摘要: has not been found. 他出生在何时何地还不知道.


Pollution is reducing the fragrance(芬芳) of plants and thus preventing bees from pollinating(授粉) them—endangering one of the most essential cycles of nature, a new study suggests.
The potentially hugely significant research, funded by US National Science Foundation, has found that gases mainly formed from the emissions(排放) of cars prevent flowers from attracting bees and other insects to pollinate them. And the scientists who have conducted the study fear that insects’ abilities to drive away enemies and attract mates may also be disturbed.
Professor Jose Fuentes, who led the study, said, “Scent molecules(香味分子) produced by flowers in a less polluted environment could travel for roughly 1,000 to 1,200 meters. But today they may travel only 200 to 300 meters. This makes it increasingly difficult for bees and other insects to locate the flowers.”
The researchers, who worked on the molecules of snapdragons(金鱼草),found that the molecules are volatile(易挥发的) and quickly bond with pollutants, mainly formed from vehicle(车辆)emissions. This chemically changes the molecules so that they no longer smell like flowers. A harmful cycle is therefore set up where insects struggle to get enough food and the plants do not get pollinated enough to multiply.
Already bees, which pollinate most of the world’s crops, are in such a great decline that has never been known before in Britain and across much of the globe. At least a quarter of America’s 2.5 million honey bee colonies have been mysteriously wiped out by colony collapse disorder(CCD),where hives are found suddenly deserted.
The crisis(危机) has now spread to Europe. Politicians insist that CCD has not yet been found in Britain, but considering the present number of bees, the agriculture minister Lord Rooker has sent the warning, “The honey bee population could be wiped out in 10 years.”
Although the researchers are not certain whether this is the real cause of CCD, they say that pollution is making life more difficult for bees and other insects in many ways.
【小题1】 In what way does pollution prevent flowers from attracting bees?

A.By shortening the distance traveled by the scent molecules of flowers.
B.By disturbing the bees’ ability to attract mates.
C.By weakening the bees’ ability to fight against enemies.
D.By stopping flowers from giving off fragrance.
【小题2】 From the passage we can know that      .
A.Europe is affected greatly by CCD
B.CCD has destroyed most of the honey bee colonies in Europe
C.no honey bees will be found all over the world in the near future
D.European officials have paid much attention to CCD
【小题3】 What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Traffic Pollution Puts Bees in Danger
B.Traffic Pollution is to Blame for CCD
C.Pollution Makes Flowers Lose Their Scent
D.Pollution Causes the Decrease in Flowers


There are many American expressions about insects--- like bees, for example. Bees are known as very hard workers. They appear to be busy, moving around their homes, or hives. So you might say you were as busy as a bee if you spent your weekend cleaning your house. In fact, you might say your house was a beehive of activity if your whole family was helping you clean. You also might say you made a beeline for something if you went there right away. When we go to see a movie, my friend always makes a beeline for the place where they sell popcorn .

Here is an expression about bees that is not used much any more, but we like it anyway. We think it was first used in the 1920s. If something was the best of its kind, you might say it was the bee’s knees. Now, we admit that we do not know how this expression developed. In fact, we do not even know if bees have knees!

If your friend cannot stop talking about something because she thinks it is important, you might say she has a bee in her bonnet. If someone asks you a personal question, you might say “that is none of your beeswax”. This means none of your business.

Speaking of personal questions, there is an expression when their children ask, “Where do babies come from?” Parents who discuss sex and reproduction say this is talking about the birds and bees.

Butterflies are beautiful insects, but you would not want to have butterflies in your stomach. That means to be nervous about having to do something, like speaking in front of a crowd. You would also not want to have ants in your trousers. That is, to be unable to sit still.

1.If you make a beeline for something, you _____ .

A. are as busy as a bee                 B. go quickly and directly towards it

C. always go to the same place          D. buy something at a certain place

2.The underlined expression “ it is the bee’s knees” ______ .

A. is not used at all now               B. was first used in the 1820s

C. reminds us that bees have knees      D. means “it is very good”

3. If you ask your American friend Jack “How old is your wife?” he may say “_____.”

A. It is none of your beeswax           B. You have a bee in your bonnet

C. It is the bee’s knees               D. You are talking about the birds and bees

4. When you have butterflies in your stomach, you _____ .

A. are too sick to sit still           B. have ants in your trousers

C. are nervous about something          D. have a stomachache




There are many American expressions about insects--- like bees, for example. Bees are known as very hard workers. They appear to be busy, moving around their homes, or hives (蜂窝). So you might say you were as busy as a bee if you spent your weekend cleaning your house. In fact, you might say your house was a beehive of activity if your whole family was helping you clean. You also might say you made a beeline for something if you went there right away. When we go to see a movie, my friend always makes a beeline for the place where they sell popcorn (爆米花) .

    Here is an expression about bees that is not used much any more, but we like it anyway. We think it was first used in the 1920s. If something was the best of its kind, you might say it was the bee’s knees. Now, we admit that we do not know how this expression developed. In fact, we do not even know if bees have knees!

 If your friend cannot stop talking about something because she thinks it is important, you might say she has a bee in her bonnet (女帽). If  someone asks you a personal question, you might say “that is none of your beeswax”. This means none of your business.

    Speaking of personal questions, there is an expression when their children ask, “Where do babies come from?” Parents who discuss sex and reproduction (生殖) say this is talking about the birds and bees.

    Butterflies are beautiful insects, but you would not want to have butterflies in your stomach. That means to be nervous about having to do something, like speaking in front of a crowd. You would also not want to have ants in your trousers. That is, to be unable to sit still.

1. If you make a beeline for something, you ______ .

   A. are as busy as a bee            B. go quickly and directly towards it

   C. always go to the same place     D. buy something at a certain place

2.The underlined expression “ it is the bee’s knees” _______ .

   A. is not used at all now          B. was first used in the 1820s

   C. reminds us that bees have knees  D. means “it is very good”

3. If you ask your American friend Jack “How old is your wife?” he may say “______.”

   A. It is none of your beeswax      B. You have a bee in your bonnet

   C. It is the bee’s knees            D. You are talking about the birds and bees

4. When you have butterflies in your stomach, you ______ .

   A. are too sick to sit still           B. have ants in your trousers

   C. are nervous about something     D. have a stomachache

5.The passage mainly tells us _______.

   A. some interesting and useful insects  B. some expressions about insects

   C. the way of learning expressions     D. some newly-invented expressions



American beekeeping operations have been hit hard by what scientists call Colony Collapse Disorder. Almost half of their worker bees have disappeared during the past season. C.C.D. has also been reported in Israel, Europe and South America. Bees fly away from the hive and never return. Sometimes they are found dead; other times they are never found. Many crops and trees depend on pollination (授粉) by bees to help them grow.

    A new report says virus may be at least partly responsible for the disorder in honey bee colonies in the United States. This virus is called Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus. It was first identified in Israel in 2004. Ian Lipkin at Columbia University in New York and a team reported the new findings in Science magazine. Doctor Lipkin says the virus may not be the only cause. He says it may work with other causes to produce the collapse disorder.

    The team found the virus in colonies with the help of a map of honey bee genes that was published last year. They examined thirty colonies affected by the disorder. They found evidence of the virus in twenty – five of them, and in one healthy colony. The next step is further testing of healthy hives.

    The researchers suggested that the United States may have imported the disorder in bees from Australia. They say the bees may carry the virus but not be affected.

    The idea is that unlike many American bees, the ability of Australian bees to fight disease has not been hurt by the varroa mite. This insect attacks honey bees, which could make the disorder more likely to affect a hive. Australian bee producers reject these suspicions.

    And some researchers suspect that bee production in the United States is down mainly because of the weather. Honey bees gather nectar(花蜜) from flowers and trees. The sweet liquid gives them food and material to make honey. But cold weather this spring in the Midwest reduced the flow of nectar in many flowers. Many bees may have starved. Dry weather in areas of the country could also be playing a part.

    Wayne Esaias is a NASA space agency scientist who keeps bees in his free time. He lives in central Maryland, where he has found that flowers are blooming a month earlier than they did in 1970, which may be partly responsible for the disorder. Wayne Esaias is organizing a group of beekeepers to document nectar flow around the country.

1. What is the author’s attitude to the causes of the bee disorder?

    A. critical                         B. neutral

    C. supportive                       D. negative

2. What is the passage mainly about?

    A. American beekeeping industry has been strongly influenced by the bee disorder.

    B. Studies are being carried out on the causes of the bee disorder, but questions remain.

    C. How the causes of the bee disorder in U.S have been found.

    D. The bee production in U.S is down.

3. How many possibilities may be involved in the bee disorder according to the passage?

    A. Three          B. Four           C. Five           D. Six

4.We can infer that         from the passage.

    A. Israeli acute paralysis virus should be responsible for the disorder.

    B. The solution to the disorder will be found eventually.

    C. American bees are more likely to defend themselves against hurt from other insects than Australian ones.

    D. Many crop and plant production in U.S may be influenced by the bee disorder.



US bees operation keeping groups have been attacked seriously by so called Colony (群体)Collapse Disorder.Almost 1/2 of their worker bees have vanished during the past season.This disorder has also been reported in Israel, Europe and South America.Bees fly away from the hive and never return.Sometimes they are found dead; other times they are never found.Many crops and trees depend  on pollination^^}) by bees to help them grow. 

A new report says a virus may be at least partly responsible for the disorder in honey bee colonies in the United States.This virus is called Israeli acute paralysis virus.It was first found in Israel in 2004.lan Lipkin at Columbia University in New York and a team reported the new findings in Science Magazine.Doctor Lipkin says the virus may not be the only cause.He says it may work with other causes to produce the collapse disorder.

The team found the virus in colonies with the help of a map of honey bee genes that was published last year.They examined thirty colonies affected by the disorder.They found evidence of the virus in twenty-five of them, and in one healthy colony.The next step is further testing of healthy hives.

The researchers suggested that the United States may have imported the disorder in bees from Australia.They say the bees may carry the virus but not be affected.

The idea is that unlike many American bees, the ability of Australian bees to fight disease has not been hurt by the varroa mite.This insect attacks honey bees, which could make the disorder more likely to affect a hive.Australian bee producers object to these suspicions.

And some researchers suspect that bee production in the United States is down mainly because of the weather.Honey bees gather nectar from flowers and trees.The sweet liquid gives them food and material to make honey.But cold weather this spring in the Midwest reduced the flow of nectar in many flowers.Many bees may have starved.Dry weather in areas of the country could also be playing apart.

Wayne Esaias is a NASA space agency scientist who keeps bees in his free time.He lives in central Maryland, where he has found that flowers are blooming a month earlier than they did in 1970, which may be partly responsible for the disorder. Wayne Esaias is organizing a group of beekeepers to document nectar flow around the country.

1.What is the author’s attitude toward the cause of this disorder?

       A.Doubtful. B.Neutral.    C.Supportive.      D.Negative.

2.The researchers found the virus sharply by            .

       A.studying the published Science Magazine

       B.researching the causes of bee death

       C.examining some affected colony

       D.exploring a connected chart

3.The passage is mainly developed by             .

       A.presenting the effect and analyzing its causes

       B.making comparisons between two countries

       C.providing data and examples

       D.following the time order

4.How many possibilities may be involved in the bee disorder according to the passage?

       A.Three       B.Four  C.Five  D.Six

5.From the passage we can infer that            .

       A.American bees are more likely to defend themselves against hurt from other insects than Australian ones

       B.A collection of plants production in U.S ay be influenced by the bee disorder

       C.Israeli acute paralysis virus should be responsible for the disorder

       D.The solution to the disorder will be found eventually



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