摘要: --Sorry , the manager is out. Shall I have him call you when he gets back --No, I 'll call back. If I call in an hour, do you think he ? A. has arrived B. will arrive C. arrived D. arrives


Good Heart to Lean on
More than I realized, Dad has helped me keep my balance.
When I was growing up, I was embarrassed (尴尬的) to be seen with my father. He was severely disabled and very___21___,and when we would walk together, his hand on my arm for___22___, people would stare. I would inwardly feel uncomfortable at the unwanted___23___.If he ever noticed or was bothered, he never___24___that he knew.
It was__25___to coordinate (cooperate ) our steps — his hesitant, mine impatient — and because of that, we didn’t___26___much as we went along. But as we started out, he always said,"You set the___27___.I will try to follow you."
Our usual walk was to or from the subway, which was___28___he got to work. He went to work despite illness and nasty weather. He almost never missed a day and would___29___it to the office even if others could not. A matter of___30___.
He never talked about himself as an object of pity, nor did he show any envy of the more fortunate or___31___. What he looked for___32___others was a "good heart", and if he found one, the___33___was good enough for him.
Now that I am older, I believe that his idea is a proper___34___by which to judge people, even though I___35___don’t know exactly what a "good heart" is.___ 36___I know the times I don’t have one myself.
He has been gone many years now, but I think of him often. I wonder if he___37___I was unwilling to be seen with him during our___38___. Now that I am older, I’m sorry that I never told him how sorry I was for my feeling___39___be with him in public and how unworthy I felt to be his daughter. I think of him when I complain about trifles (something unimportant ), when I am envious of another’s good fortune, and when I don’t possess a "good heart".
At such times I put my hand on his arm to___40___my balance, and say, "You set the pace. I will try to follow you."
21.A.strong     B.energetic     C.short         D.handsome
22.A.balance    B.strength      C.comfort     D.courage
23.A.care     B.attention      C.situation     D.friendship
24.A.hoped     B.found         C.liked          D.showed
25.A.easy      B.difficult      C.possible     D.necessary
26.A.see        B.pay          C.say         D.give
27.A.rule      B.time          C.step         D.pace
28.A.how     B.why          C.when         D.where
29.A.get       B.make          C.take         D.walk
30.A.joy       B.faith          C.belief         D.pride
31.A.rich     B.successful      C.able         D.hardworking
32.A.on        B.in             C.at             D.with
33.A.owner      B.keeper         C.winner         D.other
34.A.method     B.value         C.standard       D.level
35.A.yet       B.also          C.ever         D.still
36.A.And     B.But          C.Now         D.Then
37.A.sensed      B.smelled        C.agreed         D.recognized
38.A.walks       B.talks         C.stays         D.visits
39.A.afraid       B.proud          C.ashamed      D.disappointed
40.A.find     B.keep         C.refill         D.regain


A student was one day taking a walk with his teacher. As they went along, they saw a pair of old shoes lying in the path. They were a poor farmer’s, who was working in the nearby field.
The student turned to the teacher, saying:“we will hide his shoes, and hide ourselves behind those trees, and wait to see what he will do”
“My young friend,” answered the teacher, “we should never make fun of the poor. Why not put a coin in each shoe, and then we will hide ourselves and watch?”  The student did so and they both hid themselves behind the trees. The poor man soon finished his work, and came across the field to the path where he had left his coat and shoes.
After putting on his coat, he put his foot into one of his shoes, and felt something hard. Then he bent down to feel what it was, and found the coin. Surprised, he looked at the coin, turned it around and looked at it again. He then looked around, but no person was seen. He put the money into his pocket, and continued to put on the other shoe. His surprise was doubled on finding the other coin.
He couldn’t control his feelings and fell to his knees, looked up to the sky and expressed his thanks. Then he spoke of his wife, sick and helpless, and his children without food. He said the help would save them from dying.
The student there deeply moved, and his eyes filled tears.“ Now,” said the teacher, “are you not much happier than if you had hidden the shoes?”
【小题1】When the student saw the shoes, he wanted to____.

A.steal themB.find their owner
C.play a joke on the ownerD.give the owner some money
【小题2】According to the passage, the teacher is______.
A.quiet and honestB.kind and friendly
C.patient and cleverD.strict and careful
【小题3】When the farmer saw the second coin, he___.
A.was very excited and grateful
B.was worried and looked up at the sky
C.was surprised and decided to find the owner
D.spoke of his difficulties and asked for more help
【小题4】At the end of the story, the student____.
A.was very proud of himselfB.was very pleased with his life
C.felt very sorry about his first ideaD.felt sad for not taking his teacher’s advice


I ran into a stranger as he passed by, and I at once apologized to him. We were both very _36_, he stranger and I. Then we went    37  our way after saying good-bye.
But at home a   38  story is told. Later that day, when I 39  supper in the kitchen, my daughter suddenly stood behind me very   40 . When I turned back, I     41  knocked her down. “Don’t be in my   42   !” I shouted angrily. She walked away with her little heart     43 .On the kitchen floor later, I found some flowers by the door.
That night, while I lay     44  in bed, a voice in my deep heart said, “While 45  with a stranger, you are so polite, but with the children you love, you are so easily _46   .Why are there some flowers by the door? Those are the flowers she brought for you. She    47 them herself, pink, yellow and your favorite blue. She stood quietly in order to give you a    48 , and you never saw the         49  in her eyes.
By this time, I felt very       50  and now my tears began to fall. I quietly went and knelt (跪下) by her __51__, “Wake up, little girl, wake up,” I said, “Are these the flowers you picked for me?” She smiled, “Yes, because I knew you’d like them, especially the  52_  .” I said, “Daughter, I’m sorry for the way I acted today; I       53  have shouted at you that way.”
She said, “Oh, Mom, that’s okay. I love you 54 .” I hugged her and said, “Daughter, I love you too, and I do like the flowers.”
Through this    55 , I realize what FAMILY means:

A.accidentB.experienceC.question D.problem


I ran into a stranger as he passed by, and I at once apologized to him. We were both very  71       , the stranger and I. Then we went       72  our way after saying good-bye.
But at home a  73  story is told. Later that day, when I  74  supper in the kitchen, my daughter suddenly stood behind me very       75    . When I turned back, I  76  knocked her down. “Don’t be in my   37    !” I shouted angrily. She walked away with her little heart       78  . On the kitchen floor later, I found some flowers by the door.
That night, while I lay  79  in bed, a voice in my deep heart said, “While  80  with a stranger, you are so polite, but with the children you love, you are so easily  81  . Why are there some flowers by the door? Those are the flowers she brought for you. She       82  them herself, pink, yellow and your favorite blue. She stood quietly in order to give you a  83   , and you never saw the       84   in her eyes.”
By this time, I felt very  85  and now my tears began to fall. I quietly went and knelt (跪下) by her   86  , “Wake up, little girl, wake up,” I said, “Are these the flowers you picked for me?” She smiled, “Yes, because I knew you’d like them, especially the  87  .” I said, “Daughter, I’m sorry for the way I acted today; I 88  have shouted at you that way.”
She said, “Oh, Mom, that’s okay. I love you 89  .” I hugged her and said, “Daughter, I love you too, and I do like the flowers.”
Through this   90  , I realize what FAMILY means:
71. A. rude                   B. polite                       C. educated                   D. happy
72. A. in                       B. to                                   C. on                           D. for
73. A. different             B. funny                       C. moving                    D. terrible
74. A. had                    B. ate                           C. prepared                   D. took
75. A. quickly               B. quietly                            C. noisily                            D. seriously
76. A. nearly                 B. hardly                      C. already                     D. even
77. A. kitchen               B. room                       C. place                        D. way
78. A. beaten                B. missing                    C. broken                            D. hit
79. A. alive                   B. asleep                      C. awake                      D. afraid
80. A. talking                B. dealing                     C. working                   D. meeting
81. A. worried                     B. nervous                    C. excited                     D. disappointed
82. A. grew                  B. picked                      C. bought                            D. planted
83. A. gift                    B. flower                      C. kiss                          D. surprise
84. A. expression           B. tears                        C. happiness                 D. joy
85. A. small                  B. proud                       C. weak                        D. hurt
86. A. table                   B. desk                         C. bed                          D. knees
87. A. pink                   B. blue                         C. yellow                            D. green
88. A. couldn’t                     B. mustn’t                    C. shouldn’t                  D. needn’t
89. A. however             B. truly                        C. though                            D. anyway
90. A. accident                     B. experience                C. question                   D. problem


Miss Lovely began to work in our office last year. She thought she was 36 and hardly talked with us . Her house was a little far from our company and she had to go to work 37 every day.
Of course, she had to spend a lot of 38 on this, She decided to have her own car, and began to 39 how to drive two months ago . Now she was able to drive, but had to 40 a license before she could buy a car. It took her a week to 41 the traffic regulations. She was sure she would 42 the examinations.
It was finally time for her to take the examinations yesterday.  Miss Lovely didn’t come to work. We 43 she would drive her new car to our company this morning. But to our  44 she came here by taxi and didn’t tell anybody about it. None of us asked her the 45 but her face clearly showed she had 46 in the exams.
This afternoon one of our workmates told us 47 had happened to the girl when she was 48. Yesterday the chief examiner had asked her some questions, but she could answer only  a 49 .For example,“Would you run over a man or a dog if you see them both in the middle of the 50 ?”
“Of course  I’d run over the dog ,sir”, Miss Lovely answered without 51 .
“I’m sorry to tell you, Miss Lovely,”the examiner shook his 52 and said ,“you have to take the examination again!”
“I don’t think my answers were 53 ,sir”the girl said in a hurry.“I 54  run over a man, you know!”
“Iagree with your 55, Miss Lovely,”the chief examiner said with a smile,“but why not brake(刹车)?”

A.by taxiB.by trainC.on footD.by plane
A.findB.apply forC.look forD.make
【小题8】A suggested    B. described    C. thought      D. replied
A.surpriseB.joyC. angerD.pleasure
A.nameB.reasonC. ruleD.notice
A.illB.aloneC.in D.out
A.fewB.severalC.all D.lot


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