摘要:7.may / might well+动词原形或may/ might as well+动词原形 May /might well+动词原形意思为“理应.有足够的理由 ,may / might as well +动词原形 意思为“还不如.不妨.还是-的好 .表示某人应该做某事.因为没有更好的事.没有更有趣的 事或没有更有用处的事可以做.May as well 可能比might as well 更加肯定一点. He may well be proud of his son .他大可以他的儿子为荣. She may well say so .她说的对. It is very late ,so you may / might as well go to bed .夜深了.不妨去睡吧 . We may / might as well have something to eat .我们还不如吃点东西. You may / might as well repeat the experiment .你还是把这个实验重做一遍为好. 注:may / might (as) well 的否定式是may / might (as)well+not . 练习题: ①Since she is angry , we her alone . A.had better leaving B.should leave C.might as well leave D.had rather leave


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