摘要: - Was his father very strict with him when he was at school? - Yes. He has never praised him he became one of the top students in his grade. A. after B. unless C. until D. when



  Cary is very popular in his college and nearly everybody knows him. He is a basketball (1) and has played in quite a few important (2) held in his home state. And for this reason, he has become the (3) of the college, envy (嫉妒) of the boys, and (4) of the girls. Among his many admirers (5) a girl called Nola.

  Nola is Cary’s classmate, and Professor Johnson’s (6). Mr John-son is a strict father, and in a (7) where a sports star is not so highly (8). Nola never dares to say Cary’s (9) at home. In the school, they (10) speak to each other and always keep a certain distance.

  Nola’s family lives near a big sportsground on which every afternoon, after school Cary would spend at least one hour practising basketball (11) returning home. Nola lives on the third (12), and from their balcony (阳台)she can see the sportsground. As a habit, Nola would sit in a chair on the balcony, reading or doing her homework every day when she comes home. Sometimes she would (13) her head to watch Cary play.

  Cary doesn’t seem to pay any (14) to Nola. He would work hard on (15). One afternoon, Nola moved her chair into toe (16) and did her homework at her desk but she could still heard the (17) from outside. Then the noise suddenly stopped and the sportsground became very (18). Nola thought it (19) and looked through the (20).

  She saw Cary there (21) something on the ground with a (22) of chalk. What he was writing? She wondered. Cary finished writing and stood up. He (23) his bag and left for home.

  After Cary was away. Nola came down quickly and walked quietly to the place (24) Cary had just stayed, she found these words:Nola, why didn’t you watch me play?

  Nola picked up the chalk and added (25) the line:but yes, I did.

1Ateacher Blover Cstar Dtrainer
2AracesBparties CmeetingsDmatches
3Ahead Bpride Ccentre Dpioneer
4Ahero BfriendCleader Dadmirer
5Ais Bhas Cwith Dof
6Awife BstudentCson Ddaughter
7Aclass BcollegeCfamilyDtown
9AexperienceBname Caddress Dage
10AseldomBoftenCalways Dnever
11AbyBbefore Cand Dor
12AroofBgradeCfloor Dground
13Agrow Bshake Craise Dmove
14Adollars Bmoney Cvisits Dattention
15Ahis research Bhis lessons CexperimentsDbasketball
16Ahouse Broom CbalconyDground
17AboyBnoise Cvoice Dsound
18AquietBclean CclearDempty
19Aright Bwrong Cnice Dstrange
20Aroom Bbalcony CwindowDsportsground
21AreadingBwriting Cplaying Dworking
22Alittle Bcolour Ckind Dpiece
23Acollected Bturned overCpicked upDcaught
24Asince Bbecause Cwhen Dwhere
25Awithin Bon CbelowDinto

Gary is very popular in his college and nearly everybody knows him. He is a basketball starand has played in quite a few important matches held in his home state. And for this reason, he has become the  (21)  of the college, envy of the boys, and hero of the girls. Among his many  (22)  is a girl called Nola.
Nola is Gary’s classmate, and Professor Johnson’s daughter. Mr. Johnson is a strict father, and in a family where a sports star is not  (23) regarded, Nola never dares to mention Gary’s name. In school, they seldom speak to each other and always keep a certain (24).
Nola’s family lives on the campus and there is a big sports ground near their (25) . Every afternoon, after school, Gary would spend at least one hour practicing basketball before returning (26). Nola lives on the third floor, and from their (27) she can see the sports ground. As a (28) , Nola would sit in a chair on the balcony, reading or doing her homework everyday (29) she comes home. Sometimes she would raise her head to watch Gary shoot or (30) how many times he can hit the basket.
Gary doesn’t seem to pay any attention to Nola on the balcony.
One afternoon, Nola moved her chair into the room (31) the breeze outside. But she could still hear the noise from the sports ground. The (32) suddenly stopped and the sports ground became very quiet. Nola thought it (33) and looked out through the window.
She saw Gary bending down there and (34) something on the ground with a piece of chalk. What was he writing? She (35). Gary finished writing and (36), he picked up his bag and dragged his way home.
After Gary left, Nola went (37) quickly and walked quietly to the sports ground. When she got to the place where Gary had just (38), she found these words, “Nola, why didn’t you watch me play?”
She picked up the (39) end on the ground and added below the line, “(40) yes, I did.”

A.signal B.pride C.successD.expectation
A.houseB.classroomC.tableD.living room
A.turned upB.hurried upC.held upD.stood up





W:Could you tell me the way to the hospital?

M:I’m sorry I’m a stranger here myself.You can ask the policeman over there.

1.Why doesn’t the man tell the woman the way to the hospital?

A.Because he is a stranger to the city.

B.Because he doesn’t want to tell her the way.

C.Because he doesn’t feel like talking with her.

W:Where is the post office?

M:Just walk down this street.It’s only ten minutes’ walk from here.You will find it on your right.

2.Where are the two speakers?

A.They are in an office.

B.They are in the street.

C.They are at home.

W:Would you mind if I borrowed your dictionary?

M:I’m sorry, but I’m using it now.

3.Why doesn’t the man lend his dictionary to the woman?

A.Because he is using it.

B.Because he hasn’t brought it with him.

C.Because he doesn’t want to lend it to the woman.

W:Do you mind if I use your rubber?

M:Of course not.Go ahead, please!

4.What does the woman want to borrow from the man?

A.A dictionary.

B.A pen.

C.A rubber.

W:Would you like me to carry this box for you?

M:No, thanks.I can manage it myself.

5.What does the woman offer to do?

A.To wash some clothes for the man.

B.To carry the box for the man.

C.To look after the child for the man.




W:What’s the matter, Peter? You don’t look very happy.

M:I’m not.I’m worried about my English.

W:What’s the problem?

M:I’m not practicing enough.

W:Why not?

M:Well, it’s difficult to meet English people.

W:You should go out more.

M:Where should I go?

W:You should go to bars.You should join a club.

M:But English people never speak to me.

W:Ah! You should speak first.

M:What can I talk about?

W:The weather! English people are always interested in the weather.

6.What are the two speakers talking about?




7.What is Peter worried about?

A.English people.

B.His English.

C.Going out.


M:Today is the twelfth of August.In another four days it will be my sister Mary’s birthday.We will have a party.Would you please come and join us, Jean?

W:What time will the party begin?

M:At twenty to two.

W:My sister is coming to see me from Shanghai at 1∶20 that afternoon.I’ve got to meet her at the station, so I’m afraid I’ll be late for the party.

M:That’s all right.Do come please.


8.When is Mary’s birthday?

A.On August 15th.

B.On August 16th.

C.On August 12th.

9.What time will the party begin?

A.At 2∶00 p. m.

B.At 2∶20 p. m.

C.At 1∶40 p. m.

10.Will Jean come to the party?

A.No, she won’t, because she’ll meet her sister at the station.

B.Yes, she will, but she will be late for the party.

C.Not sure.Perhaps she won’t be able to come.


M:Madam, come and look at this china.It’s beautiful, isn’t it?

W:Yes, it is.I haven’t seen anything like this for years.

M:Ladies always like the china more than the weapons.

W:Tell me something about it, please.

M:Well, you see, all these pieces of china belong to the same set.A king gave it to the Duke in 1819, and pictures on the china tell the story of the Duke’s life.

W:You know a lot about the things in the museum, don’t you? Have you worked here long?

M:Oh yes, I’ve worked here for a long time.I’ve been here since the opening of the museum.I’ve been here for ten years.

11.Where are the speakers?

A.At a museum.

B.In a shop.

C.In a school.

12.What are they talking about?

A.A country.

B.A china.

C.A gun.

13.How long has the man worked here?

A.Two years.

B.Five years.

C.Ten years.


W:I’m sorry you had to wait so long.

M:That’s all right.Was the boy hurt badly?

W:No.After I cleaned his head, he felt much better.So did his mother.The blood had frightened her.

M:She probably thought it was much worse than it really was.

W:Yes, mothers are always worried about their children.Now, what’s the matter with you?

M:I’ve just got a headache.I feel weak.I really feel terrible.

W:I’m sorry to hear that.Let me examine you.

14.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Mother and son.

B.Teacher and parent.

C.Doctor and patient.

15.Who probably thought it was much worse than it really was?

A.The child.

B.The mother of the boy.

C.Everyone there.

16.What’s the matter with the man?

A.He has a headache and feels bad.

B.He is frightened at the blood.

C.He hurt himself on the head.


  A young father was visiting an old neighbor.They were standing in the old man’s garden and talking about children.The young man asked, “How strict should parents be with their children?” The old man pointed to a string between a big, strong tree and a thin, young one.“Please untie that string, ” he said.The young man untied it, and the young tree bent over to one side.“Now tie it again, please, ” said the old man.“But first pull the string tight so that the young tree is straight again.” The young man did so.Then the old man said, “There, it is the same with children.You must be strict with them, but sometimes you must untie the string to

  see how they are getting on.If they are not yet able to stand alone, you must tie the string tight again.But when you find that they are ready to stand alone, you can take the string away.”

17.What was the young father doing?

A.He was looking after his child.

B.He was paying a visit to an old neighbor.

C.He was working with an old neighbor.

18.What were they talking about?


B.Their houses.

C.Their trees.

19.Why did the young tree bend over to one side?

A.Because it was pulled by a string.

B.Because it was dying.

C.Because it was too thin to stand straight alone.

20.What did the young father learn from the old man?

A.He needn’t be strict with children.

B.He learned how strict parents should be with their children.

C.He learned how to plant a tree.





W:Could you tell me the way to the hospital?

M:I’m sorry I’m a stranger here myself.You can ask the policeman over there.

1.Why doesn’t the man tell the woman the way to the hospital?

A.Because he is a stranger to the city.

B.Because he doesn’t want to tell her the way.

C.Because he doesn’t feel like talking with her.

W:Where is the post office?

M:Just walk down this street.It’s only ten minutes’ walk from here.You will find it on your right.

2.Where are the two speakers?

A.They are in an office.

B.They are in the street.

C.They are at home.

W:Would you mind if I borrowed your dictionary?

M:I’m sorry, but I’m using it now.

3.Why doesn’t the man lend his dictionary to the woman?

A.Because he is using it.

B.Because he hasn’t brought it with him.

C.Because he doesn’t want to lend it to the woman.

W:Do you mind if I use your rubber?

M:Of course not.Go ahead, please!

4.What does the woman want to borrow from the man?

A.A dictionary.

B.A pen.

C.A rubber.

W:Would you like me to carry this box for you?

M:No, thanks.I can manage it myself.

5.What does the woman offer to do?

A.To wash some clothes for the man.

B.To carry his box.

C.To look after his child.




W:What’s the matter, Peter? You don’t look very happy.

M:I’m not.I’m worried about my English.

W:What’s the problem?

M:I’m not practicing enough.

W:Why not?

M:Well, it’s difficult to meet English people.

W:You should go out more.

M:Where should I go?

W:You should go to bars.You should join a club.

M:But English people never speak to me.

W:Ah! You should speak first.

M:What can I talk about?

W:The weather! English people are always interested in the weather.

6.What are the two speakers talking about?




7.What is Peter worried about?

A.English people.

B.His English.

C.Going out.


M:Today is the twelfth of August.In another four days it will be my sister Mary’s birthday.We will have a party.Would you please come and join us, Jean?

W:What time will the party begin?

M:At twenty to two.

W:My sister is coming to see me from Shanghai at 1∶20 that afternoon.I’ve got to meet her at the station, so I’m afraid I’ll be late for the party.

M:That’s all right.Do come please.


8.When is Mary’s birthday?

A.On August 15th.

B.On August 16th.

C.On August 12th.

9.What time will the party begin?

A.At 2∶00 p. m.

B.At 2∶20 p. m.

C.At 1∶40 p. m.

10.Will Jean come to the party?

A.No, she won’t, because she’ll meet her sister at the station.

B.Yes, she will, but she will be late for the party.

C.Not sure.Perhaps she won’t be able to come.


M:Madam, come and look at this china.It’s beautiful, isn’t it?

W:Yes, it is.I haven’t seen anything like this for years.

M:Ladies always like the china more than the weapons.

W:Tell me something about it, please.

M:Well, you see, all these pieces of china belong to the same set.A king gave it to the Duke in 1819, and pictures on the china tell the story of the Duke’s life.

W:You know a lot about the things in the museum, don’t you? Have you worked here long?

M:Oh yes, I’ve worked here for a long time.I’ve been here since the opening of the museum.I’ve been here for ten years.

11.Where are the speakers?

A.At a museum.

B.In a shop.

C.In a school.

12.What are they talking about?

A.A country.

B.A china.

C.A gun.

13.How long has the man worked here?

A.Two years.

B.Five years.

C.Ten years.


W:I’m sorry you had to wait so long.

M:That’s all right.Was the boy hurt badly?

W:No.After I cleaned his head, he felt much better.So did his mother.The blood had frightened her.

M:She probably thought it was much worse than it really was.

W:Yes, mothers are always worried about their children.Now, what’s the matter with you?

M:I’ve just got a headache.I feel weak.I really feel terrible?.

W:I’m sorry to hear that.Let me examine you.

14.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Mother and son.

B.Teacher and parent.

C.Doctor and patient.

15.Who probably thought it was much worse than it really was?

A.The child.

B.The mother of the boy.

C.Everyone there.

16.What’s the matter with the man?

A.He has a headache and feels bad.

B.He is frightened at the blood.

C.He hurt himself on the head.


A young father was visiting an old neighbor.They were standing in the old man’s garden and talking about children.The young man asked, “How strict should parents be with their children?” The old man pointed to a string between a big, strong tree and a thin, young one.“Please untie that string,” he said.The young man untied it, and the young tree bent over to one side.“Now tie it again, please,” said the old man, “But first pull the string tight so that the young tree is straight again.” The young man did so.Then the old man said, “There, it is the same with children.You must be strict with them, but sometimes you must untie the string to see how they are getting on.If they are not yet able to stand alone, you must tie the string tight again.But when you find that they are ready to stand alone, you can take the string away.”

17.What was the young father doing?

A.He was looking after his child.

B.He was paying a visit to an old neighbor.

C.He was working with an old neighbor.

18.What were they talking about?


B.Their houses.

C.Their trees.

19.Why did the young tree bend over to one side?

A.Because it was pulled by a string.

B.Because it was dying.

C.Because it was too thin to stand straight alone.

20.What did the young father learn from the old man?

A.He needn’t be strict with children.

B.He learned how strict parents should be with their children.

C.He learned how to plant a tree.


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