摘要: I really don’t know how the new word. A. to spell B. spell C. should spell D. should I spell


Have you ever considered all the English expressions that include words about clothes? Let’s see if I can name a few proverbs “off the cuff” since I haven’t prepared for it.

English expressions with “pants”

People wear pants to cover the lower part of their bodies. We sometimes say that people who are restless or nervous have “ants in their pants.” They might also “fly by the seat of their pants” -- they use their natural sense to do something instead of their learned knowledge. Sometimes, people may “get caught with their pants down” -- they are found doing something they should not be doing. And, in every family, one person takes control. Sometimes a wife tells her husband what to do. Then we say “she wears the pants in the family.”

When people want to say something about money

Pants usually have pockets to hold things. Money that is likely to be spent quickly can “burn a hole in your pocket.” Sometimes you need a belt to hold up your pants. If you have less money than usual, you may have to “tighten your belt” -- you may have to live on less money and spend your money carefully. But once you have succeeded in budgeting your money, you will have that skill “under your belt.”

    I always praise people who can save their money and not spend too much. I really “take my hat off to them.” Yet, when it comes to my own money, I spend it “at the drop of a hat” — immediately, without waiting. And sadly, you cannot “pull money out of a hat” —you cannot get money by inventing or imagining it.

English expressions with “shoes”

Boots are a heavy or strong kind of shoes. People who are “too big for their boots” think they are more important than they really are. I dislike such people. I really do. You can bet your boots on that!

    Yet, truly important people are hard to replace. Rarely can you “fill their shoes” -- or replace them with someone equally effective.

English expressions with “shirt”

My father is an important person. He runs a big company. He wears a suit and tie and a shirt with sleeves that cover his arms. Some people who do not know him well think he is too firm and severe. They think he is a real “stuffed shirt.” But I know that my father “wears his heart on his sleeve” —he shows his feelings openly. And, he knows how to “keep his shirt on”—he stays calm and never gets angry or too excited.    

1.What is this passage mainly about? 

A. Which words can be used to describe my father.

B. Why English expressions include words about clothes.

C. What people mean when they use some proverbs.

D. How to say English correctly and properly.

2.Which of the following proverbs are not related to money?

A. tighten one’s belt                    B. take one’s hat off to them

C. burn a hole in one’s pocket            D. get caught with their pants down

3.Tim often considers himself the most important person in the world, which is far from the truth .We may say ______.

A. he “wears his heart on his sleeve ”.      B. he “bet his boots on that ”.

C. he is “too big for their boots”.          D. he “ fill their shoes”.

4.If you want to praise somebody for his calmness when facing danger, you may say______.

A. “Amazing! How can you keep your shirt on at that time!”

B. “You really fill your shoes”

C. “Awesome ! You wear your heart on your sleeve!”

D. “Cool! You are truly a stuffed shirt”.



Have you ever considered all the English expressions that include words about clothes? Let’s see if I can name a few proverbs “off the cuff” since I haven’t prepared for it.


English expressions with “pants”

People wear pants to cover the lower part of their bodies. We sometimes say that people who are restless or nervous have “ants in their pants.” They might also “fly by the seat of their pants” -- they use their natural sense to do something instead of their learned knowledge. Sometimes, people may “get caught with their pants down” -- they are found doing something they should not be doing. And, in every family, one person takes control. Sometimes a wife tells her husband what to do. Then we say “she wears the pants in the family.”

When people what to say something about money

Pants usually have pockets to hold things. Money that is likely to be spent quickly can “burn a hole in your pocket.” Sometimes you need a belt to hold up your pants. If you have less money than usual, you may have to “tighten your belt” -- you may have to live on less money and spend your money carefully. But once you have succeeded in budgeting your money, you will have that skill “under your belt.”

    I always praise people who can save their money and not spend too much. I really “take my hat off to them.” Yet, when it comes to my own money, I spend it “at the drop of a hat” -- immediately, without waiting. And sadly, you cannot “pull money out of a hat” -- you cannot get money by inventing or imagining it.

English expressions with “shoes”

Boots are a heavy or strong kind of shoes. People who are “too big for their boots” think they are more important than they really are. I dislike such people. I really do. You can bet your boots on that!

    Yet, truly important people are hard to replace. Rarely can you “fill their shoes” -- or replace them with someone equally effective.

English expressions with “shirt”

My father is an important person. He runs a big company. He wears a suit and tie and a shirt with sleeves that cover his arms. Some people who do not know him well think he is too firm and severe. They think he is a real “stuffed shirt.” But I know that my father “wears his heart on his sleeve” -- he shows his feelings openly. And, he knows how to “keep his shirt on” -- he stays calm and never gets angry or too excited.    


1.What is this passage mainly about?

A. How to say English correctly and properly.

B. Why English expressions include words about clothes.

C. Which words can be used to describe my father.

D. What people mean when they use some proverbs.

2.Which of the following proverbs are not related to money?

A. tighten one’s belt                    B. burn a hole in one’s pocket

C. get caught with their pants down        D. take one’s hat off to them

3.Tim often considers himself the most important person in the world , which is far from the truth .We may say ____.

A.he is “too big for their boots”.

B. he “bet his boots on that ”.

C. he “ fill their shoes”.

D. he “wears his heart on his sleeve ”.

4.If you want to praise somebody for his calmness when facing danger , you may say ___.

A. “You really fill your shoes”

B. “Awesome ! You wear your heart on your sleeve!”

C. “Amazing !How can you keep your shirt on at that time!”

D. “Cool! You are truly a stuffed shirt”.



When Callie Rogers won almost 1.9 million pounds on the lottery(彩票) at 16, she hoped it would help her put her troubles behind her. The teenager came from a broken home, had dropped out of school and was living in local authority care.
Rogers, from Cumbria, England, won the National Lottery in 2003. Then she began spending her money wildlly, buying four homes for her family, flash cars and designer clothes, partying and having some cosmetic (整容的) surgery. Two weeks after her win, she married and had two children. But then she spent 250, 000 pounds on cocaine (可卡因) and suffered depression. Earlier this year she lost the right to take care of her children because of her mental state.
She became addicted to drugs and attempted suicide three times as her life unraveled. She says the money brought her only misery. Now she is down to her last 100 000 pounds, but she has never been happier.
Now 22, she said:“Just a few months ago I was taking too many drugs and hated myself. I simply did not want to live any more. But now I have a new man and am finally becoming the woman I want to be. And it's only after I've spent most of my fortune that this has finally happened.”
“I need to get my act together and make my kids proud, and for the first time I really do think that's possible.” She credits her new boyfriend with giving her the stable home life she has always longed for and she now hopes to go to college and eventually become a counselor. “After all I've experienced, I think I have a lot of advice to offer,” she said.
【小题1】Why was Rogers not allowed to look after her children?

A.She was in a bad mental state.B.She was addicted to using drugs.
C.She was not responsible for them. D.She was too poor to support them.
【小题2】What can we learn about Rogers from Paragraph 3?
A.Being addicted to drugs cost her everything.
B.Money didn't bring her happiness as expected.
C.Rogers felt much happier with her money gone.
D.Too much money allowed her to do what she wanted.
【小题3】What caused Rogers to change and start a new life?
A.The loss of money.B.Her bitter past.
C.Her husband and children.D.Her new boyfriend.
【小题4】Why does Rogers hope to go to college?
A.She intends to find a good job.B.She expects to become a professor.
C.She longs to improve her situation.D.She wants to offer advice for others.


Some people will do just about anything to save money.And I am one of them.Take my family's last vacation.It was my sixyearold son's winter break from schooland we were heading home from Fort Lauderdale after a weeklong trip.The flight was overbookedand Deltathe airlineoffered us $400 per person in credits to give up our seats and leave the next day.I had meetings in New Yorkso I had to get back.But that didn't mean my husband and my son couldn't stay.I took my ninemonthold and took off for home.

The next daymy husband and son were offered more credits to take an even later flight.YesI encouraged—okayordered—them to wait it out at the airport to “earn” more Delta Dollars.Our total take$1,600.Not badhuh?

Now some people may think I'm a bad mother and not such a great wife either.But as a bigtime bargain hunterI know the value of a dollar.And these daysa good deal is something few of us can afford to pass up.

I've made a living looking for the best deals and exposing(揭露) the worst tricks.I have been the consumer reporter of NBC's Today show for over a decade.I have written a couple of books including one titled Tricks of the TradeA Consumer Survival Guide.And I really do what I believe in.

I tell you this because there is no shame in getting your money's worth.I'm also tightfisted when it comes to shoesclothes for my childrenand expensive restaurants.But I wouldn't hesitate to spend on a good haircut.It keeps its shape longerand it's the first thing people notice.And I will also spend on a classic piece of furniture.Quality lasts.

1.Why did Delta give the author's family credits?

AThey took a later flight.

BThey had early bookings.

CTheir flight had been delayed.

DTheir flight had been cancelled.

2.What can we learn about the author?

AShe rarely misses a good deal.

BShe seldom makes a compromise.

CShe is very strict with her children.

DShe is interested in cheap products.

3.What does the author do?

AShe's a teacher.

BShe's a housewife.

CShe's a media person.

DShe's a businesswoman.

4.What does the author want to tell us?

AHow to expose bad tricks.

BHow to reserve airline seats.

CHow to spend money wisely.

DHow to make a business deal.



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