摘要: A. At the end B. At the beginning C. In return D. On one hand


What separates me from everyone else? The difference is not what clothes I wear or the   music I listen to, but what I feel__1__.

Ever since I was young, I have loved professional wrestling. As I grew older, my friends __2__me for following what was called a “man’s soap opera” __3 _, I put my love for wrestling on the shelf. It was not until freshman year that I__4__I wasn’t being myself.

That year, I tried many new things and activities. In my town, football was the sport , so I decided to play football, __5__it might give me a head __6__in popularity. The team started with forty-eight athletes.__7__, there were fourteen of us left. I stuck it out not because I like it , but because I am not a quitter(懦夫). That long season taught me a(n)_8__:I wasn’t a football player . More importantly, it taught me to be __9__.

After that season, I__10__back to being a wrestling fan. I came across a well-known saying: “Don’t Dream It. Be It.” When I read this, my friend Dan and I had the__11__idea.

“What if we build a wrestling ring?” we asked. The following weekend, we met at his house. We saw our __12__in a pile in his backyard. We worked from dawn to dusk to build our great project. Our hard work paid__13__.We had a real ring. We decided to hold an “event”. We practiced for hours , trying to__14__every aspect(方面)of our wrestling ability. The date was May 24th. To our surprise, about one hundred friends and fans showed up to__15__us. It was the most important night of my life and a__16__success. Since that time, we have held five shows with as many as two hundred and fifty people turning out. We__17__to live this dream. We accomplished what we set out to do.

As my senior year winds down, I’ll remember all of my high school memories. But__18__will stick out most is the memory that I did something I__19__, despite what everyone said or thought. I achieved the__20__…I lived my dream.

1.A.outside              B.inside               C.behind                    D.beside

2.A.laughed at          B.talked about             C.listened to               D.called on

3.A.Then                 B.But                         C.And                        D.So

4.A.admitted            B.noticed                   C.realized                   D.declared

5.A.thinking             B.finding                    C.remembering           D.guessing

6.A.level                  B.start                       C.end                        D.point

7.A.At the end          B.At the beginning       C.In return                 D.On one hand

8.A.art                    B.truth                       C.fact                        D.lesson

9.A.oneself              B.somebody               C.myself                    D.nobody

10.A.gave                B.went                       C.put                         D.set

11.A.original            B.perfect                    C.same                      D.correct

12.A.dream              B.success                  C.progress                 D.future

13.A.for                  B.out                         C.off                         D.back

14.A.discover          B.learn                       C.improve                  D.show

15.A.praise              B.support                   C.teach                      D.follow

16.A.gradual            B.complete                 C.endless                   D.timeless

17.A.have                B.begin                      C.prefer                     D.continue

18.A.why                B.how                       C.which                     D.what

19.A.loved               B.faced                      C.studied                   D.needed

20.A.task                 B.step                        C.goal                        D.game


What separates me from everyone else? The difference is not what clothes I wear or the music I listen to, but what I feel _1_ .  

Ever since I was young, I have loved professional wrestling. As I grew older, my friends 2_ me for following what was called a "man's soap opera. " _3_ , I put my love for wrestling on the shelf. It was not until freshman year that I _4_ I wasn't being myself.   

That year, I tried many new things and activities. In my town, football was the sport, so I decided to play football, _5_ it might give me a head _6_ in popularity. The team started with forty-eight athletes. _7_ , there were fourteen of us left. I stuck it out not because I liked it, but because I am not a quitter (懦夫). That long season taught me a(n) _8_ : I wasn't a football player. More importantly, it taught me to be  _9_ .

After that season, I _10_ back to being a wrestling fan. I came across a well-known saying: "Don't Dream It. Be It." When I read this, my friend Dan and I had the _11_ idea.

"What if we build a wrestling ring?" we asked. The following weekend, we met at his house. We saw our 12_ in a pile in his backyard. .We worked from dawn to dusk to build our great project. Our hard work paid _13_. We had a real ring. We decided to hold an "event." We practiced for hours, trying to _14_ every aspect (方面) of our wrestling ability. The date was May 24th. To our surprise, about one hundred friends and fans showed up to _15  us. It was the most important night of my life and a _16_ success. Since that time, we have held five shows with as many as two hundred and fifty people turning out. We _17  to live this dream. We accomplished what we set out to do.   

As my senior year winds down, I'll remember all of my high school memories. But  18  will stick out most is the memory that I did something I _19_, despite what everyone said or thought. I achieved the _20_. . . I lived my dream.

1.A.outside                 B.inside                 C.behind                D.beside

2.A.laughed at             B.talked about        C.listened to           D.called on

3.A.Then                    B.But                     C.And                   D.So

4.A.admitted                B.noticed               C.realized               D.declared

5.A.thinking                B.finding                C.remembering       D.guessing

6.A.level                     B.start                   C.end                    D.point

7.A.At the end            B.At the beginning C.In return             D.On one hand

8.A.art                       B.truth                   C.fact                    D.lesson

9.A.oneself                 B.somebody           C.myself                D.nobody

10.A.gave                   B.went                  C.put                     D.set

11.A.original               B.perfect               C.same                  D.correct

12.A.dream                B.success              C.progress             D.future

13.A.for                     B.out                     C.off                     D.back


14.A.discover             B.learn                   C.improve              D.show

15.A.praise                 B.support               C.teach                  D.follow

16.A.gradual               B.complete             C.endless               D.timeless

17.A.have                   B.begin                  C.prefer                 D.continue

18.A.why                   B.how                   C.which                D.what

19.A.loved                  B.faced                  C.studied               D.needed

20.A.task           B.step                 C.goal               D.game


It is said that usually people learn from their experiences and the mistakes they make throughout their lives. This is correct because life teaches us what is correct to do and what is not.
Let’s consider a mistake that one has made while trying to learn to drive. It is true that, for a beginner, it is common to make mistakes, but after doing something wrong once, twice or three times, it is quite impossible to make the same mistake a fourth time. Everyone tries their best in order to improve their skills and they will be very pleased to notice that these improvements really happen.
On the other hand, being successful in everything he does, one cannot know what failure means. He would always see only the best side of things and it would be difficult for him to face the difficulties to come in the future. Here we can mention the case of a very successful football player, who has known what fame (名声) is from the very beginning of his career. We have to admit that most of his luck originates from the great talent that he was born with. But some fellow players can also work to achieve the same thing because they make mistakes in their games and they learn from each mistake that they make.
In the end, we can say that one needs to make mistakes in life in order to better appreciate things. And at the same time, mistakes teach us how important it is to fight for something we wish for in life. Of course, moments of happiness will come in return when we see the changes or improvements.
【小题1】The author mentions learning driving in the second paragraph to ______________.

A.make a comparison
B.explain that learning is a slow process
C.show that driving is a very difficult skill
D.prove that success results from failure
【小题2】What is the author’s attitude towards someone that is always successful at something?
A.He thinks they are lucky.B.He is bored with them.
C.He wants to learn from them.D.He believes their success is a bad thing.
【小题3】Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?


It is said that usually people learn from their experiences and the mistakes they make throughout their lives. This is correct because life teaches us what is correct to do and what is not.

Let’s consider a mistake that one has made while trying to learn to drive. It is true that, for a beginner, it is common to make mistakes, but after doing something wrong once, twice or three times, it is quite impossible to make the same mistake a fourth time. Everyone tries their best in order to improve their skills and they will be very pleased to notice that these improvements really happen.

On the other hand, being successful in everything he does, one cannot know what failure means. He would always see only the best side of things and it would be difficult for him to face the difficulties to come in the future. Here we can mention the case of a very successful football player, who has known what fame (名声) is from the very beginning of his career. We have to admit that most of his luck originates from the great talent that he was born with. But some fellow players can also work to achieve the same thing because they make mistakes in their games and they learn from each mistake that they make.

In the end, we can say that one needs to make mistakes in life in order to better appreciate things. And at the same time, mistakes teach us how important it is to fight for something we wish for in life. Of course, moments of happiness will come in return when we see the changes or improvements.

1.The author mentions learning driving in the second paragraph to ______________.

A.make a comparison

B.explain that learning is a slow process

C.show that driving is a very difficult skill

D.prove that success results from failure

2.What is the author’s attitude towards someone that is always successful at something?

A.He thinks they are lucky.                  B.He is bored with them.

C.He wants to learn from them.              D.He believes their success is a bad thing.

3.Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

A.  B.  C. D.



It is said that usually people learn from their experiences and the mistakes they make throughout their lives. This is correct because life teaches us what is correct to do and what is not.
Let’s consider a mistake that one has made while trying to learn to drive. It is true that, for a beginner, it is common to make mistakes, but after doing something wrong once, twice or three times, it is quite impossible to make the same mistake a fourth time. Everyone tries their best in order to improve their skills and they will be very pleased to notice that these improvements really happen.
On the other hand, being successful in everything he does, one cannot know what failure means. He would always see only the best side of things and it would be difficult for him to face the difficulties to come in the future. Here we can mention the case of a very successful football player, who has known what fame (名声) is from the very beginning of his career. We have to admit that most of his luck originates from the great talent that he was born with. But some fellow players can also work to achieve the same thing because they make mistakes in their games and they learn from each mistake that they make.
In the end, we can say that one needs to make mistakes in life in order to better appreciate things. And at the same time, mistakes teach us how important it is to fight for something we wish for in life. Of course, moments of happiness will come in return when we see the changes or improvements

  1. 1.

    The author mentions learning driving in the second paragraph to ______________

    1. A.
      make a comparison
    2. B.
      explain that learning is a slow process
    3. C.
      show that driving is a very difficult skill
    4. D.
      prove that success results from failure
  2. 2.

    What is the author’s attitude towards someone that is always successful at something?

    1. A.
      He thinks they are lucky
    2. B.
      He is bored with them
    3. C.
      He wants to learn from them
    4. D.
      He believes their success is a bad thing
  3. 3.

    Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.

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