摘要: As we all know, smoking is to our health.



1.One of the side ________(作用)of this drug is to get you sleepy.

2.Tonna ________(锻炼)in the gym to lose weight every day.

3.He appears fifty years old, but ________(事实上)he is in his thirties.

4.Being too fat, the girl feels ________(羞愧的)among her classmates.

5.Under such heavy work ________(压力), his health finally breaks down.

6.You should have taken the weight-loss pills ________(遵循)the doctor’s instructions.

7.Experts say that good health is a ________(无价的)gift.

8.This plan is ________(立刻)to be carried out.

9.________(很少)do I eat too much fatty food so as not to get fat.

10.She has been ________(考虑)moving to the countryside.

11.Most girls want to ________(保持)slim, even some famous actresses like Lin Xinru.

12.The patient is ________(恢复健康)at home for a month after the operation.

13.A lot of teenagers are ________(损害)their health by smoking.

14.Most of his hair has ________(脱落)just because of his worry about the work.

15.Fruit can do good to our health.Apples and watermelons ________(算数; 有效).

16.The rainy weather badly ________(影响)his injured legs.

17.Though he claimed that he was on a ________(节食), he sometimes treated himself with various meat ________(秘密地).

18.What a ________(动人的)story it is that he donated half of his liver to a girl who he even didn’t know.

19.It is proved that fast food ________(包含)too much fat.

20.His voice was immediately ________(认出)when he entered the room.

21.This project will bring us a lot of benefits ________(从长远角度看).

22.The necktie is a nice ________(相配的物)for the shirt.

23.When I began to sing, he laughed and made me ________(尴尬的).

24.All schools are under the ________(控制)of the Ministry of Education.

25.Good eating ________(连同)enough sleep is helpful to our body.

26.Large ________(数量)of money have been wasted.

27.Young people usually have more ________(能量)than the old.

28.If you’re tired, you can’t ________(集中)on your work.

29.He took the pills at the ________(冒险)of his life.

30.We usually feel ________(放松的)after a hot bath.

31.We should do ________(定期的)exercise in order to keep healthy.


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