摘要:5.表示行为方式.伴随情况或补充说明. 动词的-ed形式作状语表示行为方式.伴随情况或补充说明时.通常位于句子的后面.相当于一个并列分句. The teacher stood there, surrounded by the students. 老师站在那儿.被学生围住了.(= and he was surrounded by the students) He went into the office, followed by some children. 他走进办公室.后面跟着一些孩子.(= and he was followed by some children) They turned around and stood in the middle of the room, completely astonished. 他们转过身来.站在房间中央.完全惊呆了. She accepted the gift, deeply moved. 她接受了礼物.深深地感动了. 注意: 动词的-ed形式在句中不能用作主语或宾语. [误]Invited to the state banquet is a great honour. [正]To be invited to the state banquet is a great honour. 被邀请出席国宴是极大的荣耀. [误]I cannot stand laughed at. [正]I cannot stand being laughed at. 我不能容忍被人嘲笑.


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