摘要: adj 考虑周到的 14. n 巢


   If you are ever lucky to be invited to a formal dinner party in Paris, remember that the French have their own way of doing things, and that even your finest manners may not be“correct”by French custom. For example, if you think showing up promptly at the time given on the invitation, armed with gifts of wine and roses, complimenting you hostess on her cooking, laughing heartily at the host' s jokes and then leaping up to help the hostess will make you the perfect guest, think again.

  Here Madame Nora Chabal, the marketing director of the Ritz Hotel in Paris, explained how it works.

  The first duty of the guest is to respond to the invitation within 48 hours. And, the guest may not ask to bring a guest because the hostess has chosen her own.

  Flowers sent in advance are the preferred gift. They may also be sent afterwards with a thank you note. It considered a very bad form to arrive with a gift of flowers in hand, there by forcing the hostess to deal with finding a vase when she is too busy to do that. See, that' s the logic ! The type of flowers sent has a code of its own, too. One must never send Chrysan-themums because they are considered too humble a flower for occasion. Carnations are considered bad luck, and calla lilies are too reminiscent(令人联想)of funerals(葬死). A bouquet of red roses is a declaration of romantic intent. Don't send those unless you mean it, and never to a married hostess. And though the French love wine, you must never bring a bottle to a dinner party. Why, it' s as if you feared your hosts would not have enough wine on hand, and that' s an insult. You may, however, offer a box of chocolates which the hostess will pass after dinner with coffee.

  If an invitation is for eight o'clock, the considerate guest arrives at 8:15. Guests who arrive exactly on time or early are mere thoughtless ones who are not giving the hostess those last few minutes she needs to deal with details and crises. The“correct”guest arrives between 15 to 20 minutes after the hour because dinner will be served exactly 30 minutes past the time on the invitation.

(1) Which of the following statements is right according to the French custom?

[  ]

A.When you receive an invitation, reply to it within two day. You'd better send flowers in advance.

B.Arrive exactly on time at the dinner party.

C.Bring a bottle of good wine to the dinner party.

D.Telephone to ask if you could bring a good friend to the party.

(2) Which of the following is right about sending flowers?

[  ]

A.If someone is dead, send chrysan-themums or calla lilies.

B.If someone is ill in hospital, send carnations.

C.If you are invited to a dinner party, send red roses to the hostess.

D.If you are in love with someone, send red roses.

(3) if you are too busy to send flowers in advance, what should you do?

[  ]

A.Bring a bouquet of flowers when you go to the party.

B.Send a bouquet of flowers afterwards with a thank you note.

C.Bring a bottle of wine instead of a bouquet of flowers.

D.The hostess will never mind if you send flowers or not.

(4) What does the word“considerate”in the last paragraph mean?

[  ]


(5) What is the passage mainly about?

[  ]

A.How to hold a dinner party?

B.How to send flowers?

C.Good manners at a French dinner party.

D.Different countries have different manners.



  If you are ever lucky to be invited to a formal dinner party in Paris, remember that the French have their own way of doing things, and that even your finest manners may not be “correct”by French custom.For example, if you think showing up promptly at the time given on the invitation, armed with gifts of wine and roses, complimenting your hostess on her cooking, laughing heartily at the host’s jokes and then leaping up to help the hostess will make you the perfect guest, think again.

  Here Madame Nora Chabal, the marketing director of the Ritz Hotel in Paris, explained how it works.

  The first duty of the guest is to respond to the invitation within 48 hours.And, the guest may not ask to bring a guest because the hostess has chosen her own.

  Flowers sent in advance are the preferred gift.They may also be sent afterwards with a thank-you note.It is considered a very bad form to arrive with a gift of flowers vase when she is too busy to do that.

  See, that’s the logic! The type of flowers sent has a code of its own, too.One must never send chrysan-themums because they are considered too humble a flower for occasion.Carnations are considered bad luck, and calla lilies are too reminiscent(令人联想)of funerals(葬礼).A bouquet of red roses is a declaration of romantic intent.Don’t send those unless you mean it, and never to a married hostess.And though the French love wine, you must never bring a bottle to a dinner party.Why, it’s as if you feared your hosts would not have enough wine on hand, and that’s an insult.You may, however, offer a box of chocolates which the hostess will pass after dinner with coffee.?

  If an invitation is for eight o’clock, the considerate guest arrives at 8∶15.Guests who arrive exactly on time or early are mere thoughtless ones who are not giving the hostess those last few minutes she needs to deal with details and crises.The “correct” guest arrives between 15 to 20 minutes after the hour because dinner will be served exactly 30 minutes past the time of the invitation.


Which of the following is right about sending flowers?

[  ]


If someone is dead, send chrysanthemums or calla lilies.


If someone is ill in hospital, send carnations.


If you are invited to a dinner party, send red roses to the hostess.


If you are in love with someone, send red roses.


If you are too busy to send flowers in advance, what should you do?

[  ]


Bring a bouquet of flowers when you go to the party.


Send a bouquet of flowers afterwards with a thank-you note.


Bring a bottle of wine instead of a bouquet of flowers.


The hostess will never mind if you send flowers or not.


What does the word “considerate” in the last paragraph mean?

[  ]










What is the passage mainly about?

[  ]


How to hold a dinner party.


How to send flowers.


Good manners at a French dinner party.


Different countries have different manners.


In France, if you are invited to a dinner party due at eight forty, what is the best time you arrive?

[  ]











1.福利 n.                            2.尊重 vt. & n.                  3. 鼓舞vt.

4.运动; 战役n.                   5.支持 vt. & n.                     6.(偶然)遇见 phr.

7.观察;观测 v.            8.递送;生(小孩)v.               9.娱乐 n.

10.蔑视;瞧不起 phr.  11.查阅;谈到 phr..                   12.值得做的 a.

13.考虑周到的 a.         14.  紧急情况 n.                 15.  学会;学院 n.

16.专家 n.                          17.  过着……的生活phr.    18.  举动 n.

19.仁慈 n.                          20.  比率 n.                               21.  直言的;坦诚 a.

22.连接;关系 n.         23.  争论 v.                       24.   窝 n.

25.谦虚的 a.          26. 晒黑 a.                              27.  斗争,拼搏,努力vt.&vi.

28.产量,输出n.                   29.使变大,伸展,阐述vt.&vi.       30.循环,流传vt.&vi.

31.摆脱,除去phr.         32.  对……感到满意phr.    33.  配备,装备vt.&vi.

34.宁愿,宁可phr.         35.  集中(注意力)于phr. 36.  谷物,粮食,颗粒n.

37.输出,出口vt.&vi.            38.  工作;职业 n.                    39.  数据;统计 n.

40.有机的,器官的adj.   41.  化学的,关于化学的adj.       42.  肥料,化肥n.

43.使迷惑,使为难vt.    44.  矿物,矿石n.                 45.  幸亏;由于phr.

46.减少,缩减vt.                  47.  使……免受(影响)phr.   48.  总结,摘要n.

49.营养,滋养,食物n.    50.  评论;议论 n.vt.&vi.



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