celebrate the wide range of cultures found in our great state. People representing 40 cultural groups will share their traditions and customs. Here are just a few of the festival’s many activities.

  Crafts: See the fine art of basket weaving from Vietnam and Zimbabwe. Watch the delicate art of making paper umbrellas from Thailand and the decorative craft of paperl picado, or paper cutting, from Mexico. All craft demonstrations provide a firsthand view of how things are made. You will appreciate the process involved in making these products.

  Music and Dance: Experience musical instruments that you have never heard before. Listening to the music of a sho from Japan, a bull-roarer from Australia, a sitar from India, and a chakay from Thailand. You will also be entertained by folk dances from around the world, such as the troika from Russia and the mayim mayim from Israel. From 1:00 P.M. to 3:00 P.M. on August 14, special folk-dancing classes for children will be offered. Children ranging in age from 6-8 can learn the kinderpolka from Germany. Children ranging in age from 9-12 can learn the raspa from Mexico.

  Storytelling: Listen for hours as professional storytellers charm you with captivating tales. Fables, folktales, and ballads from various countries will be told. By popular demand, Gwendolyn Washington, a famous African American storyteller, is back.

  Food: Enjoy irresistible foods from other countries, such as gyros from Greece, seafood paella from Spain, crepes from France, and tandoori chicken from India. These tasty dishes will be difficult to pass up.

Tickets       August 11-13


Tickets        August 14

Adults          $3

Ages 13-18        $2

Ages 6-12        $1

Ages 6 and under Free


Adults          $3

Ages 13-18        $2

Ages 12 and under Free




Telephone: 2706030

  Address: 9020 Bridgeport Road

Open--Mon. To Fri. 7∶00a.m.--2∶30 p.m.and 5∶00 p.m.--9∶00

   p. m. Sat. 7∶00a. m.--11∶00 a.m. and 5∶00p.m.--9∶00

   p.m. Sun. 11∶00 a.m.--2∶00 p.m. and 5∶00p.m.--9∶00



Telephone: 7364431

  Address: Vanier Park, 1100 Chestnut St. New York American largest museum specializing(专门研究)in American history and art of our native people.

  Open--Mon. To Fri. 9∶00 a.m.--5∶00p.m. (Monday free) Sat. 8. a.m.--1∶00 p.m.


  Telephone: 3562367

  Address: 5300 No. 3 Road

  Mon. Tues. & Sat. 9∶30 a.m.--5∶30 p.m.

  Wed. Thurs. 9∶30a.m.--9∶30 p.m.

  Sun. 11∶00a.m.--5∶00 p.m.


  Telephone: 2785161

  Address: 3031 No 3 Road (at Sea Island Way)

  * The Hangar Den--Wed. To Sun. Lunch from 10∶30pm

  * Coffee Shop--Mon.--Fri. 6∶00 a.m., Sat. 6∶30, Sun. 7∶00 a.m.

  Mon.--Wed, to 10∶00 p.m. Thurs.--Sun. to 11∶00 p.m.

(1)If you want to buy a new jacket, you have to go to ________.

[  ]

A. 3031 No. 3 Road

B. 5300 No. 3 Road

C. 9020 Bridgeport Road

D. 1100 Chestunt Street

(2)If you want to go out for lunch on Sunday you can call up the number ________.

A. 2785161 or 2706030

B. 2706030 or 3562367

C. 7364431 or 2785161

D. 3562367 or 2785161

[  ]

(3)You don't have to pay on Mondays if you go to ________.

[  ]

A. Skyline Hotel

B. Lansdowne Park Shopping Centre

C. New York Museum

D. Garden Restaurant

(4)If you want to enjoy yourself on Sunday mornings, you can go to _______.

[  ]

A. Lansdowne Park Shopping Centre

B. New York Museum

C. the Hangar Den

D. Coffee Shop

(5)Visiting new York Museum, you can know _______.

[  ]

A. the history of America's native people

B. the history of New York

C. the history of America

D. the art of New York



  Dear Mr Price,

  I have eaten in your restaurant many times and have always been happy with the food and service.What happened last Saturday evening made me disappointed.

  It was my son’s birthday so we booked a no-smoking table at your restaurant for 7∶30 p. m.We arrived on time but were given a table in the smoking section.I asked to move but was told that there were no other tables.A lot of people were smoking so it was uncomfortable.

  Our first waitress, Janet, was polite and helpful.She gave us free drinks for waiting not long.Our food also came quickly and looked fresh and nice.When my wife had eaten most of her meal, she found a dead cockroach(蟑螂)in the vegetables, she was shocked and waned to leave.At first, the waitress told us it was a piece of garlic(大蒜).When we told her that garlic did not have legs, she apologized and took the food away.

  We asked for the bill, expecting not to pay for my wife’s meal.Nobody came.After 15 minutes, I asked to see the manager.The head waiter told us that you were on holiday.I complained again about the horrible cockroach.He told me Janet had finished working.He didn’t believe my story and gave me bill for three meals.I argued with him but was forced to pay.

  The waitress, Janet, was always friendly, but I would like an apology from your impolite head waiter and a full refund for our meals which cost $68.Until then, I will not eat at your restaurant or recommend it to anyone.

  You can contact me at 7423254 or through E-mail if you want more information.

  Thank you very much for your attention.

Yours sincerely


Mr Yuan _________ before last Saturday.

[  ]


had no complaints with the restaurant


was disappointed with the restaurant


had to wait for his table


rarely ate the restaurant


Mr Yuan’s family _________.

[  ]


were late so they had to sit in the smoking section.


got to the restaurant at 8∶00 p. m.


had to wait for 30 minutes before they were given a table


were happy with their table


The head waiter didn’t believe Mr Yuan because _________.

[  ]


the waitress didn’t tell him what had happened.?


he had heard that the cockroach was garlic


he didn’t want to give Mr Yuan a refund


the manager was on holiday


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